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Chapter 325: Sacred Mountain

Early the next morning, Wei left the manor in a hurry.

She will continue to handle the work of accepting asylum seekers today.

Jinx also found new joys.

Now that she knew how special Tam Kench was, of course she had to satisfy the fresh feeling in her heart first.

So, after eating breakfast, Jinx immediately used the teleportation terminal and disappeared.

She went to summon her friends to continue playing the battle game on the battlefield, and the first target she summoned was Tahm Kench.

As for Ke Wen, he finally felt at ease.

With nothing to do, he walked out of the manor, first went to Ryze to chat, and then went to visit Soraka.

Finally, he went to Singed's place for a brief chat and looked at the progress of Singed's 'resurrection' of his daughter Oriana.

Until noon passed, Ke Wen prepared a table of lunch in the kitchen, and then he took the elevator down to the black alley to open the business.

at the same time.

After traveling for a day and a night, Senna and her team finally arrived at Mount Targon on a flying battleship!

The giant peak slanting into the sky is extremely majestic! This made the heroes who saw Mount Targon for the first time a little stunned!

Senna gave some time for everyone to experience the wonder and greatness of Mount Targon.

When everyone gradually came to their senses, she clapped her hands and said, "Everyone, we are almost there."

"Tornado is so high!"

Gwen looked at Senna with a shocked expression: "Did you and Lucian climb this mountain in the first place?!"

"That's right."

Lucian next to him nodded slightly.

He said with emotion: "We spent several days, but finally stopped at the mountainside. If it weren't just a self-training exercise, we really wanted to climb to the top of the mountain to see the truth of the legend."

"What legend?" Gwen continued to ask curiously.

This question was answered by Olaf.

He looked at the Tianzhu peak and said in a longing tone: "It is said that if someone can climb to the top of the Titan Peak, then he will get a reward from the Titan! He will get huge power! He will also get incomparable power.


"Yes, that's what the legend is."

Vayne came to Gwen's side, and she patted the girl's shoulder to wake her from her reverie.

"But just listen to this kind of legend."

She smiled with disdain: "In the eyes of some people in our country, Mount Targon is just a place of death used for execution."

"Why do you say that?" Senna was puzzled.

She and Lucian knew that there were still humans living on Mount Targon, so she was curious about where the rumors from Vayne's mouth came from.

Regarding Senna's question, Vayne shrugged her shoulders.

"Because Demacia has a tradition in the past."

She said: "If someone commits a serious crime, and that person has a special status, such as some meritorious service, etc., then the punishment for the prisoner will be to banish him to Mount Targon."

"If the prisoner can reach the top, then the country will pardon that person's guilt, but it's a pity..."

Vayne shrugged her shoulders again: "No one has ever succeeded. Of all the people who were punished to climb Mount Targon, no one has ever gone back."

"That's because they are too weak!"

Olaf is a loyal supporter of the legend, and he disdains it: "Only the strong are qualified to climb Mount Targon!"

Vayne's eyes rolled up under her brown sunglasses.

She was too lazy to argue with a stubborn guy like Olaf.

As the team leader, Saina didn't want everyone to argue over trivial matters, so she immediately changed the topic.


She clapped her hands again to attract everyone's attention, and then she said: "When Lucian and I came to climb the mountain last time, we found human tribes living here at the foot and mountainside, so next we have to go to the foot of the mountain first to persuade people living there

Human beings must leave and take refuge immediately.”

"In order to save time, I plan to divide everyone into two teams."

Senna looked around at everyone: "One team is responsible for staying at the bottom of the mountain and persuading the locals to evacuate quickly. The other team takes a boat and flies directly to the mountain to notify the humans living halfway up the mountain, and then tries to fly to the top of the mountain.

Let’s see if there is also human existence on the top of the mountain.”

"Black Beauty." Graves patted his chest and said, "Just make arrangements. Drizzt has told me to obey you in everything."

Senna smiled kindly at Graves.

She looked around at the crowd again.

After thinking about it, she began to divide into teams: "Rengar, Olaf, you have better cold tolerance, so come up the mountain with me!"

