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Chapter 237 Leaving

On the sea, as well as in the ports on the east and west sides, three armies of the undead are constantly charging towards the Kunpeng!

Ghosts are flying and swooping in the sky, and there are countless undead souls lurking under the sea!

The Kunpeng had put away all its attacks at this time, and continued to kill the undead only by relying on its constantly deforming energy shield!

"Where are we retreating to?"

While supporting the unconscious Sea Beast Priest, Bronn raised his head and asked Miss Fortune who was watching the virtual screen: "Are you going to the Twin Cities through the Flying Gate? Illaoi needs treatment now!"

He lowered his head and looked at the sea beast priest who was still twitching even though he was unconscious.

Bron looked very worried and said: "I'm afraid she won't be able to hold on for much longer!"

Miss Fortune heard this and glanced at the Sea Beast Priest.

She frowned and continued to check the battleship report in front of her.

Ignoring the material statistics on it, Miss Fortune mainly looked at the number of crew members and the wear and tear of the battleship.

At the same time, she responded in a low voice: "No! We can't go to the Twin Cities yet!"


Bronn was anxious: "Illaoi, I'm afraid..."

"She's fine!"

Miss Fortune suddenly interrupted and said solemnly: "I promise! No matter how bad her condition is, I can find someone to cure her! Trust me! Think of those magical potions!"

"This..." Bron was speechless, but his expression was still very complicated.

In this regard, Miss Fortune sighed and then explained helplessly: "The Flying Gate is in the center of the island. If we escape there, the undead will be introduced into the island as well. In that case, Bilgewater may no longer exist!"

These words made Bronn look enlightened, and he fell silent.

"Okay everyone."

Miss Fortune looked around at everyone: "Although this battle has been a bit frustrating, it's time for us to retreat!"

Without waiting for anyone to respond, she immediately shouted: "Kunpeng! Increase the power! Let's take off!"

"Command execution."


The hull of the ship floated, and the seawater was lifted up by the bottom of the ship, causing large waves on the sea surface in the port!

And as the hull gradually left the sea, the underwater situation was also exposed!

Those are countless undead souls!

The densely packed undead are scratching and biting at the bottom of the battleship's shield! Even if the battleship takes off, the undead pile up and continue to rush towards the shield!

Only Miss Fortune knows about this situation.

She got the Kunpeng's report from the magic screen.

But this is not something Miss Fortune takes to heart. Judging from the remaining energy of the battleship, the battleship will be safe for at least half an hour.

However, just when the battleship rose more than ten meters high, the entire battleship suddenly shook with a 'boom'!

The upward trend weakened, and the feeling of pushing up under everyone's feet quickly disappeared, as if the elevator had reached the designated floor!

"Kunpeng! What's going on?!"

Miss Fortune immediately asked.

"Report to captain."

Kunpeng's magical intelligence replied: "It encountered resistance during liftoff."

"Report the details!" Miss Fortune ordered loudly.

"The shield was blocked by a large number of ghosts. After contacting the battleship shield, the invisible ghosts turned into a qualitative hindrance."

"Then destroy them!"

Miss Fortune ordered loudly: "On the premise of not damaging the shield function, distribute the energy to the limit for me. All the losses of the battleship will be repaired for you after we get to the Twin Cities!"

"Captain Sarah."

The Kunpeng did not immediately follow the instructions, but suggested: "There are too many ghosts. The destruction speed of the shield alone cannot make the warship escape the siege. It is recommended to turn on the main gun."

"Then do it!" Miss Fortune ordered loudly: "Open the gravity field! Sink the stern of the ship!"

"Command execution."

The Kunpeng followed suit this time.

Magic patterns lit up instantly on the deck, changing everyone's body to the direction of gravity.

Then the stern sank quickly, the bow faced the sky, and the entire battleship stood upright in mid-air!

Next, the main gun at the bow of the ship was turned on, and after a brief pause, it suddenly opened fire!


A huge beam of light shot into the sky!

The light beam vaporized the ghost all the way and sprayed out for a distance of more than fifty meters, and then penetrated countless layers of ghost obstacles.

At the same time, the battleship's shield began to rotate and deform, gradually increasing speed, and finally turned into a high-speed rotating cone!

The main gun suddenly went out, and the battleship suddenly accelerated into the air!

