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Chapter 184 Gifts

Kewen 'crawled' out from under his clothes.

But his state at this time seemed very magical.

The whole person is less than ten centimeters, with only half of the body above the chest exposed, while the lower body is hidden in a suitcase, and the box is supported by two arms to move slowly.

There is no other way around this.

After Fudge and Umbridge were kidnapped from their respective homes, Corwin used the 'Imperius Curse' to control them.

Although people controlled by the 'Imperius Curse' can act according to instructions, they appear to be very dull.

Therefore, Kewen had no choice but to hide himself in Fudge's body and control him with the 'Imperius Curse' at any time, as if he was performing a 'double act'.

And if you want to hide yourself well, you must reduce your size.

Turning into a magpie can talk, but it can't release the magic spell, so Kewen can only think of a nesting doll-like method.

He first prepared a temporary 'traceless stretch suitcase', and after getting into the box, he applied a 'shrinking spell' to the box. In this way, the box could be shrunk, and he who was staying in the box would also be shrunk at the same time.


After all, the 'shrinking curse' cannot be released on the human body, otherwise it would be so troublesome for Ke Wen to use it.

Therefore, Corwin used this method to hide himself in Fudge's lower back, controlled him and Umbridge to come to Azkaban, and then put on a good show.

The result of the drama was perfect. Not only did he get revenge on Fudge, but Coven also used this plan to get rid of the other two people.

One of them is Umbridge.

In the memory data, Umbridge will cause serious harm to the academy in the original plot.

When he heard the other party yelling in the auditorium in the morning, Ke Wen searched for the other party's information in his memory. After learning the information, Ke Wen naturally would not let go of such an existence that harmed 'Hogwarts'.

Therefore, after going to kidnap Fudge at night, he made another trip and kidnapped Umbridge with him.

Now, although Umbridge has not been killed by the curse, even if she recovers in the future, she will have a completely dark future because of her and Fudge's series of actions in Azkaban.

As for the other person who needs to be dealt with, it is Bellatrix Lestledge.

Bellatrix is ​​a complete Death Eater and a die-hard loyalist to Voldemort.

When Corwin searched for Voldemort's loyalists in his memory, the first name in the information was Bellatrix.

Therefore, Kewen will naturally not let him go, and plans to deal with some threats to 'Hogwarts' before leaving this world.

With today's plan, Coven not only released Bellatrix to be killed by dementors, but also used Bellatrix's hands to also deal with a sinful animal.

Dead Apostles.

After all, the criminals who could be freed by Bellatrix were basically more sincere than Voldemort.

Now, after a good show, it's time for Ke Wen to leave.

After getting out from behind Fudge, Coven restored the box under him to its original size, and his body also returned to its original shape following the spell.

He came out of the box and quickly put the box away. Then Coven took a few steps forward and opened Fudge and Umbridge's eyelids.

In order to prevent people from seeing that they were under the "Imperius Curse", Kewen made two pairs of "color contact lenses" during the day, so that the white eyeballs of the "Imperius Curse" could be covered up.

At this time, he removed the colored contact lenses from their eyeballs, and then released the 'Imperius Curse' for Fudge and Umbridge.

After all the clues were processed, Ke Wen transformed into a magpie and flew out of the iron window of a cell.

After leaving the island, Kewen recovered his body in the air, activated the 'portkey' on his wrist, and teleported home instantly...

At noon the next day, Ke Wen was still busy in the alchemy laboratory on the third floor.

However, the call from the living room downstairs made him stop what he was doing.

After briefly tidying up, Kewen left the laboratory and went to the first floor, but when he went down to the second floor, he bumped into someone.

It's still four friends and Spirit.

"You guys skipped class again?" Ke Wen greeted jokingly.

"The Aurors retreated!" Penello informed happily: "Just now! The Aurors hurriedly left the academy before lunch started!"

Hearing this, Ke Wen smiled and asked knowingly: "Do you know what's going on?"

Several people looked at each other and then shook their heads. Obviously, they came to tell Ke Wen the good news immediately and did not go to understand the details.

"Fred." Corwin arranged: "Something should have happened. You use the fireplace to go to 'Diagon Alley' or 'Hogsmeade' and find some newspapers."

"Leave it to me!" Fred responded and ran downstairs quickly.

Ke Wen and others followed downstairs, and when they arrived at the living room on the first floor, the 'floo powder' flame in the fireplace just went out.

After inviting everyone to sit down, Kewen asked Penello again: "Have the principal and professors returned to the college?"

Penello nodded: "I'm back, and I also asked Professor Flitwick."

"What did the professors do yesterday?" Ke Wen asked.

"Although he didn't tell me much..." Penello said while tucking her hair behind her ears: "But the professor said that they had many relationships after they left the academy, and finally comforted me and told me about you.

Things will have a good outcome soon."

"So." Zhang Qiu guessed: "What happened today is the good result the professor said?"

Before anyone could pick up the topic, the fireplace suddenly burst into flames, and Fred rushed out of the fireplace covered in ashes.

