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Chapter 138 Blood Book

Not long after the dinner started, administrator Filch suddenly opened the door and walked quickly into the auditorium, heading straight to the professor's chair.

He whispered something to the professors across the dining table, took out a newspaper and pointed at it, his expression full of slightly malicious schadenfreude.

At this time, Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked out the window of the auditorium.

With a slight frown, Dumbledore said something to Professor McGonagall and Snape, and then stood up and left with Professor McGonagall.

Immediately afterwards, Snape stood up with a cold face and walked towards the door of the auditorium as if a dark cloud was looming over the village.

Because he was observing Professor Lockhart, Coven took in everything.

After thinking for a while, I found the answer in my memory.

It seems that something happened to Harry and Ron. Not only were their speeding cars seen by ordinary people from the outside world, but when Dumbledore was stunned just now, they even hit the Whomping Willow in the college with their speeding cars.


You must know that the 'Whomping Willow' is a precious property of the academy, and every small branch can be made into a powerful wand.

Knowing the inside story, Ke Wen simply continued to check his memory, look at this year's plot information in advance, and take some precautions in advance.

In the end, he discovered that it seemed that the only thing he needed to pay attention to this year was to prevent Harry Potter from dying.

Although Harry successfully killed the basilisk in the original plot, it was not that easy in reality.

One mistake and Harry might end up turning himself into a basilisk poop.

But after thinking about the basilisk, Ke Wen also scratched his head a little.

There is an introduction to the basilisk in the memory data. Its magic resistance is very high. Ke Wen is not sure whether his 'Shen Feng Wuying' can kill the opponent.

Unless you use the Fire Curse.

But using the Fire Curse in the academy is a bit too much.

Moreover, after searching through the memories related to the basilisk, Coven felt that he still needed to collect some basilisk venom so that he could use it to destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes.

But in this case, the basilisk cannot be directly burned to ashes with the Fire Spell, and another plan is needed.

"Hey Kevin, what are you thinking about?"

George next to him saw that Ke Wen was in a daze instead of eating, so he couldn't help but nudged Ke Wen with his elbow out of curiosity.

After coming back to his senses, Ke Wen shook his head and put aside the plan that had many thoughts that could not be sorted out at once.

He reached out and forked a few slices of steak for himself, and said at the same time: "It's nothing, I'm just recalling some information."

"Come on, brother." George said in an exaggerated manner: "I know you are eager to learn, but you have to think about studying even at the school dinner?"

"It's not about studying." Kewen was amused by the other party's expression and explained: "I was just thinking about some things about magical animals."

Fred interrupted through George, leaned forward, and said to Coven over George: "Fantastic Beasts? Are you planning to take this course in this year's O.W.L.s exam?"

Ke Wen nodded: "I plan to try all the courses."

"All?" George was slightly surprised, but then he suddenly realized: "That's right, your grades are so good."

Fred echoed: "Even Patsy got twelve 'O's last year, so of course Covin will be fine too."

"If there are no accidents, it should be." Ke Wen said vaguely while chewing the steak: "But I plan to take the thirteenth exam this year, and I will also take the 'Alchemy' exam, but I am not interested in 'Divination'

I’m a little unsure, I don’t know if I can get the highest score.”

As soon as these words came out, Ke Wen suddenly became the class enemy of the two scumbags. The twins spat at Ke Wen at the same time, turned around and continued eating.

"Ha ha……"

Kewen was amused again by this pair of children and almost spit out the food in his mouth.

The atmosphere in the castle this year gave Kewen a different feeling than in previous years.

Because people around me are a little anxious and are actively preparing for the ‘O.W.L.s exam’ at the end of the year.

Even the top academics in Ravenclaw House inevitably become preoccupied all day long, and Penello seems to have entered menopause, and his temper has become a little irritable.

Only Ke Wen was not worried about this, and there was no trace of nervousness or worry on his face at any time.

The first few months of college life were relatively peaceful.

This year, the branch deans stopped tutoring Kewen, but Dumbledore did not take back the right to use the practice room, even though he knew that Kewen had a better practice room.

Since it would be a waste of resources to leave it empty, Kewen simply set up a cram school there.

After calling Penello, who had been anxious for several months, to the practice room, Coven began to provide extracurricular tutoring for Penello to help his close friend improve his skills.

It turns out that Coven forgot to tell Penello not to talk about it everywhere.

The next afternoon, Zhang Qiu followed Penello over with a smile.

And on the third day, the three rich women from Ravenclaw arrived, and the white-haired lolita also came up with her cheeks puffed out.

There was no other way, Ke Wen could only tell them to keep it secret, and then they tutored them together.

These peaceful days lasted until...

After dinner that day, students from each college returned to their dormitories together.

George and Fred sandwiched Coven in the middle, and you and I persuaded Coven to get some wine in the "Wonder House" for the next time we get together.

Before Ke Wen could respond, an exclamation suddenly sounded from the front of the crowd, and then the marching crowd suddenly stopped one after another.

Kewen and the twins were both relatively tall, so they raised their chins slightly to see the scene in front of them clearly.

At this time, the Harry trio were standing in front of the crowd at a loss. Two lines of large letters written in blood were left on the wall next to them - the secret room has been opened, enemies of the heir...be careful.

At the same time, Filch's pet cat, Mrs. Norris, was hanging upside down on a metal candlestick nearby. Her whole body was as stiff as a specimen, and her hair was exploding as if she was facing some kind of crisis.

Seeing this, Ke Wen immediately realized that this was the first time the basilisk from the secret chamber had launched an attack inside the castle after it was released.

At this time, another group of people poured out from the other corner of the corridor, which was Slytherin's team returning to bed.

After seeing the strange behavior of the Gryffindor team, the Slytherins stopped one after another, and then observed the situation at the scene.

The exclamation sounded again.

These exclamations also attracted the professors who were about to go back to rest.

"Enemies of the heir, beware..."

On the Slytherin side, a young lady with blond gelled hair, who behaved like a grown-up, and looked very energetic spoke.

He looked at Hermione sarcastically, curled his lips and said, "Next are you! Mudbloods!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were many low voices of disbelief from Gryffindor, because the word "Mudblood" is one of the most vicious curse words in the magical world.

Ke Wen didn't feel anything about this. If Nuwa created humans, who wouldn't be a mudblood?

On the contrary, those pure bloods in the wizarding world are said to be the blood inherited from the mating and combination of ancestors and magical creatures. They are the real hybrids...

This chapter has been completed!
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