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Chapter 26 Raid

Explosive agents are also a very important strategic resource for Camp Rogge.

After the Blind Sisters fled to the "Blood Wasteland", they collected all the resources and only produced about 500 bottles, half of which were consumed in various subsequent battles.

During this expedition, Kasha was very generous and even equipped the team with one hundred and fifty bottles of 'explosive potion'.

According to Kasha, Kewen has eliminated the sources of monsters in the 'Blood Wasteland' and 'Icy Fields'. In the future, there will no longer be a large number of monsters in these two areas, so the camp retains hundreds of bottles of 'explosion'

Potion' is enough.

Although this is the reason, Kewen must remember the kindness of the other party in his heart, and he will still have to repay this favor in the future.


At this moment, the explosive agent exploded in the monster tide, and the fire wave and shock wave instantly exploded the monster tide into a crescent moon shape.

Seeing this, Ke Wen shouted loudly amidst the 'boom' of the explosion: "Detach the left and right teams! Fire the magic arrows!"

With the sound of the bowstring vibrating, hundreds of magic arrows flew out instantly.

The arrows rushed into the monster wave, flattening the hooks on both sides of the crescent moon formation.

Under this situation, the number of monsters has been reduced to one-third. After several reductions in the formation, there is only a pile in the center area, with about 400 monsters left.

Seeing this, Kewen shouted loudly again: "Free fire!"

Whoosh whoosh——

Pieces of small arrows were fired by two hundred Rogges. After six waves of arrows, the wave of monsters had completely disappeared, leaving only a dozen or so fallen demons with arrows stuck in their bodies. They stopped there and started again with fear.

He didn't dare to take a step forward.

With such a victory, Ling Kewen and the two hundred Rogges did not show any expressions of joy, because there was only one kind of monster they faced in this battle - the Sinking Demon.

With such a large number of Sinking Devils, there must be Sinking Devil wizards leading them behind them. Therefore, those wizards will also continue to resurrect the Sinking Devils.

After Flavi took the lead in killing the last few ordinary fallen demons, Kewen immediately made arrangements: "Attention everyone! Drink the 'mana potion' for the left and right teams! Prepare the magic arrows! As soon as the fallen demons are resurrected,



Teams of fifty people on both sides responded one after another.

"First and fourth teams! Attack freely and destroy the lone Sunken Devil!"


After the response, in order to save effort, everyone lowered their bows and arrows for the time being and began to wait for the sinking demon in front to be resurrected.

Ke Wen is also waiting. He must see how many Sinking Demons the 'Sinking Demon Wizard' can resurrect at one time, so that he can adjust his attack plan.

The waiting time was not short, nearly two minutes, before a change appeared on the corpse of the monster in the red lake.

The flames rose up and enveloped nearly half of the fallen demon corpses. Soon, those fallen demons resurrected from the ground, raised their weapons and shouted loudly: "Lakani Xiu!"


Seeing this, all the Rogges immediately raised their bows and aimed their arrows. After a short moment, the teams on the left and right fired magic arrows at the same time.

This time, everyone's attack strength has increased. The previous magic arrows could only penetrate one Sunken Demon and kill or seriously injure the second one.

Now, perhaps because of the 'upgrade' in the previous battle, all the magic arrows were able to penetrate the bodies of two fallen demons and kill or seriously injure the third one.

After a wave of attacks, the more than 500 Sinking Demons that had just stood up were suddenly depleted and were easily eliminated by the first team led by Flaviy.

Seeing this, Ke Wen gave an order: "The teams on the left and right are preparing magic arrows again, and everyone is waiting for the enemy to be resurrected!"

This order puzzled some Rogges, because with this arrangement, wouldn't it be a useless effort? If it continues to be consumed like this, the number of arrows may not be enough to consume the opponent's continuous resurrection.

However, despite doubts in their hearts, all Rogges still obeyed the orders and lowered their long bows again, waiting for the resurrection of the Sinking Demon.

After another two minutes or so, a large number of Sinking Demons stood up again, numbering close to six hundred.

Without Coven's orders, all the Rogs fired arrows immediately again. The left and right teams used "magic arrows" to shoot directly, while the other two teams performed auxiliary free fire.

Soon, the resurrected Sinking Demon was wiped out again.

Seeing this, Kewen secretly felt relieved, and then immediately made a new arrangement: "Flavi!"

"Yes!" Turning around in response, Flavi looked at Ke Wen.

"Next, it's up to you to command the team and continue to deal with the subsequent battles at the same pace as before!"

After Kewen shouted loudly, he raised his eyes and looked at the rear of the monster wave, and said: "I will kill those 'sinking demon' wizards hiding in the distance. If something unexpected happens on the battlefield, everyone's safety will be the first priority.

You are allowed to lead the team in retreat."

