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Chapter 173: Chase and Escape

There were screams coming from the fire!

Drizzt was overjoyed! His nerves relaxed for a moment.

But he immediately realized something was wrong! Because his sixth sense was still calling the police!

After realizing this, Drizzt immediately raised his hand again to shoot the card.

However, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Hehehehe~ I lied to you~"

The clown's face was filled with his nervous and creepy smile, and he opened his hands to strangle Drizzt's neck!

At the critical moment, Drizzt quickly leaned back in embarrassment, and after falling to the ground, he rolled out in panic. He wanted to distance himself!

The clown failed to catch him.

However, he tilted his head and looked at Drizzt like a cat playing with a mouse, and then pursued him in a leisurely pace.

Along the way, a series of heart-wrenching laughter came from his mouth!

Drizzt, who was rolling to dodge, did not stop fighting back. He fired two flying cards at the clown in a hurry!

The clown just turned his head again and dodged.

He wanted to shoot the dagger in his hand, first to paralyze the mobility of the mouse in front of him, so that it would not move around.

But he immediately gave up the idea.

First, he finally found the toy, but he couldn't end the game so quickly.

Secondly, the clown remembered that his dagger was poisonous, so it would be pointless to just kill his prey.

So he smiled and quickened his pace, and arrived in front of Drizzt in a few steps.

At this time, Drizzt was just about to stand up, but his posture was too late for him to continue to dodge.

At this moment, a roar suddenly sounded from the entrance of the alley: "Stay away from him!



A sound broke through the air, and something reflecting the moonlight quickly flew towards the clown's head.

The clown stopped and tilted his head, causing the reflective object to miss.

And the clown also saw clearly what it was.

It turned out to be a shard of glass with some blood stains on it.

The blood seemed to divert the Joker's interest.

He no longer pressed Drizzt, but turned to look at Graves at the entrance of the alley.

"Where's your dad?!"

Graves reached out and pointed at the clown, and with the blood dripping from his hand, he began to taunt: "Come on! If you have the ability, come to daddy!"

"Hee hee hee hee..."

The clown turned around like an evil spirit and walked toward Graves with wandering steps!

Seeing this, Graves immediately opened his other hand, revealing a handful of glass shards.

Then he kept throwing shards of glass at the clown!

Taking advantage of this moment, Drizzt, who had escaped the crisis, quickly stood up from his knees and immediately activated a special card!

His figure instantly turned into light and disappeared, then appeared next to Graves under the gathering of a circle of card magic.

"Quickly retreat!


He growled anxiously: "We encountered a monster! We were not prepared enough! We are no match at all!"

"You fucking want to run away?!"

Graves continued to throw glass shards while angrily yelling: "It's only been one round and you're running away? When did you become so cowardly?!"

"Shut up you idiot!"

Drizzt fired cards to help suppress the clown's approaching speed. At the same time, he yelled angrily: "Have you forgotten the promise at sea?! All actions must follow my plan! I say now! Run!"


"Oh shit!


Graves is frustrated and angry!

After scolding, I had to obey Drizzt's command!

He threw out the remaining handful of glass fragments with his hand, then turned around and ran away!

"Run toward the main road!"

While Drizzt continued to shoot cards to cut off the queen, he reminded urgently: "Didn't you see the patrolling law enforcement officer before?! Run over there!"

"You fucking want me to ask my enemy for help?!"

Graves cursed again while running, and his pace tended to slow down.

In response, Drizzt could only yell loudly: "You are using your pig brain! I mean to let those law enforcement officers be the scapegoats! You should run away!


After hearing this, Graves finally understood what Drizzt meant.

This time he had no objection and immediately increased his running speed again!

At the entrance of the alley, Drizzt finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his partner speeding up, but he still cursed a few curse words secretly in his heart.

At the same time, he kept moving his hands, shooting cards towards the clown one after another!

The cards Drizzt fires are all red.

After being easily dodged by the clown, those cards caused a series of explosions in the alley!

There were more screams in the residential buildings on both sides, which made Drizzt secretly apologize.

