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Chapter 175 Trust

problem occurs!

The day after the second game, Coven received news from a worried Professor McGonagall.

Mr. Barty Crouch, the director of the "International Magical Cooperation Department" who served as the referee, was found dead in the Forbidden Forest.

Judging from the intact body of Director Crouch, it was obvious that someone had used a 'death curse' on him.

This matter has not spread, only a few people know about it.

Because neither the Ministry of Magic nor the academy wants to cause panic among the students.

In the end, they could only lie that Director Crouch was unable to participate in the refereeing work of the third game due to other work commitments...

That night, Corwin found Harry in the 'common room'.

After nodding to the students around Harry, Kewen greeted: "Harry, do you have time?"


After the game, Harry had already learned from others about the time when Covin came out of the water in the second game. He was not stupid, and he had already made a guess based on the situation in the water at that time.

Therefore, after hearing Ke Wen's greeting, he couldn't help but feel a little excited, with a look of gratitude in his eyes.

Seeing this, Kewen smiled slightly and said, "Can you go out with me for a while?"

"Kewen, do you have anything to do with Harry?" As a member of the inseparable trio, Ron asked curiously from the side: "Or if you need help with anything, I can also help."

"It's nothing big." Ke Wen said perfunctorily with a smile: "It's just something about the next game."

"Oh, that's it." Ron lost interest after hearing this. After all, he didn't participate in the competition, so there was no common topic.

Seeing this, Harry took over the topic, stood up and said, "I have time, Professor Kewen, where can we go to talk?"

"Go to my dormitory, there is no one there." Corwin responded, then nodded to Ron and Hermione again, turned and walked towards the stairs.

Harry hurriedly followed.

Not long after entering the dormitory, Ke Wen invited Harry to sit down on the sofa.

Before Ke Wen could speak, Harry said with great gratitude: "Senior! You were the one who helped me that day in the lake, right!?"

"Oh?" Ke Wen was stunned. He didn't expect Harry to mention this matter, so he smiled and said, "You know?"

"Yeah!" Harry nodded very quickly, took a deep breath and said, "I figured it all out after that!"

"When I faced the obstruction of the mermaids, when I faced those 'Grindelows', and also! When I was about to suffocate and pass out!"

Harry counted them one by one, and then said with great gratitude: "Those times! Senior, you were secretly protecting me, right? Thank you! Otherwise...otherwise I don't know..."

"Okay, I received your thanks." Ke Wen smiled and waved his hand to interrupt: "But you should also thank Mr. Principal, who asked me to look after you during the game."

"No matter what, thank you, senior, for protecting me!"

After Harry finished speaking, he bowed slightly to Coven with a somewhat hurried movement.

Ke Wen accepted the other party's attitude with peace of mind. After Harry straightened up again, he said: "There is no need to say these anymore. I came to you to ask you something."

"Please tell me." Harry answered all questions and made a gesture of listening carefully.

Very pleased with the other party's performance at this time, Ke Wen pursed his lips and smiled, and then asked: "You discovered Mr. Crouch's matter, right?"


Harry was stunned and suddenly hesitated, wondering whether he should tell Covin the matter.

Because he went to see Dumbledore afterwards, and he was told not to tell anything about Director Crouch.

Seeing Harry's confusion, Coven simply stopped asking and changed the subject: "If you are in trouble, don't think about it. This matter doesn't have much to do with me. By the way, the 'Marauder's Map' is still there."

Is it at your place?"

Harry breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the topic changed, and then quickly replied: "Yes! I kept it well in the bookcase."

"Can you lend it to me?" Coven said, "I may need to use it until the end of the semester."

"Of course!" Harry nodded heavily: "Senior, you gave me the map originally, and I haven't used it much. If you want to use it, just take it back."

"That's not necessary." Ke Wen smiled and shook his head slightly: "I will graduate this year and won't need it in the future, so you can keep it after I use it."

Harry thought about it for a while, then nodded and agreed, then stood up and said at the same time: "Then I will go back to the dormitory to get it for you now."

"Wait a minute." Coven raised his hand, held down Harry's arm and made him sit back on the sofa.

After Harry sat down, he asked curiously: "Senior, is there anything else you can do?"

"That's right..." Ke Wen showed some hesitation, paused for a moment, then looked directly into Harry's eyes and said in a serious tone: "Harry, can you please trust me?"

