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Chapter 374 Appearance

Heroes are not hypocritical people.

After Ezreal and others made their choice, everyone else just warned them to be careful, and then everyone stopped and continued charging towards the top of the mountain!

Soon after, the team crossed the broken lone bridge halfway up the mountain.

Senna and others continued to move forward, while the heroes who chose to cut off the rear stopped and turned around!

At this time, the undead army has already chased the bridge!

The dense crowd of undead stepped onto the broken lonely bridge. Due to the crowding, many undead were squeezed off the bridge.

Seeing that the undead in the front row had rushed to the center of the lonely bridge, Ezreal immediately took a deep breath.

He raised his left arm and activated the artifact gauntlet on his wrist!

A surge of arcane energy rose from the gauntlet, and Ezreal's entire left arm was wrapped in light!

The next moment, Ezreal suddenly shouted!

He leaned back to gather strength, and then suddenly pushed the artifact guard forward!


A crescent-shaped energy wave covering the entire width of the bridge was instantly launched from in front of Ezreal!

The energy wave moved forward rapidly along the bridge deck, and soon collided with the undead army!

There is no stalemate at all!

The energy wave moves forward, knocking away all the undead blocking the way!

After a short moment, the energy wave passed through the entire bridge deck, and after continuing forward to eliminate many undead, it flew into the air because of the angle of the mountain road!

Looking at the lonely bridge again, at this time, there are no undead souls on the bridge!

The previous undead were either directly scattered by the energy wave, or fell into the abyss under the bridge due to the impact.

Ezreal's attack directly delayed the pursuit distance of the undead by hundreds of meters!

"How often can this kind of attack be used?!"

LeBlanc asked while firing magic at the ghosts in the air.

"About a minute!"

Ezreal looked at the artifact gauntlet and replied: "But that is the time needed to restore full power. Otherwise, it will only take about twenty seconds before I can send out a less powerful energy impact again!"

"Okay! No need to use the maximum power!"

LeBlanc nodded and said: "The broken bridge is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Just use your tricks after you recover. You don't want to kill, just knock the undead under the bridge!"

"Got it!" Ezreal responded immediately.


LeBlanc continued to assign tasks: "Protect this kid, don't let the undead and ghosts get close to him!"

Catalina rolled her eyes at LeBlanc, an enemy of the country.

However, she also moved according to the order and stood beside Ezreal.

LeBlanc smiled jokingly at this, and then she told Cassiopeia: "Save your magic power! You are mainly responsible for petrifying the ghosts that swoop in front of you!"


She looked at Diana again: "Diana, right? Always be prepared for your moonlight magic! Once there are ghosts who are planning to bypass us and rush to the top of the mountain, knock them down!"

After finishing speaking, LeBlanc raised his head and looked at the countless ghosts in the sky.

She laughed gloomily: "I will be responsible for the main firepower!"

After saying this, LeBlanc quickly opened his arms!

Magic power surged out from his body, and clones condensed one after another around him!

She condensed hundreds of clones in one breath!

Afterwards, the clones fired magic missiles into the air in unison!

LeBlanc was on full fire, and she almost blocked most of the ghosts.

And those that leaked in were instantly dissipated in the rising moonlight sword energy!

the other side.

The team rushing to the top of the mountain did not advance at full strength.

They were a little worried about Ezreal and the others who were cut off from the rear.

Senna and the others frequently turned back to look down the mountain.

It wasn't until they discovered that the undead had been successfully blocked at Guqiao that they put down their worries.

The team charges again with all its strength!

They need to get to the top of the mountain as soon as possible! Eliminate Foego as soon as possible and end all this!

After a few minutes, Senna and the others finally successfully reached the top of the mountain!

On the top of the mountain is a courtyard open space, and at the end are several ruins of the Chishui Hall.

The heroes sensed the breath of death in the hall, and the pressure of that breath was extraordinary!

Everyone did not rush forward rashly and start a fight.

Senna made a concealing gesture, and everyone immediately hid behind the ruins of the courtyard wall.

"Virgin, are you there?"

Senna whispered: "I need you to merge with me temporarily, and we can act as bait together to distract Foyego!"

Silently, the virgin representing Isulde's hatred appeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying vengeful figure of the virgin quickly shrunk in size!

It turned into a ball of death light the size of a fist and quickly sank into Senna's chest.

Senna raised her hand and touched her chest.

Then she whispered: "Everyone finds a bunker! Act according to the rehearsal plan made in the Twin Cities battlefield!"

The heroes nodded and scattered to find bunkers to hide.

After a while, Senna took a deep breath, stood up and stepped into the courtyard.

Standing in the middle of the open space in the courtyard, Senna aimed the holy stone cannon at the entrance of Chishui Hall.

"Foyego!!" she shouted!

The shouts echoed and spread, and then the echo of footsteps came from the door of Chishui Hall.

After a while, a pair of leather boots first appeared from the shadow of the palace door!

As the dividing line between light and shadow continues to rise, Foego slowly walks out of the shadows with defiance of everything.

Walking down the steps, Foego opened his hand to his side, and the broken sword slowly appeared out of thin air.

"I thought about what that little girl said."

While moving his eyes to look at the hiding place of the heroes, he said softly: "She is right, even if it is an evil thought, it still belongs to my Isulde! With both good and evil, that is the complete Ysulde.

De! So..."

Foego slowly raised his left hand: "Hand over my Isulde!"

"Then you have to defeat me first!"

Senna said coldly: "Isulde is in my body!"

As if in response to Senna's words, a gloomy green light suddenly lit up inside her chest.

Foego immediately moved his gaze!

With a little more perception, he confirmed the authenticity of the evil thought Isolde.

"Hand it over!" Foyego shouted in a deep voice: "I can spare your life!"

"I said that!"

Senna activated the holy stone cannon, causing the muzzle to light up: "Then you have to defeat me first!"

"I don't know what's good or bad!"

Foyego shouted angrily, and then moved slightly!

In an instant, Foyego suddenly appeared in front of Senna as if teleporting!

Holding his five fingers to Senna's chest, Foego issued a suction force from his hand, causing Isulde's evil spirit ball to instantly escape from Senna's body.

Senna lost control of her body!

Her body is not a physical body, but an energy aggregate, so she has no power to resist under Foego's hands!

But there was no fear on Senna's face.

Behind a stone bunker, Graves lit a smoke bomb and muttered in a low voice: "That guy's attack method was really predicted."

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw the smoke bomb from behind the bunker...

This chapter has been completed!
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