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Chapter 263 Impact

What happened to Isolde was just a sideshow.

Kewen was not that holy, and the other party was not one of his own, so he did not help resolve Isulde's resentment.

Ke Wen just reminded the other party that if you want to look at him, look openly, otherwise it will make him feel uncomfortable if you look at him from another dimension.

After hearing this, the resentful spirit did not return to the other dimension, but simply stayed in the living room.

After all, Kewen just mentioned her name, and she wanted to hear what Kewen would say.

Therefore, after the small interlude, the topic continued.

Coven pointed to Isulde, who was floating behind Senna.

"She's the key."

He said: "I know that no matter how much disaster Foego causes in the world, his only purpose is to collect the fragments of Isulde's soul and finally resurrect her."

"Foego is a passionate person, I admit it and admire him."

Ke Wen smiled: "So, I plan to deliberately let Foego collect the fragments of Isulde's soul."


Senna couldn't help interrupting, she objected: "Sena is innocent! She has been badly harmed by Foego! Let Foego collect the soul fragments, it will only make Isulde more painful.

!That’s not fair!”

"You're too impatient, little girl."

Ke Wen smiled lightly and reassured: "How about you listen to what I have to say?"

"Senna!" Lucian shook his head slightly towards his lover.

"Senna!" Ryze also comforted him at the same time: "Listen to Coven first. He will not sacrifice others to win!"

"Feel sorry……"

Senna bowed slightly to Kewen

She explained: "I have been living with Isolde's soul fragment since I was a child. Over the years, Isolde has accompanied me, taught me, and even saved me several times. I'm sorry!"

She shook her head slightly: "Whenever Isulde's affairs are involved, I will always lose control of my emotions."


Coven rubbed Jinx's head: "You regard Isulde as a family member. If it were me, I would never want anything to happen to my family."

"Then let me continue."

Ke Wen took over the topic: "In my plan, nothing will happen to Isulde."

After taking the vaccination first, Coven then explained: "Foego's love for Isulde is too deep. No matter whether it is a twisted obsession or not, Foego will definitely be dedicated to Isulde."

Everything about myself.”

"So he didn't allow himself to be incomplete when he resurrected Isolde."

There was a pause to give everyone some time to think.

Then Ke Wen continued: "I think that when he gathers the soul fragments to perform the resurrection ceremony, he will definitely present himself in the most perfect state. He will make the resurrected Isulde see the most perfect figure at first sight.

He is perfect.”

"I see!!"

Ruiz was slightly excited: "This is very possible!"

"Senna!" he asked the person who knew Foyego best at the scene: "What do you think?! Would Foyego do that?!"

"This..." Senna hesitated, but could only nod: "Yes, he will definitely do that!"


Ke Wen smiled and spread his hands: "That's when we launch a decisive battle against him. If Foego wants to show his most perfect side, then he will never leave any resurrection seeds in the outside world, even if he once

If he stays, he will take back all his backhands when he resurrects Isulde."

"That's right!"

Ryze then said: "At that time, we can put aside all worries and completely eliminate Foyego, who has no back-up plan!"

He looked at Ke Wen: "How do you say the sentence you taught Wei?"

"That's called completing all the work in one battle." Jinx answered on his behalf.

"Yes! That's it!"

Ryze smiled: "So yes! We have to wait!"

"But how long will it take?"

Saina had to admit that she was completely moved by Kewen's plan.

But when she thought of Isulde's soul fragment being taken away from her body by Foego, Senna couldn't help but feel very distressed.

Although the same Isolde is still floating behind her now, after all, only the one who was taken away can be regarded as Senna's true family.

Therefore, even though she knew that Ke Wen's plan was the best, Senna still couldn't help but feel the urgency in her heart.

So she immediately asked: "Mr. Coven, what should we do? Can we speed up the decisive day?!"

"Then it depends on Foego."

Ke Wen shrugged his shoulders: "We will see when he can collect the soul fragments, and then we will take action."

