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Chapter 62 Scouting

The hero team set off in the morning and left the camp through the teleportation station, taking with them the blessings of the Roger on duty at the station.

It was a calm day, and there were voices full of hope everywhere in the camp, and everyone seemed to be in high spirits.

At noon the next day, a slight buzzing sound suddenly appeared in the air in the teleportation station area.

The Roger on duty immediately went on alert.

The next moment, an oval-shaped blue teleportation gate quickly took shape, and the sound of fierce fighting came from it, resounding throughout the entire teleportation station area.

"Alert! String the bow and arrow——"

Today it was Valeela's turn to be on duty. She had been promoted to squad leader. After seeing this situation, she immediately gave orders loudly to the Rogs on duty.

The sound of "crunching" sounded continuously, and about thirty Rogges drew their bowstrings one after another, wrapped the arrows with magic elements, and aimed at the portal.

With the Rogs on guard, a few breaths later, a figure suddenly flew out of the portal, rolled twice on the ground, and lay there groaning in pain.

Smooth head, full of muscles, that’s a savage!

However, the barbarian was in a very bad condition at this time, with large and small scars on his body. The most serious scar was on his back, and the half-meter-long crack had exposed his blood-white bones.

Seeing this, Valeera's pupils shrank and she shouted again: "Everyone be on alert!"


Thirty Rogges responded at the same time, staring at the portal. Once they found any monster, they would launch magic arrows as soon as possible.

Valeela no longer kept an eye on the portal, but rushed under an arrow tower and rang a metal bell with one punch.

Dang! Dang——

The huge bell shook out from the teleportation station, and soon spread throughout the Rogge camp, causing a commotion in the military camp.

At this moment, several figures rushed out of the portal one after another, each of them looking extremely embarrassed.

After the Necromancer Zul finally burst out of the portal, the Amazon warrior Cassia immediately shouted to Isandra: "Close the portal quickly!"

"You don't need to teach me!" Isandra's braids were already spread out, and her face and equipment were stained with large amounts of blood. Judging from the color, it was obviously from monsters.

At this time, Isandra shouted angrily in response, and she immediately pointed the staff in her hand toward the portal.

Seeing this, the other protagonists immediately made preparations to attack the portal, staring at the opposite side nervously.

Just when the portal shrunk by one-third, Zul suddenly shouted: "The last resurrected monster has been eliminated!"

Before he finished speaking, a very strong figure rushed out of the portal.

Seeing this, the black paladin roared, threw away the scepter in his hand, then grabbed the triangular shield with both hands, and rushed towards the figure with all his strength.


A dull collision sounded.

However, the sound did not come from the collision of the shield and the body.

The figure that rushed out of the portal punched the shield-wielding paladin and sent him flying backwards.

In response to this situation, other people did not go to aid the Paladin, but instead attacked the monster one after another.

The first to arrive were thirty magic arrows. The magic arrows from all around instantly pierced the monster's head like a hedgehog.

However, the monster's defense is too strong, and even magic arrows can only be blocked by the opponent's skull.

Moreover, the monster's charging movement did not stop, but even took two steps forward, spanning a distance of nearly three meters.

At this time, other attacks appeared one after another.

Isandra held the staff in front of her and pushed hard, and a fireball the size of a head quickly exploded in the monster's chest.

The huge impact caused the monster to finally stop charging.

Following Isandra's magic, Zul swung his staff quickly, and a sharp piece of white bone formed by magic energy was quickly ejected, like bullets fired from a machine gun, hitting the monster one after another.


The monster roared angrily and couldn't help but raise its arms to block it in front of itself.

At this moment, three figures suddenly charged towards the monster.

Halfway through the charge, the Druid quickly changed his body shape and turned into a huge grizzly bear. Then he charged forward and slammed into the monster.


The sound of flesh colliding was heard, and the grizzly bear's huge charging force caused the monster to finally lose its balance and stumble backwards.

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped up from behind the grizzly bear, and spun around in the air. Its feet were wrapped with huge magic power, and it quickly kicked the monster's neck.


An explosion sounded, and a ball of fire exploded at the same time.

The huge damage caused the monster's body to lean further back, completely losing the chance to regain its balance.

At this moment, Cassia's figure appeared behind the monster at some point, and with a loud shout, he waved the spear in his hand vigorously.

With a 'pop' sound, the spear hit a pair of the monster's back heels, and the electric light wrapped around the spear instantly spread to the monster's body.

