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Chapter 368 Collision

Wei did not choose to target the power of death, but instead used the crushing magic to target space!

Because if she chooses the former, she can only deal a fan-shaped damage, which is not enough to attack the entire undead army!

But it is different for space!

The space will explode with chain power!

Just like now, Wei only shattered a small piece of the space in front of her, but the self-healing of the space set off a huge space storm!

The coverage area of ​​the energy storm is extremely wide! It even includes all the undead!

No undead can withstand the power of the space storm!

When the undead touch the storm, their bodies will be torn to pieces in an instant!

After more than ten seconds, the space storm gradually disappeared, but the battlefield was completely cleared by Wei's blow!

The undead army that was about to rush in front of the team disappeared, as if time had gone back, and the undead seemed to have retracted into the ruins!

After a slight silence, several exclamations suddenly sounded from the hero team!

Except for Jinx and Laxana, this is the first time the heroes have seen the effect of Vi's full attack!

Many people worked with Vi to support the battle against Demacia.

But at that time, Wei did not use her full strength, and the damage range was not as large as it is now!

That time in Demacia, everyone already thought Wei was very strong!

But I didn't expect that Wei's performance now is even more incredible than that time!

The heroes who have seen Wei fight are all so shocked, let alone the heroes who have never seen it!

At this time, Irelia and the other three heroes of Ionia were completely stunned!

They were dumbfounded, and they all focused their shocked and dull eyes on Wei's back!

At this time, Wei slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

She retracted her fist, and while looking at the undead army that continued to rush out of the ruins, Wei said in a deep voice: "Everyone, pay attention! The undead are rushing up again! My move only disperses them, but it cannot completely kill them.


Hearing this, the heroes came to their senses one after another!

Diana immediately said: "We can't stand here and hold on! The undead will continue to resurrect and consume us!"

"Then how should we fight?" Graves spit out half of the cigar in his mouth, and then asked: "Are we going to charge forward?"

"That's right!"

Midarda then said: "Our goal is Foego, there is no need to waste energy with these undead that are constantly resurrected!"

She raised her hand and pointed towards the ruins: "Let's move forward! Go through the ruins to find Foego!"

"Then let's go!"

Wei immediately stepped forward and said loudly: "You consume the undead remotely! I will clear the place again later!"

Everyone had no objections and immediately followed Wei's footsteps and moved forward!

Soon, the undead formed a wave again and rushed within the attack range of the heroes!

Gunfire rang out again! The heroes showed their abilities and launched various long-range attacks!

After a while, Wei punched again and broke the space in front of her!

The space storm spread violently again, tearing apart all the undead within a range of nearly two hundred meters!

The battle goes on in cycles!

More than ten minutes later, the heroes were less than fifty meters away from the ruins!

When Vi broke the space with another punch and destroyed the undead along with the ruins, Jinx suddenly came to Vi's side to stop him!

"Stop! You big idiot!"

She raised her hand and suppressed Wei's fist, which was preparing for the next blow.

"The space here is already unstable!"

Jinx reminded loudly: "Several times of shattering and healing in a short period of time have made the space here weak and unstable! You can no longer attack the space! Do you want to open the death dimension?"

Wei was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "I know, next I will target the power of death instead!"

After saying that, she loudly reminded everyone behind her: "Everyone, pay attention! The range of my next attack will become smaller! I can no longer clear a large area of ​​undead at once!"

Everyone responded one after another.

At this time, LeBlanc and Cassiopeia suddenly felt warm all over!

The magic power in their bodies has finally been restored!

The two of them said nothing, but looked at each other tacitly.

LeBlanc spreads his arms!

The next moment, hundreds of LeBlanc clones suddenly appeared on both sides of the team!

This shocked everyone. After seeing clearly that it was LeBlanc, everyone moved their guns away.

"It's time for me to make some contributions."

LeBlanc smiled at everyone: "Let's move on."

The heroes nodded kindly to LeBlanc and moved on before the undead could form a new wave!

But the team had just advanced less than thirty meters, and the undead army gathered into a mass even faster!

"It's getting faster!"

Laxana immediately reminded loudly: "Everyone, pay attention! The resurrection speed of the undead has increased! Foego should have done it himself!"

The heroes immediately looked carefully into the distance and searched, trying to find Foego's figure.

But before anyone could spot any special figure, the wave of undead had already approached again!

Everyone could only withdraw their attention and continue to attack the undead army!

Wei took action early this time!

When the undead approached the fifty-meter range, she quickly punched forward!

The same air vibrated, but this time there were no space cracks or storms!

A shock wave spread from the front of Wei's fist, extending in a fan shape toward the front!

A gap suddenly appeared in the ocean of undead!

However, countless undead quickly filled the gap and restored it!

Vi keeps punching!

Her movements were heavy and slow, and she swung her fists across each other, sending crushing blows into the undead army!

Other heroes have also increased their attack frequency!

As everyone knows, Wei can no longer easily disperse all the undead this time, and there will be close combat next!

Therefore, the melee heroes immediately took their positions in advance, ready to block the impact of the undead for the shooter heroes at any time!

Melee heroes didn't wait long!

Two minutes later, an undead finally broke through Wei's attack blockade!

The first thing to arrive was a group of ghosts! They quickly swooped down from the air towards the heroes!

Katarina suddenly jumped up!

She jumped more than ten meters high to face the large ghosts, and twisted her waist in mid-air, causing her body to spin rapidly!

Immediately afterwards, a large stream of light flew out from Catalina's body!

A handful of holy stone flying knives exploded among the ghosts, and Catalina blocked all the ghosts in a short time!

But three seconds later, Catalina suddenly disappeared into the air!

She returned to the center of the team in an instant, and gasped: "The flying knife shoots out! Next, I can only fight in close combat!"

Everyone did not respond, but fired their attacks at the ghost in the air...

This chapter has been completed!
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