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Chapter 167 Summary

On this day, Coven received a message from Dumbledore's 'Patron Saint'. The note sent had this week's password on it - dragon.

Ke Wen was stunned for a moment, then apologized to the admirers surrounding him and went to the principal's office.

Passed the password staircase and knocked on the office door.

After being greeted by Dumbledore into the office, Corwin discovered that Sirius Black was also there.

"Good afternoon Mr. Headmaster, good afternoon Mr. Bligh, Mr. Sirius."

Hearing the way Ke Wen addressed him, Sirius couldn't help but smile happily, took a few steps forward, opened his arms and hugged Ke Wen intimately.

"Good afternoon Kewen."

After Sirius withdrew, he looked at Coven with admiration and said, "Congratulations on becoming a warrior representing Hogwarts."

"Thank you." Kewen politely thanked him.

After saying that, Coven looked at Dumbledore and asked: "Mr. Principal, why did you call me here?"

"Peter Pettigrew escaped from prison!"

Dumbledore was very direct: "There is also the matter of the Death Eaters making a big fuss on the Quidditch field during the holidays, so kid, we really need your smart head and your opinions on these things!"

"This..." Ke Wen was stunned, and then said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, sir, I don't have much information, so..."

Seeing Ke Wen's dilemma, Dumbledore waved his hand indifferently and encouraged: "It doesn't matter, kid, we are also clueless now, so we need to use your bright ideas to break the situation."

"Okay." Ke Wen nodded, and then looked at Sirius: "Since you have come to the academy, you must have brought news other than prison escapes and Death Eaters, right?"

"The wisdom of Merlin!"

Sirius sighed as if taking in a breath of cold air, and then looked at Dumbledore with a smile in his eyes.

Turning to look at Ke Wen, Sirius nodded and said, "Yes, I also brought some things about Harry."

"Can you tell me?" Ke Wen said: "The more information, the better it will be for my summary."

"Of course!" Sirius was completely impressed by Covin's performance, so he immediately said: "It's about a nightmare Harry had. During the vacation, he dreamed about Voldemort, the mouse Peter, and another person and a giant tiger.

Python, but Harry doesn’t recognize the third person.”

After taking a breath, Sirius continued: "In the dream, Voldemort killed an old Muggle with the killing curse, and then ordered a third person to capture Harry."

In order to show that this message was not an ordinary nightmare, Sirius went on to explain: "Harry has dreamed of Voldemort before, but it was just an ordinary nightmare, and this time it was different. Harry's scar was after the nightmare."

It caused severe pain!"

"The kid never told anyone about it, and he only mentioned it in a letter to me recently."

Sirius sighed worriedly for Harry, and then said: "That's why I rushed to the college to inform the principal of the situation."

"A prophetic dream?"

Kewen had already guessed the details based on the information, but he deliberately said a guiding word.

"No, that's not a prophecy."

Sure enough, Dumbledore was induced to speak. After a moment of silence, he continued: "Harry's situation is very special, so it's time to talk to you."

Next, Dumbledore explained in detail how Harry was protected by his mother's spell, and how the loving spell backfired on Voldemort's death curse.

Finally, Dumbledore explained to Covin that he was certain that a small fragment of Voldemort's soul was now hidden in Harry's body due to the backlash of the Death Curse.

In other words, Harry is actually a Horcrux of Voldemort.

After all, Coven had helped a lot, so Dumbledore didn't hide anything this time and told Voldemort's Horcrux in detail.

After Kewen listened, he fell silent and began to think.

Combining all the information, he guessed that Voldemort's current resurrection must have consumed a Horcrux.

Of course, the so-called resurrection may still be like the original Professor Rocky, just in a state of possession by the remnant soul.

That makes sense.

No wonder those Death Eaters dared to show up and cause trouble on the Quidditch field during the holidays. No wonder this year, Harry was chosen as a warrior by the Goblet of Fire just like in the original plot.

It was all because of Voldemort's return that the Death Eaters had a backbone and the original plot remained unchanged.