Under the successive attacks, the monster couldn't help but let out another roar, but its legs involuntarily left the ground, and its body flew backwards.

In the blink of an eye, the monster flew back and forth, flying upside down, causing its head to get back into the portal again.

Seeing this, Isandra stretched out her hand and grabbed the portal hard, and at the same time screamed: "Close it for me -"


There was a crisp sound, and the portal that had shrunk to half a meter in diameter was closed instantly under the control of Isandra. This made the portal seem to have turned into a mouth of the void, swallowing the monster's head in one bite.


There was a heavy landing sound, and the monster's headless body finally hit the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.

His body trembled violently several times, and finally, under everyone's vigilance, there was no movement at all.

The black mist gradually spread from the corpse, and began to gather and brew into loot.

However, the protagonists no longer had the energy to pay attention to it at this time. After confirming that the monster was finally dead, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and then lay down or sat down.

At this moment, a shadow suddenly flashed over everyone, and when everyone quickly looked up, Ke Wen's figure suddenly appeared in mid-air.

Looking down at the scene below with a solemn expression, and instantly understanding the situation, Ke Wen teleported again and appeared next to the barbarian.

Quickly taking out the potion from his pocket, Coven squatted down, raised his hand and brushed it over the wounds on the barbarian's body, and at the same time recited in a low voice: "The dirty dust will be removed."

As Ke Wen cast the spell, the dust and other stolen goods on the many wounds disappeared one after another. Without the obstruction of the stolen goods, blood began to flow out of the barbarian's wounds again.

Seeing this, Kewen quickly opened the potion bottle in his hand and began to pour the potion calmly.

He healed the largest wound first, and then took out the potion again to treat the smaller wounds.

Only then did he find time to turn to Cassia, who was staggering over, and asked, "What on earth is going on!?"

"The monsters are rioting!" Cassia replied solemnly.

"Riot!?" Ke Wen was stunned for a moment, but quickly recovered. While continuing to pour the potion in his hand, he asked: "Details?"

Shaking her head, Cassia frowned and replied: "We don't know, but it may be related to this monster!"

Turning to look at the corpse of the monster on the ground, Cassia guessed and said: "We met this monster in the forging area. Not long after the battle started, Zul sensed that a large number of monsters were gathering towards us..."

"Its roar."

Zul walked over slowly at this time.

He first glanced at the barbarian who was being treated by Ke Wen, and then said: "After the battle started, the monster roared, and then, more and more monster souls appeared in my perception."

"What happens next?"

At this time, Ke Wen had completely healed all the wounds on the barbarian's back. While asking, he reached out and turned the barbarian over.


After touching the wound, the barbarian took a breath of cold air, then looked at Ke Wen who was cleaning his wound and said in a naive voice: "Thank you, Mr. Mage."

Ke Wen shook his head slightly, not looking at the barbarian under him, but always staring at Zul.

Zul once again looked at the barbarian who spoke with concern, and then continued to answer: "The monsters are very powerful, and there are many monster guards around them. The subsequent battle formed a stalemate until a large number of monsters rushed to help."

"There are too many monsters." Cassia took over the topic in a calm voice and said: "It seems that there is an endless supply. As a last resort, we can only choose to retreat."

Ke Wen nodded, then stopped asking any questions, and instead turned his attention to the wounds on the barbarian's body.

It didn't take long for all the wounds, big and small, to heal under the effect of the potion.

Seeing this, Kewen threw away the half-filled bottle of potion in his hand and quickly stood up.



"Send someone to take them for treatment." Ke Wen said solemnly: "I'll go out first, and let Kasha know when she gets here."

"Yes, sir!"

After receiving the response, Kewen ignored the others and walked directly to the teleportation platform, quickly activating the teleportation station.

Soon, his figure disappeared from the small station...

The scene in front of him changed in a flash, and Ke Wen appeared at the teleportation station in the 'Black Wasteland'.

After looking around intently and seeing no trace of the monster, he immediately raised his head and looked up at the sky.

The next moment, the figure disappeared instantly again and flashed high in the sky through 'teleportation magic'.

He levitated briefly, then quickly shrank in size, finally turning into a magpie and gliding in the air.

After circling half a circle to find the right direction, Kewen quickly flew away in the direction of the 'Taymo Highlands Area'...

After flapping his wings rapidly all the way, in less than half an hour, Ke Wen entered the "Taymo Highlands" area.

A few minutes later, Coven lowered his flying height slightly and looked down at the monastery below.

At this moment, the monastery was full of demons. Various types of demons gathered in the streets and alleys. There were more demons inside each building, but they also made noisy roars.

