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Chapter 199 Gift of a Ship

When the twin cities were facing war, the tourists who had come earlier for the gladiatorial events had almost fled, and even the various caravans had quickly evacuated.

In those places where the Hex Flying Gate is connected, the managers of various countries and regions immediately informed the Twin Cities to close the Flying Gate to prevent Noxian troops from entering those areas through the Flying Gate and causing misunderstandings.

It can be said that before the war started, the two cities were already determined to be in an isolated and helpless situation.

And Miss Fortune could choose to come to support, which even Coven could not have imagined!

Ordinarily, Miss Fortune should be busy stabilizing Bilgewater at this time!

But in fact, she came to Shuangcheng! She came to support Shuangcheng at the risk of destroying her hometown's foundation!

It didn't matter how good her relationship with Jinx was that made her make this decision, or whether she could help him in the end.

In short, the Twin Cities owe a lot to Miss Fortune.

At this time, Miss Fortune was stunned for a moment after being kissed.

She was not one to suffer, so she immediately put her head over with a smile and took a sip on Jinx's dark red lipstick lips.

This made Coven immediately cover his heart!

He was both happy and distressed at the same time!

I'm happy, I'm happy that Jinx doesn't seem to be fucked by someone's boar.

And troubled, he was troubled by the fact that his two daughters both had abnormal ideas about love.

Seeing that Wei's side was completely hopeless, Jinx's side also showed signs of that...


Miss Fortune suddenly called out to Coven.

She hugged Jinx, raised her head to Coven and said, "You are making so many expressions there, are you performing some kind of drama?"

Ke Wen was stunned.

Didn't I control my expression well? Did I expose my inner activities?

After realizing it, he quickly controlled the muscles on his face, and nodded to Miss Fortune with a slight smile, changing the subject: "Thank you for your support to the Twin Cities, you will be rewarded."

"I don't do it for any reward, but I don't want my good sisters to be bullied."

Miss Fortune cooperated with Ke Wen to change the subject: "If I have to talk about repayment, then let me repay you. Thank you for helping me avenge you before."

"Stop nagging about those things!"

Jinx interrupted slightly impatiently, and then she pulled Miss Fortune and ran upstairs.

"Follow me upstairs, Sarah Fox!"

She said excitedly: "Let me tell you how I showed my power in the previous battle! Do you know how many enemies I killed? Let me tell you..."

During the chatter, Jinx had already dragged Miss Fortune, who had no time to say hello, to the second floor.

Ke Wen looked up at the place where the two women disappeared, then shook his head slightly and chuckled.

Time flew by and came to evening.

Dinner was eaten at the repair shop. Ke Wen sent Wei Chuan a message to ask about it. It turned out that the post-war processing work would take a long time. Wei couldn't leave at all and could only fool around with the others at the dock battlefield.


So only Ke Wen and the three of them enjoyed the dinner at home.

Soon after the meal was over, Miss Fortune touched her belly with abdominal muscles and made a sound of enjoyment.

"Ah~ It's a long-lost delicious food, but it's a pity."

She looked at the empty plates on the dining table with lingering eyes: "Starting tomorrow, I will continue to go back and gnaw on the fish bones."

"Ah?" Jinx couldn't help but sit up straight: "Are you leaving?"

"Hmm." Miss Fortune shrugged her shoulders: "I still don't know what has become of Bilgewater. Once I take people away, I'm afraid the situation there that has just stabilized will start to become chaotic again.


"So I have to go back as soon as possible."

A little worry flashed in her eyes: "I can't let those bastards blow up the whole island for me."

"I'll help you!"

Having just participated in the war, Jinx's murderous intent has not completely subsided.

She immediately said with murderous intent: "I'll help you kill all the hostile forces! When you completely rule there, you can come and play with me at any time!"

"Haha, no, no, no."

Miss Fortune laughed happily, raised her hand and rubbed Jinx's face and said, "That was a fight between us Bilgewater people. If you get involved, I will be looked down upon by those bastards."

"Who dares?!" Jinx raised his chin: "Kill them all!"