"The others stayed down the mountain."

Senna looked at her lover again: "Lucian, you and Ahri are more mobile, so you need to shoulder more heavy responsibilities!"

"What do we need to do?" Lucian asked.

"Inspect the terrain!" Senna said: "The first is to ask the locals and then choose the most suitable migration route. The second is, I need you to prepare for battle in advance!"

Senna sighed slightly: "We don't know if the locals here have any traditions. If they refuse to move, then we must choose a terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and prepare to fight the undead!"

Lucian nodded after hearing this: "Okay, I will handle it."

Senna looked at the others again.

"Raven, Vayne, and Lucian are a bit stupid, so you can help persuade the locals and describe to them the horrors of the undead."

"Okay." Raven nodded.

Vayne also nodded silently.

"Graves, Gwen."

Senna looked at the two people who had not yet been assigned the task: "Just help within your ability."

Gwen had no objection. She was ignorant and just knew to obey Senna's arrangements.

As for Graves, he preferred to live in peace and quiet.

With a generous remuneration and the ability to paddle, he really didn't like this kind of job.

The tasks are thus assigned.

Senna immediately restarted the hovering battleship.

The battleship crashed through the flying snow in the air and accelerated towards the foot of Mount Targon.

Although Mount Targon has caught everyone's attention, the battleship is actually still a long way from the mountain peak.

If we had traveled on both feet, the journey would have taken several days to cross.

But riding on a battleship is different.

There is no need for people to travel through mountains and rivers, they can just fly straight through the air.

Moreover, the battleship flew very fast, so after more than ten minutes, the battleship arrived at the foot of Mount Targon.

Viewed from a close distance, Mount Targon gives everyone a greater sense of grandeur, and is even a bit oppressive.

However, everyone had extraordinary strength and quickly got rid of the feeling of insignificance that arose in their hearts.

Senna controlled the battleship to reduce its altitude and speed, and continued to fly around Mount Targon.

After more than ten minutes, Vayne, who had the best eyesight, immediately pointed forward: "Over there!"

She reminded Senna, who was at the helm in the wheelhouse: "The tribe of locals is there!"

Senna nodded to show understanding and adjusted the flight direction of the battleship.

Soon, the battleship landed outside a very simple tribe.

The battleship was too obvious and had been discovered by the tribe members long ago.

When Vayne and others got off the boat, the defenders of the tribe also rushed out with a variety of weapons.

"I'll leave this to you."

Senna, who stayed on the boat, said to everyone: "Pay attention to your attitude and be patient. The most important thing is persuasion."

Everyone who got off the boat nodded.

Seeing this, Senna pulled the battleship into the air again.

After rising to a sufficient height, she turned the ship's bow so that the battleship headed straight for the mountain at an angle of 4 degrees.

On the ground, Lucian raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

He went forward alone to communicate with the locals in the tribe.

Seeing that Lucian was not hostile, the leader of the tribe agreed to Lucian's request for dialogue.

After a brief introduction, Lucian immediately explained his intention.

However, his words did not attract the attention of the local people.

The locals call themselves the ‘Rakor tribe’, and the leader of this gathering place is named Likas.

After listening to the disaster warning brought by Lucian, he actually showed a look of disdain.


He turned around and shouted to the hundreds of warriors: "These people actually want to persuade us to abandon our home and run away! Then tell them! What have we, the Rakor tribe, been fighting for our lives all this time?!"



"Void monster!"

"A lost creature from heaven!"

The Rakor warriors immediately started making a noise!

"Did you hear that?!"

Leader Likas looked at Lucian again.

He said proudly: "We are the descendants of the gods! We are the people of the burning sun! We are the guards of the sacred mountain!"

"Countless years!" He suddenly shouted loudly: "No enemy can cross us and offend the sacred mountain!"

These words made Lu Xian's heart sink.

The worst case scenario has occurred!

He is most afraid of encountering such a stubborn and unwilling person.

At this time, Raven and Vayne approached.

"Even if you can fight," Vayne said, "but with more than a hundred of you, how many undead can you kill?"

