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Chapter 258 Resentful Soul

It will be very difficult to defeat Foego.

Putting aside Foyego's strength, the opponent's generals and undead army are also a huge difficulty facing everyone!

But the surprise came so suddenly!

Yorick actually has a way to escape the active pursuit of the undead!

In this way, the undead army will no longer pose a threat to everyone!

After that, everyone only needs to focus on Foyego and the generals under his command!

How is this not a surprise?!


Senna immediately confirmed: "Sir! Can you really save us from the pursuit of the undead?!"


Yorick pointed at himself: "For thousands of years, no undead has taken the initiative to attack me."

"Very good!"

Senna couldn't help cheering and said urgently: "Please help us!"

"That's exactly what I'm going to do."

Yorick responded in a low voice, and then looked at the Twisted Dryad: "Maokai, I need to borrow your forest."

"Have you decided?" The Twisted Dryad said in a deep voice: "You want to give up hope of survival?! Bet everything on them?!"

"It doesn't matter."

Yorick comforted him gently: "It's just a few drops. Of course I won't use all the water of life."

The Twisted Dryad suddenly realized.

He nodded: "Okay, then I will build a ceremony venue for you."

"sorry to bother you."

After saying that, Yorick looked at everyone again: "Follow me."

Senna and Lucian immediately followed.

Raven, who had nowhere to go, hesitated for a moment, and then also took steps.

Soon after, everyone entered the jungle that was nearly half destroyed by Karma, and stopped in an open space.

The Twisted Dryad manipulated the dead branches underground and simply built a ritual platform for Yorick, and then he left.

The reason is that he is always angry and worried that he will lose control and hurt everyone.

Everyone did not hold back and said goodbye respectfully.

Then Yorick began to preside over the ceremony for everyone.

The so-called ceremony is very simple.

Just imitating the explosion of the Ruined Curse.

Yorick took out a few drops of water of life from the bottle pendant and gave a drop to everyone present.

Then, he summoned a few more ghosts and controlled them to gather the energy of death into the few drops of water of life.

Yorick asked Ryze to help detonate the death energy, causing the energy to flood through everyone's bodies!

The energies of life and death are intertwined and merged with each other! They have reached a balance under the action of the ritual circle!

After the explosion, everyone was immediately covered with an aura of neither life nor death.

"Okay, you guys have a try."

After the ceremony, Yorick released the several ghosts he had summoned from his control.

Several ghosts suddenly began to cry and scream, becoming extremely irritable.

"Don't attack."

Yorick reminded everyone: "Try to approach them slowly."

Lucian stretched out his hand to block Senna, and he was the first to walk towards the ghosts.

The ceremony was a success!

Lucian walked between several ghosts, and even deliberately touched one of them with his body.

But he was not attacked!

Lucian nodded heavily to Senna in surprise!

Senna immediately tested it herself!

Soon, she passed through several undead spirits equally safely.

“Thank you very much!”

After the test, Senna immediately saluted Yorick!

Yorick shook his head slightly, raised his hand to regain control of the ghost, and made the ghost return behind him.

Then, Yorick sighed slightly.

"I am also helping another poor person."

He raised his hands to his side and released some of his life-or-death power.

A phantom appeared out of thin air beside Yorick. It was a resentful spirit with only the upper body.


Gwen suddenly exclaimed in a low voice!

She covered her mouth in disbelief, stared at the resentful soul with wide eyes and said: "How...how...its breath?!"


In her eagerness, Gwen couldn't even speak a complete sentence!

"She is Yin Sulder?!"

After sensing it, Ryze said in surprise: "Her breath, and Gwen's body..."


Yorick nodded and admitted. The Twisted Dryad was not present at this time, so he didn't have to worry about anything.

"She has a hateful side."

Yorick explained: "The resentment against everything created this soul fragment of Yin Sulder. I once found and buried Yin Sulder's body, and discovered her from the corpse."

Looking at the resentful soul next to him with emotion, Yorick sighed and said: "It has been thousands of years, but I have still not been able to calm down the resentment in her heart, so I also want to ask you to help her."

Yorick looked at everyone: "Please destroy Foego, help her eliminate the resentment in her heart, and let her return to peace."

"Yin Sulder..."

Senna couldn't help but step forward, and she slowly reached out to Yin Sulder, whose face was hidden under a hood of black mist.

However, Yin Sulder's resentful spirit floated back and she dodged.

This made Senna very sad.

But thinking that the Yin Sulder in front of her was not the one she had lived with for many years, Saina did not insist on touching him.

At this time, Yorick said: "I want her to follow you."

"Follow us?" Lucian patted Senna on the shoulder to comfort her.

He said to Yorick with some worry: "Foego is collecting Yinsulde's soul fragments all over the world, and asking her to follow us is not sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth?"

"It doesn't matter."

Yorick shook his head slightly and explained: "She is very special. She can hide between the boundaries of life and death. She does not exist in the material world or the realm of the dead, so she is very safe."

Lucian suddenly realized.

"Okay, I agree!"

He said: "We will take her with us and let her see with her own eyes what will happen to Foego!"

"Thank you." Yorick said with emotion.

"We want to thank you!"

Senna had calmed down her emotions and nodded to Yorick: "With your help, our chance of sealing Foego will be even greater!"

"so be it."

Yorick pulled the metal shovel out of the ground.

"That's all I can help you with. The rest is up to you."

He gave a blessing: "I'm waiting to hear your good news."


Seeing that Yorick was about to leave, Ryze quickly spoke out to persuade him to stay.

He took a few steps forward and came to Yorick, and whispered: "Yorick, can you give me another drop of water of life?"

"Don't be greedy." Yorick shook his head and refused.

"Just one drop!"

Ruiz continued to fight: "I promise! Just one drop is enough!"

Yorick thought for a moment.

Now that the previous ceremony had made him break his persistence, Yorick was no longer so resistant to Ryze's request.

Finally, he agreed, took out the bottle pendant, poured another drop of water of life from it and gave it to Ruiz.

Ruiz thanked him repeatedly and carefully preserved the drop of water of life...

This chapter has been completed!
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