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Chapter 155 Focus

Dumbledore didn't have as much time as Cowen, so after guiding Cowen for three hours, he went back to the academy without even staying for lunch.

After Dumbledore left, Corwin had two fewer distractions, so he felt a lot more relaxed.

After practicing for nearly half an hour, seeing that Spilett was already looking a little tired, Kewen terminated the effect of the 'Mind Reading Spell' and suspended today's practice.

In the following days, Dumbledore came over and practiced with Cowen for five consecutive days. After discovering that Cowen no longer needed his constant care, Dumbledore stopped teaching and allowed Cowen to practice on his own.

Without Dumbledore as a helper, the effectiveness of the practice was greatly reduced, so Coven called in the Weasley twins and Penelo and asked his friends to help him continue practicing.

It took nearly another week to adapt, and then Kewen began to step out of the outside world.

As usual, he used the Polyjuice Potion to transform himself into a disguise, and Coven started from the border of Hogsmeade Village and went deeper little by little to gradually adapt to the increase in voices.

In the end, during this entire vacation, Kewen had no energy to learn the second magic.

Until school started again, Kewen was barely able to distinguish clearly what he wanted to hear in the presence of so many people.

However, this will cause his eyes to look very empty, giving people a feeling of lack of concentration.

In the new semester, Kewen has entered sixth grade, which means he has been in this world for six years.

The 'Wonderful House' is relatively close to the college, so this year Ke Wen did not take a train, but returned to the college during the day.

Due to last year's 'o.w.l.s exam', he needs to re-select further courses this year.

Therefore, Kewen found Professor McGonagall, who was responsible for arranging the course schedule, and without hesitation abandoned the 'History of Magic' and 'Muggle Studies' courses, as well as the two courses of 'Divination' and 'Numerical Divination'.

However, there are still some conflicts in the arrangement of class time for the remaining eight courses.

Professor McGonagall secretly suggested to Coven whether he should apply for a 'time turner' from the Ministry of Magic.

The Time Turner is a magical item that looks like a 'chronotopic necklace'.

Each turn of the 'clock dial' will allow the holder to return to the time and space of one hour in the past.

The holder can perform all activities in the past time and space except "changing history".

If used to study, it can give people extra time to take more courses, because there is another self in the "historical time and space".

Professor McGonagall told Coven that she had acted as a guarantor for Hermione Granger this year and applied for a time-turner from the Ministry of Magic.

So I asked Kewen if she needed help in applying for one more.

Kewen thought about it and finally refused because it was too dangerous.

Before time travel, there was a law in the world: those who play with time will eventually be played with by time.

Many lessons of blood and tears have led to the fact that even those who have awakened the power of time do not dare to touch the past time and space.

Therefore, although Ke Wen has traveled to this world, he still keeps this law in mind and is very repulsive to the 'time turner' that can allow people to return to the past time and space.

In the end, after thinking about it, Kewen once again abandoned the 'Care of Magical Creatures' and 'Astronomy' courses, leaving only the other six courses for further study.

Ke Wen spent a quiet afternoon in the empty college. Waiting until evening, other students finally took the train to the college, which restored the college's popularity and bustle.

The welcome dinner for the new semester begins.

This year, before Harry Potter arrived at the Academy, of course something unexpected happened again.

A wizard named 'Sirius' escaped from 'Azkaban Prison', so the Ministry of Magic sent 'Dementors' to hunt for him.

The train back to school was intercepted by a 'dementor'. A reckless dementor could not hold back its thirst and attacked Harry, leaving him unconscious for a long time on the train.

In this way, Harry Potter once again became the talk of everyone at the opening dinner.

It wasn't until the sorting started that everyone calmed down and stopped gossiping about Harry.

Soon after the sorting was completed, Dumbledore made his usual speech. He first introduced this year's two new professors.

One is Remus John Lupine, who is responsible for teaching this year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

The other person is Hagrid, the warden of the Forbidden Forest, who is responsible for teaching the 'Care of Magical Creatures' class.

Hagrid is quite popular in the academy, so he received a lot of congratulatory applause. As for Professor Lupin, he was somewhat implicated by last year's Professor Lockhart.

Except for the newly admitted first-year students, everyone else is skeptical and observant.

However, Kewen knew from memory data that the other party would be a very good professor and a trustworthy 'werewolf'.

That's right, Professor Lupine's hidden identity is a werewolf, more of a werewolf than a ruthless person...

Before Kewen could search for more information in his memory, Dumbledore, who was speaking on the stage, suddenly raised his voice: "Everyone, pay attention!"

Glancing at where Harry Potter was, Dumbledore said loudly: "At the request of the Ministry of Magic, the dementors from 'Azkaban' will be stationed in the academy until Sirius Black is


His expression became serious, and Dumbledore then announced: "Dementors will be stationed at every entrance and exit of the academy. Although I have received assurances from the Ministry of Magic, they ensure that dementors will not disturb everyone in the academy.

Studying and living here, but..."

The tone was no longer scripted. Dumbledore was very serious and warned solemnly: "I need to remind you! Dementors are ferocious creatures! They will not distinguish whether the people approaching them are criminals... or innocents!


"Therefore, I must solemnly warn you, never let the Dementors find an opportunity to harm you."

"Finally." Dumbledore raised his head slightly, looked at Kewen through his glasses, and raised his palm to indicate where Kewen was: "Finally, I suggest that everyone go and review it. Mr. Kewen Quinn

The paper he wrote and published was about Dementors."

Instantly, everyone in the entire auditorium turned their attention to Ke Wen.

"That's all." Dumbledore took back his hand and smiled slightly: "Then, I wish everyone a happy dinner."

The dinner began, but Coven was made the center of attention by Dumbledore.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Because if someone is paying attention to him at all times, he won't be able to secretly throw bones at the people next to him.

Helpless, Ke Wen had no choice but to pretend to eat like a normal person. While eating, he was thinking about what snacks to add to himself in the kitchen at night...

After the dinner, on the way back to the dormitory.

Coven took a few steps quickly and caught up with the Weasley twins who were walking in front.

"George, Fred."

While raising his hand to greet the two of them, Ke Wen left the team and walked to the corridor next to him, as if he wanted to say something private...

This chapter has been completed!
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