Holding a large roll of newspapers in his hand, Fred walked towards the sofa and said with a smile: "I went to Diagon Alley. As soon as I came out of the public fireplace, I saw a lot of newspapers selling newspapers.

I’ll bring back a copy of each.”

"Show me quickly!" Spilett stood up impatiently, took a few steps forward, and snatched the newspaper from Fred's hand.

Walking back to the sofa, Spilett spread out the newspaper, and then each person shared a copy.

When Coven just waved his hand to help Fred clean up the ashes, other people reading the newspaper almost exclaimed at the same time.

"What's wrong?" Fred squeezed in next to George and sat down, looking at the newspaper in George's hand.

George did not respond to his brother, but looked at Coven with a look of surprise: "Brother! You are okay! Fudge has collapsed!"

Although Ke Wen had roughly guessed the content, he still asked with a smile: "What did it say?"

"My witch newspaper said..." Zhang Qiu raised the newspaper in his hand: "The headline said that Minister Fudge was involved in colluding with Death Eaters and has now been victimized."

"This is a sports newspaper." George continued: "The content is similar, but it says that Fudge planned to become the second Voldemort, but failed to recruit Death Eaters and was killed."

"My 'Daily Prophet' is more detailed."

Penello had just read the newspaper headlines in detail and said with a somewhat shocked expression: "It said that because Fudge had lost face at Hogwarts, he took his confidant Umbridge to Hogwarts late at night.


"They released more than 20 Death Eaters in the prison, recruited those Death Eaters to do things under his command, and prepared to eliminate everyone who dared to oppose him. The content after that was almost the same. It was all about internal conflicts."

"My newspaper is a bit strange..." Spilett pushed the 'quibbler' in his hand: "It said that because he was dissatisfied with Fudge's attitude, Dumbledore launched a relationship to impeach Fudge and step down. Later, he said that Fudge was harmed.

The matter is a conspiracy, and someone is deliberately trying to frame Minister Fudge."

Hearing this, Ke Wen couldn't help but be startled, and couldn't help but glance at the 'Quiet' newspaper in front of Spilett.

Next, everyone began to connect the contents of the newspapers in their hands, and before long, they got a complete report of the incident.

Just as Cowan planned, Fudge collapsed completely.

As a 'witness at the scene', the dementors contributed their memories of last night to the Ministry of Magic's investigation.

The memory begins with Fudge and Umbridge landing on the island and ends with the elimination of all fugitives.

The Fudge in the memory picture can be said to be full of ambition, with abundant evidence of his crime, and no way of clearing his name.

And Umbridge is even more miserable than Fudge.

Because Fudge has lost his memory, he now seems as ignorant as a baby about all the outside world.

Umbridge is different. She has to bear all the trials about her with a clear head. Even though she has been defending that she was cursed, no one is willing to believe her.

Because in the memory scenes provided by the dementors, Umbridge did not show any signs of being cursed.

Even if Umbridge is lucky enough to prove her innocence in the future, her reputation has been completely ruined, and there is no future for her...

After Penello and the others learned about the incident, they couldn't help but feel a little sad. They all lamented that evil will be punished, and then congratulated Ke Wen.

After congratulating for a while, Penello said: "Kewen, now you are completely fine, can you go back to the academy with us?"

"No." Ke Wen surprisingly shook his head: "The holiday is in two days, so I won't go back to the college, otherwise people will make a fuss about me and cause something detrimental to the college."

"But hasn't Fudge already collapsed?" Spilett said in confusion: "Without Fudge causing trouble, who would persecute you like him?"

"There are still many hidden Death Eaters." Ke Wen reminded everyone.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but frown. In the end, they could only agree with Ke Wen's caution...

The lunch break was almost over, and Penello and the others had to return to the academy.

After watching his friends leave, Kewen couldn't help but sigh slightly after returning to the living room.

Actually, there was another reason why he didn't return to the academy.

Uninformed outsiders might think that Fudge's story was just like what was reported in the newspapers. But Dumbledore and the professors were different.

They have been close to Kewen for so many years, how could they not understand Kewen's abilities?

Professors may only have some conjectures in their minds, but Dumbledore lived for more than 110 years, so how could he not see the twists and turns in this Fudge incident.

Therefore, Ke Wen felt that in the process of framing Fudge, his actions were somewhat unworthy of the teachings and cultivation given to him by the professors.

If he goes back to the academy, not only will he feel embarrassed and guilty, but Dumbledore and the professors may also be a little embarrassed about how to talk to Coven about Fudge.

Therefore, it is better to miss each other than to meet each other, so Ke Wen simply decided to announce his farewell...

Kewen sighed sadly again, and then went up to the third floor again and got into the alchemy laboratory...

Two days passed in a flash.

Hogwarts is about to usher in a new holiday.

After seeing off the other two magic academies participating in the Triwizard Tournament, the final dinner arrived.

During the dinner, the students were very satisfied with their life experience this year, and everyone laughed and chatted freely at the banquet.

The atmosphere over the professor's chair was a bit deserted, and the professors who were close to Kewen were a little absent-minded.

