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Chapter 247 Gwen

The edge areas of the Shadow Isles are relatively safe.

The girl in a foreign dress rushed ashore for nearly 500 meters towards the island, and then ghosts began to appear sparsely.

There seems to be something attractive about the girl in the dress, and those ghosts will pounce on her as soon as they see her!

Even those ghosts who were originally confused and had no strength at first glance would suddenly develop a killing instinct and attack the girl in a dress!

Fortunately, the girl in the dress is pretty good at it.

With a wave of her hand, she can use magical energy to create a pair of gorgeous scissors as tall as a human.

Sitting on it, the girl in a dress crosses various ruins and terrains, looking like a flying fairy wielding a sword.

As for the attacks from the ghosts, the girl continued to use energy to condense small scissors or needles and threads. She controlled the magical creations to fly quickly, scattering all the ghosts rushing towards her.

Just like that, the girl sprinted for nearly two kilometers in the direction where the huge pillar of fire appeared before!

After that, she had to slow down.

Because after going deep here, the number of ghosts around has greatly increased! There are even undead souls with bodies!

All the undead creatures regarded the girl in a dress as prey and launched a siege against her!

The various screams of the undead will also attract more undead.

Just like this, the number of enemies the girl has to face is increasing!

After only a few minutes, the girl in the dress had to stop her progress.

After defending for a moment, the girl in the dress looked unwilling and could only retreat slowly!

At this moment, a barrage of platinum-gold energy suddenly rushed into the battlefield from the other side!

All the undead that came into contact with the energy barrage screamed and quickly turned into fly ash! Even the death power on their bodies was not dispersed, but completely annihilated!

The girl in the dress was stunned for a moment.

Before she could recover, a beam of light nearly one meter thick crashed into the battlefield instantly!

The golden beam of light continued continuously and quickly swept through the numerous groups of undead!

As a result, a larger area of ​​undead disappeared instantly!

This made the girl in the dress almost completely exhausted from the front!


A silver-white phantom flashed in front of the girl in a dress!

The girl subconsciously looked over and discovered that the source of the phantom was actually a tall man!

The man held two toy pistol models in his hands that seemed to be made of white stone. But as the man fired, a steady stream of platinum-gold energy came out from the muzzle of the gun!

The man's shooting frequency is very fast, and his marksmanship is also very accurate. He will never miss any of his shots!

And when several undead souls pounced on the man, the girl in the dress discovered how the phantom appeared just now!

I saw that the man was not nervous when facing the attack. At the moment when he was about to be caught, his body suddenly turned into a phantom and disappeared!

In less than a blink of an eye, the man reappeared in an open space a few meters away and continued to shoot to eliminate the undead present!

In this way, the man's figure was flying around in the battlefield, but the shooting frequency of the two guns did not decrease at all!

Visible to the naked eye, the number of undead around is getting smaller and smaller!

“So cool!”

A clear and melodious low cry sounded.

The girl in the dress looked at the big pair of scissors floating next to her, and then looked down at her hands.

As soon as she had an idea, she imitated the two pistols in the man's hands, and the girl used magic to create two for herself.

Raising her arm and aiming the gun at an undead, the girl tried to shoot.

She shook her wrist like a man, but no energy bullets appeared.


A chuckle sounded from behind the girl in the dress.

The girl in the dress quickly turned her head!


A woman wearing a white hood and carrying a huge stone weapon on her back walked over.

"I am Senna and he is Lucian."

Senna asked with a friendly smile: "What about you? Why did you come to such a dangerous place?"


The girl in the dress put down the pistol in her hand and pointed at her nose.

"I'm a doll, a ragdoll, a ragdoll, you know?"

"Yes Yes……"

Senna actually didn't understand why the girl introduced herself in this way.

But she felt a deep sense of intimacy from the girl.

So Senna was very patient and wanted to know more about the girl.

Looking at the girl nearby, Senna realized that she was extremely beautiful!

Smooth skin without any blemishes, two blue braids with elastic curls, each tied with a large black bow.

Looking at the girl's appearance, she has a beautiful nose, cherry lips, big eyes, and the proportions of her facial features are so perfect that they almost don't look like a real person!

And the girl’s eyes are very special!

The girl has two children of different colors, one blue and one green!

The blue boy has a pink four-pointed star, while the green boy has a black diamond!

After that, the girl's gorgeous half-sleeved dress, pantyhose and other outfits didn't seem to be anything unusual.

Senna quickly looked at these things.

Then she continued to ask softly: "Little girl, where is your name?"


The girl pointed her chin with an index finger and raised her eyes to think about it.

"Ah! That's right!"

Recalling something, the girl suddenly showed a happy smile: "Master used to call me Gwen!"


Senna frowned slightly, and her tone was involuntarily harsh: "How come you have a master? Did your master order you to come to such a dangerous place?!"

"Of course I have a master."

Gwen seemed to be talking about common sense: "But the master didn't order me to come!"

Anger appeared on the girl's face: "The master was robbed! He was killed again! I just inherited the master's mission! I want to eliminate the murderer who robbed and killed the master!"


Hearing this, Senna secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Gwen made her feel too kind, and Senna couldn't accept that there was some master controlling her behind her back.

Senna felt a lot relieved after hearing that the owner was dead.

With a gentle smile on her face again, Senna continued to ask: "So, the enemy who killed your master is here? Can you tell me who it is? Maybe we can help you."

"have no idea."

Gwen shook her head: "I don't know that guy's name, but his face is in my memory."

As she spoke, Gwen raised her hand and waved gently beside her.

Magical energy was released, and an illusory face appeared in mid-air.

Senna's eyes widened slightly in shock!

Looking at the phantom of Foyego's face, he couldn't help shouting: "Foyego?! Your enemy is Foyego?!"

