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Chapter 36 Enter

After restoring all the alchemy stone statues to the size of figures and putting them away, Kewen still ignored the falling monsters and walked towards the giant tree of 'Anivers' in the center of the clearing.

Arriving under the tree, Kewen walked around the tree. After careful inspection, he finally found a piece of bark with an unnatural texture.

He took out his dagger and carefully cut around the bark, and then found a parchment scroll in the groove under the bark.

Holding the scroll in his hand, Kewen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He has been leading his team for three days just for this scroll, and he couldn't help but not look for it, because this scroll is marked with the order to open the Stonehenge.

Once the order of activation of Stonehenge is wrong, the teleportation magic circle attached to it will be destroyed. If you want to save Deckard Cain in Tristram, you will have to go through the stone circle that was controlled by the demon king Andariel.

Occupied monastery.

He lowered his head and unfolded the scroll. There was a simple pentagram magic circle drawn on the parchment, but it only had graphic lines and no sequential numbers.

After thinking about it, Coven drank a bottle of 'mana potion', then took out his wand and tried to apply a 'visibility spell' to the parchment.

The result was somewhat surprising, the hidden content on the parchment was successfully activated.

The red numbers representing the activation sequence slowly emerged one by one, and finally, the complete activation sequence of Stonehenge was presented to Ke Wen.

"This really saves me a lot of effort..."

Ke Wen murmured with joy, because in the game, this scroll needs to be returned to the 'Rogg Camp' for Sister Akara to identify it.

Now that the map has been successfully activated, it saves Coven the time to return to the camp. He can directly lead the team to activate the teleportation array and enter Tristram to save Deckard Cain.

How could this not make Kewen happy?

Soon after, the battlefield was cleared.

It was getting late at this time, and it was a bit unsafe to drive in the forest at night, so Kewen was ready to let the team rest.

However, he could not let the team camp directly in the open air because there were too many monsters in the forest, especially the blood eagles that attacked from the air, which could easily cause damage to Rogge while he was resting.

Therefore, Coven took out the suitcase and let all Roger enter it, and then he hid the suitcase in a hollow dead tree in the forest.

After making some shields with dead branches and leaves, Kewen finally got into the box.

It was still the plain grassland in the small world. Ke Wen arranged for Rogge to set up tents on the grass and light a bonfire.

Because they were able to have a good night's sleep again tonight, all the Roger couldn't help but look very relaxed and happy, laughing and joking around, sharing the harvest of the battle, or experiencing their increased strength.

Ke Wen just smiled at this, and left alone after arranging everyone, and returned to the bedroom area to rest. He didn't want to stay with the Rogs and leave any opportunities for them...

Have a peaceful night's rest.

The next morning, after washing, eating, and digesting, Kewen was the first to climb out of the box.

After carefully observing the surrounding environment and finding no monsters, he put the suitcase into his pocket.

He didn't let Roger come out because he wanted to save time on the road.

After walking out of the tree hole, Kewen transformed into a magpie and spread his wings into the sky.

After identifying the direction, he quickly flew towards the direction of the 'underground passage'.

Along the way, we encountered many "blood eagles" hovering in the sky, but those blood eagles' wings and feathers had become mottled due to their corruption.

It's fine for low-altitude flight, but it can't be used for high-altitude flight.

Therefore, Kewen easily increased his height and passed over the heads of the blood eagles. Even the blood eagles whose bodies were not highly corrupted were easily left behind by Kewen with his speed and agility.

After flying for more than twenty minutes, Kewen successfully returned to the cave entrance of the 'underground passage'.

Instead of landing, Kewen raised the height of his flight again and leaped directly over the top of the mountain.

After crossing a series of mountains and cliffs, not long after, Kewen re-entered the "Stone Wilderness" area.

I kept flying forward along the route I remembered, and after flying for nearly twenty minutes, I finally saw Stonehenge in the wilderness again.

At this time, monsters appeared again near Stonehenge. Although the number was small, there was still a team of over a hundred fallen monsters gathered.

Ke Wen slightly distanced himself, then dived to the ground and recovered.

Take out the suitcase, release all Roger, and regroup.

Leading the team to advance towards Stonehenge, after a wave of arrows took away the lives of all the monsters, the team stopped in front of Stonehenge.

"Wait for me a moment."

Ke Wen informed the members, and then while drinking the 'mana potion', he resurrected hundreds of fallen demons into puppets.

Next, because he didn't know the situation in Tristram, Kewen endured his heartache and took out the remaining 30 alchemy stone statues again.

After all preparations were completed, Kewen followed the order marked on the 'Anivers Scroll' and input magic power into the five stone pillars of Stonehenge one after another to activate Stonehenge.

