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Chapter 142: Time rush

Professor Lockhart originally introduced Snape as his dueling assistant. He said that Snape would assist him and demonstrate the use of the 'Expelliarmus' spell.

As a result, Snape didn't show any respect at all, and instead called Cowen to the stage to demonstrate a duel with Professor Lockhart.

Seeing this, Professor Lockhart couldn't help but feel a little dazed. He looked at Snape in great surprise and said, "This... I thought we..."

"Kevin Quinn." Snape stood in the audience and said with an indifferent expression: "He is the recipient of the Second Class Order of Merlin."

Obviously, Snape knew Lockhart's virtue very well, just one sentence was enough.

Sure enough, after listening to Snape's words, Professor Lockhart's eyes almost sparkled.

You know, he has only managed to get a third-level medal in his pursuit of fame and fortune.

Therefore, Professor Lockhart changed his face in a second, showed a big smile, and rushed to Coven's side.

Pulling Kewen over, Professor Lockhart, with a warm smile on his face, loudly introduced to the students below: "That's right! Mr. Kewen Quinn! Winner of the Second Order of Merlin Order! My life path

Fellow traveler! My friend!"

"I'm sorry, Professor." Ke Wen broke away from the other party's embrace with a little force, and said with a smile: "Can we start? I still have a lot of things to do."

Professor Lockhart was stunned again, but he immediately reacted, still maintaining his so-called most charming smile, and said freely: "Of course! Everyone must know that the reason why we can achieve such achievements is of course inseparable from our moments.


After once again patting himself on the back, Professor Lockhart patted Covin on the shoulder and said in a friendly manner: "Come on, my partner! Let us give you a wonderful demonstration together."

"Ah, by the way, don't worry, everyone." Professor Lockhart pinched his waist with one hand and confidently said to the students in the audience: "After the demonstration, I promise to return Kewen, who is safe and sound, to you. Believe me,

My moves will be measured."

Snape was fed up with Lockhart's constant nagging, so he suddenly said from the side: "Get ready to start! I will be your referee!"

"Ah, of course! Thank you very much." Professor Lockhart was forced to silence.

Snape walked to the center of the audience and then signaled Corwin and Lockhart to get ready.

On the stage, Corwin and Lockhart stood one meter apart, and then followed the duel procedures, taking out their wands and raising them in front of them to salute.

After bowing slightly to each other, the two turned around at the same time, each took five steps, turned back again, and got into a duel stance.

Professor Lockhart held his waist with one hand, held his wand in front of him and pointed upwards, and made a lunge with both feet. At first glance, he looked like an amateur who could only act cool.

Ke Wen didn't have so many bells and whistles. His left hand drooped naturally and his right hand pointed the wand forward.

In the audience, Snape saw the two of them finishing preparations, and then said: "Listen, after I count one, two, and three, you can cast the spell."





In a duel, the incantation must be recited, and the wand waving movements must also be standard.

Corwin reacted very quickly. As soon as Snape finished speaking, he stretched the wand forward slightly and recited the spell quickly and clearly.

A magic ray was suddenly launched, spanning a distance of nearly ten meters in an instant, and just as Lockhart said the word "divide", it hit the opponent's chest.

This kind of 'directional' spell can only cause knockback or knockback effects if it does not hit a directional target.

Cowen was a little tired of Lockhart's previous shameless behavior, so he deliberately did not aim at the opponent's wand, but instead aimed at the opponent's chest.

Therefore, after Lockhart was hit, he couldn't help but scream in surprise and instantly flew backwards.

After crossing a distance of several meters, the effect of the spell on his body disappeared and he began to fall.

There was a muffled sound, and Professor Lockhart landed on his butt, shaking the dueling platform slightly and even bumping his butt twice.


Professor Lockhart sat there, looking confused as if he didn't know what was going on.



"Ha ha ha ha……"

First there were a few suppressed laughs, and then, no one knew who was taking the lead, the students watching suddenly burst into laughter.

The laughter brought Professor Lockhart back to his senses. He stood up very quickly, put an awkward smile on his face, and spoke loudly to suppress the laughter around him: "Okay, everyone, please stop!"

After all, he was a professor, so the students had to give him some face and suppressed their laughter.

Seeing this, Lockhart finally breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said loudly: "I'm sorry for letting everyone see my embarrassment, but I have to explain!"

He pointed at Coven with his hand: "I said before that I would demonstrate the use of 'Expelliarmus' for everyone, but Mr. Quinn's casting this time was wrong! He did not hit my wand!"

"Of course!" Lockhart continued to add loudly: "Mr. Quinn's shot was in time, otherwise if he shot according to the standard time! I can easily defend against the attack just now! I didn't expect Mr. Quinn to foul, so I

I was a little embarrassed by the curse accidentally."

In the audience, many people believed Lockhart's excuse. After all, it was quite reasonable.

Of course, there are still some people who don't listen to Lockhart's defense at all. Many people who have been staring at Coven obviously know that Coven did not make a move and there was no foul play at all.

At this time, Snape spoke again: "As the referee, I would like to listen to your excuse, so I declare that there will be another duel."

Lockhart's smile froze slightly, then he rolled his eyes and smiled calmly: "No problem! I can easily see through Mr. Quinn's actions. I will take precautions this time."

"Two duelists come forward." Snape ignored each other and raised his voice to give instructions.

Stepping forward again and standing opposite, Lockhart looked at Coven and said with a smile: "Remember the essentials, aim at your opponent's wand, and don't make any mistakes this time."

Ke Wen also ignored the other party and raised his wand in salute.

Lockhart was caught off guard and quickly followed the instructions.

Turning around, the two took steps to distance themselves again, then stood still, turned around, and took a good posture.

This time Lockhart had learned his lesson, so he didn't put on any good-looking poses, while Corwin still acted like before.





This time, as soon as Snape finished counting two and before the word three was completely spoken, Lockhart suddenly took a step forward, waved his wand and fired a magic ray, which went straight to Cowen's chest...

This chapter has been completed!
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