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Chapter 278 Collision

Galen had discovered the situation at the breach in the city wall.

He didn't care to wait any longer for the legions behind him who were unable to charge with all their strength. With a low shout, Galen suddenly accelerated his charge!

He quickly arrived at the gap in the city wall, and Galen spun quickly like a top!

The Storm Sword formed a death zone! All the undead it touched instantly split into black mist!

When Galen stopped his moves, he had already rushed out of the gap and reached the outside of the city wall.

He also saw the undead army rushing towards him from a distance!

After seeing the wave of undead that covered the sky, Galen immediately reminded loudly: "Quinn! Go up and organize the bow and arrow shooting!"

Quinn immediately whistled, causing the giant eagle that was killing the undead not far away to fly over quickly!

She jumped into the air, and the giant eagle accurately grabbed Quinn's shoulder armor and brought her body back to the top of the city wall!

In the gap, Galen and Poppy worked together to block both ends of the gap!

Each of them is responsible for an area of ​​about five meters, quickly killing all the undead that rush over!

Not long after, the infantry regiment at the rear finally arrived under the city wall!

The soldiers shouted and launched an attack on the undead, causing the pressure faced by Galen and Bobby to instantly disappear.

"Clear the nearby undead as soon as possible!!"

Galen gave a loud order and assigned four more centurions: "You lead people to block the undead on both sides of the gap! Others, follow me to assemble the army and prepare to fight!"

After giving the order, Galen was the first to step forward quickly to meet the undead army led by Draven!

After walking a hundred meters or so, Galen stood still on the plain and thrust the storm sword into the ground in front of him with a clang.

While he was watching the incoming undead army, he raised his hand to quickly adjust his armor to avoid any mistakes in the upcoming battle.

When he was organized, the infantry legion and the archer legion had also formed a military formation behind him!

Not long after, Galen and Draven could see each other's faces clearly!

Between the two of them, Garen in the former is firm and calm! But Draven in the latter is grinning and bloodthirsty!

The next moment, Galen suddenly roared and launched a charge!

The human legion started at the same time, followed Galen's figure, and rushed towards the wave of undead without fear!

From behind, Vayne immediately waved her hand forward vigorously and shouted at the same time: "Fire the arrow——"


The bow string trembled, and the arrow rain instantly rose into the sky!

At the same time, a dense rain of arrows also shot out from the city wall!

The two archer legions aimed at different targets.

The legion led by Vayne mainly shoots the undead on the ground, so the projectile angle is very low.

The archers on the city wall, under Quinn's orders, mainly attacked the ghosts in the air!

As for the power of arrow rain, it can be said to be effective or ineffective.

It is said to be effective because the two arrow rains instantly cleared away a large number of undead!

It is said to be ineffective because the arrows are not made of holy stones and can only scatter the undead but cannot actually kill them.

Although it seemed that many undead souls had been cleared away, the dissipated undead souls returned to the death cloud in the distance one after another, and re-condensed their figures in it.

The commanders all knew about this.

But the current situation does not allow them to think too much!

At this time, Galen was about to collide with Draven!

But neither side stopped charging!

The next moment, the storm sword and a rotating flying ax slashed at the opponent at the same time!


Vibrating sound!

Galen's eyes widened, he gritted his teeth and struggled to steady the weapon in his hand!

And Delevingne's performance was very poor.

Even though his body has been strengthened in all aspects by the power of death, with his current strength, he is still no match for Galen!

After the exchange of blows, Galen was as steady as a mountain, but Draven's right hand was numb, and he let the flying ax fly directly to the rear!

In the past, the arrogant Draven would never have been able to tolerate this kind of defeat! He would have insisted on a one-on-one duel with Galen!

But it’s different now!

When he was strengthened by the power of death, some of Draven's emotions and personality were amplified accordingly!

Such as insidious and cunning!

So, at this time, Draven saw that he was no match for Galen, and he immediately changed his fighting method!

Following the power coming from his body, Draven immediately retreated with a grin!

He got directly into the undead army and ordered the undead to besiege Galen!

At the same time, Draven is also increasing the distance between him and Galen.

He recovered the missing throwing ax, and then began to harass Galen from a distance!

The two flying axes were continuously rotated and shot by Draven. After being blocked by Galen and bounced back, Draven would move his position and accurately catch the flying axes.

He was consuming Galen like this! He was just waiting for a decisive opportunity to appear!

The surrounding war also entered a state of anxiety in an instant.

There are too many undead, but they only look scary.

Because the undead all act according to instinct, they only know how to kill life, but they do not have any fighting skills.

The soldiers of Demacia are different.

Not only do they have fighting skills, they also have the protection of battle formations!

When the two armies collided, Demacia's soldiers formed small battle formations one after another!

Soldiers cooperate with each other to kill the enemy in the battle formation, and can also rescue each other in time.

Therefore, the scene of massive casualties after the collision between the two armies did not occur.

Although some soldiers were sacrificed, they were only a few.

But this does not mean that Demacia has an advantage!

Human power is limited, but undead souls are endless.

In this way, the soldier's defeat is simply certain!

Even though Galen was facing a siege, he quickly saw this clearly.

But there is no way, he and his legion can only do their best to resist the natural disaster of the undead!

In this way, the fighting time slowly extended, and Demacia's soldiers gradually began to show signs of fatigue.

the other side.

Forest southwest of Demacia's capital.

Planck walked through it, heading straight for the direction he sensed.

After an unknown amount of time, he finally approached the finish line.

After wielding his knife and splitting a patch of thorns blocking the road, Plank's front suddenly became clear.

He came to a forest clearing.

And in the center of the clearing, there was a huge figure that shocked Plank!

That's a giant dragon lying on the ground!

It was originally supposed to be a blood-red dragon, but at this time, most of the dragon's scales were covered in blue-black color!

The blue-black color almost spread all over the dragon's body.

But in the dragon's heart and head, there are still two groups of red light that are struggling to resist.

Gangplank realized at a glance that the dragon was resisting the erosion of the power of death.

Seeing the dragon's body twitching from time to time, and listening to the dragon's painful roar from time to time, Gangplank, who had come back to his senses, couldn't help but sigh in a low voice.

"My king has another monster under his command. When will I be able to show off..."

This chapter has been completed!
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