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Chapter 245: Lost Dog

Does Foego regret what happened to Calista?

Of course he regrets it!

After all, that was the only relative who raised him from childhood!

Thousands of years ago, Foego would lose his mind because of the death of Princess Isolde. At that time, there was nothing else in his heart except Isolde!

Now that Foego has returned from resurrection, he has had enough time to think.

So he naturally woke up a lot.

In this way, Calista's loyalty and sacrifice naturally made Foego heartbroken.

Of course, Kalista's importance naturally lags far behind Isolde!

Even if Foego was sad and regretful, he would not be distracted from doing anything before resurrecting Isolde.

Therefore, after Foego was silent for a moment, he completely swallowed back the name lingering in his throat.

"Is it?"

An indifferent look and an indifferent tone.

Foego turned around and walked back to the edge of the Pool of Life, and slowly sat down again.

"Fight? Very good!"

He said quietly: "In this case, don't interfere with them to determine the winner. When I resurrect Isulde, I will clean everything thoroughly."

When Thresh heard this, he couldn't help but raise his head that had been hanging down just now because he was worried about being implicated.

He looked at the ruthless Foyego in surprise, and at the same time, he couldn't help but curse in his heart!

Thresh actually has no respect for Foego, his attitude is all fake!

Because Thresh is not a good product at all!

Thousands of years ago, the saints on Blessed Island saw Thresh's ambition, so they assigned him to the loneliest and most humble position.

Thresh is a vengeful guy!

So he searches for every opportunity for revenge all year round!

Kalista's landing on the island made Thresh seize the opportunity!

Thresh bewitched Ryze, who was still a new magic apprentice at the time, and together they helped Kalista steal a small bottle of water of life, and gave Kalista a road stone to break through the dense fog protecting the island!

It seems that he helped Kalista complete her mission, but Thresh actually wanted to lure the ‘Kamavians’ to Blessed Island!

Thresh had already made two preparations!

If the Kamavians are led to Blessed Light Island, then he will be the one who leads the way and use the power of the Kamavians to take revenge on those saints.

At the same time, he will also be rewarded for his efforts in leading the way.

On the contrary, if the Kamavians did not come, he would not suffer any loss!

Because Thresh had already made a deal with Kalista when he agreed to help her find the Water of Life.

The content of the deal is that after Kalista returns to her country, she will introduce Thresh to the king and provide Thresh with a high-level seat and a senior title in the Kingdom of Kamavia.

Of course, Thresh's plan failed in the end!

All his ambitions were wiped out in the explosion on Fuguang Island!

Then Thresh hated Foyego who ruined everything for him!

Thresh has been planning revenge for thousands of years!

But Blessed Light Island was so messed up after becoming Shadow Island!

Countless undead souls of all kinds have made Fuguang Island full of dangers!

It took Thresh hundreds of years to gain a firm foothold on the island, and it took several hundred more to finally make himself the most powerful handful of undead.

Then, Thresh began to plan to become the boss of the Shadow Island!

But his talent points are all focused on conspiracy, and his talent in terms of strength is really not good enough.

After developing for nearly a thousand years, his strength is still not enough to become the strongest on Shadow Island! Many beings on the island want to keep him away!

Of course Thresh is not willing to give in!

So he aimed at Foego's ruined sword!

He wants to take the ruined sword that can control death into his own and use it to increase his strength!

But in the end, he was taught a lesson by a ruined sword that no one controlled!

The Broken Sword doesn't recognize Thresh at all!

As a last resort, Thresh had to try every means to obtain the Sword of Destruction!

Killing the Sentinel of Light and absorbing its soul is one of Thresh's ways to deal with the Broken Sword!

He wanted to use the power of light imbued with the soul of the Light Sentinel to fight against the Broken Sword.

As a result, Thresh continued to work on this for hundreds of years, continuing into modern times.

More than ten years ago, during the period when Zaun launched an independent struggle against Piltover, Thresh met the last two Sentinels of Light in the world.

He killed the female Sentinel of Light named Senna and absorbed her soul into the soul lamp.

Thresh plans to absorb the soul of the last male sentinel and then try to get the Sword of Destruction!

But fate played another trick on his ambition!

The only remaining sentinel of light named Lucian actually fought a decisive battle with him with the idea of ​​dying together!

