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Chapter 306 Choice

Karma no longer cared about the Darkin Sword Demon.

When she saw through the weakness of the Darkin Sword Demon, he completely became a lamb to be slaughtered in her heart.

Can it absorb flesh and blood?

That leaves you with no flesh and blood to absorb!

After switching to those incorporeal ghosts, see what you can absorb!

Not only that, Karma also found a second way to defeat the Darkin Sword Demon.

That is the power of death.

The Darkin Sword Demon has absorbed the flesh and blood of many undead before.

Although there is no rejection reaction, those flesh and blood are composed of the power of death after all!

If you want to defeat the Darkin Sword Demon, Karma just needs to move the death cloud behind him!

Relying on the power of the Death Realm, Karma can easily control the power of death absorbed by the Darkin Sword Demon.

Within the scope of the domain, Karma only needs a thought to cause the power of death in the Darkin Sword Demon to explode and completely blow the opponent to pieces!

But Kalmar didn't do that.

Because she wants to give the dark descendant sword demon the most cruel punishment!

Punish him for daring to launch an attack on the Realm of Death, and punish him for daring to be disrespectful to Foego!

Therefore, Kalma chose the slowest way to win.

She wants to drive the resentful spirits to tear the Darkin Sword Demon's body apart bit by bit!

And in the following, the outcome of the battle did not deviate from Karma's prediction.

Even though the Darkin Sword Demon unleashed his potential and became more powerful, under the impact of countless ghosts and resentments, the Darkin Sword Demon still fell for the third time!

The Darkin Sword Demon was once again forced to reduce his size and explode.

The fourth time it erupted, the Darkin Sword Demon's height became three meters.

Soon after, it grew to two meters under the fifth explosion.

After that, the Darkborn Sword Demon completely lost its explosive potential.

His body was once again overwhelmed by ghosts and resentful spirits!

The flesh and blood were torn apart and thrown away by the vengeful spirits with their sharp claws, and some were even swallowed directly into the stomach by some vengeful spirits!

The Darkborn Sword Demon suffered a lot of torture!

After more than ten minutes, only a skeleton was left of him!

Karma waved his hand and took back the ghosts and wraiths.

She slowly flew forward, and finally floated above the skeleton of the Darkin Sword Demon.

Looking at the skeleton still clutching the giant sword, Karma snorted coldly.

"Consider you lucky."

She said softly: "If it weren't for the king's important mission, I would have made you suffer a hundred times a thousand times more torture and punishment just because of your disrespectful behavior towards the king."

After finishing her words, Karma glanced at the skeleton one last time, then she turned and flew into the dark clouds.

The dark clouds began to move again, and after passing by the skeleton, they continued to move towards the west.

More than twenty minutes later, the dark clouds had shrunk in the distance to the point where they were almost invisible.

At this moment, a faint bloody power rose from the dark sword demon's sword!

The power of blood spreads along the skeleton, causing the trace amounts of flesh and blood stuck to the skeleton to slowly polymerize.

After more than ten minutes, the flesh and blood formed a very thin line of flesh and blood.

One end of the flesh line is connected to the giant sword, and it winds slowly on the ground like an earthworm.

A lot of time passed, and the flesh line finally connected to a piece of flesh and blood that was thrown away by the resentful spirit!

The flesh line and flesh immediately began to fuse, making the flesh line even longer!

Then, the flesh line continued to meander along the ground, converging on other nearby flesh and blood piece by piece!

This process is extremely difficult!

Affected by the ice and cold wind, the meat line would freeze stiff from time to time.

At this time, the giant sword will provide a bloody force to thaw the flesh line.

In this way, late at night, the flesh line finally stopped crawling and retracted to converge!

Not long after, a ball of flesh the size of a basketball successfully coalesced, and squirmed to extend its limbs and head!

Finally, the mass of flesh and blood formed into a dark red ferocious little beast!

The tail of the little beast was connected to the giant sword. It dragged the giant sword with difficulty and moved its limbs toward the flesh and blood that fell further away.

Until late at night, the little beast finally collected all the scattered flesh and blood.

It turned into a ball of flesh again, and after squirming, it regained the appearance of the Darkin Sword Demon.

The dark sword demon who finally reappeared was just over one meter tall.

This image made the Darkborn Sword Demon let out an extremely angry roar!

But now is not the time for anger.

The most important thing is to quickly devour the flesh and blood to restore the body!

Thinking of this, the Darkin Sword Demon leaned over and grabbed the scaled-down serrated sword.

Then he looked around and began to sense where the creatures gathered.

Although the physical body was destroyed, the main body of the Darkin Sword Demon was the long sword.

His immortal spirit has not weakened in any way.

This leaves his range of perception unaffected.

It didn't take long for the Darkborn Sword Demon to sense many places where life, large and small, gathered.

He first looked in the direction of the Howling Abyss. After all, the life force there was the strongest.

But he quickly gave up.

Because in his perception, there was still some dark power aura over there.

That breath came from the same source as the dark cloud breath that caused him to suffer a tragic defeat!

He couldn't defeat that army of ghosts when he was in his prime, let alone his current very weak body.

As a last resort, the Darkin Sword Demon had no choice but to give up the 'delicious food' in the direction of the Howling Abyss.

He turned his attention to the north.

That's the direction he came from.

But he soon gave up again.

The flesh of those bear men is indeed of the highest quality, but he has been wreaking havoc there for a long time.

The reason why he chose to leave that area and go south was because he had angered the demigods behind the bear men.

The Darkborn Sword Demon knows very well that although he is strong, he is not strong enough to provoke a demigod.

Therefore, in his current state, he is not qualified to hunt those bears again.

Apart from the direction of the Howling Abyss and the Ursine Tribe, there is only the last large gathering place of flesh and blood life.

The Darkborn Sword Demon turned his attention to the east.

He knew what race the breath of life represented.

That's a troll!

But this time, the Darkborn Sword Demon no longer gave up.

He moved his body, which was too weak to adapt to the situation, and then took steps and headed straight to the east.

The Darkborn Sword Demon has made up his mind. He is going to the east to find the troll tribe and replenish his body as soon as possible so that his physical body can regain its strength as soon as possible!

In this way, the coincidental collision between the Darkin Sword Demon and Karma caused the tribal alliance of Ai Xi and Zhuang Seni to successfully avoid disaster without even realizing it!

Otherwise, once the Darkborn Sword Demon comes into contact with the coalition forces, the coalition forces may face a disaster!

And just when the dark sword demon started to set off late at night, in the Twin Cities, the staff of the "Hex Flying Gate" who were keeping vigil were disturbed by a communication requesting transmission... (End of this chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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