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Chapter 243 Come to vote

Shadow Island.

On Shadow Island today, the cloud of death covering the entire island seems to be thicker than any other day!

In the ruins hall where the Pool of Life was originally located, Foego sat on the steps at the edge of the pond.

He stared blankly at the long-dried pool.

In Foego's mind, the image of Princess Isulde turning into a wraith in the pool of life seemed to be right in front of her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, there is a scene of Isolde stabbing him to death with the ruined sword.

Foego raised his hand and touched the triangular hollow on his chest, as if he was reminiscing about the pain of death.

But the look on his face didn't change at all.

The pain of having his chest pierced by a sword was nothing compared to the heartache of losing Isulde!

At the same time, Foego did not have any grudge against Isolde, who killed him.

He felt that all the faults were his own. He must have done something wrong to make Isulde make the choice to swing the sword at him!

The more he thought about it, the more determined Foego became in his desire to resurrect Isolde!

He wants to apologize to the resurrected Isulde, make up for all his mistakes, and let her and Isulde regain their happy love!

I don't know how long it took, but the sound of footsteps entered the ruined hall.

Planck was the first to enter the hall.

He knelt on the ground facing Foego's back with a guilty look on his face.

After kowtowing hard with a bang, Planck said with shame: "My king! My mission failed! Please punish me, my king!"

Foego frowned slightly as his memory was interrupted.

He didn't look back and continued to stare at the empty pool and said quietly: "What's going on?"

"My king!"

Gangplank gritted his teeth and then said: "I met a hateful little dwarf! She ruined my mission of gathering an army!"


Foego slowly raised his head after pondering.

His vision began to diverge, and he began to perceive the entire Shadow Island through control of the power of death.

Foego sensed some stronger beings, but among the figures outlined in his mind by the power of death, there were no smaller beings.

Withdrawing his senses, Foego couldn't help but frown even more.

He believed that Planck would never deceive him, so Foego couldn't help but become interested in the little dwarf Planck mentioned.

Slowly turning his head to look at Plank, Foego ordered quietly: "Tell me what you went through."

"Yes! My king!"

Gangplank still pressed his forehead to the ground, and he immediately replied: "It's a little guy who can control shadows! That guy attacked me inexplicably, and I can't beat him..."

"Are you the boss of this guy?"

An indifferent and feeble voice sounded out of thin air, interrupting Planck's narration.

Gangplank raised his head in astonishment, his eyes constantly searching the ruins hall, and at the same time he shouted angrily: "Asshole! Come out here!!"

Foyego also moved his eyes and looked around the hall.

He quickly found his target.

Turning his gaze to the shadow under Gangplank, Foego said "Oh" in a slightly amused tone.

"Who are you?"

Foyego said quietly: "In my memory, there is no existence like you on Blessed Island."

"Blessed Light Island? Isn't this the Shadow Island..."

The sound sounded again, and at the same time, the shadow under Gangplank actually emerged from the ground!

Before Planck could notice, the shadow suddenly turned into a big hand!

The black shadow's big hand held Gangplank's body in the palm of his hand, and then flicked the wrist of the big hand, throwing Gangplank directly against the wall.

Planck hit the wall with a bang, but he was only frightened and not injured.

Therefore, after landing on the ground, Gangplank immediately drew out the pirate scimitar from his waist and roared at the black shadow.

But Foego suddenly raised his hand, causing Plank to hold back all his emotions instantly!

Afterwards, Foego stared at the surging black shadow and said softly: "You are very special. I allow you to tell the reason for coming to offend."

The shadows continued to surge.

After a while, the big black shadow hand began to reduce in size as if melting.

When the black shadow lowered to a height of about one meter, two white fluffy erect rabbit ears were revealed.

The black shadow continued to lower, and a black hood emerged from it.

Then there are green curly hair and big red eyes!

There were thick dark circles around his big eyes, and the look from his eyes was very gloomy and depressed, as if he was not interested in anything.

As the black shadow continued to lower, a small face with white down was completely exposed.

The shadow's descent speed suddenly increased, revealing the figure's black dress and dark brown trousers.

After finally revealing a pair of sock-like cloth shoes, the black shadow finally retreated completely into the ground.

However, the black shadow continued to surge and lengthened behind the 'Yordle' who appeared.

After a moment, the black shadow suddenly rose from the ground, forming a paper-cut humanoid figure behind the yordle!

Two light blue gaps appeared from the black shadow's head and suddenly opened!

A pair of pink eyeballs wandered around, and finally focused on Foego.

All changes end here.

And the yordles also spoke again.

As if she lacked the support of her skeleton, she stood there with her back hunched over in a loose manner.

With his eyelids half drooped and a pair of lifeless eyes staring at Foyego, the yordle asked quietly: "What do you want to do on the island?"

Foego became somewhat interested in the yordle in front of him.

So he didn't hesitate to answer.

So Foego said quietly: "I am gathering more troops."

"Then what?"

The yordle continued to stare at Foego with her despairing eyes.

She continued to ask in a feeble voice: "Why did you raise the army?"

"Let them clear the way!"

Foyego replied: "Clear all obstacles that dare to stand in front of me!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "That is to say..."

The Yodel's tone was no longer dull, but had a touch of excitement.

She raised her voice slightly and asked: "Will you start a war? Who is the enemy?"

"It can be the whole world." Foyego's tone was proud and confident: "For my goal! I can clean the whole world!"

After saying that, Foego asked condescendingly: "So, are you going to stop me?"

"Stop? No."

The yordle fully opened her eyelids that were fighting with sleep!

She raised the corners of her mouth with a smile on her face, and continued to say calmly: "Do you need help? I am Vigus. As you can see, I can control shadows!"

"You want to join me?"

Foyego was stunned and asked in confusion: "What's your purpose?"

