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Chapter 143 Exhale

Unspecified target knockback law.

Obviously, Lockhart's early foul shot this time also did not aim at Cowen's wand. Perhaps it was to retaliate against Cowen for embarrassing him before, so he planned to retaliate in kind.

Lockhart's obvious foul performance shocked everyone. Even Snape's eyes widened in shock after subconsciously saying 'three'.

But Kewen is different from people in this world.

His powerful physical skills gave him powerful dynamic vision and powerful reaction capabilities.

Although Professor Lockhart's magic ray is extremely fast, Coven had seen too many laser weapons in the 'virtual game'.

Therefore, Kewen reacted in time and instantly moved the wand that was held in front of him to block the path of the magic ray.

The next moment, the magic ray hit the wand in Coven's hand, causing him to feel that his right hand holding the wand suddenly became numb and he lost his grip.

With a 'swish' sound, the wand fell out of Ke Wen's hand, spinning and flying into the air beside him.

Kewen was a little annoyed, annoyed at the opponent's shamelessness and the opponent's flagrant foul.

Therefore, without waiting for Lockhart to show his proud expression, he immediately raised his hand and shook the wand as it flew away.

Wandless casting, silent casting.

The 'Summoning Curse' was instantly released by Ke Wen silently, causing the wand that flew out to be suddenly pulled back, and was quickly held by Ke Wen again.

This sudden turn of events made everyone stunned again, while Lockhart opposite him looked like he was about to smile, his eyes widened, and his whole expression looked like a clown.

Without giving the opponent time to come to his senses, Ke Wen didn't care about the duel rules at all, and without reciting a spell, he just fired another 'Expelliarmus' shot.

This time the curse did not show any magic ray effect, it seemed to hit Professor Lockhart's face out of thin air.

There was a soft 'pop' sound, and Professor Lockhart's face deformed.

Without even being able to scream, he tilted his head back and flew out in an instant.

Ke Wen's revenge was not over. While the opponent was still flying upside down in the air, he swung the wand again and flicked the wand from bottom to top.

The mischief charm 'Flying in the Air' also hit Lockhart silently.

This caused Professor Lockhart, who was still flying upside down in mid-air, to suddenly rise sharply and quickly somersault out of the air.

Still not relieved, Coven fired several more 'disarming spells', one after another hitting Lockhart's head, which turned upside down.

The repelling effect of the curse seemed to become a booster, causing Lockhart's somersault speed to increase again and again, and the whole person almost turned into a human windmill in the air.

When he first started somersaulting, Lockhart could barely let out a few screams, but as his speed gradually increased, he finally became completely silent, feeling dizzy and in pain, and had no consciousness to scream.

Seeing this, Kewen finally finished venting his anger and put down his wand with a slight hum.

After a few breaths, the effect of the 'flying in the air' spell dissipated, and Professor Lockhart flipped over and landed on the dueling platform. He lay there feeling dizzy and in pain for a while, and could only make some low humming sounds as a reflex.

Ke Wen no longer looked at the opponent's fate, but turned his attention to Professor Snape.

As if aware of Kewen's gaze, Snape turned his head and met Kewen's eyes, which looked a little resentful.

The raised corners of his mouth were quickly suppressed by Snape, and the schadenfreude on his face was quickly put away.

Seeing this, Coven wanted to roll his eyes at Snape, but with so many people around, Snape couldn't lose face, so in the end Coven just said: "I'm sorry, Professor Snape.

I have something else to do, so I’ll excuse you now.”


As soon as Snape spoke, the corners of his mouth that had been holding back for a long time could not help but curl up again.

After trying hard to suppress the corners of his mouth again, Snape simply stopped talking and waved his hands as if to drive him away.

When Kewen saw this, he jumped off the ring, ignored the eyes of the people around him, and quickly left the room.

As soon as I walked out, I heard a sudden roar of laughter behind me...

Although Ke Wen disrupted the development of the original plot this time, it is rare that his little butterfly did not make waves.

Because something more worthy of students' attention has happened.

After the two roommates came back, they told Coven what happened after he left.

Although Professor Lockhart was too embarrassed to stay in the dueling room any longer, Snape still took over the command of the dueling practice after he escaped in embarrassment, and arranged for Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy to compete on stage.


The development of things has not changed from the original plot. Harry Potter still reveals his "parseltongue" ability and can talk to snakes.

According to his roommate, Harry Potter commanded the cobra summoned by Malfoy and planned to attack a Hufflepuff student. Fortunately, Snape finally took action and used the counter-curse of the summoning spell.

Scattered the poisonous snakes.

Through this incident, combined with the recent attack by the monster in the Chamber of Secrets, now everyone can't help but stay away from Harry Potter.

Because of various factors, it means that Harry Potter is the heir who released the basilisk.

Of course Coven knew what was going on. Harry was not instructing the cobra to attack others, but was using "Parseltongue" to prevent the venomous snakes from rising.

But there was no need for him to explain this kind of thing to anyone, and it would be useless if he did.


A few days later, another victim appeared.

The person who was petrified by the monster in the Chamber of Secrets this time happened to be the day of the duel, and it looked like the student who was about to be harmed by Harry controlling the cobra.

This time it’s like the yellow mud has fallen off the crotch, and Harry Potter can’t explain it at all…

The following days were a little calmer than before, as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

Since Professor Lockhart was disgraced that day, he has never had any trouble since then, and he has been avoiding Coven somewhat.

The students also quickly forgot about the duel, because everyone's eyes were on Harry Potter at this time, as if they were afraid of accidentally offending Harry, and then being attacked by monsters released by Harry.

Christmas is coming soon.

During this year's Christmas vacation, few students chose to stay in school. After all, the college is no longer safe.

In the outside world, parents of students also began to express distrust of the college, making various comments.

Some people were also encouraged by Lucius Malfoy and began to verbally attack Principal Dumbledore, accusing him of neglecting his duties during the Chamber of Secrets incident.

However, no matter how much trouble there is, Hogwarts will continue to open school.

The first weekend after the holiday.

At the agreed teaching time, Kewen left the dormitory and walked to the principal's office.

Just halfway, Ke Wen's progress suddenly stopped, and he listened with a solemn expression...


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