"what can I do?"

Senna continued to ask: "I mean, can we ask Foego to speed up the collection?"


Kewen thought for a moment and then nodded.

Then he looked at Isulde's resentful spirit again: "Through her soul breath, I can calibrate the location of other soul fragments."

Looking back at Senna, Coven said: "You can collect the fragments before Foego takes action, and then arrange the script as soon as possible to find a way for Foego to take away all the soul fragments."

"But that's dangerous!"

Senna hurriedly reminded: "I mean, the soul fragments are very dangerous! They will attract undead natural disasters or Foego! Your city will become the main target of Foego's attack!"

"Let him come~"

Jinx took up the conversation, and she laughed nonchalantly and said: "Last time, I wasn't satisfied with killing them. Those useless undead ran away before I could finish warming up."

He pointed his thumb over his shoulder towards the yard outside the villa.

Jinx said with great confidence: "My sisters are all very capable. If the undead dare to come to our twin cities to have fun again, then they can organize an entertainment event for me and my sisters!"

"You'd better put away this dangerous and naive idea!"

Senna reminded sternly: "What you saw is only part of Foyego's power! You have no idea how strong his full strength is! Even with the holy stone weapon, you will be defeated by the endless undead army.

Use up all your energy!"

"No no no no no~"

Jinx raised his index finger and shook it from side to side.

She still said with a playful smile: "You don't know how strong we are at all. If Ke Wen hadn't allowed it, Wei and I would have gone to the Shadow Island long ago. Let alone Foyego, the entire Shadow Island would have been destroyed by us.

Easily beaten into dust.”

These words sounded too far-fetched to Senna.

She simply did not believe that Jinx could have that kind of strength that was beyond human imagination and cognition.

Senna only thought Jinx was telling lies.

But she couldn't reveal anything, so she could only shake her head in silence and said nothing.

"so be it."

Ke Wen said: "You can stay in the Twin Cities to relax for a while, adjust your condition and prepare for the final decisive battle."

"Of course." He changed the subject again: "You can also take the initiative to collect Isulde's soul fragments, and I will find the approximate location for you."

"I want to find it!" Senna made her choice immediately!

"Sir, please help us!"

She bowed to Ke Wen: "After we find the soul fragments, we will keep moving with them to delay and divert Foego's attention! Until you send the signal for the decisive battle! At that time, I will join you as soon as possible


"It's totally unnecessary."

Jinx was slightly disapproving: "You just bring the fragments back. Have you seen the protective shield around the city? The undead can't get in, so our place is the safest place."

"That's right Senna!"

Ryze nodded in agreement: "If you want to collect soul fragments, then just bring them back."

He smiled confidently: "Jinx is not kidding, the Twin Cities are indeed the safest cities in the world! Even if Kewen and I don't take action, the heroes in the city are enough to fight Foego's undead army!"


Senna was still very hesitant.

"Oh, that's so verbose!"

Jinx suddenly jumped off the stool.

She raised her hand and patted her chest, and instantly used the magic of dressing up to change herself into a children's style short skirt swimsuit.

This allowed Jinx to expose a large area of ​​her skin, and her complicated and gorgeous tattoos immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Jinx doesn't care about the attention of everyone.

She looked at Lucian who quickly turned his head to avoid looking and laughed, then raised his right hand and summoned a modified revolver out of thin air.

After quickly applying an enchantment spell to a single wheel, Jinx pointed his gun directly at Senna.

Before the stunned Senna could react, she suddenly opened fire!


A gunshot echoed through the hall.

The stream of bullets flashed away and directly hit Senna, who had just dodged!


Another gunshot!

This time, the bullet's beam hit Raven, who had completely stood up!

"what you do?!!"

Lucian turned around and roared instantly, and hurriedly raised his two holy stone pistols!


Jinx raised his hands in surrender.

She winked and motioned Lucian to look aside.

