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Chapter 169 Subduing the Dragon

After a series of pre-game preparations and various inspections, the game finally officially started after a salute.

The first one ready to go on stage is Furong.

The girl from France looked very nervous, and the hand holding the wand tightened and loosened, and then tightened again.

Finally, she mustered up the courage, took a deep breath to make her chest swell, and then, holding her breath, she quickly walked out of the lounge.

In the lounge, you can clearly hear the sounds in the venue outside, the roar of the fire dragon, and the exclamations of the audience.

And this sense of the unknown, where one can only hear its sound but not see its form, makes people feel even more nervous and frightened.

Krum tilted his head there, pointing his ears towards the field outside, listening attentively to every sound, and his forehead was unknowingly covered with a layer of cold sweat.

Harry, on the other hand, seemed to be frightened. He was trembling slightly while sitting in his chair, and his violent heartbeat almost echoed in the lounge.

Seeing this, Coven had no choice but to keep quiet, for fear of making some noise and frightening Krum and Harry to collapse.

It wasn't until about fifteen minutes passed that violent cheers suddenly rang out from outside. Apparently, Fleur had successfully passed the dragon's guard and obtained the mission goal of this game - the golden egg.

Not long after, Fleur was helped back to the lounge and lay down on a folding bed holding the golden egg in her arms.

Hou was so scared that he was shaking all over, and his expression did not show any joy after success. Instead, he was holding back and did not cry.

The three principals gave a brief word of comfort and then went out and returned to the referee's stand.

After a while, Director Crouch greeted him at the door and said to Klum, who had been staring at the scorched spot on Fleur's clothes: "It's your turn now, Mr. Klum."

Krum came back to his senses with a jolt, his eyes quickly glanced at Coven and Harry, then he took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and walked out of the lounge.

Soon, the roar of the dragon was heard again outside, and the audience's screams of surprise were heard.

At this moment, Harry, who was about to come on next, was even more nervous.

Seeing this, Ke Wen had to say something to comfort him: "Don't be nervous, Harry."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Science and Culture!" Harry was so frightened by the voice that he trembled, and then hurriedly responded as if he had lost his mind: "I, I'm fine! I'm ready!"

"What method are you going to use to pass the level?" Coven continued to talk, in order to relieve Harry's nervousness.

"Broomstick! Flying broomstick!" Harry said as if answering automatically: "Professor Moody taught me the 'Flying Charm!' to summon a flying broomstick!"

"Not bad." Ke Wen smiled and praised: "Harry, your flying talent is very high. As long as you concentrate more, the flying dragon won't be able to catch up with you."

The reassurance had some effect, and Harry indeed seemed much more relaxed after hearing this. He nodded vigorously and looked at Kewen with gratitude in his eyes.

At this time, Furong finally recovered from her fear and half sat up from the folding bed.

Ke Wen turned his gaze away, nodded to Furong who looked at him, and said, "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Fleur forced a smile.

At this time, deafening cheers rang out again outside.

"It seems that Mr. Krum has also succeeded." Fleur said subconsciously.

Soon, Krum returned to the lounge, holding the golden egg tightly in his arms, with an expression of excitement that could not be concealed on his face.

"Congratulations." Kewen smiled and congratulated: "Congratulations on successfully getting the golden egg, Mr. Conqueror."

Krum's name is Viktor, which means conqueror and victor in Latin.

After hearing Kewen's congratulations, Krum couldn't help but be slightly startled, but he was in a good mood at the moment, so he didn't worry about whether everyone was familiar enough to joke about it.

Therefore, he immediately showed a relaxed smile and responded with the same joke: "Thank you, come on, Her Majesty the Queen of Hogwarts."

After saying that, Krum and Coven looked at each other, then they both laughed, and the atmosphere became friendly.

Amidst the laughter, Harry next to him suddenly felt that he was no longer so nervous. He lowered his head slightly and looked at his hands, no longer shaking as before.

Since Klum was not injured, the referees did not come to the lounge to take care of him. After a while, a broadcast began to call Harry to come on third.

"Come on Harry." Coven encouraged: "Everyone succeeded, so the dragon is not as scary as you think."

"Okay, okay! Thank you, senior!" Harry nodded and couldn't help but look at Fleur and Krum.

Because the atmosphere was just right, Fleur and Krum both showed friendly attitudes, nodded to Harry, and said "Come on" in encouragement.