When the magic symbol on the last stone pillar was filled with magic power, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly became darker.

A huge vortex emerged from the dark clouds. After spinning for a moment, a bolt of lightning fell straight down and hit a stone pillar of Stonehenge with a 'bang'.


Bolts of lightning flew down from the swirling dark clouds, submerging the five stone pillars. Gradually, a red vortex appeared from the central area of ​​Stonehenge.

The vortex slowly grows, and each time the red magic element rotates, the vortex expands by one point.

More than a minute later, an oval red portal two meters high and more than one meter wide completely stabilized in the middle area of ​​Stonehenge.

Seeing this, Ke Wen took a deep breath, tightened the chessboard with the stone statues in his hands, and then shouted in a deep voice: "Roggs!"


"Pull up all your energy!" Ke Wen stared at the portal and shouted: "Get ready to fight!"


Taking another deep breath, Kewen then controlled the puppet monsters to come forward, causing more than a hundred Sinking Demon puppets to get into the portal first.

Then, Coven said to Flavi beside him: "Two minutes! If I don't come out after two minutes, you go in!"

"Yes!" Flavi responded with a serious look.

He raised his head and drank a bottle of 'mana potion'. Holding a spear, Ke Wen quickly got into the portal.

Feeling that the soles of his feet touched the ground again, Ke Wen had no time to observe the surrounding environment and immediately raised his hand to throw the chessboard containing the alchemy stone statue.

The figurine-sized stone statues flew out in all directions, and were pointed by Coven with his wand while they were in the air.

The stone statue was activated, rapidly growing in size in the air, and had regained its height of about six meters when it landed.

It was only then that Kewen began to look around.

The location is a river beach, which seems to be in a corner of the city. The small river on the left crosses the river channel of the city wall behind it, and it is unknown where it goes.

Ahead is the same river beach, and on the right are sparse buildings. The further away you go, the denser the buildings become.

At this time, the puppets were already fighting with dozens of sinking demons, and monsters were emerging from the building area, apparently summoned by those sinking demons.

Seeing this, Kewen immediately arranged the positions of all the alchemy stone statues. After arranging them, he continued to resurrect the monsters killed by the puppets.

Not long after, there were footsteps behind him. Led by Flavi, the figures of Rogge and others walked out of the portal one after another.

"Array up!" Kewen kept reviving the puppet, and at the same time gave the order without looking back: "Free fire!"

This time the Rogs did not respond with a shout, because that would attract more monsters.

After a burst of intensive footsteps, the Rogges formed a formation, and then dense arrows were continuously fired.

With the addition of Rogges, the speed at which the monsters ahead are being destroyed has suddenly accelerated. However, whether it is the screams of the Sinking Demons when they die or the calls they make in battle, they will continue to attract a steady stream of monsters, one after another.

Figures emerged from behind the wreckage of each building.

The battle seemed to be endless, and even Coven's movements of resurrecting the puppet became numb and mechanical.

After fighting continuously for more than half an hour, the Rogges gradually showed their fatigue.

In response, Coven immediately stopped resurrecting the puppet, took out a small cloth bag from his pocket, raised his hand and threw it to Claudia.

"Distribute potions to everyone!"


Taking advantage of the fact that there were hundreds of puppets blocking the endless stream of monsters ahead, Ke Wen quickly looked around and then retreated to the middle of the team.

He took out his wand, drank the 'mana potion' and said hello: "Valeera!"


After the opponent rushed to his side, Ke Wen immediately ordered: "Be ready to feed me to replenish my mana at any time!"


After receiving a response, Ke Wen took another sip of 'mana potion' and kept it in his mouth for later use, and then pointed his wand towards the ground beneath his feet.

Close your eyes slightly and recite the spell silently.


The ground under the team's feet suddenly began to shake, and there were some low-pitched shouts among the Rogges. However, after seeing that it was Ke Wen who was casting the spell, everyone calmed down and continued to shoot at a steady stream of monsters while waiting for Claudia to give him a warning.

They dispense potions.

After a moment of shaking, the ground in the area outside the team suddenly cracked open with huge holes, and then the entire ground began to rise.

Half a minute later, the ground in the area under the team's feet had risen by nearly twenty meters, and then it stabilized amid the sudden tremor.

Coven swallowed the 'mana potion' in his mouth again, waved his hand to Valeela to indicate that it was okay, then walked to the edge of the protruding platform and looked down at the battlefield.

In such a short time, most of the hundreds of resurrected puppets had been wiped out by a steady stream of monsters.

Kewen took a deep breath and raised the wand again...

This chapter has been completed!
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