Lucian glanced at Senna quickly, and then he was stunned, and his face changed instantly, from angry and blue to shy purple!

Because Senna is so tempting...

It turns out that Jinx's bullets were not intended to cause damage, but to produce the effect of the costume change magic.

After being hit by a bullet, Senna's outfit was instantly changed!

The tight pants and tight leather armor all disappeared, turning into a three-point white bikini!

Coupled with Senna's black skin, people can't help but focus on those three points.

Lucian grew up like an ascetic.

How has he ever received such a visual impact!

So after seeing Senna's seductive image, he was stunned on the spot!

As a master, your blood is very powerful.

In addition, this was a huge stimulus, causing Lucian to burst into tears twice...

At this moment, a low exclamation suddenly appeared next to him!

Lucian looked over subconsciously.

At first glance, his nosebleeds couldn't help but become more violent!

Raven's bronze skin, which was exposed in the gladiatorial arena, happened to be close to Lucian's sexual fetish.

Moreover, Raven's swimsuit has a cross-strap style, which pockets her two headlights tightly and deeply.

That is another kind of seductive beauty that is different from Senna!

How could Lucian, who had suffered so much since childhood, endure this?!

He was completely stunned and couldn't look away!


At this time, a shout of shame and anger suddenly sounded!

Senna put her left hand on her chest and grabbed her holy stone cannon with her right hand!

While shouting, Senna threw the cannon at Lucian with all her strength!

Before Lucian could recover, he was suddenly hit in the head by the Holy Stone Cannon!

Lucian's body fell over directly!

He climbed over the back of the sofa, and then it hit the floor with a bang!

Lucian finally came back to his senses.

He was so embarrassed that he quickly had an idea and pretended to have fainted...

Senna gasped for breath when she saw Lucian making any movement. She knew that Lucian was not easily injured, so she also guessed what her lover was thinking.

After getting off the donkey, Senna no longer talked to Lucian, but shouted to Jinx angrily: "What are you doing?! Change me back!"


Jinx smiled mischievously, and then waved to Senna and Raven.

"Go out with me."

She said: "I'll introduce you to my friends. Don't you want to find helpers and don't trust our strength? Come on, I'll take you to see us~"

After saying that, Jinx jumped directly to the door, and stepped into the sunshine outside the villa with a "Come on".

The atmosphere in the room was still awkward.

Coven smiled, picked up the chair where Jinx sat and walked towards the kitchen.

Ryze smiled with a clear conscience, nodded and said, "Go and meet some new friends with Jinx. If you think it's appropriate, you can also recruit a few new members for your Sentinels of Light."

This sentence successfully moved Senna.

She continued to hesitate for a moment, then nodded in agreement.


After responding, Senna looked at Raven who was equally uncomfortable: "Raven, let's go and have a look. Maybe you can find a new life here."

"And Gwen." Senna continued to greet: "You should also go and meet some new friends."

Hearing this, Raven also agreed after hesitating for a moment.

After all, there are two men in the villa, Coven and Ryze, as well as Lucian, who is not sure whether he really passed out.

Rather than staying here, it would be better to go to the swimming pool outside.

At least there are women out there.

So, Raven covered her body with her hands while following Senna's footsteps and walked out of the villa.

Behind them was an excited Gwen.

When the three of them left, Kewen also returned to the living room.

Ryze smiled and greeted: "Get up, Lucian, they are out."

"excuse me……"

With a sigh, Lucian stood up from behind the sofa, and shamefully wiped the nosebleed that had not stopped with the back of his hand.

His action made Coven chuckle.

This was the first time that Ke Wen saw someone getting a nosebleed because of seeing a beautiful woman. He always thought that it was just a description.

But it's okay to let Lucian have such a nosebleed all the time, otherwise he would have to clean the floor later.

So Kewen raised his hand and pointed at Lucian.

A calming emotional magic fell on Lucian instantly.

This caused Lucian's blood flow to slow down rapidly, and his nosebleed finally stopped... (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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