"Why do you say that?" Harry was puzzled, but he immediately nodded and said, "Of course, I mean, of course I believe you, senior."

"Thank you." Ke Wen smiled and continued to say solemnly: "Then Harry, listen up!"

Seeing Coven's serious expression, Harry couldn't help but concentrate.

"In a few months, or to be more precise, in the third game." Ke Wen said solemnly: "I may make some moves that make you misunderstood. At that time, I need you.

Complete trust in me! Is that okay?”

"This..." Harry was confused by Coven's words and couldn't think straight for a while.

Seeing this, Kewen said again: "Do you trust me?"

Harry nodded subconsciously.

Ke Wen raised his hand and patted the other party's shoulder: "Don't think too much now. You can ask Principal Dumbledore later. Now just remember this conversation between us."

"Okay, okay senior."

Harry was like a puppet on strings and could only nod in response.

"Okay." Ke Wen smiled and leaned back on the sofa: "That's all I have to say to you."

Harry was a little confused, then he got up again, left the dormitory in a daze, and went back to his dormitory to get the Marauder's Map for Coven.

Harry sent the map over soon after.

After Harry said goodbye and left, Coven sat on the sofa with a serious face, spread out the Marauder's Map on his legs and opened it.

After some searching, he looked at the names on the map and began to think deeply.

There will be a long gap between the third game and the second game, and it will not be officially held until four months later.

During these four months, Kewen became reclusive and isolated.

He rarely moves around the castle anymore, and is often invisible. He spends most of his time in the 'Room of Requirement'.

Sometimes he would take a day off from the academy and even go to see Sirius Black.

When faced with inquiries from classmates and friends, he just responded perfunctorily and did not give accurate responses.

This state lasted until June 24, when the third game began.

As usual, after breakfast time, the teachers and students of the entire college began to go in groups towards the direction of the competition venue.

After living together in the castle for nearly a year, the students of 'Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry' and 'Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry' have become less aloof and alienated.

Now, they have been able to mingle with many Hogwarts students.

Talking and laughing with each other along the way.

On the contrary, it is Kewen, because he has been living in isolation for nearly four months, and now he is only accompanied by Penelo and Spilett.

After chatting all the way, we arrived at the competition venue.

The third game will be held in a very huge maze. This maze composed of "high plant walls" took many wizards nearly three months to set up.

There are many magic traps in the maze, as well as a large number of aggressive magic plants and magical creatures.

This final competition event will be used to verify the personal strength of the warriors.

In the open space in front of the four entrances to the maze, Dumbledore, as the organizer, has already begun to take his place, preparing to give a speech.

The four warriors, including Ke Wen, stood side by side and accepted the cheers and encouragement from the surrounding audience.

Dumbledore took out his pocket watch and checked the time, and then used the 'Amplifying Curse' to suppress the sound of the band's music and the noise in the audience.

"Welcome!" Dumbledore said loudly with a smile: "Everyone is welcome to come and witness the third game of the Triwizard Tournament!"

"Early this morning, Professor Moody sent the competition trophy into the maze. Among the four warriors, whoever touches the trophy first will become the final champion of this 'Triwizard Tournament'!"

“But what I want to say is that since Mr. Kewen Quinn’s total score in the previous game is temporarily first, he will get the privilege of entering the maze first. The other warriors will be based on the total score of the previous two games.

They entered the maze one after another."

Amidst the numerous applause, Dumbledore paused for a moment. After the applause and cheers gradually subsided, he explained the safety aspects of the game.

Later, Dumbledore called Coven and others together and whispered some words such as 'pay attention to safety'.

After finishing speaking, Dumbledore looked at Corwin.

Nodding slightly, Kewen gave the other party a 'reassuring' look.

Seeing this, Dumbledore showed a look of relief and trust.

"Okay, warriors." Dumbledore greeted: "Go to your respective maze entrances and wait for the signal announcing the start of the game."

The four of Kewen did as they were told, spread out, and each chose a maze entrance to take a stand.

After standing still, Coven turned his head and looked in Harry's direction.

At this time, Professor Moody was leaning next to Harry and whispering something.

Ke Wen stared at the other person's back and narrowed his eyes slightly, and subconsciously touched his pocket with his right hand...

This chapter has been completed!
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