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Chapter 219 Situation

"A teleportation channel in the sky?"

Miss Fortune muttered, then showed a look of surprise.

Although she doesn't know magic, she has a good sister who knows magic.

Over the years, Jinx has often told her about learning magic.

Miss Fortune couldn't quite understand it, but she knew one thing.

That is, magic requires magic array, and magic array is the core of magic!

Thinking about it this way, the thing shining like a star at the top of the green light pillar should be the core of the transmission channel!

Thinking of this, Miss Fortune immediately and neatly agreed.


She nodded to the sea beast priest: "I will bombard that thing with the main cannon, and leave the rest to you, right? Are you sure you can do it?"


The sea beast priest finally showed a smile: "With the blessing of divine power, it is not difficult to break that thing in the sky!"

"Then hurry up!"

Miss Fortune urged as she re-activated the magic screen and ordered the Kunpeng's magic intelligence to start charging the main gun.

The Sea Beast Priest sensed the energy gathering on the bow of the ship, and she immediately leaned over and half-knelt on the deck, pressing her palms down.

Light green divine power was injected into the deck along the arm of the sea beast priest.

The divine power gradually penetrated into the energy core at the bottom of the cabin.

However, the Kunpeng's magical intelligence suddenly turned on its own and mobilized energy to temporarily block the divine power from the third floor of the cabin.

At the same time, the magical intelligence also began to alert Miss Fortune, informing her that the core of the battleship had been invaded by energy.

"What conspiracy are you playing?!"

Miss Fortune instantly pointed her guns at the Sea Beast Priest, pulled down the firing pin, and shouted loudly: "Are you really from the enemy's side?!"

"Calm down! Listen to my explanation!"

Sea Beast Sacrifice felt extremely helpless.

Silently lamenting that her plan to seize the ship failed, she could only abandon her unrealistic ideas and cooperate honestly.

So the Sea Beast Priest faced the gun and explained: "My speed of injecting divine power is too slow, but if you let me inject divine power into the core of your ship first, I can convert the core energy into divine power faster."

"Stop your delusions!"

Miss Fortune kicked the sea beast priest and said, "I'll give you one last chance!"

"I see!"

The sea beast priest nodded solemnly and increased the speed of pouring out his divine power.

This time, the Sea Beast Priest did not try to penetrate other parts of the Kunpeng with his divine power, but honestly poured his divine power into the main gun on the bow of the ship.

Miss Fortune is always supervising on the magic screen, where she can see the energy flow picture fed back to her by the magic intelligence.

Seeing that the Sea Beast Priest was doing her duty this time, Miss Fortune snorted coldly and retracted her gun.

And just as the Kunpeng was preparing to strike, the situation in other areas also changed!


After Darius blocked the tentacles of black mist for Samira, he could only maintain a stalemate under the huge power of the tentacles.

However, not long after, another tentacle of black mist extended over.

Taking advantage of Darius being unable to move, the tentacle quickly wrapped around Darius' forehead!

The black mist tentacles rapidly transformed and soon turned into an energy crown identical to the crown on Foego's head.

Darius's eyes were instantly filled with green light.

After screaming in pain, all the emotions on Darius's face disappeared instantly.

He became extremely calm!

At the same time, several tentacles entangled with Darius quickly dissipated.

Darius stood there quietly for a moment, and then he started to take action!

As soon as he turned around, he strode directly towards Samira who was killing the undead, and raised the battle ax in his hand as he walked.

Arriving behind Samira, Darius struck the battle ax vertically towards Samira's head with a 'whoosh'!

Samira heard the wind behind her!

Her fighting instinct made her turn around quickly. While dodging the ax blade, she instantly raised the muzzle of her gun and pointed it at Darius' head.

Just when Samira was about to pull the trigger, she finally saw clearly who her enemy was.

This made her stunned and stunned.

It happened that Darius turned his head and looked over, and Samira immediately noticed the change in his pupils.

She understood everything in an instant, lowered her gun and complained helplessly: "General, you are really causing trouble for others..."

As soon as the words fell, Samira jumped back and avoided another sweep of Darius's axe.

