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Chapter 291 Monster

The cloud of death is raging everywhere!

Shyvana did not take a fancy to the power of the Death Domain. Instead, she chose to spread the Domain, forming a black mist of death that almost enveloped the entire city!

The undead are hidden in the black fog that obscures people's sight. Every attack they make will cause casualties to civilians and soldiers!

But the human legion's return operation failed!

Because the royal city is so big, the undead are almost everywhere.

This forced the returning soldiers to disperse!

But without the protection of the battle formation, and the view blocked by clouds, those soldiers were no match for the undead!

The soldiers' fronts are collapsing everywhere!

As the number of casualties increases, more and more soldiers join the team being hunted by the undead!

Civilian area.

Senna and Lucian quickly cleared away the undead nearby.

As sentinels of light, they have a special way of sensing the undead.

Therefore, the surrounding black fog cannot affect them.

The two quickly eliminated the undead, continued to gather the escaping soldiers, and asked the soldiers to reorganize the defense line around the civilian area.

Afterwards, the two left the civilian area and prepared to clean up the undead in other areas.

They rescued the soldiers who were being hunted along the way, and pointed out the defense line in the civilian area to the rescued people, allowing the soldiers to go there and join them.

The two of them just moved forward.

And in front of their path, a battle was taking place!

"Stabilize the formation!! Demacia will never fall!!"

The commander's voice resounded through the black fog, and he led more than 20 soldiers to block the bridge end of a high bridge.

Soldiers obey orders!

The shield soldiers and spearmen concentrated on blocking the bridge and launched an attack on the undead that suddenly jumped out of the black mist!

However, two minutes later, several ghosts suddenly emerged from the black mist above!

The ghost passed through the bodies of a dozen soldiers, causing the soldiers to suffer from bone-breaking ice cold attacks!

The strength of the soldiers is gone!

They can no longer maintain their defense!

The battle formation was suddenly dispersed by the undead, and more than a dozen soldiers died instantly!

With the commander also becoming one of the victims, the remaining soldiers could no longer hold on, so they panicked and had no choice but to run away!

Another scene of chasing and running appears!

The fleeing soldiers continued to die. When they rushed to a square, only two of the dozen deserters were left!


A scream sounded!

The shield guard who was lagging behind was instantly knocked down by two undead, and died from the bites and scratches of the undead!

The only remaining soldier collapsed completely!

He seemed to have forgotten all his fears, and instead turned around with a spear to face the approaching undead!

Amid shouts of fear, the soldiers stabbed him hard!

He successfully dispersed an undead into black smoke!

However, the soldiers were unable to resist the second undead that rushed towards them!

Amid the gut-wrenching screams, the soldier was instantly thrown to the ground and rolled out together with the undead!

But the undead was not affected by pain and dizziness at all. It stood up instantly, opened its fangs and bit the soldier's throat!

Seeing that the soldier was about to die, he suddenly remembered with a 'poof' sound!

A crossbow arrow exploded the head of the undead! The remains of the undead fell on the soldiers, and disappeared in a burst of black smoke in an instant.

"Courage deserves praise."

A female voice sounded.

Following the sound of footsteps, Vayne walked out of the black mist while raising her crossbow to warn the surroundings.

The soldier finally came to his senses.

He raised his hand and touched the part of his body that was pressed.

No injuries were found, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Standing up in panic, the soldier picked up his spear again and asked incomprehensibly: "Aren't you affected by the black mist? How did you hit them accurately?"

"It seems that you are not a city defense soldier?"

Vayne walked over and looked at the soldiers, and then explained: "Everyone who has participated in the battle on the city wall knows that although the undead can hide in the black mist, there will be green light in their bodies, such as...


Saying this, Vayne suddenly rushed forward.

She ran into the black mist!

After the brief ghost howl, Vayne came out again carrying an undead spirit.

She left the undead soul whose limbs were crippled by crossbow arrows on the ground.

Pointing to the undead, Vayne taught: "Look, they have two light sources on their bodies."

Pointing to the chest of the undead: "This large light source should be their heart, or energy core or something."

She pointed to the head of the undead that was still screaming.

"Look at their mouths again."

Vayne continued: "There is also green light deep in their throats. As long as you know this, you can easily find them out of the black mist."