"Is his name Foego?!"

Gwen made a very cute and angry look: "Okay! I finally know the name of my enemy! Foyego! I must destroy him!"

"Our enemy is also Foego."

Lucian's voice came, causing Senna and Gwen to look over at the same time.

At this time, Lucian had killed all the nearby undead and was slowly walking towards the two women.

Putting away his two guns, Lucian came closer and looked at Foego's magical avatar.

He then asked Senna: "What happened to her?"

"I haven't finished asking yet."

Senna shook her head slightly and looked at Gwen again: "Gwen, although I'm sorry to remind you of bad memories, can you talk about it again?"

"What did you say?" Gwen waved away Foego's portrait and responded blankly.

"Tell me more about your master, such as his name, when and how he was killed by Foego."

"The master's name is Yin Sulder."

As soon as Gwen said these words, Senna and Lucian immediately looked at each other in shock.

Gwen doesn't seem to know how to read words and emotions.

She continued: "Originally, my master and I lived happily together every day, but then Foego took his master away from me!"

The girl stamped her foot indignantly: "After that, although the master still brought me and the tools that created me with him every day, that damn Foego took up most of the master's time! The master didn't have much time to talk to me.

Got it!"

Having said this, Gwen waved her hand again and used magic to create an illusion of Yin Sulder beside her.

Phantom Yin Sulder's expression was very gentle, and he made a hugging gesture.

The next moment, Gwen's body disappeared instantly!

A rag doll sewn by the battle line fell into the air and was held in the arms of the phantom Yin Sulder.

This scene once again made Senna and Lucian look at each other dumbfounded.

After a while, Gwen returned to her original normal shape, and stretched out her hands to hug Yin Sulder.

Yin Sulder's phantom was very fragile, but Gwen's movements were very careful and delicate, and did not cause any ripples to Yin Sulder's phantom.

But holding the air could not satisfy Gwen at all.

She could only cancel the magic in despair.

"This is my master."

Gwen said with some sadness: "My master is everything to me. I was made by my master with all his hard work and love, stitch by stitch."

"But later..."

Two lines of tears formed by magical energy immediately rolled down from Gwen's big eyes.

"Later the master was killed..."

Gwen looked towards the coast: "When I woke up, I had already appeared on the seabed over there, and Foego's face also appeared in my memory!"

She wiped away the tears hanging on the tip of her chin and showed a very sunny smile.

When Senna and Lucian were confused, Senna said: "My master has always taught me to be optimistic and happy! Many times I regretted that I could not perceive the beauty of the world like her."

"Although I don't know what happened to me, I can feel the world now!"

Gwen touched her skin: "Foego's face appeared in my mind. That must be the mission given to me by the master!"

"I want to complete my mission! Go and destroy Foyego to avenge my master! Then..."

Gwen looked up at the sky and said in anticipation: "After that, I will replace my master to experience the world again! To experience all the beauty in the world again!"


Senna couldn't bear it anymore, she suddenly stepped forward and hugged Gwen tightly in her arms!

After seeing Gwen's true form and listening to Gwen's narration, Saina had already guessed what happened to Gwen.


After the curse of ruin broke out, Gwen, who was originally just a rag doll, underwent a strange change!

Perhaps it was Yin Sulder's soul fragment that represented gentleness and optimism that created Gwen, turning Gwen into a brand new life!

And Gwen, who inherited Yin Sulder's beautiful character, is so lovable!

Senna hugged the dazed Gwen tightly, and it took a while for her to let go.

Taking a deep breath, Senna rubbed her warm eyes again.


She said: "From now on, you will follow Lucian and me! We will help you get revenge!"


Gwen was slightly stunned, but she lacked common sense, so she didn't think about the reason.

So she nodded happily and said with a smile: "Okay, I think you are very kind, so I will follow you."

"Good boy..."

Senna raised her hand and caressed Gwen's head, then looked into the distance and said, "Did you also enter the island because you discovered the pillar of fire?"


Gwen nodded in response: "I found a close atmosphere there, so I walked out of the sealed space I used to hide and wanted to go there and have a look, but I failed."

She looked around and said distressedly: "The further forward, the more enemies will appear. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have to run back to the sealed space under the sea."

"Let's go, let's talk on the way."

Senna rubbed the top of Gwen's head again.

Then she asked while leading the way: "Can you tell me about that sealed space? Also, how did you get here all these years?"

"It's the sealed space."

Gwen casually threw his hand towards a ruined stone in front of him.

Several amplified energy needles flew out and landed around the stone instantly.

Then, a layer of shield extended from the tail ends of several energy needles, and quickly completely wrapped the stone.

Senna and Lucian changed their direction and stopped in front of the stone.

They looked carefully, but couldn't see anything mysterious.

Senna had no choice but to turn back to Gwen who was following her and asked: "What effect does this have?"

"It's just a seal."

Gwen said matter-of-factly: "After I do this, an alien space will appear inside. Time there will stop, making everything inside unable to move. Only consciousness will continue to exist. This is how I escaped."

Many dangers.”

Hearing this, Senna and Lucian looked at each other in shock again.

Immediately afterwards, Senna hurriedly asked Gwen: "Can you lift the seal?!"

"Of course."

Gwen answered and waved her hand again, causing the energy needles to quickly dissipate.

Without the carrying object, the sealed space quickly disappeared, causing the stones inside to be exposed again.

Seeing this, Senna looked a little anxious and urged: "Quick! Gwen! Try using your seal on me!"


Lucian immediately objected: "Senna! I'll try!"

Senna hesitated for a moment, then said seriously: "I also want to try it myself! You know, otherwise I won't be able to feel at ease!"

Lucian did not object this time. He thought for a moment and nodded in agreement...

This chapter has been completed!
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