Principal Karkaroff of Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry also used the confusion spell on the Goblet of Fire as in the original plot, successfully making Harry selected as the fourth warrior.

While Ke Wen was thinking, Dumbledore and Sirius kept quiet, for fear of making the slightest noise and disturbing Ke Wen's thinking.

Seeing the confused and confused expressions on Ke Wen's face, Dumbledore and Sirius' moods also went up and down.

Every time they saw Ke Wen's sudden expression, they couldn't help but show surprise and expectation at the same time.

After a while, Ke Wen finished summarizing the information, raised his head, and met Dumbledore's expectant eyes.

"We are coming one message at a time." Ke Wen was ready to express his opinion.

"Of course!" Dumbledore waved his hand quickly and called a chair for Coven: "Sit down quickly, we have plenty of time."

Ke Wen nodded, stepped forward and took a seat, and then said: "There are three speculations about Peter Pettigrew's escape from prison."

Dumbledore's expression became solemn, and he straightened his waist subconsciously: "Please tell me!"

"The first guess." Coven said: "He may have escaped from prison by relying on the 'animal transformation technique' like Sirius."

Dumbledore nodded: "We also have this speculation."

"The second guess." Coven continued: "There were Death Eaters from the outside, or they cooperated from the inside and released Peter Pettigrew."

Dumbledore nodded slowly and thought deeply, keeping the guess in his mind.

"The last guess is somewhat unfavorable." Ke Wen sighed and said: "Although it is a bit bizarre, I guess it is possible that the dementors of 'Azkaban' have already sided with Voldemort.


"This..." Dumbledore's eyes widened in surprise.

"How is this possible!?" Sirius exclaimed: "How can a dementor..."

"Don't think they have any bottom line." Ke Wen shook his head and said in a low tone: "Imagine if you were a dementor and someone told you that you could eat without restrictions...


After imagining the hypothesis put forward by Coven, Sirius was suddenly stunned, and even Dumbledore couldn't help but suddenly clenched his hands into fists.

"Let's continue with other information."

Coven did not leave much time for the two of them to think, and continued: "Whether it is Harry's nightmare, Peter Pettigrew's escape from prison, or even the emergence of those Death Eaters, in the end it can only be because of one reason.


After a pause, Coven confirmed Dumbledore's worries: "Voldemort must have returned again with the help of other Horcruxes!"

Kewen finally concluded: "Only in this way can those Death Eaters have the courage to cause trouble."

The office suddenly became silent.

After a while, Dumbledore sighed, and then said: "Although I had expected it, I never thought that Voldemort would return so early."

"Harry is in danger."

Coven suddenly said this, which immediately attracted the attention of Dumbledore and Sirius.

"We also guessed so." Dumbledore said expectantly: "But we don't have any clue about how the crisis will come. My child, have you thought of anything?"

"Principal Karkaroff, Professor Moody!" Coven said two names.

Dumbledore was a little stunned and said subconsciously: "Alastor is our loyal partner. Although Karkaroff was a Death Eater a long time ago, but..."

Before Dumbledore could finish speaking, Coven shook his head and said: "This year, there are only two principals and one Professor Moody among outsiders coming to the academy. If anyone wants to harm Harry, it will naturally come from the three of them."

Among them."

Corwin did not give Dumbledore time to think, and continued: "The characteristics of Principal Maxim and Principal Karkaroff are too obvious, and they are obviously not compatible with the third person in Harry's nightmare, otherwise Harry would not be able to recognize them.

Not coming out."

"So, the person who made Harry selected for the Goblet of Fire was either Principal Karkaroff or Professor Moody."

"And I guess that the person who will eventually capture Harry and sacrifice him to Voldemort will not be Principal Karkaroff."

The hint was already obvious, but this result was very difficult for Dumbledore to accept.

Mad-Eye Moody has been fighting on the front line with the Death Eaters for a long time. After participating in various struggles, Mad-Eye Moody's body is covered with scars.

A large piece of my nose was missing, a leg was missing, my eyeball was replaced, and there were all kinds of ugly scars on my skin.

