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Chapter 327 Giant God

Pantheon is too strong! Olaf and Rengar instantly lost their fighting power after just one confrontation!

At this time, Olaf was slumped on the side of the ship, dizzy.

The injury he suffered was not serious, because the fanatic armor on his body increased the defensive strength on its own and blocked most of the damage for Olaf.

But Olaf had some bad luck.

When he flew to the side of the ship, the back of his head hit a sharp edge.

So he was knocked unconscious and couldn't get up for a short time.

As for Rengar, things are a bit miserable.

He was knocked away by Panson with his shield, and his body directly smashed into the side of the ship and was embedded inside.

He was a little out of breath at this time and couldn't get up for a while.

At this point, only Senna was left intact.

She was in a daze at the moment, dumbfounded.

She was completely shocked by Pan Sen's strength! She even equated Pan Sen's strength with Foego in her heart!

It was hard for her to imagine that there were people with such strength in the world!

This is still a matter of vision.

The strength that Senna can see is actually only a small part of Pan Sen's strength.

Why do you say that?

Because Pan Sen’s strength is actually that of a god!

This starts from the ancient times of Rune Continent.

At the beginning of the birth of the universe, the star dragon clan was born.

The Star Dragon King creates planets in the universe and ripens the universe.

It created countless planets and gave birth to all kinds of life and civilization on those planets!

Among all the planets, the Star Dragon King's favorite is the planet called Rune Continent!

Life and civilization were also born on Rune Continent.

Those are some giants.

The Titan clan explored the original runes on Rune Continent, gained powerful power from it, and embarked on the path of the 'god system'!

They quickly unified the world!

But the powerful giants are not satisfied with ruling a small world.

They began to explore the starry sky, so they built a tower that could explore the planet, which was the predecessor of Targon!

After contacting the universe, the Titan family gradually successfully walked out of the planet!

They continued to spread and expand their sphere of influence, and gradually covered some planets near Rune Continent.

In the end, the Titan Clan and several other races in the universe were completely recognized and affirmed by the Star Dragon King!

But the ambitions of the giant gods don't stop there.

They started preparing a huge plan!

I don’t know how many years later, the Star Dragon King came to Rune Continent again to see the planet he loved most.

The giant gods were devout to the power and majesty of the ‘Star Forger’, and respected the Star Dragon King as ‘Aurelion Thor’!

The Star-casting Dragon King happily accepted this title, and also accepted the dazzling crown dedicated to it by the giant gods!


When the Star-casting Dragon King returned to the universe wearing a crown the size of a planet, he felt the malice of the Titans!

It turns out that the crown contains vicious magic!

The crown can connect the consciousness of all giants!

The giant gods gathered the power of the entire clan and wanted to use the crown to turn the Star-Forging Dragon King into a puppet!

But the Star Casting Dragon King is too strong!

Even with the mental power of the giant gods, who mobilized the entire clan, they still could not control the consciousness of the Star-casting Dragon King! It would even only make the Star-casting Dragon King feel noisy!

But the Titans quickly changed their plans!

If force doesn't work, they resort to threats instead!

The Titan Clan threatens the Star Casting Dragon King. If you don't listen to them, the Titan Clan will destroy all the planets in the universe!

In the end, the soft-hearted Star Casting Dragon King compromised.

He had to obey the orders of the giant gods.

Since then, the Star Casting Dragon King has been favored by the giant god clan for thousands of years!

He became a thug and destroyed all the forces and civilizations in the universe that threatened the rule of the Titan family!

In this way, the ruling scope of the Titan clan is getting wider and wider, and the scope of influence is based on the concept of the galaxy!

However, one day, the Star Casting Dragon King suddenly felt that the noisy sounds in the crown had changed!

Those voices and spiritual forces were no longer unified, but began to argue with each other, and eventually fell apart!

After a long time, those voices became unified again and called the Starforge Dragon King to return to Runeterra.

And when the Star-casting Dragon King came to Rune Continent again, the giant god civilization no longer existed on the planet at that time.

Instead, there was a civilization called Shurima.

The Casting Star Dragon King came to the Titan Peak, but he did not see any Titan.

There is only one female warrior named Pantheon who wields the power of the Titans and stands alone on the top of the mountain.

After exchanges, Star Casting Dragon King knew the cause and effect.

