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Chapter 14 Cleaning

Ke Wen had a very clear impression of the Rogges in front of him. They were all members of the previous escort team.

But I didn’t understand why they came here, so I asked directly: "Captain Flavi, what are you..."

Flaviy did not answer immediately, but looked at Coven up and down, and then nodded in a friendly manner and said: "I found that Claudia and Valeera were missing before. After asking the guards, I found out that they were following them.

You came over to the cave together."

Looking at Claudia and Valeela reproachfully, Flaviy then continued: "I reported the situation to the leader of Kasha, who sent me to lead a team for rescue."

Ke Wen suddenly realized, and then turned to look at the two girls, Claudia and Valeera, who were pretending to be quail.

Glancing over their cautious expressions, Ke Wen laughed and said, "Look, are you causing trouble for others?"

As a joke, Kewen apologized to Captain Flavi and said, "Sorry, they followed me because they were worried about me."

"In fact, it should be." Captain Flavi waved his hand with a smile and said very generously: "After all, you saved their lives. I think if it were me, I would eagerly follow you and repay you.


After saying that, Flaviy changed the topic to business and his expression turned serious: "So, sir, how is your situation in the cave?"

Ke Wen knew that Flavi was just a way of speaking with high emotional intelligence. In fact, what the other party wanted to ask was whether the test task had been completed.

In response, Ke Wen nodded calmly and responded: "I killed nearly 700 monsters in the cave. There were two special monsters, one was a black fallen magic wizard, and the other was a blue zombie."

With everyone looking shocked, Ke Wen continued: "Also, there is a blood-colored magic circle in the cave at the end, and I also destroyed it."

After Flavi listened, he almost subconsciously looked up at the sky.

But after seeing the sky still covered by black clouds, she lowered her head in confusion and said to Ke Wen: "But if the magic circle is destroyed, shouldn't the sky..."

Seeing the suspicion of the other party, Ke Wen was also a little puzzled. After thinking for a while, he suddenly showed a look of surprise.

Coven drew an arrow from his quiver and drew a map on the ground.

With his strong memory, he quickly drew a complete map of the cave.

No one spoke to interrupt, but after Ke Wen finished drawing the map, he pointed the arrow at the cave entrance of the map.

"Here." Ke Wen explained: "After going down from the entrance, there is a cave, but there are two paths inside. I took the left one."

As he spoke, Kewen moved the arrow along the map and described the cave conditions he experienced along the way.

After finishing speaking, Ke Wen pointed to the second passage of the entrance cave and said with a slight wry smile: "As for this passage, I forgot to check it. After killing the monsters and destroying the magic circle, I came out directly.


"You mean..." Flaviy understood somewhat.

"That's right." Ke Wen nodded: "I think that all the monsters in the cave must be eliminated before the magic circle can be completely destroyed, so..."

Putting the arrows back into the quiver, Coven raised his eyes and smiled at Flaviy: "Can you lend me two more weapons? The previous weapons have been damaged."


Flavi nodded heavily, and then emphasized: "I mean, if the situation is as you said, I think we can also enter the cave and help you eliminate the remaining monsters inside."

Ke Wen was slightly stunned and said in a surprised tone: "You guys are going in too? What about my test mission?"

Flavi shook his head slightly and said with a chuckle: "I believe in your strength, sir. Since you have almost eliminated the monsters, the test task has naturally been completed."

Hearing this, Kewen bit his head and shook his head: "Forget it, I don't want any accidents to happen, how about this?"

Kewen looked around at all the Rogge warriors, and then suggested to Flavi: "You can follow me in this time, but if you encounter monsters, I can only take action myself, by the way..."

Thinking of something, Kewen's face became solemn and he said in a solemn voice: "I found the remains of ten Rogge warriors in the cave. I think you still need to bring them out."

Hearing this, Flaviy immediately put away his relaxed demeanor and his expression also became very solemn.

Raising his hand and bowing to Kewen, Flavi said solemnly: "Thank you! Thank you for letting those sisters go home with me!"

"Thanks you--"

The other Rogge warriors held their chests and bowed, expressing their gratitude to Kewen almost in unison.

Seeing this, Ke Wen said: "Without further delay, let's go in now."

Flavi straightened up and nodded heavily.

Taking the spear and two short spears from a Rogge warrior, Coven turned around and entered the cave again.

After everyone entered the cave, the first thing they saw was the corpses of the fallen demons. Each corpse had a hole in its head, which was obviously pierced by a spear.

This once again shocked everyone at Ke Wen's strength, because there were no second wounds on those monsters, and they were all obviously fatal with one blow.

