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Chapter 140 Phoenix

Half a month after the first attack of the basilisk, another victim appeared on the second night after a Quidditch match.

Kewen was practicing magic spells in the 'Room of Requirement', when suddenly a 'Guardian Messenger' rushed in, threw a note to him and then disappeared.

I unfolded the note and there was only one word on it - infirmary.

Seeing this, Kewen put away his wand, turned around and left the practice room, rushing all the way to the infirmary.

Not long after, they arrived at the infirmary. Inside, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were whispering around a hospital bed.

Ke Wen looked at the hospital bed, then turned to look at another hospital bed where someone was lying on it.

Combining the information in his memory, Kewen understood the situation.

At this time, Dumbledore saw Covin at the door, so he raised his hand and waved.

When Corwin came closer, Dumbledore asked in a low voice: "My child, do you still have mature Mandrakes there?"

Professor McGonagall added worriedly from the side: "You also saw that Colin Creevey was also attacked and was petrified like Mrs. Norris."

Ke Wen shook his head: "No more. The 'Mandrake' before was the only one I bought."

Professor McGonagall was very disappointed when he heard this, and sighed: "That's right, after all, 'Mandrake' is too dangerous, and not many people outside will cultivate it."

"Then we can only wait." Dumbledore looked down at the petrified Colin Creevey and said softly: "But I'm afraid the 'Mandrake' in the academy will not be mature enough to be used as medicine until the end of the period."

"What should we do now?" Professor McGonagall asked Dumbledore somewhat helplessly.

After hearing this, Dumbledore turned his head slightly and looked at Harry, who was injured in the hospital in the distance due to a Quidditch match.

Dumbledore raised his voice slightly and said: "Tell all employees the truth. The academy is no longer safe. Just as we feared, the secret room has indeed been opened again."

Hearing this, Professor McGonagall became even more worried.

Without staying long, everyone quickly left the infirmary.

Professor McGonagall left first to make some arrangements, while Dumbledore greeted Cowan and they returned to the principal's office.

Facing Cowen alone, Dumbledore showed some worry. After sitting down, he made a cup of milk tea for Cowen, and then asked: "Child, do you have any ideas about adapting?"

"Indeed." Ke Wen nodded in response.

Dumbledore couldn't help but be stunned. He just mentioned it casually and somewhat helplessly. He didn't expect that Coven could actually provide him with some surprises.

Regardless of whether Coven's idea was useful or not, Dumbledore quickly sat up straight and urged: "What is it?"

"I've been observing changes in the academy recently."

Kewen held the milk tea cup without drinking it and said directly: "Recently, the spiders in the castle have been escaping. Even if they have to face the severe cold weather outside, they have to escape from the castle."

"Also." Ke Wen continued: "I heard that something happened with Mr. Hagrid. The roosters he raised have been constantly being killed."

After hearing this, Dumbledore began to consider the information provided by Coven, but unfortunately, he could not come up with any results for a while.

Seeing this, Kewen reminded: "You know my memory, so these two situations are related to the content of a book."

"Which book?" Dumbledore gave up thinking and asked directly: "What is it about?"

"Natural History of Greece."

Kewen said, taking out his wand and waving it in mid-air.

Immediately, a small piece of phantom light appeared, eventually forming a scene that displayed the contents of a page of a book.

"The Basilisk..." Dumbledore couldn't help but murmured in astonishment after reading what Cowen projected.

The next moment, Dumbledore suddenly came to his senses, and then successfully connected all the situations.

"That's it...that's it!"

He suddenly stood up with a swish, and after pacing back and forth for a few times, Dumbledore said happily with all his worries gone: "Very good, my boy! Thank you! You really helped us a lot!"

Dumbledore couldn't wait to learn the details and planned to leave overnight to prepare some things.

Therefore, after a few hasty explanations to Ke Wen, he left the college through the fireplace in the principal's room.

The next day, Coven did not see Dumbledore the whole day.

It was not until the dinner that Dumbledore reappeared, looking much more relaxed.

The weekend two days later was Dumbledore's one-on-one tutoring time with Covin.

Ke Wen was stunned when he entered the principal's office, because in this office that he was already very familiar with, there was now something extra.

It was a bird stand, with a rather ugly phoenix standing on it, looking groggy as if it was suffering from a serious illness.

At this time, Dumbledore, who heard Coven's greeting, appeared on the second floor. After seeing Coven's strange look, he said with a smile: "That's Fawkes."


Because Dumbledore was far upstairs and his pronunciation was a little unclear, Coven didn't hear it clearly.

"It's Fox."

Dumbledore repeated with a smile.

This time Ke Wen heard it clearly and suddenly smiled and said: "Is this a phoenix or a phoenix from the east?"

"It's the Phoenix." Dumbledore walked down the stairs and came to the Phoenix and said apologetically: "It is approaching the time of rebirth, but I have to disturb it and ask him to come to the academy to help."

Kewen nodded in understanding.

Although dragons and phoenixes in today's magical world are not mythical creatures, their status in the category of magical creatures is still at the top.

Although Ke Wen didn't want to admit that the Fox in front of him was a phoenix, there was still no problem in using it to suppress the basilisk.

The two chatted for a while, and then Dumbledore started teaching...

In the days that followed, everyone except Dumbledore and Corwin still looked panicked.

Dumbledore was fully prepared, but he did not tell anyone else about it.

Coven asked why.

Dumbledore's answer was that what he really wanted to hide was not the professors in the college, but someone else. He was preparing to go fishing and take advantage of the crisis in the college to catch a big fish.

Combining the memories of the plot in his mind, Ke Wen suddenly realized that what Dumbledore wanted to deal with was the Malfoy family, one of the directors of the college.

The reason why there will be a basilisk in the college this year is because of Lucius Malfoy.

It was the other party who secretly gave the notebook, one of Voldemort's Horcruxes, to Ron's sister Ginny Weasley before school started.

Afterwards, the remnant soul in the Horcrux was bewitched and controlled Ginny, thus opening the secret room in the castle and releasing the basilisk...

This chapter has been completed!
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