It turns out that the planet Rune Continent was invaded by unknown creatures!

Those creatures poured out from the cracks in time and space and started a war with the giant gods in endless numbers!

In order to prevent the ancestral star of Rune Continent from being shattered, the Titan Clan had no choice but to abandon this place.

They withdrew into the universe! Only a human possessed by the power of the God of War was left waiting at the top of Mount Targon.

After the Star Casting Dragon King communicated with the female warrior, the warrior who could control the crown authority ordered the Dragon King to resolve the space-time rift at the foot of the mountain!

The Star-casting Dragon King, who obeyed his orders, summoned a small star!

The stars hit the earth and sealed the space-time rift at the foot of Mount Targon!

At the same time, the dense forests and rivers in the surrounding areas faded away and turned into abrupt boulders, which later formed Mount Targon!

The female warrior named Pan Sen died as the stars collided.

At this point, the Titan clan completely withdrew from the stage of Rune Continent, leaving only some specious and fragmentary records on the Titan Peak.

Those records contributed to the establishment of the ‘Fire Sun Sect’ in later generations.

Enough talking, let’s talk about the strength of the giant god.

Their strength is worthy of the name of God.

Just like the Greek pantheon, each member of the Titan Clan will control different powers on the planet.

Even if they later gave up on Rune Continent, the source of power was not extinguished.

The Titan clan has also seized world power on other planets!

The strongest people in the clan even abandoned their authority over the planet and turned to the authority to explore the universe!

Those people have embarked on the path of the level of ‘single universe’.

Therefore, the Titan clan is very strong!

Today's generation of Pantheon Celestial Spirits has harnessed part of the power of the God of War!

It may be incorrect to say that it was driven, it is more correct to say that it was taken away!

Those who gain the power of the Titans are called protoss.

The birth of a normal star spirit is a process of gift.

Those who climb to the top of the Titans will be infused with the power of the Titans!

Those people will receive the knowledge and power from the giant gods, but their consciousness will not be changed, and they will still be dominated by humans.

But Pantheon, the God of War, is different!

Pan Sen of this generation is a waste!

His real name is Atreus, a Rakkor who lives at the foot of the mountain.

However, he was first defeated by the Freeldra people's invasion war, and then was defeated by the Darkin Sword Demon.

Pan Sen's tribe was completely defeated, and there were only a dozen warriors left in the entire tribe.

The fleeing warriors began to climb Mount Targon, and in the end, only Panson climbed to the top.

The trigger mechanism left by the Titan clan was activated, and a cross-star channel descended to the top of the Titan Peak.

The God of War originally wanted to infuse Atreus with power and make him a normal protoss.

But when the God of War discovered the opponent's record, the God of War seemed to be insulted!

In the end, the God of War seized Atreus with his own will, forcing the other person's human consciousness into a complete sleep.

Therefore, Pan Sen can now be regarded as a small part of the power clone of the God of War!

Even if this body can only use a small part of the God of War's power, the essence of that power still belongs to the power of the gods!

This is why Pantheon is so powerful!


Because of Senna's vision problem, she couldn't see through Pan Sen's true strength at all!

But just the part of her strength that she could see through was enough to make Senna feel helpless!

She is terrified!

Senna herself is not afraid of death, but she doesn't want Olaf and Rengar to die because of her involvement!

But facing Pan Sen in front of her, she couldn't find any hope of saving her life from him!

As Pantheon turned around and made an attacking move, Senna couldn't help but close her eyes in despair. She completely lost the idea of ​​resistance.

And Pan Sen has no rules against killing women and the weak.

As the most powerful god in the universe, Pan Sen doesn't care about ants like humans at all.

Just like crushing an ant that touches his toes, Panson at this moment just wants to kill Senna who dares to tarnish the name of the God of War.

So he didn't hesitate and immediately thrust out the spear in his hand!

Emergency moment!


The sound of metal collision sounded!

A weapon with a weird sword blade and a half-moon shape suddenly inserted into it!

The weapon was raised from bottom to top, and Pan Sen's spear flew away!

Pantheon sheathed his spear and took a step back.

The cold gaze under the helmet turned to the side, and he shouted in a deep voice: "You cripple who has the power of the bright moon! How dare you stop me from punishing these disrespectful ants?!"


