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Chapter 29 Advancement

Previously, when the team was dining and renovating, Kewen thought of the cave environment they would face next, so he had already made the corresponding 'enchanted props'.

He put his hand into his pocket and when he took it out, he was already holding a small cloth bag.

Covin took out an oil lamp from a small cloth bag and handed it to Flaviy.

After the other party reached out to take it, Ke Wen pointed to the oil lamp and introduced: "This is a magic item I made before. Its normal lighting range is about thirty meters, but the light illumination mode can be adjusted."

Taking out an oil lamp again, Ke Wen lit the lamp and demonstrated: "Like this."

Turning the oil lamp cover, the originally scattered light of the oil lamp began to condense rapidly, and finally converged into a cone-shaped beam of light.

Ke Wen turned the beam to shine on the mountain wall in the distance, pointed there with his other hand and said: "Look, if you use this beam pattern, you can easily illuminate a distance of fifty meters in front of you, and then the light begins to spread, and

Continue to illuminate a distance of 100 meters."

Flavi was very happy to see this, and quickly imitated Ke Wen's actions to light the oil lamp, and then adjusted the light illumination pattern.

After the test, Flaviy couldn't wait to ask: "Sir, how many of these oil lamps are there?"

"Lack of time." Ke Wen handed the cloth bag in his hand to the other party: "So I only made ten oil lamps."

"Enough!" Flaviy responded cheerfully: "The terrain inside the cave is not wide, so these oil lamps are enough to provide everyone with a perfect view!"

"Okay." Ke Wen smiled and nodded: "Let's go ahead. Don't forget to send someone to guard the rear of the team to prevent monsters from chasing into the cave later."

"Yes!" Flavi looked serious, then immediately turned around and greeted the ten Rogge warriors.

After distributing the oil lamps, the Rogges began to change weapons. Except for a few people who were still dual-wielding bows and arrows, the others changed to long spears and short spears.

Seeing that everyone was planning to 'explore the grass with their faces', Ke Wen quickly reminded: "I will control those puppets to enter the cave first, and I will follow them in to see the situation first. Everyone will stay outside and wait for my signal.


Everyone hesitated for a moment after hearing this, but still trusted Ke Wen's independent action.

Next, Ke Wen stepped forward and stood at the dark entrance of the cave. On both sides and behind him were Rogge who surrounded the entrance of the cave with spears.

Seeing that everyone was on alert, Ke Wen then controlled the puppet monsters and began to go deeper into the cave through the passage given by the Rogs.

After all the puppet monsters were 'stuffed' into the cave, Ke Wen also stepped in to follow.

The field of vision quickly dimmed, and after stepping on the stone steps several meters high, Kewen completely entered the cave.

This cave is a passage transformed from a karst cave. Its structure is similar to the cave in the "Blood Wasteland". Similarly, entering the door is a medium-sized open cave.

At this time, the resurrected puppets were already fighting with the monsters in the cave. Without Kewen's control, more than 200 puppets were being pressed and beaten by the same 200 monsters.

Seeing this, Kewen adjusted the puppet's position and formation, turned to the top of the stone steps and shouted: "Come in!"

The sound of rapid footsteps sounded, and the figures of Roger and others ran down the steps one after another.

Without Kowen's command, the Rogs quickly put away their spears and replaced their bows and arrows by the firelight in the cave.

The monsters discovered Rogge at the entrance of the cave, but were unable to rush over to fight because Kewen had already readjusted the position of the puppet shield wall to isolate the monsters.

Arrows were continuously fired by the Rogs, and the number of monsters in the cave decreased rapidly.

Rogges are very experienced. They first eliminated the 'Hunters' who were corrupted by Rogge, and then eliminated the ordinary Sinking Demons. They also separated two people to continuously harass and shoot at the Sinking Demon Wizards to interfere with their release of resurrection.


After the Sinking Demon was almost wiped out, the Sinking Demon Wizard was shot dead.

Without the wizard's leadership, the ordinary fallen demons began to scream and run away, but they were killed by the sharp arrows of the Rogs before they ran far.

In the end, the Rogs easily killed the only remaining zombie monsters in the cave.

The battle ended easily in less than five minutes. If the scope of the cave had not limited the number of people who could take action, the battle might have ended even earlier.

After all Roger entered the cave, Kewen began to make arrangements.



"Choose stronger team members to serve as assistants in subsequent battles, responsible for guarding and cleaning the battlefield."

Flavi hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said "yes".

Seeing this, Ke Wen explained: "The scope of this cave is small and it is impossible to fully deploy the attack formation, so the next battle can only be fought by some people. This opportunity to improve strength will be given to those weaker members."


"Yes!" Flavi looked enlightened and thanked with a smile: "Thank you for taking care of them!"

With a smile in return, Ke Wen arranged for ten Rogges holding oil lamps to position themselves to ensure that there were no blind spots in the projection of light.