Along the passage opened by the energy beam, the Kunpeng battleship rushed towards the faintly exposed starry sky!

There are ghosts automatically filling the vacancies in the passage, but under the cutting of the cone-shaped shield, those ghosts are quickly scattered into thin black mist.

After a few breaths, the battleship finally succeeded in breaking through the ghosts in the sky, and continued to rise towards the sky!

On the sea in the port, Planck, with his upper body exposed above the sea, angrily slapped the water!

He stared at the successfully retreated Kunpeng with a look of reluctance!

Plank used his mind to control the ghost to pursue it, but the speed of the ghost could not be compared with the Kunpeng.

In the end, Planck could only admit his failure!

But there was nowhere to vent the hatred in his heart, so he couldn't help but look towards the island!

A crazy idea spreads in my mind!

He wants to destroy the main island of Bilgewater!

Thinking of this, Planck immediately changed his target!

He waved to the main island with a cruel smile and controlled the undead army to rush towards the coast together!

Aboard the Kunpeng at high altitude, Miss Fortune quickly discovered the movements of the undead army!

This made her eyes wide open!

She didn't expect Planck to be so crazy!


Miss Fortune immediately screamed and ordered: "Stop the retreat! Lower the altitude! Aim at the dark clouds and activate all the firepower on the ship!"

The Kunpeng immediately carried out this order!

The speed of liftoff began to decrease rapidly, the bow of the ship dropped, and the stern of the ship rose. The Kunpeng quickly regained its balance in the air.

Then, the Kunpeng turned its bow, drew an arc in the sky, and headed straight for the dark clouds!

After reaching a suitable distance, the Kunpeng began to fly around the clouds.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The hull tilted slightly, and the gun windows on the side facing the clouds opened one after another!

Boom! Boom boom boom——

Beams and physical shells suddenly erupted, and countless attacks quickly penetrated into the clouds!

At the same time, Gangplank's actions not only angered Miss Fortune.

He also angered another being on the island!

Tam Kench, the demonic river lord, has once again had his peace disturbed!

After sensing that a large number of undead had invaded the area he had designated, Tam angrily got out of the underwater cave and quickly surfaced!

Looking at the undead that were destroying everything on the island, Tam made a sound of acid reflux in his throat.

He is a demon, yes, but he is really not the other demons who devour emotions!

Although he likes to lure humans into despair, he does not feed on that despair, it is just a piece of fun he is looking for for his long life.

Emotions and so on, and even the soul, are really hard things for him to swallow.

Although he can eat it, the taste makes him feel sick just thinking about it!

But those things can't affect the rage of a demon!

Bloodthirsty red light began to gradually radiate from Tam's pair of blue eyes with vertical pupils!

A bone-crushing roar sounded, and Tam opened his fangs and maw to the undead!


Huge suction appears, and the range expands dramatically!

Countless undead souls struggled and screamed, but they couldn't stop their bodies from rushing towards the huge mouth of the abyss!

At this moment, Tam's huge mouth seemed to have turned into a black hole! Countless undead souls were being swallowed whole by him in an endless stream!

The center of clouds on the sea.

When the Kunpeng launched an attack, Foego showed no intention of paying attention.

He didn't care at all about the Kunpeng and the heroes on it.

And when Tam began to show off his power, Foego finally couldn't sit still anymore!

He raised his head in surprise and looked in the direction of the island.

"My army was completely wiped out?"

Foego said in surprise: "Is there anyone here who can truly destroy the dead?"

As he spoke, Foego released his senses.

He soon discovered Tam's aura.

This made Foyego's expression deteriorate instantly!

He thought of the existence that protected Yasuo and constantly released threats and malice to him in the spiritual realm!

The two have similar auras, so they must be of the same race!

Foyego doesn't know about demons, but he knows that races like Tamu are not easy to mess with!

Of course, he is not afraid of the other party.

At any other time, Foego would definitely let the other party know the price to pay for angering the king!

But not now, the time is not right!

Foego's absolute mission now is to resurrect Princess Isolde, and he must not cause any complications!

It would be bad if you angered the race on the island that can destroy souls, and let them disrupt the mission!

Isolde's resurrection cannot be interfered with!

Today, there are still several fragments of Isulde's soul floating around.