"The number of undead is endless."

Raven also echoed: "If there were no holy stone weapons like ours, no matter how many undead you killed, they would continue to resurrect and come back to join the battle."


The leader of Likas remained unfazed.

After scoffing, he taunted even louder, saying that only "weak" heroes like the heroes would find the undead of Laoshizi to be terrifying!

The Rakkor people's stubbornness left the heroes helpless and suffocated.

Especially Graves, he wanted to get angry several times, but was suppressed by Ahri who sensed his emotions.

There was no other way, so the heroes had no choice but to continue their persuasion calmly.

The mission of Lucian and others was very unsatisfactory, and Senna and the three others on the other side also encountered difficulties.

The battleship moved very quickly and reached the halfway point of Mount Targon in just a few minutes.

Senna controlled the battleship to fly in the direction of her memory, but this time she did not see anyone.

The battleship hovered for a moment, but in the end no signs of human activity were found.

In desperation, Senna had no choice but to control the battleship and continue to climb.

When the battleship left, ripples suddenly appeared on a mountain wall halfway up the mountain.

When the ripples dissipated, the mountain wall revealed its true appearance.

It was a temple gate embedded in the mountain.

A woman wearing golden battle armor stood at the door. She looked up at the direction in which the battleship was leaving and remained silent.

"Goddess Leona."

A voice sounded from the shadows inside the door.

A young woman with a ponytail hairstyle and holding an exquisite epee in both hands stepped out of the shadows.

She bowed slightly and asked: "The three people on the boat have violated the rules. Do we need to send soldiers to punish them?"

"No need."

Leona, the goddess of dawn, turned around.

Amidst the soft clatter of her skirt armor, she said softly: "The Bright Moon Sect is higher up. Even if Diana doesn't care, there is still the God of War on the top of the mountain. He will never allow anyone to violate the rules of the sacred mountain."

Hearing this, the swordsman bowed slightly again and followed Leona's footsteps into the depths of the temple.

On the flying battleship, Senna didn't know that her actions had been noticed by some people.

She controlled the battleship and continued to soar upward along the Mount Targon, which was diagonally inserted into the sky.

Not long after, the battleship passed through an area obscured by illusions again.

As the battleship continued to climb and fly away, a woman with silver braids and a cold and noble appearance walked out of the illusory realm.

She clasped her hands behind her back and stared at the direction in which the battleship was flying away. She frowned slightly, showing some hesitation.

"My lady goddess."

A male warrior wearing thin cloth walked out of the barrier.

He bowed to Diana's back and asked: "Do you need to stop it?"

Diana was silent for a moment, then sighed and said: "Forget it, it's too late to catch up now. I can only pray for their good luck and hope that the God of War can forgive their sin of ignorance."

"Yes! Lady Goddess!."

The man responded, but continued: "My Lady, the Sun Sect allowed that ship to break the rules. They didn't stop it. This is considered a violation of the rules."

"What do you want to say?" Diana asked in a cold voice.

"I think..." The man's tone was slightly expectant: "Can we inform the tribes at the foot of the mountain about this matter? We may be able to use the topic to attack the reputation of the Burning Sun Sect among the tribes at the foot of the mountain and let more people join.

We, the Lunar Sect!”

"Keep those little thoughts of yours away."

Diana shook her head: "Lieyang didn't stop it. Didn't we also not stop the ship? What you did was not to damage Lieyang's reputation, but to hurt both sides and perish together."


The man quickly bowed: "I didn't think enough about it."

"You go back." Diana ordered quietly, and then said knowingly: "I'll go out for a walk."

As soon as she finished speaking, Diana moved her long, slender legs.

After taking a few steps on the snow, she jumped up and disappeared into the wind and snow with her flexible body.

Diana had some good intentions after all.

She said she didn't care, but she still couldn't suppress her worry and planned to go to the top of the mountain to pay attention to the spacecraft.

And on the battleship side.

Breathing the increasingly thin air, Senna controlled the battleship and kept approaching the top of the mountain... End of this chapter

This chapter has been completed!
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