But there is no way, after all, he still wants to cherish his life!

So Drizzt was deliberately spreading the riot.

Whether it was screams or explosions, it would be great if it could attract other people. That would at least help him and Graves stave off the Joker's pursuit!

It would be better if the clown was attracted to someone else!

While thinking about this, Drizzt waved his arms vigorously again.

He shot out a dozen cards in a chaotic manner, blocking all the clown's forward space!

This time, the clown, unable to dodge, could only stop his progress and waved the dagger in his hand to detonate the card in advance.

The fire rose, but the clown was unharmed in the flames.

When he waved his hand to disperse the firelight that obscured his vision, he only saw the tail of a stream of light fleetingly disappearing!

Drizzt activated the teleportation magic again and appeared directly next to his escaping partner.

"Don't stop! Keep running!"

After appearing, Drizzt reminded Graves, and then took the initiative to increase his speed again.

Behind them, the clown stepped out of the alley.

Looking at the fleeing backs of Drizzt and Graves, the clown not only did not lose the anger of his prey, but instead let out a suppressed and excited chuckle with his shoulders shaking.

"Run! Run..."

The clown's smile gradually became extremely distorted, and the bloodthirsty murderous intention began to spread from the body!

He was completely aroused by the two escaped mice!

At this moment, the clown no longer cares whether he will make things worse!

No matter what kind of impact it causes, he will continue this game!

Then, the clown's body suddenly flew into the air!

He didn't even make a move to bend his legs to accumulate strength! He just ran straight up the wall of the building on the street!

A strange, permeating laughter sounded in the air, and the clown bounced along various bulges on the building, quickly chasing after Drizzt and Graves!

The clown is too fast!

Drizzt and Graves had just ran about a hundred meters, and the clown had already successfully caught up with them!

"Hip-hop hahaha——"

Strange laughter quickly approached from the air below. The clown kicked his feet on the wall of the building and quickly rushed towards Drizzt and Graves below!



Drizzt did not push his partner beside him, he was afraid that it would disturb Graves' body balance, so he just shouted!

At the same time as the reminder, Drizzt immediately jumped towards the right side of the road!

Graves also immediately adjusted his body's center of gravity!

He was too big to dodge directly like Drizzt. He could only follow the inertia of his body and jump forward to the left, then rolled to his feet after landing.


The next moment, there was a muffled sound where the two people were before. Amidst the sound of the 'ding bell', the clown fell to the ground and jumped into the air!

Generally speaking, the sought-after spaces have a good sense of space.

Such is the case with Graves.

Although he didn't have time to look behind him, he still had a three-dimensional model of the nearby space in his mind.

So, in order to avoid being chased by the clown, Graves immediately took out a cigar from his pocket.

After he rolled to his feet, he suddenly threw his arm back and threw the cigar towards the place where he and Drizzt were separated!

Although the cigar did no harm at all, Graves only wanted to disrupt the Joker for a moment.

He believes that his partner will make a perfect cooperation!

And this is true!

Because it was night, the clown's vision was not very clear, so he did not see clearly what the object flying towards him was.

Although he is not afraid of the power of flying objects, he does not allow himself to be injured or become embarrassed!

It's a cat playing with a mouse. How can a cat be turned into a wolf by a mouse in the game?

If that were the case, the game would be a complete failure.

The Joker won't allow that to happen.

Based on this idea, the clown stopped chasing and ducked again.

At the same time, he also saw clearly what was flying past his face.

When he saw it was a cigar, the clown felt even happier!

The smarter the prey, the more fun the game is, right?

A morbid emotion arose in the clown's heart, and he felt that all the cells in his body were jumping for joy!

At this moment, many plans to play with his prey appeared in his mind!

At this moment, a card suddenly flew in front of the clown!

The clown who saw what it was didn't dodge. He raised the dagger with a strange smile and passed it all along the middle of the card!


The explosion flames rise again!

However, the clown just pursed his lips and blew out a breath to block the explosion of fire.