The crossbow bolt exploded the undead's head.

Then Vayne added arrows to the hand crossbow and said: "Remember, if you find a small group of green light, attack the small group of green light first. It must be the mouth of the undead. If there is not one, attack as soon as possible.

The green light is lower in position and more radiant."


The soldier looked delighted, and he immediately nodded in agreement.


Vayne walked towards the black mist and greeted at the same time: "Come with me to clean up the other undead. When you meet others, pass on the methods to avoid being attacked by the undead as soon as possible."

"Yes! Ma'am!"

The soldier immediately picked up his spear and followed, and said excitedly: "It's an honor to fight alongside you! I am..."


An unusual noise suddenly appeared, causing Vayne to turn around instantly.

"I am me……"

The soldiers had stopped.

He slowly lowered his head with a blank look on his face, and saw the tip of the dark green knife piercing out of his chest.

The light quickly disappeared from the soldier's eyes.

With a 'chi' sound, the tip of the knife retracted from the soldier's chest, causing the soldier's body to fall directly to the ground after losing support.

"terribly sorry."

A slightly teasing voice sounded: "I seem to have...let your hard work in teaching turn into running water."

Shyvana shook off the blood stains on her wrist blade.

She looked at Vayne with sarcastic eyes, and smiled softly: "It's a wonderful analysis, but can you find me through the thick fog?"

"Who are you……"

Vayne's eyes are angry!

After looking at Shyvana, she discovered the energy crown on her forehead.

"running dog!"

After guessing Shyvana's identity, Vayne immediately pulled the trigger of the crossbow!

A crossbow bolt was launched rapidly and arrived in front of Shyvana in the blink of an eye.

Shyvana was still teasing and chuckling. She raised her wrist blade and easily flicked the crossbow bolt away.

But Vayne's attack did not stop!

After firing a crossbow bolt, she fired all the crossbow bolts in one breath!

A dozen crossbow bolts aimed at Shyvana's vital points and arrived in front of Shyvana almost at the same time.

Shyvana continued to block with her wrist blade.

She blocked the crossbow bolt that hit her face, but her sight was blocked by the wrist blade for a moment.

At this moment, a crossbow arrow successfully nailed Shyvana!

A slight muffled sound sounded.

Shyvana was in pain and reflexively moved her left shoulder back slightly.

Putting down the wrist blade, she lowered her head and looked at the crossbow bolt nailed to her shoulder.

She looked nonchalant.

Because the crossbow arrow only pierced the skin and slightly penetrated the muscle.

After all, Shyvana's physical fitness has already reached an extraordinary level. This ordinary crossbow arrow is not powerful enough to really hurt Shyvana.

So, Shyvana shook her shoulders, causing the crossbow bolt nailed to her body to fly away instantly.

The small wound on her left shoulder healed quickly after the crossbow arrow disappeared.

Vayne discovered this!

She was secretly shocked, but it wasn't enough to make her shrink back!

Just a monster.

Vayne has been fighting demonic clowns for many years, and she has long been used to facing monsters!

Therefore, Vayne immediately regained her composure and immediately changed her arm!

She raised her left arm and continued to empty the crossbow arrows in one breath!

As for Shyvana, she is no longer passively defensive this time.

Shyvana immediately started charging, and she ran towards Vayne!

During the charge, Shyvana alternately waved the two wrist blades, and she kept deflecting the crossbow bolts.

However, her movement of waving her arms required some time lag, which made it inevitable for Shyvana to be hit by two crossbow bolts again!

But this does not affect her charge!

Shyvana didn't care at all about the two crossbow bolts nailed to her body, she quickly rushed to Vayne!

The wrist blade on the right arm was raised, and Shyvana quickly slashed it down diagonally!

At the critical moment, Vayne suddenly made a forward rolling movement!

She dodged the attack just in time!

Vayne's legs seemed to be equipped with springs.

With a leap and roll, she was nearly five meters away from Shyvana!

After rolling, Vayne quickly stood up from her knees, and at the same time took off the heavy crossbow she was carrying on her back!

The crossbow bolts were already loaded, Vayne raised the heavy crossbow and aimed at Shyvana!

At this time, Shyvana, whose attack failed, had just turned around.

Before she could make a move, the heavy crossbow in Vayne's hand suddenly let out a loud roar!