"Hehe..." Miss Fortune turned to comfort: "Okay, okay, don't be so murderous. Trust me, I can handle it."

"I'll give you a main ship." Ke Wen suddenly interrupted.

While gently shaking the cup of digestive tea in his hand, he looked at Miss Fortune and said, "Before, you said you couldn't save the ship, so you gave up. Now, you must have the strength, right?"

Miss Fortune hesitated after hearing this.

In the end, she did not refuse again.


She smiled and said: "Anyway, I think it's hard to repay what I owe you. If I can't help you this time, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to repay you in the future."

"In this case, it doesn't matter if we owe more."

She leaned back lazily on the chair and gave Coven a flirtatious look: "Then please this time, when the ship is finished, send someone to Bilgewater to inform me.

, I’ll take the flying door and come over to get it.”

"It won't take that long."

Corwin said and stood up: "Tomorrow morning I will let you take people back to Bilgewater on the new ship."

"Oh? That's right." Miss Fortune suddenly said, "You are a magician, no matter how magical you are."

Coven smiled.

Without saying anything else, he left the repair shop directly and handed over the space to the two good sisters.

The next morning, Jinx had no choice but to send Miss Fortune to the dock even if she was reluctant to leave her.

The men brought by Miss Fortune to participate in the war gathered on the ship that was renamed the 'Call Girl'.

Because Miss Fortune knows who her men are, the sailors in Bilgewater are somewhat lawless.

So when she learned that the war was over, she did not let the sailors disembark.

At this time, the sailors who had been waiting all night on the ship saw the captain and suddenly became energetic again.

Many people suggested letting them go for a walk in the city, even to eat some delicious food.

Hearing this, Miss Fortune thought of her crew members.

Yesterday, she was enjoying herself and ignored the crew members who had been hungry for half a month.

She quickly organized a purchasing team and planned to go to the city to purchase supplies.

But the situation here is already known to Midarda.

Yesterday, the captain, Miss Fortune, could not be found, so there was not much communication between the two parties.

Miss Fortune and Jinx just showed up today, and someone informed Medalda of the news.

Therefore, before the purchasing team organized by Miss Fortune could enter the city, Myrdalda came to the dock with many people carrying supplies.

Myrdalda expressed his gratitude to Miss Fortune and said that these supplies were a simple thank you gift. After the Twin Cities were busy with the follow-up matters of this war, there would definitely be a more formal thank you gift to Miss Fortune.

Miss Fortune was not polite, she accepted the supplies.

Midarda was too busy, so she didn't stay long. After saying a few polite words, she left.

Miss Fortune asked the sailors to load the supplies onto the ship.

Then she looked around and asked: "Jinx, where is your Coven?"

"Don't worry." Jinx said, holding Miss Fortune's arm: "Kewen will definitely do what he says, just wait a little longer."

"I can't wait too long."

Miss Fortune pointed to her fleet: "The Hex Flying Gate is closed, so I can only use these sea ships to run for support. Similarly, I can only continue to return to Bilgewater by sea."

Sighing slightly, she continued: "It's been a month since I came back. I really can't let go, so I really need to go back as soon as possible..."


At this moment, a large number of bubbles suddenly emerged from under the sea surface of the pier.

This scene made Miss Fortune's men immediately reflexively alert.

The sailors took action individually without any orders, those with guns took their guns, and those who prepared cannons prepared cannons.

A first mate stood on the rope of the sail and ordered: "Shoot me on target! Let the sea monsters here taste the power of our Bilgewater artillery!"

The sailors laughed and responded.

After a short moment, the sea water exploded into a huge wave, and a huge figure was hidden behind the wave.

"Open, uh..."

The first mate was about to give the order, but was suddenly stunned on the spot.

The same goes for sailors.

Seeing the huge thing revealed after the waves fell, not only all the sailors in the fleet, but also everyone on the entire dock were stunned.

Miss Fortune was also stunned.

Jinx opened his eyes wide and screamed excitedly: "Cool——"


A 100-meter-long three-masted sailboat crashed heavily onto the sea.