Foego cannot protect those soul fragments!

He didn't know whether the race on the island had any ability to transmit information remotely.

Once you anger the other party, once you let the other party tell the situation to your fellow tribesmen, once again, once the other side's fellow tribesmen attack Isulde's soul fragments in advance!

Foego must avoid this happening!

Without any soul fragment, Isulde cannot be resurrected by him!

Foyego absolutely cannot accept that result!

Therefore, Foego can only show weakness to that race on the island now!

Just like he gave up turning Yasuo into a subordinate, now he must also give up continuing to invade the island!

Planck can no longer be allowed to act unscrupulously!

Thinking of this, Foego immediately stood up from the throne.

However, just as he was about to deliver the order to Planck, he suddenly turned his head and looked in another direction!

Cloudy outside!

Two bright lights suddenly appeared under the sea!

The light is rapidly approaching the sea!

In a few moments, a huge wave suddenly rose!

A huge figure appeared after the huge wave!

The figure kept rising, and finally, a steel giant tens of meters tall appeared near the clouds!

Orange light emerged from those searchlight-like eyes. The giant cast his two gazes on the dark clouds, and then he raised his right hand.

When the right hand left the sea, an equally huge anchor was lifted out of the sea.

Then the giant released the anchor, grabbed the chain, and raised his hand to spin the anchor and wave it!

After a short moment, the Titan suddenly smashed the anchor into the clouds!

Inside the clouds, Foego's face turned dark with anger!

Everything really dares to show its teeth and claws at him!

But he had to pay attention!

Facing the huge anchor that broke into the clouds, Foego immediately took action himself!

He instantly condensed the broken sword in his hand, and pointed the tip of the sword in the direction of the anchor!


There was a thunderous sound inside the clouds!

Countless powers of death gathered in an instant!

Large clouds condensed into surging tentacles, and quickly climbed onto the anchor and chain!

After taking a breath, the anchor was finally blocked!

"My king!"

Karma immediately asked for a fight: "Please let me destroy the enemy!"


Foyego snorted with an unswerving look on his face, and waved the sword of ruin, controlling the black mist and throwing the anchor out of the clouds.

Then he shook his head: "Forget it, when Isulde is resurrected, I will come back to clean the world!"

After saying that, he immediately sent the order to Planck with his mind!

On the island, Gangplank, who was directing the undead to carry out destruction, was suddenly stunned.

After receiving the order, he reluctantly looked around, but he could only order a withdrawal immediately!

Turning around, he strode towards the harbor!

At the same time, the undead and ghosts that were raging on the island also gave up their goals. They all turned around and retreated quickly towards the direction of the clouds!

Tam's side.

When he noticed that the undead began to retreat, he finally shut his mouth.

An extremely nauseating feeling rose from his stomach, and Tam couldn't help but open his mouth again.

The long pink and fleshy tongue stretched out, and he vomited with a sound of 'ue'.

After vomiting all over the place, Tam felt that he could no longer stay in this place.

He dragged his fat body out of the river bank, staggered like a tumbler, and headed straight for the Hex Flying Gate in the center of the island.

Tam is not a nerd. He also knows a lot of information when he is tempting humans to have fun. He has always kept up with the changes of the times.

Now that he has decided to move, the Twin Cities have become Tam's first choice.

After all, it is a port city there and there is absolutely no shortage of water, which is just in line with his status as the Lord of the River.

at the same time.

When the undead retreated, the dark clouds on the sea began to move again.

Foego sat back on the throne and controlled the clouds to approach the port to meet Gangplank and the undead army.

To Foego's satisfaction, the Titan that emerged from the sea did not pursue him.

As for the spaceship that kept firing cannonballs into the clouds in the sky, in Foego's eyes they were just little bugs.

He didn't pay any attention to it.

Soon after, the dark clouds took back all the Gangplank and the undead army that had withdrawn from the island. Then, the dark clouds left the harbor and rolled southward towards the Shadow Island.

Seeing that the dark clouds left the island instead of landing, Miss Fortune on the Kunpeng ordered a ceasefire.

Although we don’t know why the undead army retreated, tonight’s battle has finally come to an end.

Miss Fortune let the Kunpeng fly in the air to monitor the clouds for a while.

When the clouds completely disappeared, she ordered to return to the island...

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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