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Chapter 158 Black Dog

During this month, Kewen almost didn't know how he survived.

Several times, he swallowed the herbal leaves down his throat, and quickly stopped swallowing in the excitement. He choked and coughed several times, and food residue fell into his trachea countless times.

I kept pushing and pushing, and finally, I was liberated in two days.

But don't be too happy too early. There is another important factor, that is, the sky must be clear at night two days later, and the full moon must be visible.

Otherwise, once the full moon was obscured by clouds, he would have to start all over again and swallow the herbal leaves for a month again.

Fortunately, God is very generous.

Two nights later, the sky was cloudless, and in the bright starry sky, the full moon shined with cool brilliance like a white jade disk.

Ke Wen, who had been suffering from this for a month, immediately walked out of the castle and came to the central courtyard.

He took out a small crystal bottle from his pocket and kept thinking about all kinds of delicacies in his mind. Before long, the crystal bottle was filled with saliva.

Then, Kewen finally spit out the 'Mandrake leaves' in his mouth and put them into a crystal bottle filled with saliva.


With a long sigh of relief, Ke Wen opened his mouth as wide as possible, then kept opening his jaw and moving his tongue at the same time.

This month, it feels like my mouth is no longer his mouth...

It took a while before his mouth finally felt relaxed, and then he quickly carried out the next step of the 'Animal Transformation Technique'.

Simply sitting on the lawn, Kewen took out two other small crystal bottles from his pocket and opened them respectively.

Raising his hand, he pulled a strand of hair from his hair and put it into the saliva bottle.

Among the other two small crystal bottles, one contains the pupa of the 'Ghost-faced Hawkmoth', and the other contains morning dew collected from 'a place without sunlight or human contact for seven days.'

Pour the chrysalis and dew into the crystal bottle filled with saliva and herbs respectively, close the bottle cap, then lift the crystal bottle and slowly shake it towards the full moon in the sky.

After shaking for a while, the steps that need to be completed today are finally over.

He quickly returned to the castle and came to the 'Room of Requirements'.

Corwin walked back and forth in the corridor, muttering in a low voice: "I need a quiet and dark place! I need a quiet and dark place!"

Soon, the door to the Room of Requirement appeared, and Ke Wen immediately pushed the door open and entered.

The room that appeared this time was a stone cave, and I didn't know where it was in the castle, but it was indeed quiet and dark enough.

Kewen did not intend to check the cave, but directly squatted down, placed the crystal bottle on the ground at his feet, and then exited the Room of Requirement.

I breathed a long sigh of relief again, and then I had to wait for the storm to come.

Putting aside his worries, Ke Wen immediately set off and walked quickly towards the kitchen. This month had tortured him to death.

He's going to have a big meal tonight!

The next day, Kewen, who had stayed up all night, went to the place where he exercises every day early in the morning. Soon after waiting, the morning sun rose from the mountains in the distance.

Seeing this, Kewen immediately took out his wand and pointed it at his heart.

At the same time, he chanted: "Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus!"


Almost at the same time as the spell fell, Ke Wen felt another heartbeat suddenly appear in his heart. The heartbeat was weak but powerful.

"It's done!"

Ke Wen couldn't help but exclaimed with excitement. Unexpectedly, he felt another heartbeat the first time he recited the incantation. It was supposed that he should have continued to recite the incantation for many days before he could feel the second heartbeat.

It seems that his 'superpower' has taken effect again.

No matter what, Ke Wen's mood became very happy.

He raised his hand and waved his wand, as if a magician was doing tricks, releasing many small spells with very 'magical' visual effects, making the sky around him seem like fireworks.

It can be seen that he is in a good mood.

After that, Ke Wen performed a few more sets of boxing on the spot, activating his body. Soon after, there were gradually more active students in the college, and the noise gradually started to sound.

Seeing this, Kewen cleaned himself of the morning dew and sweat, then turned on the 'Ingestion of Divine Mind' state for daily training, and at the same time returned to the castle.

But before he entered the auditorium, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind, almost suppressing all the other voices.

"Kill him! Must kill him!"

"No! I have to endure it first!"

"Kill him! He's in the Gryffindor dormitory!"

"No! Hold on a little longer! Hold on a little longer! Wait until after class..."

The emotion of this voice was so intense that Ke Wen could listen to it completely without having to distinguish it carefully.

Unable to help but stop, Ke Wen looked around in surprise, but didn't see anyone.

After all, he is not like Dumbledore, who can rely on his voice to accurately determine the direction.

However, from the voice that sounded like a schizophrenic, Ke Wen almost instantly guessed the identity of the other party - Sirius Black.

After thinking about it, Kewen did not pay attention, but continued to walk into the auditorium...

This morning is the big class on 'Defense Against the Dark Arts'.

In two consecutive classes, the new Professor Lu Ping explained the knowledge about werewolves to everyone.