Ke Wen continued to hover in the air, looking at the tide of monsters that were pouring out of each building and converging towards the monastery gate.

Then he observed the direction of movement of the monsters in the streets.

The sight he saw made Ke Wen's heart sink. Judging from the movements of the monsters, this was not a simple riot at all, but a legionary operation!

At this moment, Ke Wen's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Because there was a shocking scene at the gate of the military camp.

Dozens of red sheep-headed demons, carrying a sedan made entirely of bones, slowly walked out of the gate of the military camp.

Sitting on the sedan chair was a demon, huge in size, with brown skin and long red hair that was like burning flames.

Andariel! Kewen recognized him at a glance.

Just when he wanted to observe the other party more carefully, Andalil, who had just been carried out of the military camp, suddenly made a move.

She lowered her originally tilted 'reverse-jointed' calf, and then slowly raised her head, her red eyes instantly staring at the magpie that Ke Wen had transformed into.

The next moment, the corners of Andalil's mouth curved cruelly, and the red light in his eyes suddenly became brighter.

A soul shock suddenly enveloped Ke Wen's body, which caused his flying movements to deform and his body lost balance in the air.

However, perhaps because of the distance, the power of the soul impact was weakened. Therefore, Kewen quickly recovered and tried his best to quickly restore his balance in the air.

At the same time, Kewen silently recited the "Occlumency" spell in his heart, adding a layer of soul protection to himself.

Below, seeing that Kewen did not fall from the sky, but regained his balance, the corners of Andariel's sinister smile couldn't help but lower.

The four scorpion-tail-like tentacles behind him moved slightly, and a green light group the size of a human head quickly flew out from the tip of a 'scorpion tail', shot into the air, and flew towards Kewen.

Seeing this, Kewen immediately flapped his wings vigorously, causing his figure to quickly turn and change direction at high altitude, and then quickly retreated towards the path he came from.

Ke Wen's speed was very fast, and he was completely far away in a short time.

Listening to the thundering monster roar from behind, Ke Wen had no intention of looking back, but continued to flap his wings vigorously, increasing his speed to the limit.

Twenty minutes later, Kewen returned to the teleportation station in the 'Black Wasteland'. After activating it, his figure quickly disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared in the teleportation station of the 'Dark Forest'.

Not bothering to check whether the surroundings were safe, he teleported up into the sky again, then turned into a magpie and flew away.

Flying rapidly through the air, not long after, he suddenly regained his human body in the air.

When his body was pulled by gravity and fell downwards in a parabola, Covin immediately raised his hand and pressed it on his throat, and then used the effect of the 'amplification spell' to shout downward: "I am Coven Quinn!

All Roger, listen to the order! Open the 'Teleportation Scroll' immediately and return to the camp!"

"I am Coven Quinn! All Roger, listen to the order! Open the 'Teleportation Scroll' and return to the camp immediately!"

After shouting three times in a row, Kewen used the 'teleportation magic' to return to the high altitude again and continued to transform into a magpie and fly away.

Below, a cleanup team of twenty people heard the sound. When they looked up and saw Kewen turning into a bird and flying away, they all looked at each other.

Without any lengthy discussion, the team leader immediately took out the teleportation scroll, tore it into pieces and opened the teleportation gate back to the camp.

On the other side, Coven continued to patrol the entire "Dark Forest" area. When he met the cleanup team, he recovered his body in the air, and then issued the order to the Rogs to return to the camp through the "Amplification Spell".

Half an hour later, Ke Wen saw a small team again.

This time he did not give orders in the air, but after recovering his body, he teleported and appeared in front of the team.

The Rogges were startled and subconsciously aimed their weapons at Kewen, but after seeing who it was, they quickly put down their weapons.

Without any greetings, Ke Wen asked the team leader with a serious face: "Tailena! How many suppression teams were sent to the camp today!?"

"Counting us, there are ten in total, sir." Talena was Kewen's earliest acquaintance. Although she didn't know what happened at this time, she still responded immediately.

Ke Wen thought about it for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, I understand! Now you terminate the mission and use the teleportation scroll to return to the camp immediately!"

"Okay sir." Talena completely obeyed Ke Wen's instructions and immediately agreed without asking the reason.

Ke Wen was about to leave, but stopped and asked Talena: "By the way, is there anyone holding a handle in the underground passage?"

"Yes sir, there are fifty more sisters over there."

"I know, let's go back to the camp!"