Samira, who had her feet on the ground, shook her head. She raised her gun and shot an undead that rushed towards her. Then she raised the scimitar in her hand and stepped forward to restrain Darius, whose moves had become dull.


Closest to where the light beam fell to the ground, a woman dressed as a guard was struggling to resist the impact of the undead!

The woman is very powerful, and she is an extraordinary person with extraordinary power!

During the battle, the woman's pupils had turned into orange vertical pupils, and the skin under her clothes was gradually covered with scale-shaped lines.

A pair of energy claws condensed on the woman's hands. She kept waving her claws, and all the undead that were touched by the energy claws screamed and disappeared in an instant!

As the fighting time continues to extend! Women are releasing more and more energy!

The sharp claws continue to increase in size, and the scale patterns on the skin gradually begin to condense into entities from energy!

On both sides of its head, two curved energy horns have gradually taken shape!

Behind the woman, a thick tail covered with scales appeared illusoryly!

Women are also attracted by those black mist tentacles!

But under the woman's sharp claws, those tentacles collapsed just like the undead!

On an extremely distant island, Foego discovered this situation through magic.

He became slightly more interested and raised his right hand slightly again.

The next moment, more tentacles of black mist condensed and formed in the clouds of Demacia!

The dense tentacles all wrapped around the woman near the light pillar. Even though most of them were destroyed by the opponent, one tentacle still managed to wrap around the woman's forehead!

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An illusory and seductive voice with a heavy sound appeared in the woman's mind.


The voice said slowly: "Human beings are not your kind. Here, you can only endure pain and restrain your nature!"

"No matter how careful you are to pretend to be ordinary, one day, this hypocritical country will discover your true identity!"

"No human being can accept an alien like you! What's more, this is the country that most rejects extraordinary powers in the world."


The voice suddenly became louder: "Release your own nature! Release your restraints! Let those fragile creatures see your true power!!"


Shyvana, who was struggling, suddenly looked up to the sky and let out a beast roar!

The green power of death kept infecting her pupils, but it was constantly resisted by the energy in Shyvana's body!

This makes Shyvana very painful!

Her consciousness gradually disappeared, but she still retained her only belief, that is, she must not accept the temptation!

Until a certain moment, Shyvana's consciousness was completely suppressed by the power of the undead!


A continuous dragon roar sounded!

Shyvana was lying on the ground and her body began to deform!

A pair of wings of flesh and blood suddenly burst out from her back, and the energy wrapped around her limbs quickly materialized, turning into ferocious and strong claws!


The dragon's tail swung and hit the ground, causing the ground to shatter instantly and a shallow pit appeared!

Immediately afterwards, Shyvana's size began to expand!

After a short moment, a giant red dragon with a length of more than ten meters completely replaced Shyvana's humanoid body!

The green power of death is constantly eroding Shyvana's body!

At this moment, Shyvana's body has been eroded by more than a third.

Another dragon roar suddenly sounded!

Under the dragon's roar that seemed extremely painful, the dragon transformed by Shyvana suddenly jumped up!

It flapped its wings and rose into the sky, crashing into the dark clouds in the sky.

After a short moment, it penetrated the dark clouds with a wild dragon roar, and quickly left in the opposite direction of the royal city!

At the same time, the disaster of undead invasion is also unfolding in Ionia!

Fortunately, the disaster happened on the top of a mountain far away from the crowd.

There is a platform on the top of the mountain, surrounded by a beautiful rattan wall.

Countless undead are attacking the platform!

In the center of the platform is a female hero who has never participated in a gladiatorial competition.

The female hero's movements with her eyes closed were like dancing, and streams of energy shot out from her hands, easily destroying the undead that came up!

She is Karma, the spiritual leader of Ionia!

Ionia is the junction of the material realm and the spiritual realm, but there is an ancient sage who has guarded the balance between the material and spiritual realms for generations through reincarnation.

Karma is the reincarnation of this generation, and she has inherited extremely powerful spiritual power!

As the spirit, the guardian of the Ionian soul realm, Karma soon discovered the true purpose of this undead invasion!

Those undead wanted to enter the spiritual dimension of Ionia through the seal on the mountaintop beneath her feet.