Ke Wen, who was sitting below, had some weird eyes. Watching Professor Lupine, who was a werewolf, explaining how to deal with werewolves, Ke Wen felt an indescribable awkwardness.

There are no classes in the afternoon. After all, Kewen only needs to take six courses this year, one less than the first and second grade students.

Therefore, after everyone else went to class in the afternoon, he hid his figure outside the common room door, used the 'Illusion Body Curse' to make himself invisible, and then turned on the 'Absorb Spiritual Mind' and waited.

In less than half an hour, Sirius Black's voice was captured by Coven again.

In response, Ke Wen cheered up a little and set his sights at the end of the corridor.

After a while, a big black dog appeared from the end of the corridor and ran quickly towards the door of the dormitory.

Not far from the Fat Lady's portrait, the big dog suddenly leaped forward and quickly transformed into a human form in mid-air. The dirty and embarrassed Sirius Black finally revealed his true face.

"Merlin's dress!"

The fat lady in the portrait was startled, patted her chest and exclaimed: "Who are you?"

"It's me! Madam!"

Sirius Black tried to force a smile, but his dirty face instead looked a little ferocious.

Seeing that the Fat Lady was even more frightened, Sirius Black simply put away his smile and said in as gentle a tone as possible: "I am Black, Sirius Black, a former Gryffindor student."

"Ah! It's you." The fat lady recalled it, and then she breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Why did you come back to the academy? Didn't I hear that you..."

Looking at Sirius Black, the Fat Lady suddenly thought of his identity, so fear appeared on her face again, and she couldn't help but shrink back, as if she could avoid it.

Seeing this, Sirius simply stopped being polite and said in a deep voice with gritted teeth: "Madam, can you let me into the dormitory? What's the password? Strawberry, melon, pepper, peach, beef, orange?"

"None of them are right!" The Fat Lady shivered and responded: "I won't let you in!"

"Please!" Sirius Black took a step forward, and his tone could not tell whether it was a plea or a threat: "Please let me in! I promise, I swear I will not hurt anyone!"

"No!" The Fat Madam shook her head stubbornly: "I, I'm going to tell the professors!"

Sirius Black lost all patience and suddenly shouted ferociously: "Don't push me!"

The Fat Lady screamed, and the figure in the portrait shrank back again and again, and was finally so frightened that she overturned the chair.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

Sirius Black became completely crazy. He raised his hand and grabbed the edge of the portrait, and kept pushing it to the side.

But the portrait is a magical mechanism after all, and it cannot be easily pushed away by human power.


Sirius Black continued to use his arms while roaring, and the veins on his neck and forehead popped out.

"Shaoqing," he roared angrily with "Ah" again and gave up the useless effort.

Taking a step back with a violent gasp, Sirius Black's eyes seemed to be filled with a ghostly light as he stared at the portrait fiercely.

Then, he gradually took a few steps back, his figure suddenly became shorter, and he quickly transformed back into the form of a big black dog.


When the fat lady in the portrait saw this, she immediately screamed and ran away, her figure quickly disappeared into the portrait, and she ran to no one knows where.

Sirius Black ignored all this. After turning into a black dog, he roared and rushed towards the portrait. His sharp claws popped out of the flesh pads and he was about to tear at the portrait.

At this moment, Ke Wen suddenly appeared from beside the portrait.

Before Sirius Black could react in mid-air, Ke Wen reached out his hand instantly and accurately grabbed the flesh of the opponent's neck.

The big black dog weighing more than 100 kilograms was easily lifted in the air by Ke Wen.

After being stunned for a moment, Sirius Black came to his senses and immediately began to struggle desperately, while letting out a series of ferocious dog barks from his mouth.

However, no matter how hard the opponent struggled, Ke Wen's arm grabbing the back of his neck remained steady. At the same time, he turned around and walked towards the principal's office.

Not far away, Sirius Black, who saw the futile struggle, suddenly began to change his posture again, about to return to his human form.

Ke Wen didn't want to carry the opponent's dirty body, so he immediately raised his hand and threw it high into the air.

Then he pointed his finger in the air at Sirius Black who had regained his human form, and with a simple levitation spell, the other person was controlled by him again.

"Can I change back to black dog form?"

Corwin raised his head and stared with a smile at Sirius Black, who was waving his limbs in mid-air and grinning at him like a wild beast.

However, seeing that the other party looked like he couldn't listen to what others were saying, Coven had no choice but to threaten: "If you don't want Harry Potter to be harmed, you'd better do as I say."

After hearing the keyword 'Harry Potter', Sirius Black finally regained his senses.

He stared at Kewen in mid-air for a while, then suddenly turned into a black dog silently...


In order to increase the order volume, the update is changed to two updates, and the number of words in each chapter is changed from 2k to 3kヾ(?°?°?)??

This chapter has been completed!
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