The crossbow arrow is faster than the speed of sound!

When Shyvana heard the sound, the crossbow arrow had almost touched her chest!

Within a millisecond, the crossbow bolt directly pierced Shyvana's leather armor.

And in the next millisecond, the power of death instantly gathered on Shyvana's chest!


With a cry of pain, Shyvana's body was directly carried away by the crossbow arrow!

After flying nearly twenty meters, Shyvana hit the building wall with a bang, and directly knocked a pit into the stone wall!

Shyvana rebounded and fell to the ground, seemingly silent for the time being!

Vayne slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

But she is still cautious!

While standing up, Vayne quickly filled the two crossbows on her wrists with arrows.

After reloading the heavy crossbow, she slowly walked towards Shyvana.

"A pretty powerful attack..."

Vayne had just taken a few steps when Shyvana, who was lying on the ground, suddenly spoke.

This caused Vayne to stop instantly and aim the heavy crossbow again.

Shyvana stood up slowly.

Shyvana, who has extraordinary abilities, was not injured!

Even though she was hit by a heavy crossbow this time, there wasn't even a slight wound left on her skin!

Shyvana stood up and looked down at her chest.

Then she looked up at Vayne again.

Amid chuckles, Shyvana slowly opened her arms.

"That's right, I want to make the noise even bigger."

She slowly floated up from the ground, and pale green soul fire rose up from her back and shoulders.

At the same time, she continued: "Before, the opponents I encountered were too weak to interest me at all, but you..."

Speech pause!

The next moment, the fog of death near the square suddenly accelerated and spun!

The sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling came from the fog, which forced Vayne to withdraw most of her attention!

She kept looking around to prevent herself from being attacked by the undead in the black mist.

On the other side, Shyvana's body continued to rise, and was soon completely submerged in the black mist.

At the same time, her voice continued: "As a reward for arousing my interest, woman, listen to my official declaration!"

After saying this, Shyvana's voice suddenly began to become deeper, and it was difficult to distinguish between male and female.

"You are powerless to stop the darkness she brings!"

The rich voice seemed to resound throughout the world: "When the Queen comes back to the world! Everything will be destroyed... ruined!"

As soon as the words fell, the world seemed to return to silence.

The thick fog no longer causes the "whooshing" sound of the wind.

The undead souls that were originally howling like ghosts and wolves seemed to have completely disappeared at this time.

The environment in the square is so quiet that one can’t help but panic!

Vayne kept turning around and pointed the heavy crossbow at the black mist that was getting closer and closer!

But she was powerless to stop the spread of the black mist!

In a few moments, Vayne's body was completely engulfed by the black mist, leaving her with nothing but black mist in front of her eyes!

next moment!


I can’t tell the difference between a beast’s roar and a gushing sound!

Accompanying the sound was a green wave of fire!

Vayne couldn't react at all!

She was instantly engulfed by the fire wave, and her body was knocked flying out with the impact of the fire wave!

This made Vayne let out a cry of pain!

Fortunately, the fire wave did not last long and dissipated almost immediately after the collision.

Vayne lost her life because of this!

After falling to the ground and groaning in pain, Vayne didn't bother to retrieve the heavy crossbow that had fallen far away. She quickly checked her injuries!

Fortunately, the skin was just burning and painful, but no burns occurred.

At this moment, a muffled sound appeared.

Vayne immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw two points of green light emerging from the black mist. The light was more than three meters high from the ground and moved very fast!

As the black mist surged, Qingguang finally revealed his true face in the next moment!

Then it is a dragon head! The blue light is just a pair of dragon eyes of the other party!

Before Vayne could recover from her shock, the dull crashing sound continued! The figure of a huge creature loomed out from behind the black mist!

When the forelimbs of a giant dragon passed through the black mist and hit the ground, the shock finally brought Vayne back to her senses!

She immediately turned around and ran away!

Quickly rushing to the place where the heavy crossbow fell, Vayne leaned over to pick it up and immediately rolled it to the side!


A wave of turquoise fire struck instantly, missing behind Vayne by just a hair!

However, after missing a single hit, the giant dragon turned its head around!

After a short moment of brewing, another piece of dragon breath flame spurted out from the fanged mouth... End of this chapter

This chapter has been completed!
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