In the spiritual dimension, an incomplete female soul is constantly shouting something.

It's a pity that Karma couldn't distract himself from listening to the voice of the soul.

There were too many undead, and while Karma was trying hard to keep the seal stable, he could no longer devote more attention.

At this moment, the same black mist tentacles suddenly fell from the sky!

A large number of black mist tentacles and undead creatures launched a siege on Karma!

If you defend for too long, you will lose. Not long after, Kamal didn't check anyone, and his forehead was completely imprisoned by a tentacle of black mist!

The power of the undead began to violently invade Karma's will, and a crown of energy gradually formed in front of his forehead.

Karma covered her head and screamed!

The whole world is being invaded! Shurima and the Twin Cities are not immune either.

But compared to other regions, the disasters in Shurima and the Twin Cities failed to create much waves.

Shurima's teleportation beam is located exactly in the northwest corner of the desert, and right under the foot of Mount Targon.

The star spirits on Mount Targon quickly descended the mountain, and they easily blocked the impact of the undead!

Even with the powerful strength of the Star Spirits, the undead army was destroyed faster than it appeared!

The Twin Cities is a different scene.

The undead light pillar appeared in Pilvoorv, but before the undead could pour out much, Pi City immediately opened the city defense barrier! Blocking the subsequent undead creatures from the city's protective barrier!

As for the small number of undead that rushed into Pi City at the beginning, they were directly devoured by Evelin who rushed out of the Pure Water Prison!

The undead filled with all kinds of negative emotions are simply the most delicious food for the pain demon Evelin!

Therefore, when the heroes rushed to the scene, Evelin had already finished her meal licking her fingers.

But Evelin is greedy.

She then set her target on the undead outside the city shield.

But Evelin had just enjoyed a full meal, and her consciousness was now very clear and she was able to restrain her impulse.

She was very disciplined and asked everyone for instructions before taking action.

In this regard, Kewen and Camille, who were present one after another, directly agreed.

Ke Wen and Camille have a tacit understanding, and neither of them intends to destroy the teleportation channel in the sky as soon as possible.

Because this is a rare training opportunity.

The invading undead are not strong, so they can put some pressure on the heroes in terms of quantity, and in terms of individual strength, they can give the law enforcement officers of the Twin Cities a suitable training.

Therefore, Coven and Camille decided to open a gap in the city's shield and actively allowed the undead creatures to continue to invade.

Next, all the heroes and law enforcement officers went to the opening of the gap to set up defensive positions in advance, and the battle soon started.

Unfortunately, this ordeal did not last long.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Bilgewater.

Miss Fortune has finished charging the main gun of the Kunpeng battleship!

She immediately ordered the Kunpeng to take off!

The battleship quickly took off and turned around.

The main gun poked out its muzzle from the opened bow mechanism, and blue energy and light green divine power interacted with each other in the muzzle.

After asking the magic intelligence to confirm that the target had been aimed, Miss Fortune immediately ordered to fire!

The next moment, more turbulent and violent energy began to brew in the barrel.

Soon after.


A beam of light several meters thick suddenly spurted out from the cannon port on the bow!

The beam of light went straight into the sky!

Wherever he passed, whether it was the undead emerging from the clouds or the tentacles of black mist condensed by the power of death, they were all instantly wiped out by the power of the main gun beam!

After a short moment, the light beam accurately hit the core of the high-altitude transmission channel!

After only a moment of stalemate, the core instantly shattered and disintegrated!

Demacia at the same time.

Laxana, who was nervously preparing for war among her family, suddenly heard a voice.

The voice seemed to appear in her mind out of thin air.

"Laxana, attack the top of the light pillar!"

Laxana was slightly startled: "Is it...Mr. Statue?"

"It's me, please hurry up!"

The voice was slightly urging: "The transmission portal must be broken as soon as possible, otherwise, there will be a steady stream of intruders!"


Laxana had great faith in her statue friend.

She immediately came to the courtyard and waved her staff.

After a brief deliberation, Laxana suddenly pointed the staff at the top of the light beam high in the sky and pushed hard!


A beam of light more than two meters thick suddenly erupted and flew towards the target rapidly...

(End of chapter)

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