"Dark! Sad!"

The yordle Vigus's temperament suddenly became gloomy!

The black shadow behind it also had a mouth formed by magic lines on its face, and made a sinister smile.

As the black shadow opened its teeth and claws, Wei Gusi continued: "In this world, color and laughter should not exist at all!"

"And war takes away everything!"

Vigus looked at Foyego: "So I can help you, as long as you can spread cruel war all over the world, as long as you can take away all the happiness and color in the world! Then I can do anything for you!


Foego was a little surprised when he heard this.

He did not expect that the yordle in front of him turned out to be a completely anti-human and anti-social being.

Color and laughter?

Even Foego himself can’t let go of these!

And after Isulde is resurrected, Foego will definitely give all the colors and joy in the world to his princess!

It can be said that his ultimate goal is completely opposite to the Yodel in front of him!

But Foego reveals none of this.

Instead he smiled.


Foyego slowly raised his hand: "Vigus, you are welcome to join. So, do you need me to give you more power?"

"Like that loser?"

Wigus glanced sideways at the energy crown on Gangplank's forehead.

Then she slowly shook her head: "No, the power of death is useless to me. It's enough that I have a shadow."


Foego didn't insist.

He put down his hand and gave the first instruction: "Vigus, go and help me. Gather all the powerful undead on the island to join my army."

"It can't be done." Wei Gusi said quietly: "I can't control the undead."

"It doesn't matter."

Foego looked at Gangplank: "You go and assist Vigus."

"Yes! My king!"

Although Planck was extremely unwilling, he could only obey the order.

Foyego nodded slightly with satisfaction, and then ordered: "Go, the sooner we organize the army, the sooner I can launch a war to cleanse the world."

Hearing this, Wei Gusi turned around and walked towards the door of the ruined hall without saying a word.

Planck had no choice but to salute Foego again and then followed him.

Foego watched the two people's backs disappear, and then he sneered disdainfully.

He completely regarded Vigus as a pawn that could be used.

The opponent's ability is pretty good, but he can be assigned some special tasks.

As for what the future holds?

Foyego is confident that the opponent will not be able to make waves in his hands!

Thinking of this, Foego abandoned the interest aroused by Vigus again, turned around and sat down again.

Just when I was about to continue remembering the past, I heard another burst of footsteps.

Karma's figure walked into the hall gracefully, followed by an undead skeleton with a terrifying appearance.

"My king!"

Karma knelt down on one knee in the middle of the clearing.

She bowed her head and reported: "Please forgive me for interrupting my mission."


Foego said quietly, and after taking a look at the undead, he suddenly remembered something.

"I seem to have seen you before."

Foego shifted his gaze from the undead's face and looked at the soul lamp held in the other's hand.

After frowning, Foego suddenly raised his arms and opened his hands.

The soul lamp in the undead's hand suddenly lost control and flew into Foego's hand!

After sensing it more carefully, Foego suddenly became angry.

He raised his gaze and stared at the undead, and asked: "Tell me! Why is there the soul breath of Isulde in this?!"

"King of Kamavia..."

The undead immediately touched his chest deeply and bowed: "Please calm down and listen to me."

"Say!" Foyego raised his other hand and collected all Isulde's breath from the soul lamp.

It was just breath and did not contain any fragment of Isulde's soul.

But just that faint aura is enough to make Foego love it very much!

At this time, the undead continued: "You have indeed seen me. When you asked the saints for information about the water of life, I was standing in the corner of the hall."

"I am Erlock Greer, the 'hanger' with the lantern."

"I don't care who you are!"

While Foyego treasured the breath in his heart, he said to the undead in a deep voice: "Answer me! Why is there the breath of Isulde in this lamp?!"

"That was an accident."

The undead replied in a respectful tone: "Once, I eliminated a bright sentinel named Senna and absorbed the opponent's soul with a soul lamp."

The undead stood up straight and raised his hand bone to point at the soul lamp in Foego's hand.

He continued: "However, there was another miraculous and powerful soul that was absorbed together."

"In the end, the two souls were released by another Sentinel of Light, and a miraculous reaction occurred, causing Senna to be re-condensed out of her body by the power of life, thus breaking death and resurrecting."

Hearing this, Foego couldn't help but feel happy and immediately said: "It's Isulde!!"

He looked at the trace of Isulde's breath in his hand, then threw the useless soul lamp back into the hands of the undead.

Then, Foyego looked at the breath in his hand with loving eyes, and said: "Isulde soaked in the fountain of life! That's why her soul is so miraculous and powerful! She even reverses the boundary between life and death and becomes a human being.

Powerful vitality!”

Foego was very satisfied with the two adjectives of the undead about Isolde's soul.

Therefore, he showed a proud smile, looked at the undead and said: "In this case, let's consider your merits and demerits as equal, and I will forgive you and exempt you from punishment."

The undead immediately held his chest and bowed again: "Thank you for your grace! King of Kamavia!"


Foyego had no feeling at all about the name of his hometown. He said quietly: "The place where I lost Isolde has no meaning. Don't mention that name again. Now, I am just the King of Destruction!"

"Yes!" The undead immediately echoed: "Follow your will, King of Destruction!"


Foego was very satisfied with the knowledge of the undead. He nodded slightly and said, "Tell me, Erlock Greer, why did you appear in front of me with Karma?"

"King!" The undead bowed his head respectfully: "My current name is Thresh, to remember the insults Blessed Light Island gave me in the past."

"The reason why I came here."

Thresh glanced at Karma, who was still kneeling and bowing his head.

He continued: "It's because I heard that you want her to summon all the strong men on the island."

"Are you the strong one?"

Foego's tone couldn't help but be a bit mocking. In his eyes, Thresh's strength was just that, far behind Karma...

(End of chapter)

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