The next step is to wait for Flavi to allocate the 'upgraded' manpower.

While cleaning up the trophies, Kewen discovered some differences. The image of the 'Dark Hunter' here was different from that of the previous two maps.

The hunter equipment here is thicker and thicker, not only has greater defensive coverage, but the material has also been changed from leather to metal.

Moreover, the weapons are no longer spears, but metal hammers and shields.

Coven asked Flaviy.

Hearing this, Flaviy sighed and explained: "The demon's corruption of our Rogge is also divided into strong and weak ones. The stronger sisters are transformed into higher-level corruptors, and the weakest ones are transformed into us.

Those 'dark hunters' I've encountered."

Squatting down, Flavi picked up a shield from the body of the Corruptor. While waving it to try the feel, he continued: "These Corruptors are what we call 'Evil Hunters'. Those who are more advanced than them are also

There are 'Dark Sneakers' and 'Dark Hunters' who use bows and arrows as weapons."

"That's it." Kewen suddenly nodded.

It didn't take long for the battlefield to be cleaned up. Next, Kewen controlled the puppet monster as a frontline explorer and began to lead the team to explore the depths of this underground passage.

The team's progress is very slow because the puppets in front often fight with monsters.

Those puppets not only blocked the monsters, but also blocked the Rogs' attacks. Only after leaving the narrow passage and entering the next open cave could the Rogs launch an attack.

However, for the sake of insurance, Ke Wen did not arrange Rogge to the front in order to increase the speed of advancement, and still let the puppets form the first line of defense.

No matter how slow the speed is, Ke Wen does not want any Roger to be in danger. After all, this is not a game, so he must cherish the life of every Roger.

Just like this, they advanced slowly. After nearly four hours, the team had cleared nearly ten large and small caves.

This crypt is much larger than the one in the Blood Wasteland, and there are many side roads.

Because the mission was to traverse rather than clear out, the team did not explore those forked roads. Instead, under Flavi's leadership, they headed all the way to the other exit.

This means that while the team is moving forward, they must always be on guard against monsters pouncing from those forks in the road.

So, after a few hours, the entire team was already showing signs of fatigue.

Seeing this, Kewen announced repairs after clearing a cave.

Flavi immediately arranged for manpower to guard the front and rear passages, allowing everyone to take turns to rest and eat.

After spending more than an hour, Ke Wen estimated that it should be night outside now.

After looking at the entrance to the passage ahead, Coven said to Flaviy, who was sitting next to him and resting: "Let's call it a day. Let the team start resting and continue walking through the cave tomorrow."

Flavi was stunned when he heard this, he didn't expect that Ke Wen would make such a decision.

After recovering from his confusion, Flaviy quickly said: "Sir, don't worry about us. Everyone's physical strength is enough to support us through the entire cave."

"Don't be anxious, be steady." Ke Wen waved his hand: "I believe that everyone still has enough physical strength, but after this whole day of fighting, everyone's spirits will become tired. Have a good night's rest and prepare for tomorrow's battle.

to be more efficient.”

Flavi thought for a while, then nodded and agreed.

Coven stopped Flavi from arranging the vigil mission, then stood up, took out the 'mana potion' and drank it.

Walking to the entrance of the passage at the rear, Coven waved his wand and used the 'transformation' technique to deform and close the rocks near the entrance of the passage. In addition to leaving two narrow gaps at the top and bottom for ventilation, the entire passage was completely blocked.

Then, Ke Wen walked to the entrance of the passage in front and cast the spell as he did.

Kewen's cautious attitude didn't end there. After returning to the middle of the cave, he drank the 'mana potion' again, and then waved his wand towards the surrounding rock walls.

Pieces of stone platforms protrude from the stone wall, hanging in the air more than two meters above the ground.

After transforming the surrounding stone walls into a platform, Kewen finally transformed into a ladder to climb the platform.

Putting down his wand, Kewen turned around and said to everyone whose eyes were focused on him: "Everyone can go up to the platform. Tonight, everyone will sleep on the platform."

Hearing this, the Rogges all showed happy expressions. This sense of security made them couldn't help but laugh and talk.

However, after a short while of joking, the Rogs began to argue quietly one after another.

Ke Wen was stunned, and after listening carefully, he realized that it turned out that the Rogs were competing for the place to sleep on the same platform as him.

In response, Ke Wen shook his head dumbfounded, and then drank another bottle of 'mana potion'.

Standing in the middle of the cave, he pointed his wand toward the ground.

The next moment, the stone ground began to rise with a rumble. Finally, the four-meter-square stone pillar stopped rising at a height of about three meters.

Stomping the stone pillar under his feet, Ke Wen showed a proud smile and said to the Rogs below: "I'll sleep here tonight."

Suddenly, a voice of disappointment and annoyance sounded...

This chapter has been completed!
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