Unexpectedly, Thresh was actually used by the opponent to break the soul lamp with fragments of the broken holy stone weapon!

At this moment, Thresh's hundreds of years of hard work were in vain!

Most of the souls in the soul lamp escaped, and even a bright sentinel named Senna was resurrected! Her strength even increased dramatically!

Thresh was taught a lesson again!

As a last resort, Thresh had no choice but to run away!

For the next ten years, Thresh, who was unable to leave the Shadow Island, could only work hard on the island.

He gathered the souls that escaped from the soul lamp again, or found a way to temporarily destroy the seals placed by the Sentinels of Light around the island.

Whenever the seal that prevents the power of death from spreading from the Shadow Island is briefly broken, Thresh will take advantage of the "Soul Eater Night" in Bilgewater to spread some news that the Shadow Island is a place of treasure.

He used this to attract some greedy people to Shadow Island, so that their souls could be harvested by him.

Until a few days ago, Thresh finally felt that the soul in the soul lamp was almost enough.

So he came to the ruined sword again, planning to try again to make it his own!

After consuming all the souls in the soul lamp, Thresh finally succeeded in pulling out the Sword of Destruction!

But fate gave him the final blow!

After pulling out the Sword of Destruction, Thresh not only failed to gain recognition from the artifact, but instead released Foego who was sealed in it!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Thresh, who was left with only a skeleton, was so angry that he almost vomited out his marrow on the spot!

Before Foyego was fully awake, he ran away quickly!

After that, Thresh carefully observed all of Foego's movements.

Until he discovered that after Foego returned from the island, he actually started to gather an army and recruit masters.

Thresh immediately discovered an opportunity!

He made another plan!

For thousands of years, Thresh has not been hanging around on the Shadow Island in vain!

From the souls of countless outsiders, Thresh roughly knew the situation in the outside world.

Ascended ones, void creatures, even demigods and gods!

Thresh broadened his horizons and learned about the strength of the outside world!

Therefore, he immediately made a plan to kill someone with a borrowed knife!

He planned to pretend to be a coward with Foyego and join Foyego's command first.

In this way, he can use Foyego's strength to get rid of the masters who threaten him on the island!

In the future, Foyego and those undead masters will inevitably die at the hands of the powerful outsiders!

By then, Thresh will be able to safely become the strongest in the Shadow Islands!

He will become the Lord of the Undead on the Shadow Island! His small life goal of a thousand years will be realized by then!

Therefore, Thresh immediately told Foyego about the strongest force on the island, namely Hecarim and his undead army!

Unfortunately, fate unconsciously slapped Thresh again when he turned over in his sleep.

Foyego actually had no intention of closing in on the two powerful forces of Hecarim and Kalista!

At this moment, Thresh really wanted to yell at Foyego: Your mother is haunting you!!


He didn't dare...

Foego's plan to take Hecarim and Kalista failed!

While Thresh was licking his wounds like a beaten dog, he immediately started thinking again and planned again.

So who else poses a threat to him on the island?

Vigus's alternative and living yordle counts as one;

The living dead who has been wandering around the island for thousands of years and digging graves on the island counts as one;

In recent years, a mentally ill person has come from the outside world.

The other party fell directly into the arms of death after landing on the island, and after becoming an undead, he screamed at his throat all day long.

Although the opponent's strength does not pose a threat to him, Thresh still wants to get rid of that annoying guy! After all, that guy also retains his consciousness before death!

Finally, the figure of a twisted tree spirit flashed through Thresh's mind.

Therefore, Thresh, who knew what was going on, did not bother to comply with Foego's mood, and immediately spoke out about the remaining strong men!

"Gravedigger, twisted tree spirit, death chanter..."

After hearing this, Foyego pondered for a moment, and then he ordered Karma: "Follow him and deal with it. If he doesn't follow, kill him."

"Yes! My king!"

Karma immediately nodded and obeyed the order.

"King!" Thresh quickly reminded: "There is also that Yoder!"

"Vigus has joined us."

Foyego explained impatiently: "So, go and carry out the order. This time, don't come back to bother me again before the task is completed!"

"Yes! My king!" Karma responded immediately again!

After responding, she immediately looked at Thresh beside her, and showed a threatening gaze to signal Thresh not to say anything else.