However, something unexpected happened!

Behind that red card, there was actually a yellow card!

The speed of the card is too fast, and the clown wants to deal with it but it is already too late!

He could only keep pouting and took the card with his lips!


A crisp sound appeared.

The familiar feeling of confinement appeared in the clown with a funny expression.

He was once again imprisoned in place by the magic on the card!



Drizzt, who had already stood up, immediately shouted a reminder!

At the same time, he quickly calmed down the magic power in his body while running!

Drizzt regretted it very much at this moment!

He regretted not improving his magical power, and he regretted that his life in Bilgewater had been wasted all these years!

It would be great if he improved his skills early, otherwise the release interval of the 'imprisonment card' would not exceed five seconds!

If he can shorten the interval between imprisoning cards to less than two seconds, then no matter what kind of enemy he faces, he can imprison the enemy until death!

But regret is useless.

The truth is, he's been getting by in Bilgewater all these years.

His life has gone smoothly these years, and no one in Bilgewater can do anything to him.

So Drizzt always felt that his ability was enough, and he wasted his time on enjoying the fun.

But now, the bitter fruit has finally appeared!

Faced with the desperate situation of being hunted, Drizzt continued to escape at the speed of his partner, while constantly overturning various plans in his mind!

Until the clown's confinement disappeared, until the clown let out that creepy laughter again, Drizzt still couldn't figure out how to get out of the current crisis!

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart!

It seems that we can only stick to the previous plan!

Looking for cannon fodder! I hope there will be a cannon fodder that will make the clown change his target!

At the same time, Drizzt couldn't help but secretly cried out in his heart that he was unlucky!

How could he be so unlucky to meet such a lunatic!

But now is not the time to be distracted and complain! Drizzt could only rein in his divergent attention and immediately concentrate on escaping!

Next, Drizzt and Graves fled in embarrassment under the clown's arsenal!

The clown enjoys the panic and embarrassment of his prey. He enjoys the process of this hunting game!

Therefore, the clown deliberately stopped several times during the subsequent chase.

He always deliberately lets himself be hit by Drizzt's yellow card when his prey is in desperate situation.

He gave the two prey a chance to distance themselves from him again.

Just like that, the three of them chased and finally rushed onto the main road!


Drizzt didn't care about face issues! As soon as Fang stepped onto the main road, he immediately started shouting for help, hoping to attract the patrolling law enforcement officers!

But he and Graves had some bad luck.

The law enforcement officers in this neighborhood happened to catch a group of drunkards who had disagreements over the discussion of the game and eventually caused a fight and returned to the law enforcement bureau.

Otherwise, the previous explosions would have lured the law enforcement officers there long ago.

Of course, the explosion was too obvious in the quiet night, and law enforcement officers from other neighborhoods were on their way.

But for Drizzt and Graves, the time it took for rescue to arrive was too difficult!

Because after setting foot on the main road, the clown seemed to have had enough fun.

The danger level of the pursuit has suddenly increased!

The three of them chased for more than fifty meters, and the clown suddenly accelerated amidst strange laughter!

He charged behind Drizzt and stabbed Drizzt on the shoulder with the dagger in his hand.

The clown planned to end the chase, take away the two prey, and then find a place to enjoy the torture!

Facing the clown's attack, Drizzt's sixth sense was violently calling the police!

Before the dagger fell on him, Drizzt felt a faint stabbing pain in his shoulder!

He immediately disrupted his running balance and tried his best to turn sideways to avoid!

But the clown seemed to have seen through Drizzt's movements a long time ago. The dagger's attack route actually started to move along with Drizzt's evasive movements, and the target was still Drizzt's shoulder!

"Get away!


At this time, Graves suddenly shouted!

He raised his hand and pushed hard on Drizzt's arm, pushing Drizzt directly out.

The next moment, the dagger glowing with purple light successfully hit the body!

But that's Graves' arm!

Drizzt dodged, but Graves, who had no time to stop, was left with a wound on his forearm by the dagger blade...

This chapter has been completed!
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