What's more, the positions of the monsters' corpses also look a bit weird, as if Kewen was surrounded by heavy enemies and eliminated all the monsters in a short period of time.

Ke Wen did not notice the change in the attitude of the Rogges behind him. After entering the cave, he raised his hand and pointed to the left passage and said, "That's the route I took before. Now let's go to the other side."

After saying hello, Kewen took the lead and walked towards the passage on the right.

This passage is not completely dark. There are wooden braziers at regular intervals, giving the passage a dim light.

After advancing for more than fifty meters and turning two corners, a square cave about forty meters wide finally appeared in front of us.

There are many monsters in the cave, including two huge beasts, more than ten zombies, and the rest are more than forty fallen demons led by a wizard.

The footsteps of the Rogs attracted the attention of the monsters, so they immediately rushed towards the entrance of the passage.

This time Ke Wen couldn't use the 'Mandrake'. After all, there were still so many Rogges. Therefore, he couldn't use tricks this time and could only use his true skills.

He quickly opened his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot three arrows quickly, killing the Sinking Demon Wizard in the cave first.

Then he pulled out a short spear from behind and threw it towards the two huge beasts.

Instead of watching the results of the battle, Kewen picked up the spear in his hand and rushed forward quickly.

Two huge beasts had their heads pierced by short spears, but they could barely hold on for a while with their strong vitality.

Kewen didn't give the opponent a chance. When he rushed in front of the huge beast, he quickly thrust out the spear in his hand.

With two sounds of 'Puff, Puff', the spears pierced the heads of two huge beasts, causing them to fall to the ground completely dead.

Next, Kewen continued to charge forward and broke into the group of fallen demons.

The spear in his hand was swung without any force, scratching or stabbing, effectively reducing the number of fallen demons.

Two minutes later, the last escaping Sinking Demon was knocked off the shield by Ke Wen, and he sent the spear forward, piercing the opponent's head.

With a slight twist of his wrist, the tip of the spear swung, throwing the body of the Sinking Demon to the ground.

After looking around as usual and finding no missing monsters, Ke Wen turned his head and looked towards the entrance of the passage.

At this time, all Rogge's expressions were almost the same, with both hands holding the bow position, but with a stunned look on their faces.

Without any thoughts of pride or showing off, Ke Wen opened his mouth to call the Rogs back to their senses: "This cave is a dead end. Now, there should be no living monsters in the entire cave. Which of you should go outside the cave and look at the sky?"

Has it returned to normal?”

After hearing this, Flaviy, who came back to his senses, immediately ordered a Rogge soldier beside him: "Go and have a look!"


Rogge responded, cast a shocked look at Kewen again, then turned around and ran away quickly.

Seeing this, Ke Wen turned around, walked to the body of the fallen demon wizard, squatted down and searched for it a few times with his spear.

The harvest was pretty good, three pieces of rune words, a bottle of blue medicine, and a small blue broken gem.

At this time, there were footsteps behind him. Ke Wen looked back and saw Captain Flavi walking over.

When Ke Wen stood up, Flavi asked in a somewhat embarrassed tone: "Sir, what do you plan to do with these trophies?"

"These?" Ke Wen raised the trophies in his hand.

"No." Flavi shook his head and pointed at the corpses lying on the ground: "I mean the weapons of those monsters."

"Ah, those." Ke Wen suddenly understood, and then said nonchalantly: "Those weapons have no value to me. If the camp needs them, you can just take them back."

"Thank you!" Captain Flavi's eyes lit up and he said happily: "Thank you for your generosity! To be honest, there is indeed a lack of metal in the camp, and the production of arrows cannot keep up with the consumption."

"I see." Ke Wen nodded, and then said: "Then just clean it up. There are more monster weapons behind the route I took before."

As he spoke, Kewen put his hand into his pocket and quickly took out the suitcase.

Lifting the box slightly, Ke Wen continued: "Those monsters have too many weapons. You can store them all in here first, and then take them out after returning to the camp."

Flavi had never seen a suitcase before, so he was very confused.

Seeing this, Ke Wen just smiled slightly, then bent down to place the box on the ground and open it.

While raising his legs and stepping into the box, he smiled and said to Flavi: "I'll go in and clean it up first. After you finish cleaning the battlefield, bring the harvest in."

After saying that, Ke Wen jumped slightly and his body completely disappeared into the box.

Flavi quickly took a step forward in surprise, leaned over and looked inside the box. Only after seeing the abnormal scene inside the box did she understand what Coven meant.

With a look of surprise on his face, Flavi secretly sighed, then immediately turned around and called on Rogge soldiers to clean up the battlefield...


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