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Chapter 133 Impression

Where the shouts came from, Dumbledore appeared outside the wall of fire released by Quirrell.

Facing the barrier of the wall of fire, after Dumbledore shouted to stop Coven, a 'Apparition' passed through the wall of fire and appeared next to Coven.

First he looked solemnly at Voldemort's remnant soul that was trying to gather together, and then Dumbledore said sternly to Covin: "You can't use that magic!"

Just when Corwin thought Dumbledore would continue to scold him, he didn't expect the other party to suddenly raise his hand.

The finger-bone-shaped wand was lifted by Dumbledore, and a green light suddenly shot out from the tip of the wand, instantly hitting Voldemort's remnant soul.

It was only then that Dumbledore's voice sounded again: "Avada Kedavra!"


After the green light of the Death Curse hit the remnant soul of Voldemort, the green light emitted from the inside out suddenly exploded the remnant soul of Voldemort.

After a short, faint scream, Voldemort's remnant soul quickly dissolved into the air, and finally not a single trace remained.

Dumbledore's actions not only stunned Covin, but also Harry, who had been confused about the situation, was stunned.

At this time, Dumbledore breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief, slowly put down his wand, turned to stare at Covin and said seriously: "How could you use the killing curse just now!?"

Ke Wen recovered from his shock, and then said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Mr. Principal, I have tried almost all the spells, but I can't destroy Voldemort, so..."

Dumbledore raised his hand, patted Covin's shoulder to interrupt, and then said with a sigh: "Don't forget that you still have me and the professors."

His eyes became a little complicated. Dumbledore looked at Corwin and whispered: "You just need to keep trapping him and wait for us to deal with it instead of using the killing curse yourself."

After a pause, Dumbledore shook his head: "No matter how many reasons you have, you cannot use any black magic!"

"Feel sorry……"

Coven heard it. It was obvious that Dumbledore did not mean any harshness and was indeed thinking about him.

Therefore, Kewen felt that he should explain it, so he said: "I actually wanted to inform the professors first, but my 'Guardian Spell' has been restraining Voldemort, and there is no way to inform the professors again."

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now."

Dumbledore raised his hand on Corwin's shoulder, dropped it again and patted it gently, then turned to look at Harry Potter, who was still there in a daze.

"How are you Harry?" Dumbledore asked softly, "Are you hurt anywhere? I see that you are not in very good condition."

"No, I mean...I'm fine! I'm fine!" Harry Potter finally came to his senses, and then said hastily with some confusion: "It's Professor Quirrell and Senior Quinn! I mean before!

They were here...and then Voldemort..."

Listening to the other party's inconsistent words, Dumbledore shook his head, walked up to Harry, and said softly: "Okay, okay, calm down, let's talk slowly."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Headmaster!" Harry Potter took a deep breath, then looked at Coven with some fear, and quickly looked away.

"So." Dumbledore asked warmly: "Have you got the Sorcerer's Stone?"

"The Philosopher's Stone?" Harry was stunned, and then quickly shook his head: "No, I didn't see the Philosopher's Stone! Professor Quirrell was planning to take me to find it just now, and then..."

Looking at Coven with some fear again, Harry continued: "Then Senior Quinn...the professor's hand suddenly...I don't know what happened, but the professor suddenly became like that after touching my hand...


Realizing that Harry Potter still couldn't calm down, Dumbledore sighed secretly, then turned to look at Corwin: "So, are you there?"

"No." Coven shook his head: "Professor Quirrell used the 'Disillusionment Curse' to go to the dormitory to control me, but his 'Imperius Curse' was blocked by me using 'Occlumency'."

Ke Wen began to narrate clearly and logically: "Then I came here with him pretending to be tricked. Because I had maintained the 'Occlumency', I didn't see anything in the magic mirror."

"I see." Dumbledore clarified the cause and effect, and understood why Corwin was here.

Then he thought of something, and Dumbledore asked jokingly: "Is Quirrell leaving the level for you?"

"Yes." Ke Wen was a little embarrassed: "After that, I deliberately kept the floor tiles open in order to save some time for subsequent supporters."

Dumbledore thought about the scam that Corwin had left behind, and couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth. Then he looked back at Harry, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"Okay." Dumbledore made a decision: "Coven, take Harry and the two students staying above to the infirmary, and help me inform the professors."

With that said, Dumbledore looked at the ashes and clothes left by Professor Quirrell, and said with some regret: "I have to stay and deal with it."

"Okay Professor." Coven walked to Harry obediently and greeted: "Let's go, Mr. Potter."

Harry didn't want to leave because Coven's previous actions had left a terrifying impression on him.

Dumbledore noticed Harry Potter's hesitation and said warmly: "Go, Coven will arrange it for you."

"Okay, okay." Harry Potter nodded helplessly, raised his legs and followed Coven's footsteps.

The wall of fire caused by Professor Quirrell was just an ordinary flame. It was okay to scare a wizard of Harry's level. Coven just waved his hand and extinguished the wall of fire with the 'Fire Extinguishing Curse'.

After passing through the potion room and the troll room, in the chessboard room, Corwin saw Ron who was unconscious and Hermione who was taking care of Ron.

Use the transformation spell to turn the broken chess pieces into a stretcher, and then use the floating spell to control the stretcher, leading the trio of protagonists back on their original path.

Walking behind, Hermione glanced at Covin's back, then approached Harry, winked, and asked silently: "What's going on?"

Harry glanced at Coven's back carefully, then shook his head quickly and replied silently: "We'll talk about it later."

Not long after, the group of people left the forbidden area completely.

Kewen immediately used the 'Calling God Guard' to send the message to Professor McGonagall, and then led the trio to the infirmary.

After handing the three people to Madam Pomfrey in the infirmary and briefly explaining the situation, Corwin simply stayed in the infirmary to prevent Dumbledore or the professors from looking for him later.

After finding an empty bed and sitting down, Coven asked Harry and Hermione, "Would you like something to eat?"

The two of them were stunned, not knowing how to respond...

This chapter has been completed!
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