And most importantly, Mad-Eye Moody has always firmly stood on Dumbledore's side and is the backbone of Dumbledore's camp.

Therefore, Dumbledore also repaid the other party with complete trust.

Now that he heard Coven's suspicion, it was difficult for Dumbledore to accept this result.

Seeing Dumbledore's confusion, Coven reminded again: "I discovered that Professor Moody has a metal flask that never leaves his body."

As he said that, Ke Wen turned to look at Sirius, who had been acting like a stupid listener, and then said: "It would have been great if I had had a hip flask like this last year. At least I could have saved money when making those 'polyjuice potions' for you.

Put down a lot of crystal bottles.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Dumbledore suddenly raised his gaze, his face filled with shock.

Sirius also came back to his senses and said in disbelief: "You mean... Mad-Eye was disguised by someone else using 'Polyjuice Potion'?"

"I think there is a high chance of this." Coven admitted, and then suggested to Dumbledore: "Sir, just to be on the safe side, you might be able to use 'Ingestion of Divine Mind' to observe it."

"No." Dumbledore sighed, took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose tiredly, and then said: "I read Harry's thoughts. They were also present at the time, but I didn't hear their voices."

Obviously, both Principal Karkaroff and Professor Moody maintain the 'Occlumency' at all times.

The office became silent again. Dumbledore was concentrating on thinking about things. Sirius had a reckless personality and it was difficult for him to think about the twists and turns, so he obediently chose to be a listener.

Kewen is also thinking.

But he was thinking about Voldemort's Horcruxes.

Voldemort and snakes appeared in Harry Potter's dreams, which represented the appearance of Voldemort's two Horcruxes.

Counting Harry, the remaining soul that was destroyed by Dumbledore, and the notebook, there are already five Horcruxes.

Of the remaining two, as far as Coven knew, the Horcrux in the 'Room of Requirement' was safe for the time being.

During the holidays, the reason why he accepted Sirius's invitation was to confirm whether the Horcrux left at Sirius's house was still there.

At that time, he used the "Ingestion of Divine Mind" unknown to anyone, and read the results from the mind of the elf named Kreacher.

The 'Slytherin Locket', which was made into a Horcrux by Voldemort, is indeed still in that house.

Combining all the information and comparing it with the memory data, Kewen finally determined that Voldemort must have borrowed the Horcrux 'Hufflepuff Gold Cup' for his return.

The whole clue became clear.

As a Death Eater who was loyal to Voldemort, Barty Crouch Jr. was tricked out of the Azkaban prison by his doting mother. When he escaped from the prison, he rescued Peter Pettigrew, who could turn into a mouse.

Subsequently, through information obtained from other Death Eater inmates, Barty Crouch Jr. successfully obtained the 'Hufflepuff Gold Cup'.

In the end, Voldemort's remnant soul returned from the 'Golden Cup of Horcruxes'.

Next, Barty Crouch Jr. accepted Voldemort's order and attacked the real Mad-Eye Moody.

He then used the 'Polyjuice Potion' to transform into the other party's appearance, sneaked into Hogwarts, and prepared to seize the opportunity to capture Harry and sacrifice it to Voldemort.

After sorting everything out, Kewen continued to meditate, and plans emerged in his mind...

I don't know how long it took, but Dumbledore came to his senses first, took a deep breath and said, "Thank you son, you never disappoint, and once again gave us such amazing help."

His thoughts were interrupted by the voice, and Ke Wen smiled and shook his head: "This is what I should do. The college has cultivated my abilities, so naturally I should give the college as much as possible in return."

"Amazing!" Sirius interrupted and said with admiration: "Kewen, you are an amazing wizard!"

"Thank you for your evaluation." Ke Wen was slightly startled by Sirius' sudden interruption, and then thanked him reservedly.

"The third game!" Dumbledore imitated Sirius and suddenly interjected, saying with certainty: "The third game is a maze. That is the most suitable time to capture Harry!"

Hearing this, Sirius suddenly became nervous...

This chapter has been completed!
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