Thresh stopped talking about this.

In the end, he succumbed to Karma's power. After all, the fluctuations of soul fire in his body were too terrifying!

The sound of chains sounded, and Thresh turned around and followed Karma's footsteps. He held the chain sickle in one hand and the soul lamp in the other, and left the ruins hall with Karma.

Foego, who was left alone, summoned Isulde's soul fragment and incorporated the breath he got from the soul lamp into it.

Sensing the added breath of Isulde, Foego was instantly obsessed with it. His face showed extremely tender love, and he soon fell completely into memories and nostalgia.

the other side.

After leaving the Pool Hall, Thresh took Karma to find the nearest lunatic.

But as much as the world loves Jinx, it hates Thresh.

Thresh's plan to take away the Deathsinger failed again!

The reason comes from the ability of the Death Chanter!

Although the death chanter seems to be mentally ill, his eulogies to the deceased can have the effect of soothing the souls of the dead! It can temporarily make the souls of the dead get rid of their killing instincts and transform into tranquility and peace!

After discovering this, Kalma immediately gave up the action of recruiting the other party.

There is no other way. If we really recruit the Death Chanter into the team, wouldn't the other party become a complete hindrance in the future war?

The undead army here is launching an attack, but when the death chanter opens his voice, he directly turns the war into a concert, causing his own soldiers to instantly lose their ability to fight.

Kalma definitely doesn't want to see that situation!

So she gave up directly and forced Thresh to take her to find the next strong man, regardless of Thresh's warning that the mission had failed.

Intimidated by Karma's strength, Thresh could only pretend to be his grandson.

No matter how reluctant he was, he could only take Karma to the area where the twisted tree spirit was.

More than an hour later, the two came to a dark twisted jungle.

Thresh stopped at the edge of the jungle. He reminded fearfully: "Be careful, every dead tree here is the eyes and ears of the twisted tree spirit. We may have been discovered by the opponent at this time."

Karma looked at the jungle after hearing this, and then she walked directly into the jungle without any scruples.


As soon as Karma stepped into the jungle, some dead trees on the edge immediately started to stir.

The branches that seemed to be charred began to tremble, and the tree body also shook with a snapping sound!

The next moment, a dark brown tree root suddenly penetrated from beneath the ground!

After jumping up to a height of nearly four meters, the tip of the tree root began to bend down, and it stared at Karma as if it had vision.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Unfamiliar... faces..."

A low and suppressed crazy voice resounded through the forest.

The voice looked slightly confused and asked: "Are you... a living person? Or a dead person?"

"I am the living."

Although Karma was transformed into a subordinate by Foego, her thoughts did not change except for her loyalty to Foego.

Therefore, Karma has great respect for the existence of natural spirits.

She touched her chest slightly and saluted deep in the jungle, and said in a respectful voice: "Dear spirit of nature, Karma sends you my regards."

"The spirit of nature..."

The voice in the jungle groaned for a moment, and then suddenly became extremely painful!


The voice began to roar: "I am no longer a spirit of nature! I am now! A spirit of wrath!!"

"Please calm down."

Karma raised his hand and released a wave of mental energy to soothe his emotions.

She was so powerful that her soothing wave quickly enveloped the entire Twisted Jungle.

This move was very effective, and the twisted tree spirit quickly calmed down.

"This kind of power..."

A calm voice sounded again in the jungle: "This reminds me of some human beings, those who respect nature and care for the environment."

"May I have the pleasure of hearing your story?"

Karma took the opportunity to get involved: "I want to hear, apart from us in Ionia, where else are there humans who respect nature as much as we do."

"Is this so...?"

The voice paused for a moment, and then agreed: "Okay, I can tell you, but I have to wait a moment. Let me kill the undead following you first!"


Thresh was shocked, and he quickly waved his hand and backed away: "I have no malice! I have nothing to do with the undead who have been chasing you according to their instincts! Think about it! I have never been hostile to you!"

"Please calm down!"

Karma immediately joined in: "I promise you, he will never be hostile to you! Otherwise, I am willing to eliminate him on your behalf!"

The jungle was quiet again.

After a while, a calm voice sounded: "Well, since you have such power to soothe nature, then I choose to believe you."

After saying that, the voice began to tell directly...

This chapter has been completed!
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