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Chapter 152 Secret Protection

The exploding green light first touched Lockhart, who was nearest. Then, like a swallow returning to its nest, the green light instantly penetrated into Lockhart's body.

At the same time, a huge repulsive force knocked Lockhart upside down, leaping backward and upward, and finally hit the stone at the top of the passage.

After rebounding and landing, this time, Lockhart really fainted.

The sudden change caused Harry and Ron to be stunned again. They both stared at the unconscious Lockhart with their eyes wide open in astonishment.

Not far away, Ke Wen felt his heart beating wildly.

Seeing that Harry and Ron were fine, he let out a long, inaudible breath.

After giving him time to think about what was going on, he soon had a result in his mind.

In the original plot, the Weasley family was very poor, and Ron didn't even have his own wand. He could only use Bill's old robes, Charlie's old wand, and Percy's pet rat.

Charlie's wand was already a bit old and fragile, so Ron hit the Whomping Willow with his speeding car at the beginning of school, and the Whomping Willow broke his wand into two pieces.

After that, Ron simply tied the two-piece wand together with tape and used it for a whole semester.

This made him unable to successfully cast any spell throughout the semester.

In the end, because Lockhart used Ron's 'bad wand' to cast a spell, the 'Amnesia Curse' backfired on him.

This is the information in Kewen's memory.

Today's reality is different.

Although Ron still inherited Bill's old robes and Percy's pet rat Scabbers, the wand was not like in the original plot.

The wand is very important to a wizard.

Therefore, although the family hid their soaring wealth from Ron, they still bought him a brand new and sturdy wand.

As a result of the chain reaction, Ron's wand was not damaged by the Whomping Willow on the first day of school.

After Kewen figured out the cause and effect of all this, he couldn't help but feel scared.

If only he had discovered it just a little bit late, if only his reaction speed had been a little slower.

Then, the current Harry Potter may have become an idiot who has completely lost all memory.

Ke Wen hadn't completely suppressed his fear, when suddenly there was a "rumbling" sound of rocks colliding above the passage.

Immediately afterwards, the rocks at the top of the passage suddenly cracked into several gaps, and a large amount of dust fell down from those gaps like waterfalls.

Amidst a "clack" sound, the cracks in the rocks became bigger and bigger, and it looked like they were about to collapse.

Seeing this, Kewen quickly rushed out and quickly rushed to Harry's side.

The passage began to collapse due to the explosion of Lockhart's spell just now.

Large chunks of rubble began to fall, ricocheting and collapsing in all directions.

The location of the collapse was relatively close to Harry, and a lot of falling debris began to collapse towards Harry.

Seeing this, Harry quickly threw himself to the ground and held his head in his hands.

On the side, Ke Wen quickly glanced at Ron, and after realizing that the rockfall could not threaten Ron, he withdrew his attention.

While invisible, Ke Wen waved his hand casually, as if with telekinesis, sweeping away the debris that was flying towards him.

Likewise, reality is not a story. Without his protection, Harry lying on the ground would have been hit on his back and calf by two pieces of gravel.

After a while, after the landslide ended and the surrounding area became quiet, Harry stood up carefully.

The rubble that fell from the landslide formed a boulder, which almost completely separated Harry and Ron, leaving only some impenetrable gaps for Harry and Ron to communicate.

Harry gave Ron a few words of advice, and then continued deeper along the passage with an air of determination as if he were going to a meeting alone.

Ke Wen was still following invisibly, watching Harry once again use 'Parseltongue' to open a mechanism, and finally entered a huge space like a mausoleum.

A wide stone road goes straight forward, surrounded by streams on both sides. There are many large snake sculptures standing in each stream.

At the end of the stone road is a huge stone wall with a human head. I don't know who the human head is. It may be Merlin, or it may be Slytherin, one of the founders of the academy.

Ginny Weasley was lying not far from the 'portrait wall'.

When Harry saw this, he immediately ran over quickly.

Perhaps small trends are changeable, but general trends cannot be changed. What happened next was almost unchanged from the original plot in Kewen's memory data.

Voldemort's separate soul appeared in his youth, and then he and Harry started a routine plot where "the villain dies because he talks too much, but the protagonist wins by being free".

After Harry expressed his loyalty to Dumbledore several times, Fawkes, the phoenix, rushed over in time with the Sorting Hat, looking like he was familiar with the place. It was obvious that Dumbledore had already discovered this place.

Later, the basilisk appeared after being summoned by Voldemort. As a result, it looked so tyrannical when it appeared, and how embarrassed it looked when it was easily blinded by the phoenix.

Next, the basilisk lost its eyes and lost all its power, as if it had become an impostor. Its strength was simply unleashed. In the end, Harry used the Gryffindor sword from the Sorting Hat to successfully kill it.


Kewen's secret protection operation turned out to be an anticlimax.

In addition to helping a little bit at the beginning, during the final battle, he was reduced to a spectator the whole time.

After Harry successfully killed the basilisk, Dumbledore returned to the academy the next day and resumed his duties as principal.

In the principal's office, Dumbledore praised Harry and Ron for their bravery and said that they would be awarded the 'Academy Special Contribution Award'.

After easily sending Harry and Ron away, Dumbledore looked up to the second floor and smiled softly: "Thank you, my child. Thank you for protecting them."

Ke Wen appeared on the second floor. As he walked down the stairs, he shook his head and said, "No, I just helped them a little."

Arriving on the first floor, Ke Wen said with some emotion: "Perhaps it was indeed fate. Mr. Potter seemed to have divine help at that time. During the battle with the basilisk, he seemed to have no danger at all."

Dumbledore thought about the 'memory thread' scene provided by Coven, and finally had to slowly nod in agreement.

But he waved his hand and said: "You don't have to be modest. I have not forgotten how you cut off the wand in Lockhart's hand in the memory picture, and how you helped Harry resist the flying rocks."

Next, the two of them ended the topic with a tacit understanding.

Dumbledore felt a little indebted to Coven, but Coven was completely uninterested.

After chatting for a while, Ke Wen came up with the idea of ​​learning to 'absorb spiritual thoughts'.

Dumbledore thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed...

This chapter has been completed!
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