At this moment, the house elf Lili suddenly teleported and appeared on the reception desk, dressed in an exquisite maid outfit.

The professors were all stunned, and Dumbledore couldn't help but stand up.

Holding the dining table with both hands, he leaned forward and asked Lili: "You...does he have anything to tell us?"

Lili pinched the corners of her skirt, knelt down and bowed, then stood up and said, "The master asked Lili to say goodbye to everyone for him. The master has left England and gone to the East to find his own life experience."

"Really..." Dumbledore sighed, looking a little lonely and decadent.

"The master has some gifts and asked Lili to give them to everyone."

"Oh? Okay..." Dumbledore responded casually without any expectation or joy for the gift.

Seeing this, Lili raised her hand and snapped her fingers.

The next moment, many owls flew in from the skylight of the auditorium, looking for their respective targets.

Over there at the student dining table.

The Weasley twins raised their hands to catch a gift box. After quickly opening it, they found a book inside.

"Books?" George scratched his head: "Why would Kewen give us books?"

"Look at the content." Fred opened the book and watched the content with George.

Soon, both of them looked surprised at the same time.

The content of the book is the 'alchemy' knowledge compiled by Ke Wen, and almost all the 'alchemy' knowledge he knows is recorded in it.

Plus lots of advice and inspiration for 'prank toys'.

After briefly flipping through the books, George and Fred looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time.

However, this time the smiles were no longer as cheerful as before. They just chuckled "hehe", their eyes full of reluctance.

At this time, Ron, who was not far away, also opened the gift box. After opening another black cloth bag, he couldn't help but exclaimed in ecstasy: "Merlin's beard! Ke Wen actually gave me a full ten thousand gold galleons!"

George and Fred glanced at their silly brother, then looked at each other again.

"Pfft..." Fred covered his mouth, lowered his head and chuckled, while whispering: "This fool still thinks that our family is very poor."

"This silly kid has never noticed it." George leaned close to his brother's face and whispered in the same voice: "Continue to hide it from him."

"Hide it from him!" Fred agreed: "Let him continue to be stupid, so that we can laugh at him for the rest of his life."

"Harry, Hermione."

Ron didn't notice the bad intentions of his two brothers. His face flushed with excitement and he asked his friend: "What's in your box?"

"Mine are notes!"

Hermione's face was flushed with excitement at this time: "The senior left all his study notes to me!"

Ron immediately lost interest and turned to look at Harry: "Where's yours?"

"It's...a pocket watch." Harry took out the pocket watch from the gift box.

But after opening the metal cover of the pocket watch, his eyes suddenly widened and he froze...

On the professor's chair.

Dumbledore reached out to catch the gift box dropped by the owl, looked at Lily, and started to open the gift box.

Inside are two beautiful small crystal bottles, each containing two groups of "memory silk", one large and one small.

Seeing this, Lili explained: "The big one is Voldemort's memory thread. The owner said that it contains the true identities of many Death Eaters and can help Mr. Principal deal with some troubles."

"The small one is the master's farewell to the principal."

"Okay..." Dumbledore nodded slowly and numbly, and then carefully put away the crystal bottle containing Ke Wen's memory.

As for the bottle of Voldemort's memories, Dumbledore put it into his pocket absentmindedly.

"Merlin's, Merlin's..."

On the side, Professor Flitwick opened the gift box and saw the completely repaired 'Ravenclaw Diadem' inside. For a moment, he didn't know how to sigh.

However, under Lili's explanation, Professor Flitwick also carefully collected the 'memory thread' that Coven left for him.

He was thinking the same thing as Dumbledore, and planned to go back to the office and watch it carefully.

The exclamation rang out again, this time from Professor Sprout. He took out a gold cup from the box, and Coven actually found the 'Hufflepuff Gold Cup' as well.

Dumbledore thought for a moment and understood. Apparently, Coven found the clue to the 'Hufflepuff Gold Cup' from Voldemort's memory.

From this, Dumbledore couldn't help turning his head to look at Snape, but was stunned.

Because inside the gift box in Snape's hand, there was only a crystal bottle containing 'memory thread', a piece of paper with only the word 'office' written on it, and nothing else.

Snape noticed Dumbledore's gaze, curled his lips immediately, quickly put the crystal bottle into his pocket, and threw the note into the candlelight in front of him, destroying it.

"What's this?"

Professor McGonagall next to her opened her mouth and took out a stone plate from the gift box. On the stone plate, there were many small models densely packed. The models ranged from dragons to knights, from chariots to armored soldiers.

"This is an alchemical item made by the master."

Lili took a step forward and explained to Professor McGonagall: "As long as these models are activated, they can jump out of the stone board and then quickly grow in size to help the owner of the board fight."

"Okay! Okay!" Upon hearing this, Professor McGonagall immediately embraced the stone plate in her arms with great affection, as if she was afraid that someone would snatch it from her.

But then, she showed a sad look and was very reluctant to leave Ke Wen.

He looked at the other professors who had received the gifts and almost simultaneously let out a sigh of mixed emotions...

This chapter has been completed!
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