Diana sneered and said: "You and I have essentially the same power, but at least I have more humanity than you."

Pointing the crescent-shaped Qimen weapon at Panson, Diana said scornfully: "And you, who are only driven by incomplete power, are you nothing compared to me, a cripple?"


Pan Sen shouted angrily: "Even if you have gained the power of my clan, you are still an ant! How dare you disrespect the great God of War?!"

"You cannot represent the God of War."

Diana said softly: "I don't want to talk nonsense with you. I'm here just to save the three of them. Let them go, or..."

The moon blade flicked gently, and a layer of divine power shield formed by moonlight instantly enveloped her body.

Diana's meaning is very obvious, she is not afraid of war!

But with this gesture of hers, she successfully caught Pan Sen!

Pan Sen's mission is special.

Pan Sen, who has received the power of the God of War throughout the ages, has had the mission of supervising Rune Continent!

After all, this planet is the ancestral homeland of the Titan clan, so Pan Sen of all generations has been responsible for monitoring changes in the planet.

Once there is a crisis that will destroy the planet, Pan Sen, who has been granted authority, will immediately summon the Star Casting Dragon King to come here to solve it!

At the same time, Pan Sen also has the responsibility of monitoring void creatures!

The longer they live, the more afraid of death they become. The Titans are very afraid of void creatures. They must not let void creatures break out of Rune Continent and destroy their rule in the universe!

So Pan Sen cannot die easily!

If Pantheon still had human consciousness, he might still make a tough decision when faced with the threat from Diana.

It's a pity that Panson of this generation is just a puppet with divine power!

After the God of War took away Pan Sen's body, he only received a consciousness with rigid thinking. That consciousness did not know how to adapt and would only act according to the set rules.

He takes the task of supervising the world as his first priority and protecting Mount Targon as his second priority.

In addition to these two tasks, Pan Sen cannot die without authorization for other reasons, thus freeing Rune Continent from the supervision of the Celestial Clan.

So Pan Sen hesitated at this time.

Although he looked down on impure gods like Diana, Pan Sen knew that his and Diana's abilities were only between equals.

Once a war breaks out, it is more likely that we will die together.

Even if he wins, he will probably have to pay a heavy price!

At that time, he will no longer be able to uphold his duties.

Based on this fear, Pan Sen had to retreat after hesitating.

He lowered his spear with a cold groan.

Pan Sen looked at the people present with cold and murderous eyes, and then Pan Sen said nothing.

He made a kneeling gesture and suddenly jumped up!

As the battleship suddenly sank, Pan Sen's figure quickly rose into the sky and penetrated the clouds.

Diana withdrew her gaze.

She turned to look at Senna and asked quietly: "Are you okay?"

Senna shook her head.

After recovering from the sudden change, she quickly thanked Diana: "Lady! Thank you for saving us!"

"that's not important."

Diana frowned slightly: "I heard some of your conversations before. You said that an army of the undead is invading Mount Targon?"

"Yes!" Senna nodded immediately: "That's an army of countless undead! They are coming from the direction of Frelzo with a cloud of death!"

"Can you tell me in detail?" Diana said with a little more attention: "A month ago, the undead also invaded a tribe at the foot of the mountain. What was the cause of this situation?"

Senna immediately explained the cause and effect of this.

Foego, the Curse of Ruin, Isolde's possessed body, etc.

Senna had already thought of her words before coming to Mount Targon, so she quickly finished the explanation in short and clear language.

After listening to the story, Diana frowned and pondered for a moment.

After a while she sighed slightly.

Shaking her head, Diana said: "Thank you very much for the notice. Unfortunately, you were unable to achieve your goal."

Faced with Senna's confused look, Diana said helplessly: "The Rakkor people at the foot of the mountain are very stubborn. It is their tradition and mission to protect the sacred mountain. No factor will make them back down."

"Is there really no way to make them change their minds?!"

Senna was a little anxious: "That will only cause a huge and meaningless sacrifice!"

"It won't change."

Diana said quietly: "That is faith. For those who believe in the Burning Sun Sect, dying in battle to protect the Holy Mountain can allow their souls to ascend to the Kingdom of God."


The sound of coughing sounded, and Olaf finally woke up from his drowsiness... End of this chapter

This chapter has been completed!
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