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Chapter 13 The Cultural Man

Resisting the discomfort of being slightly mysophobic, Coven followed Ollivander all the way to the bar. However, Ollivander obviously had no intention of sitting down and staying, but just like what he had been doing since he came out of the hospital.

As he did, he introduced Ke Wen’s identity to the bar owner.

"Oh, welcome to our lucky Mr. Quinn." After listening to Ollivander's introduction, the bar owner immediately stood up on tiptoes from behind the bar, crossed his upper body over the bar, stretched out his hand in front of Coven, and said very enthusiastically: "

My name is Tom, you can feel free to call me Old Tom."

"Hello, Mr. Tom." Ke Wen did not obediently call the other party Old Tom. His main task now is to create a first persona for himself, such as well-behaved, polite, timid, etc. After all, facing this

He was not prepared for the strange yet familiar world.

"What a polite little gentleman." Boss Tom still smiled warmly and shook Ke Wen's little hand.

"Sorry Tom." Ollivander saw that the two of them had already gotten to know each other, so he intervened: "I have a lot of things to do today. I will come to your place for a drink next time when I am free."

"Of course." Boss Tom nodded happily and smiled at Ollivander: "Exactly, we have been studying to add a new dish in the past few days. I hope we will have it ready when you come next time."

"I am very happy to taste it." Ollivander responded with a smile: "I hope it is as delicious as the roast suckling pig in your store."

"You will not be disappointed." Boss Tom turned and walked towards the entrance and exit barriers of the bar, and said at the same time: "I will take you two to the back alley."

"No, no, don't be so outspoken Tom." Ollivander waved his hand: "I'll just take him there myself."

"Well... okay then." Boss Tom pondered for a moment, smiled and agreed, then looked at Coven and said, "Then Mr. Quinn is also welcome to visit next time."

"Okay, okay Mr. Tom." Ke Wen quickly straightened his upper body and responded with a reserved look.

"Let's go."

Ollivander reached out and patted Coven's shoulder, and pointed his other finger in the direction of the back door. But before taking a step forward, he glanced at a newspaper placed on the bar table from the corner of his eye...

Following Ollivander's guidance, the two walked through the back door of the bar and finally stood in front of a gray brick wall.

"Pay attention here." Ollivander took out his wand with his right hand and pointed at the bottom of the brick wall with his left hand and said, "Remember the location of this trash can."

"Okay sir." Ke Wen nodded in response.

"The position of the 'door lock' here changes every once in a while." Ollivander explained carefully: "But as long as you remember the location of the trash can, it is easy to find the position of the 'door lock'."

"Count three bricks up from the trash can, then two across the wall, and finally tap the wall brick three times with your wand."

As Ollivander explained, when he clicked the wand for the third time, the wall tile that was clicked suddenly retracted inward.

Immediately afterwards, with that brick as the center, the gray bricks on the entire brick wall began to move either convexly or concavely. After three breaths, a doorway that could accommodate two adults entering and exiting side by side appeared.

Appeared in front of Ke Wen.

The scene in front of him made the blurry movie scenes in Ke Wen's mind become clear, and many fragments of the movie scenes he had watched emerged from his memory one after another.

"Have you seen anything like this before?"

Ollivander's voice sounded, interrupting Coven's memories.

"Ah? No, not really." Ke Wen responded immediately after regaining consciousness.

"I thought that you should be like those Muggles who saw this kind of scene for the first time." Ollivander's tone was inexplicable: "Even if you didn't scream, you should be very shocked."

"No...I just..." Ke Wen just wanted to show a surprised expression calmly, but fortunately, the actor's IQ was online and he immediately controlled his facial muscles without changing his expression. He said with confusion in his tone: "It's just what I experienced today.

There are so many incredible things, I...am I really not dreaming now, sir?"

After the words fell, Kewen's eyes were slightly distracted, he raised his head without focus and looked into Ollivander's eyes.

A flash of surprise flashed in Ollivander's eyes, and then he raised his hand and stroked Ke Wen's hair, saying softly: "Of course it's not a dream, it's just that I ignored your situation."

The palm that caressed the back of Ke Wen's head finally patted Ke Wen's shoulder: "Let's go, I will help you slowly adapt to the new environment here and your new life in the future. Follow me."

Seeing Ollivander leading the way and walking through the doorway, Kewen focused his eyes again, breathed an inaudible sigh, and followed with his short legs.

Following Ollivander all the way, they stepped on the ground paved with fine cobblestones; they squeezed through the almost overwhelming flow of people in the alley; they looked at the various shops on both sides of the alley; finally, the two of them came to a stop in a store.

He stopped in front of the door.

The store looked small and shabby, with a black wooden window and door sandwiched between the protruding glass bay windows on both sides. The color of the gold-lettered sign on the door had peeled off, and it read Ollivander's since 380 BC.

A well-made wand made for two years.

Ollivander unlocked and pushed the door. As the copper bell above the door frame jingled, Coven followed Ollivander into the store.

The store is not big, and the reception area is about five meters square. There is a bench for guests to sit and rest. And all the locations extending from the reception area to the store are crowded with wooden cabinets.

They are all filled with long and narrow boxes, and there is only a meter-wide corridor between the cabinet shelves on both sides for people to walk around.

"Okay, Covin, please sit down for a while." Ollivander said as he walked towards the checkout counter.

"Okay sir." Ke Wen sat on the bench obediently.

Of course, this wand shop was obviously in line with the wizarding world, and it looked messy and sloppy. Coven could only endure this, after all, now was not the time for him to express any opinions.

On the other side, Ollivander rummaged under the checkout counter for a moment, stuffed a document into his pocket and walked out, saying at the same time: "There is no fireplace in the store, I have to go to the Ministry of Magic through the public fireplace.

Let me help you complete some formalities."

Seeing Ollivander walking over, Coven quickly stood up from the bench, but Ollivander pressed his shoulders and sat back down.

Patting Coven's shoulder, Ollivander said softly: "I'll be back in about twenty minutes. Remember, if there are customers coming in, ask them to wait a moment or go to other stores to buy things first. After all,

It’s the back-to-school season, and there are many new customers coming in at this time of year.”

"Okay." Ke Wen nodded immediately: "I'll note it down."

Ollivander smiled with satisfaction, walked towards the door, and said as he walked: "Just stay in the store and don't move around, I..."

Before Ollivander could finish what he said, Ke Wen responded immediately, almost reflexively: "I'll just eat two and leave some left, ahem..."

"What?" Ollivander stopped at a loss and looked back at Coven.

Ke Wen coughed and his face turned red. He suppressed his cough and quickly responded: "No, no, it's nothing. I'm just a little distracted..."

"Oh, sorry, I ignored it again." Ollivander smiled when he heard the words, stepped forward again, and disappeared at the door. His last words were passed into the store at the same time: "I will bring you some food when I come back.


This chapter has been completed!
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