Encouraged, Harry took a deep breath and rushed into the arena.

Soon, waves of exclamations from the audience sounded.

But not long after, the outside suddenly became quiet, and Coven knew that it was Harry who finally got the flying broom and lured the dragon away from the arena.

After about ten minutes, the audience's cheers suddenly started again, and soon, it was announced on the radio that Harry had successfully obtained the golden egg.

Not long after, a very embarrassed Harry walked into the lounge, holding the golden egg and his face full of excitement.

Because he looked so embarrassed, the principals as referees came over one after another to check whether Harry needed treatment.

After finding out that Harry was fine, Dumbledore said to Corwin: "Son, you may have to wait a little longer before you can play."

"What happened, sir?" Ke Wen asked in confusion.

Dumbledore looked at Harry and said with a smile: "This is because Harry lost a dragon, so we must go and catch that dragon first."

After the joke, the principals left in a hurry, apparently looking for the 'Hungarian Treecrest Dragon'.

After about twenty minutes, the broadcast outside sounded again, calling for Ke Wen to come on.

"Come on, Mr. Quinn," Fleur said with her French roll accent.

"Come on! Her Majesty the Queen of Hogwarts." Krum said, straightening his arms and clenching his hands into fists.

"Thank you." Coven extended his fist and bumped with Klum.

"Come on, senior!" Harry grinned and said, "I believe you will succeed!"


Ke Wen smiled back, nodded to the three of them again, and then walked out of the lounge.

The entrance to the lounge has been connected to the venue. When you walk out of the tent, you will see a rock cave entrance in front of you.

The cave is facing the field. At this time, a gray-white dragon with a body length of nearly 20 meters is being imprisoned in the center of the field by a thick iron chain.

The giant dragon seemed very irritable. It was constantly turning its body due to the cheers and shouts around it, and roared from time to time.

When Ke Wen walked out of the cave, the cheers around him suddenly rose to a higher level. No one knew who started it, and all the audience gradually called out Ke Wen's name.

Soon, there was only one voice left in the audience—Kevin Quinn!

Standing on the field, Kewen followed the shouts around him and looked around the audience.

Finally, he looked towards the referee's bench and nodded to Dumbledore from afar.

Withdrawing his gaze, Kewen looked at the giant dragon in the field, and the dragon also discovered him as the intruder.

Turning its body, the gray dragon spread its wings and lowered itself to the ground in an attack posture. Even though it was far away, it still shot out a mouthful of flames first.

However, the flames only sprayed for more than thirty meters before being unable to continue.

Amidst the exclamations of many spectators, Kewen just glanced at the flames that were more than ten meters away from him, then stopped paying attention and began to look at the rugged boulder ground in the field.

Soon he had a plan in mind.

Taking another step, Kewen finally started walking towards the dragon.

The tense scene of a tiny human being facing a gigantic dragon made the surrounding audience hold their breath and watch the next development attentively.

Amid the threatening roar of the dragon, Kewen kept walking, pacing at a steady speed in the direction of the dragon, while raising his hand and waving the wand to the right.

Under the silent spell, a nearly six-meter-high boulder was deformed by Kewen and quickly turned into a solid armor statue with lifelike patterns and lifelike details.


Waves of admiration rang out, and many in the audience were amazed by Ke Wen's 'transformation'. Over at the professor's table, Professor McGonagall was smiling brightly, and kept nodding to the professors around him.

In the field, Kewen's movements did not stop. He gently waved his wand again and pointed at another boulder.

Soon, another statue approaching seven meters appeared.

The next moment, as Ke Wen flicked the wand, the two huge stone statues suddenly came to life. Amidst a "clacking" sound of friction, they one after another raised their shields and one-handed hammers.

From the surrounding auditoriums, voices of admiration for the finished film once again appeared.

At this time, Ke Wen pointed his wand to his side. Following his movement, the two statues suddenly bent down at the same time. Then, with a leap, they landed next to Ke Wen with two "Peng Peng" sounds.

"Grow big quickly! Rocks become steel!"

In order to strengthen the effect of the spell, Coven pointed the wand at the statue next to him and recited the spell aloud.

As the magic spell took effect on the two statues, the statues that were originally only six or seven meters suddenly began to grow in size, and finally grew to about fifteen meters before stopping.