Kewen responded, and then his figure disappeared instantly.

After turning into a magpie in the air and identifying the direction, Ke Wen flew away towards the area he had not passed yet.

Counting Talena's team, nine teams have been notified, including the last one.

More than twenty minutes later, Ke Wen finally found the team in the forest area, immediately lowered himself and gave the order to return.

After watching the team return to the camp through the portal, Ke Wen turned into a magpie and flew rapidly towards the "underground passage".

For about ten minutes, Kewen lowered himself at the entrance of the cave.

Now, the Rogs have established a small camp near the entrance of the cave, surrounding the entrance with log walls and arrow towers.

Kewen landed directly inside the camp and returned to his human form.

"Sir?" In recent days, the person in charge of this small camp has been Claudia. After seeing Covin, she immediately came over with doubts.

"Claudia!" Coven still didn't have time to chat, and immediately asked: "Is everyone in the camp?"

"Yes sir." Claudia responded: "Do you have a task that requires our cooperation? I will call everyone together right now."

"Gather it!" Ke Wen said in a deep voice: "But there is no mission. After you gather everyone, immediately take everyone back to the camp through the teleportation scroll!"

"Okay, sir!" Claudia was confused for a moment, then immediately responded.

"As soon as possible, don't delay." Ke Wen warned: "Bring all the materials in this camp back to the camp and abandon this place!"

"Understood, sir." Claudia realized that something serious might have happened, so she immediately responded solemnly.

Seeing this, Ke Wen nodded and said, "I'm going back first."

After saying that, without waiting for Claudia to respond, he immediately took out the staff from his pocket.

After reciting the incantation silently, he stretched the tip of the staff forward, and waves suddenly appeared in the air. Not long after, the portal appeared.

"As soon as possible." Coven gave Claudia a final warning, and then quickly walked into the portal.

The scene in front of him changed. After stepping out of the teleportation gate, Kewen returned to the teleportation area of ​​the camp.

"Kewen!" Kasha was fully armed. After seeing Kewen walking out of the portal, he immediately came over and asked, "What happened? How did you get everyone back?"

"Not sure yet!" Ke Wen said solemnly: "I have to confirm the situation again, and I will tell you in detail when I come back!"

Kasha wanted to ask something, but stopped and nodded: "Okay!"

Seeing this, Kewen no longer wasted time and immediately walked into the teleportation station again. After activating it, he disappeared.

After walking out of the teleportation station in the 'Black Wasteland' area again, Kewen identified the direction of 'Taymor Highlands' and turned into a bird and took off into the sky.

More than ten minutes later, he made a sudden turn in the air and returned the same way.

When passing by the 'Teleportation Station', Kewen did not land, but flew forward directly. More than half an hour later, he saw the canyon connecting the 'Black Wasteland' and the 'Dark Forest'.

At this point, he fell from the sky, recovered his body, and walked into the canyon.

Glancing in the direction behind him, Ke Wen looked very ugly, because the situation he had just detected in the air was very serious.

The monster army actually left the monastery and advanced here.

It seems that the protagonist's team has completely alerted Andariel, making the other party plan to "complete their victory in one battle" and prepare to completely eliminate all the resisters in this mountain range.

Is this how the final battle has arrived?

Kewen thought to himself, took out his staff from his pocket, looked at the cliffs on the left and right sides of the canyon, and then concentrated on casting the spell.


Under the influence of the transformation technique, the cliffs on both sides suddenly began to grow and gradually closed towards the middle.

The canyon was not completely blocked. This was to prevent the monster army from crossing the mountains in other ways. Therefore, Kewen only left a dog hole about half a meter high in the middle of the closed canyon.

Soon, the layout of the canyon section of more than ten meters was completed. Next, Kewen moved forward a distance of about ten meters and cast the spell again to close the mountain wall in the second section.

In this way, Ke Wen cast spells all the way, and half an hour later, he had completely arranged the entire canyon.

In the entire canyon, every ten meters or so, Ke Wen left a section of closed rock about ten meters thick, and also left a dog hole in the rock.

In this case, Andariel will most likely not change the marching route, but will let the monsters re-excavate the closed mountain wall in the canyon.

This will greatly delay the pace of the monster army, allowing Rogge's camp to better prepare for the war.

Standing at the mouth of the canyon on the side of the 'Dark Forest', Ke Wen took a moment to look at his results. Then he turned into a magpie and took off into the sky again, rushing towards the 'underground passage', preparing to continue the layout on the other side of the passage.


This chapter has been completed!
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