Hearing this, Flavi hesitated for a moment and then responded with a shout: "Yes!"

After saying that, a worried look appeared on his face again. Flavi's tone softened and he suggested: "Sir, would it be wrong for you to go into danger alone... We can use the 'slowly advance front' method to conduct the reception."

The fight comes down.”

"There's no need to waste time." Ke Wen still looked into the distance and said confidently: "Don't worry, let me handle it. That's it, everyone!"


"Prepare to shoot at the resurrected monster again."

After the words fell, the team members all turned their attention away from Ke Wen and looked seriously into the distance again.

Soon, another batch of Sinking Demons resurrected, but they still fell to the ground unable to do anything under the rain of arrows that covered the sky.

"Flavi! I'll leave it to you next!"

After saying that, Kewen suddenly jumped into the air and turned into a magpie and quickly took off.

After flying a few hundred meters, Kewen kept hovering over Stonehenge, scanning the situation below.

The situation is somewhat unfavorable, because there are not only five fallen demon wizards near Stonehenge, but also nearly a hundred ordinary fallen demons around.

Kewen even saw a few 'elite monsters' among the ordinary fallen demons.

Different from other red-skinned fallen demons, the body color of those elite monsters is cyan. There is also an elite monster that is a head taller than other fallen demons, standing out among the monsters.

Kewen had relevant information in his mind.

The most prominent fallen demon below is called ‘Rakanixiu’, and is one of the leaders of the fallen demon clan.

It is widely worshiped by all fallen demons, so almost all fallen demons will shout its name in battle to boost their morale.

Moreover, the opponent is also a 'magic monster' with a permanent buff on it. Whether it attacks or is attacked, it will release thunder and lightning to the surroundings.

In the game, the opponent is almost a new killer, and I don’t know how many people are hated by him.

In today's reality, Ke Wen doesn't know if the opponent can still discharge, so he has to be more careful and can only choose a wretched style of play.

After making up his mind, Ke Wen did not immediately rush down to launch the attack, but continued to hover high in the sky.

After waiting for a while, the five fallen magic wizards almost simultaneously raised the cloth banners in their hands and chanted the spell in a jittery voice.

Ahead, nearly six hundred fallen demons were resurrected again, and they continued to turn into hedgehogs and fell to the ground in the rain of arrows in vain.

This is the opportunity Ke Wen has been waiting for.

The next moment, he quickly circled in the air to the back of the heads of the monsters, and then his body quickly returned to his human form in the high altitude.

He reached out and took out the 'mana potion' stuck in his belt, quickly put it into his mouth and drank it.

Then, as his body fell freely in the air, Ke Wen immediately put his hand into his pocket, and with a silent 'calling spell', he quickly took out five short spears from his pocket.

He held four short spears in his left arm and clenched one in his right hand. Then, he threw the short spear in his hand towards a fallen demon wizard.

Then came the second short spear, the third, the fourth...

He did not target Rakani Xiu below, because the first target was the fallen demon wizards, and they must be eliminated first to prevent them from constantly resurrecting the fallen demons.

At this time, all the fallen magic wizards are concentrating on recovering and waiting for the spell to cool down. Therefore, no wizard will turn his head to look up at the sky.

Then, a short spear dropped from the sky very suddenly, penetrated the back of the head of a fallen magician, and nailed it to the ground.

All the surrounding monsters were stunned, and in such a stunned moment, four short spears flew down from the air.

Puff puff--

The four short spears accurately penetrated the other four wizards one after another, pinning their heads to the ground.

This made the other fallen demons stunned again.

At this time, Kewen in the air had almost fallen to a height of twenty meters above the ground. After seeing the results of his attack, he immediately turned into a magpie again, flapped his wings vigorously and took off again.

At this moment, Rakanixiu below seemed to have discovered something. He immediately turned his head to look up at the sky and saw the silhouette of Kewen's magpie.

However, Rakanixiu could only angrily raise his weapon and yell at Coven, because Coven had completed the 'assassination' mission and flew away towards the team.

After all, with the help of his team, he didn't want to go head-to-head with Rakanixiu.

Soon, Kewen flew back over the team, dived and landed, and quickly returned to his human form after approaching the ground.

All the Rogges looked over one after another. Seeing this, Ke Wen smiled slightly and raised his voice and said: "All the wizards have been eliminated by me. Now, everyone listens to my orders!"


A sky-high response sounded, and at the same time, everyone's expressions quickly turned relaxed.

Looking around at all the team members, Ke Wen kept a smile and gave the order: "Keep the lineup moving forward! Destroy all monsters!"


Excitement appeared on everyone's face, and everyone looked towards Stonehenge with murderous intent in their eyes.

Seeing this, Ke Wen began to control the puppet monsters he had resurrected, and let them clear the way for the team, heading towards the 'Stonehenge' in the distance...

This chapter has been completed!
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