The huge waves it caused caused all the ships in Miss Fortune's fleet to heave and rock, and many sailors fell down and screamed.

But the giant ship was as steady as a mountain in the waves, and its hull did not even falter.

After a while, everyone finally saw clearly what the giant ship looked like.

It was a giant wooden sailboat with a main color of blue and white!

The length is about a hundred meters, the width is about thirty meters, and the height is nearly twenty meters. It has three huge main sails.

There are two most eye-catching parts of the battleship!

One is the translucent energy shield covering the entire hull!

It is because of that shield that no water stains or moisture can be seen inside the giant ship after it emerged from the water.

The second thing that makes people unable to take their eyes away is the texture of the ship’s planks.

From the bow to the stern, the texture arc of the wooden planks is as seamless as the skin of a baleen whale.

Only by careful inspection can you vaguely spot some hidden string gun windows on both sides of the hull.

All in all, the whole ship is so beautiful!

The entire dock was silent, and everyone was still shocked by the visual impact brought by the giant ship.

Under such circumstances, Ke Wen's figure appeared on the bow of the ship.

He waved his hand and opened his mouth to say something.

The next moment, the transparent shield covering the giant ship quickly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, an illusory energy ramp extended from the bow of the ship and stopped in front of Miss Fortune and Jinx.

Coven waved from the bow of the boat.

Jinx suddenly let out another cheer, and then dragged Miss Fortune, who had just recovered, to the energy ramp!

Miss Fortune is still a little confused.

She even forgot to test whether the energy ramp was strong, so she was dragged by Jinx and ran onto the bow of the ship.


After Jinx jumped on the plywood, he looked around excitedly and asked loudly: "Is this the battleship you built for Sarah?!"

"Yes, I call it Kunpeng."

Kewen said with a smile: "Kunpeng, say hello to your future master."

"Hello, Master Sarah."

A slightly indifferent female voice appeared out of thin air: "I am Kunpeng, the auxiliary elf of your battleship."

"Who's talking?" Miss Fortune was stunned and looked around.

Jinx was not curious and explained: "That's not a real person, it's just the consciousness of a magical creature. Just think of it as an elf in a story or something like that."

"Oh..." Miss Fortune responded with a vague understanding.

"Okay, come with me now."

Ke Wen waved and turned around. He walked towards the cabin in the center of the plywood and said at the same time: "I will give you a general introduction to this ship."

Jinx and Miss Fortune immediately follow.

As they moved forward, Kewen talked about the overall data of the ship, and then led the two people into the cabin.

"Three floors above and four floors below."

Ke Wen introduced: "The upper three floors are the observation room, driving room, and activity room, but there is still a lot of free space, which you can arrange and use by yourself in the future."

"The first floor below the deck is the sailors' quarters and dining room, and the second floor is the battle room, which houses artillery and Hex energy cannons."

"The third floor is the warehouse, and the bottom floor is the energy center of the ship. Kunpeng's core is also there."

At this point, Ke Wen gave a special reminder to Miss Fortune: "You can pretend that there is no fourth floor. It is all managed by Kunpeng himself. In the future, except for yourself, it is best not to let anyone know that there is another floor.

The presence."

"Oh, okay!" Miss Fortune quickly took this reminder to heart.

"It's not important, that's about it."

Kewen said: "If you want to know something in more detail, you can ask Kunpeng yourself in the future, and you can let it give you a visual interactive interface."


Miss Fortune knows what an interactive interface is. She has played with it in the Floating Island Council.

"Next comes the important part."

Ke Wen stopped and raised his hand to summon a miniature illusion of a ship in front of him.

While giving a demonstration, he said: "This ship has four important functions. The first is the energy shield that you have already seen. It can not only isolate the seawater and allow the ship to dive, but also defend against attacks from the outside. Basically

The artillery can't break through that shield."

"Thank you!" Miss Fortune had so much to say, but in the end she could only say a simple thank you.

"The second point is the battleship's main gun."

Covin is a little bit on the bow of the mini projection.

The mouth of the 'baleen whale' immediately opened, revealing a very huge muzzle...

This chapter has been completed!
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