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Chapter 272 Show off


When the road guard opened the barrier, Thresh, who walked into the barrier, couldn't help but secretly ridicule in his heart.

At the same time, he is also narcissistic about his own intelligence.

Because he guessed right, in a closed country like Isuoken, its people will inevitably become arrogant because they sit in a well and look at the sky.

In addition, judging from the magical aura on the roadkeepers, they must have mastered magic.

Being isolated from the country, coupled with the extraordinary power of magic, the pride and arrogance of the Ixocan people has not escaped at all.

Sure enough, with just a few words of respect, the four road guards immediately eliminated their resistance and guard against him.

Thresh has great ambitions.

Not only does he want to kill Foego with a borrowed knife, but he also wants to rule the entire Shadow Island.

After he takes away Foyego's power, Thresh will continue to accumulate strength to conquer the outside world and even conquer the entire world!

Now that he has the opportunity to come into contact with ‘Iso Oken’, Thresh will naturally not let go of such a good opportunity to collect information!

So while rushing on his way, he started complimenting again.

"Four strong men."

Thresh, who was following at the rear, trembled and said, "Can adults please restrain the magic aura on their bodies? I really feel a little scared."

These words made everyone turn around.

Lucian was the first to speak.

He frowned and warned: "Threstone! I'm warning you not to try any tricks!"

"I really didn't..."

Thresh's tone was slightly aggrieved: "Lucian, you know, all my strength comes from how many souls I have collected. Now, all of my souls have been taken away by Foego, so I am really weak now."

Pointing to a road guard, Thresh continued: "Can't you feel it? The auras of these four adults are different from normal magicians. Their auras are not concentrated in the body, but are around the body.


He pointed to his skull again: "For me, who relies entirely on my soul to perceive the outside world, those breaths are too irritating to me."

This statement has both cause and effect, making it hard for people to find fault.

Lucian was speechless. He could only warn again in a bad tone: "I will keep an eye on you!"

Thresh made a helpless shaking of his head.

Then he looked at the four road guards who were more benevolent: "Sir, can you take pity on me?"


The road guard holding a machete chuckled.

He pinched the cloak floating behind him with his fingers and said, "Sorry, there's nothing we can do."

He explained: "What you feel is our alchemical spiritual equipment, which is this cloak."

"That's right."

Another road guard couldn't help but show off: "We, Ixoken, have powerful magical secrets. When we passed the road guard's test, we were given this magical spiritual outfit."

"It looks like cloth, but it's actually woven from magical elements."

He said: "According to tradition, we cannot take off our spiritual clothing and must wear it at all times so that it can protect us."

"Oh my God!"

Thresh was very surprised: "I have never heard that there are still people in this world who can weave magical elements into spiritual equipment! This is amazing! Compared with the racial inheritance of adults, the magicians in the outside world are probably still just babbling.


"Ha ha ha ha……"

The four road guards were all amused.

After laughing, the road guard holding a spear said: "That's natural. Our magic is very powerful. The so-called magicians in the outside world are uncivilized people in our opinion. Take me as an example..."

He lightly waved the spear in his hand, causing a whirlwind to appear instantly.

"This is the fifth axiom."

He showed off: "We have inherited dozens of magical axioms. The axioms I master allow me to control the power of the wind at will!"

"I am Axiom 23."

The Scimitar Waykeeper couldn't wait to join in the show-off.

As soon as he let go, the scimitar began to fly around him on its own.

"I can control metal at will!" the road guard revealed: "Coupled with my fighting skills, my strength is equivalent to the two of them combined!"

Next it was the turn of the road guard holding a ring-mounted blade.

When everyone looked over, he just showed a faint proud smile and waved to the side.

A vine instantly penetrated the ground and grew rapidly, swaying continuously with the gestures of the road guard.

"The seventh axiom is that you can control plants." The road guard pretended quietly.


Thresh immediately paid him the compliment and looked at the last unarmed road guard.

The road guard seemed shy.

But even if you are shy, you can't suppress the other person's desire to show off.

After scratching the back of his head, the road guard suddenly jumped forward while walking!

Its body shape rapidly deformed in mid-air!

When he landed, the opponent had transformed from a human into a black cheetah!

The black panther spoke human words, and he whispered: "The 16th Axiom, I can transform into many ferocious beasts."

Bang bang bang bang——

Thresh immediately clapped his hands like a seal.

The Black Panther seemed a little shy. He looked ahead and quickened his pace, leading the way at the front of the team instead.

Thresh continued to compliment the four guardians.

As he talked, he induced the road guard to tell more information about "Isu Oken", including the social form and governance form, etc.

Rengar didn't understand the twists and turns of humans, he just thought it was a novelty.

Lucian was also too curious about the matter of 'Isu Oken'. He only listened to the lecture, thus ignoring that Thresh was gathering information.

While Thresh continued to induce, he secretly mocked the stupidity of the four road guards again in his heart.

At the same time, he was also slightly stunned in his heart.

In fact, the magical inheritance mastered by the Ixocan people was so special that Thresh couldn't find a way to deal with it.

After hearing that almost all of the Ixocan people were magicians, Thresh could only rank this country back in the order of being conquered by him.

He comforted himself that before he had the strength to break the city defense barrier, the country would be mercifully left alone.

They chatted all the way, and everyone ignored the fact that Thresh had expressed fear before, but why he still dared to talk non-stop afterwards.

More than half an hour later, the road guard led Lucian and others into a wilderness with windy rock formations.

The four road guards did not know the route after that.

Lucian said he understood.

He raised his wrist and looked at his radar watch, then calibrated his direction and took over to lead the way.

After another half an hour, everyone came to a ruins building...

This chapter has been completed!
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