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Chapter 164 The scene

What will be held today is the first game for the players in the King Rank.

The games at this stage will no longer start at the same time, but will be played one after another.

The match list was created by Midarda.

Of course she wouldn't let outsiders steal the spotlight from the Twin Cities, so she arranged the first game for Zelie to face Dolin the Executioner.

Midarda needs Zaun to win first.

This will not only suppress the arrogance of Noxus, but also cool down the audience's expectations for Demacia players.

She couldn't let Demacia or Noxus take over.

So Midarda arranged for Zeli, the extraordinary person, to bully the ordinary warrior Duolin first.

At this time the game has started.

In the battlefield, Zeli followed her magic soldiers calmly.

As she walked towards the midfield, she recalled the instructions she received before taking the field.

The advice came from Medalda.

According to Mirdalda, Zeli needs to make this game look more exciting.

While ensuring her own safety, she needs to force her opponent to use all her strength, and it is best to make her opponent look even crazier!

Then, Zeli couldn't end the battle quickly.

Midarda warned you not to focus on pushing down the tower as if it was a foul like before.

Zeli understood that Midarda was hinting to her to get more heads and perform more scenes of killing her opponents.

Zeli was actually a little reluctant to receive this reminder.

She was less than twenty years old and still just a little girl, so she didn't want to perform any killing.

But she couldn't refuse Medalda's request.

Therefore, Zeli seemed to be walking relaxedly at this time, but she was actually not in a good mood.

Until she saw her opponent appearing behind the opposite defense tower.

Seeing the indifferent look on the other person's face, Zeli couldn't help but perform self-hypnosis in her heart.

She needs to imagine the other person as a bad person first, only then can she act.

This kind of mental construction did not take much time.

Zeli quickly concentrated on the battle.

She kept her distance and continued to shoot the weak electric current at her opponent.

But her opponent's performance surprised Zeli.

The player named Duolin gritted his teeth and endured the numbness caused by the electric current, and then suddenly accelerated and charged over!

This surprised Zeli!

It was too late to take off her coat to make her voltage stronger. As a last resort, Zeli could only forcefully use her unstable ability!

After blinking in the blink of an eye, Zeli successfully contained all the static electricity scattered around her within her body!

Electricity rushed through her body and strengthened every cell in her body.

Zeli finally saved enough power to enter the rapid state!

Feeling uncomfortable due to the forced change of moves, Zeli gritted her teeth and moved sideways!


Player Duolin had successfully rushed forward and stabbed Zeli hard on the shoulder.

The slightly curved blade made a piercing sound, and the attack that was originally intended to cut off one of Zeli's arms suddenly failed!

The scimitar penetrated through a phantom of electric light, and also caused an electric shock effect.

The electric current passed along the scimitar to Duolin's body, but this time, Duolin couldn't bear it any longer!

Duolin, who was trembling all over, kept his sword-swinging posture, and at the same time, a sharp roar came from his clenched teeth!

Duolin temporarily lost control of his body!

Not far away, Zeli had reappeared.

The little girl also gritted her teeth!

She raised her hand and pressed her chest hard to relieve the discomfort in her chest.

Then she raised the muzzle of the gun slightly angrily!

Zeli no longer needs to hypnotize herself, her opponent's behavior of playing cards that does not follow the rules has successfully made the little girl angry!

So, Zeli immediately fired a small electric beam with the help of the gun in her hand!

The electric beam instantly hit Duolin's body, causing Duolin, who had just felt relieved, to re-enter the state of electricity. The weakening voltage on his body actually increased again!

However, Duolin stopped screaming after that scream.

Even though his muscles were shaking all over due to the electric shock, Duolin still gritted his teeth and persevered.

It’s just that the look he looked at Zeli seemed to be biting!

In the past, he was the one who tortured his opponents!

Unexpectedly, today's situation turned out to be the other way around! He himself turned into a lamb to be slaughtered!

But neither anger nor resentment is of any use!

Duolin could only watch as Zeli widened the distance between the two parties again.

And on Zeli's side.

She fired the electric beam while quickly retreating.

Back under her defense tower, Zeli suddenly stopped shooting and quickly took off her coat.

Throwing her coat under the defense tower, Zeli entered a serious state so quickly for the first time in a game!

Outside stands.

The audience packed into the venue has already entered a state of excitement!

The audience is still the same audience, and it is also not the same audience.

The reason why I say this is because Kewen and others have already come out of the "mirror space".

More than half of the event has passed, and although everyone in the Twin Cities is watching it every day, they are still separated by a layer of space.

Everyone can only understand the atmosphere in the stadium by watching and listening.

But today, Midarda joked: Why don't you experience the real atmosphere of the stadium?

Her words were immediately taken seriously.

That person is, of course, Jess Tallis.

So Jess Tallis immediately loudly agreed and asked his friend Victor for support.

Victor had no choice but to help and echoed a few words.

As a result, Wei became interested and joined in to express her approval and experience the real atmosphere of the stadium.

She wanted to take her little cake to enjoy and vent, just like going to a concert.

And it was Heimerdinger who made this matter final.

Heimerdinger has a loving personality and likes the idea of ​​taking care of young people.

So he also laughed and agreed.

With Heimerdinger taking action, others who didn't care at first agreed.

So everyone walked out of the mirror space and, under the arrangement of Midarda, entered the real box at the venue.

At this time, everyone really felt the atmosphere of the venue!

Compared with "watching the game through a layer of space", that is a completely different experience!

There is a missing aura between the two!

You can't feel anything in the mirror space, but now, everyone can clearly feel that there is an invisible aura surrounding everyone!

Under the influence of that aura, even the calmest person will have a crazy urge to shout and cheer along with all the audience!

What will happen if you don't resist that urge?

Just look at Wei and you will know.

At this time, Wei and Caitlin were already shouting crazily together.

They put aside all their identities and reservations and cheered along with the roar of the audience...

This chapter has been completed!
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