Then, the bodies of the two stone giants began to change color, the stone faded as they breathed, and finally turned into a gleaming metal.


Violent sighs erupted again, and everyone could see that the two fifteen-meter-tall metal giants in the field were undoubtedly able to fight an evenly matched battle with the giant dragon.

As expected, Ke Wen was not going to stay for a long time. He was ready, pointed his wand at the giant dragon in the center of the field, and ordered at the same time: "Up!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two metal giants suddenly started walking, like soldiers advancing along the front line in a war, holding shields in their left hands and hammers in their right hands at the ready, taking long strides to rush towards the giant dragon.


Seeing the two giants attacking, the 'Ukrainian Iron Belly Dragon' in the field suddenly roared, stood up, and tightened the iron chain around his neck.

Then he shook his head hard and broke the chain with a crash.

After losing its confinement, the giant dragon not only showed no signs of guarding or flinching, but instead took the initiative to step forward amidst the roar, spread its wings and pounced on the two metal giants.


There was a violent and echoing collision sound, and the giant dragon knocked a giant directly to the ground, and then bit it with its head.

The dragon was very powerful and its teeth were very sharp. It actually managed to bite a hole in the shield in the hands of the fallen giant.

But at this time, another giant took action, swung his shield and hit the dragon's head, smashing the dragon's neck and throwing it to the side.

Taking this opportunity, the fallen giant flipped up, threw away his shield and one-handed hammer, and threw himself forward to hold the giant dragon under him.


The giant dragon roared and struggled, and with the huge force, the giant began to roll, knocking the rugged boulders on the ground nearby and flying in all directions.

However, with the addition of another giant, the giant dragon suddenly fell into a disadvantage. After a struggle and a struggle, the two giants worked together to pin it to the ground.

No matter how hard it was to struggle, the giant dragon could only keep roaring. Taking advantage of its long neck, it kept biting the two giants, leaving deep tooth marks on their bodies.

"Corwin Quinn!"

"Corwin Quinn!"

"Corwin Quinn!"

"Corwin Quinn!"

From the surrounding stands, uniform cheers and shouts rang out again.

Seeing this, Kewen, who had been standing behind before, took another step forward and approached the giant dragon imprisoned on the ground.

Perhaps it was thoughtful, as if it knew that Kewen was the culprit. Therefore, after Kewen came closer, the giant dragon suddenly released its mouth from the metal giant.

Fire emerged from his throat, and in the next moment, a burst of flame was suddenly sprayed towards Kewen by the giant dragon.

This time Kewen was only about ten meters away from the giant dragon, completely within the range of the flame jet.

Seeing this scene, the audience subconsciously stopped shouting Ke Wen's name and instead exclaimed and screamed.

On the field, since Ke Wen dared to close the distance and step forward, he would naturally take all situations into account. Therefore, he did not show any nervousness when faced with the erupting dragon flames.

Almost at the moment when the dragon flames erupted, he raised his wand, pointed it forward and continued to draw small circles, while chanting: "Contain the divine fire!"

The next moment, Long Yan came in front of him, but it seemed to be attracted by the magic wand. The flames that were originally more than one meter thick quickly became smaller and converged towards the tip of the wand.

After the dragon's mouthful of dragon flames erupted, all the flames gathered at the tip of Ke Wen's wand and formed a small, blazing white fireball.

Seeing this, Kewen slowly retracted his wand, and with a flick of the wand, he shook off a fireball about ten centimeters in diameter.

His left hand had already been raised, and he spread his palm to catch the fireball, causing the fireball to float above his palm.

Amid the sudden loud cheers, Ke Wen smiled slightly and then clenched his fist with his left hand.

With a 'bang' sound, the fireball was extinguished instantly, leaving only a few sparks scattered out.

Immediately afterwards, Coven hammered his wand at the metal that was thrown to the ground by the metal giant with one hand, causing it to suddenly fly into the air.

He suddenly ran forward two steps, silently exerting his "body as light as a feather" on himself, and then borrowed the strength from a boulder protruding from the ground, and suddenly jumped high into the air.

Yu caught the huge one-handed hammer in the air with both hands, and quickly added a few more magic spells to himself silently.

Finally, Ke Wen lifted the huge one-handed hammer like a propeller, and then fell down.


This chapter has been completed!
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