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Chapter 3 Familiarity

Listening to the footsteps following behind him, Ke Wen couldn't help but sigh in his heart. These three children were too careless. They would use whatever they caught as life-saving straw, and they were not afraid of being betrayed.

Fortunately, Ke Wen didn't have any bad intentions towards them. If they met the gangsters in the warehouse before, these three children would probably suffer a lot today.

Perhaps Mira's 'ghost claws' can prevent their lives from being in danger, but the malicious blow from reality will probably leave them scarred.

He led the three little ones all the way back to the square in the center of the town.

Ke Wen found an empty bench and sat down at one end. Then he greeted the three people standing three meters away from him: "You guys sit down for a while and I'll look at the map."

With that said, Kewen took out a map of the kingdom from his pocket and planned the next course of action.

Seeing this, the three little ones hesitated, then walked to the bench and sat down one after another.

"This, this brother?"

Lisanna suddenly spoke hesitantly, causing Kewen to look away from the map and turn his head to look over.

Lisanna was seen holding a small green fruit in both hands and handed it to him, her eyes were a little wandering, and she asked shyly: "You, do you want to eat it?"

Ke Wen glanced at the other two people and found that both of them were holding a small cyan fruit in their hands.

He guessed something in an instant, so Ke Wen asked softly: "Do you eat this every day?"

"Yes, yes." Lisanna's cheeks turned red and she whispered, "We have no money...but I seem to have the talent you mentioned. I, I can identify which fruits are edible in the wild."

"That's it..."

Ke Wen did not pick up the fruit, but looked up to the edge of the square, then stood up and greeted: "Follow me, change places to plan the route."

After saying that, Ke Wen walked towards the restaurant where he had dinner yesterday.

The three little ones behind hesitated for a moment, then they all put away the fruits, jumped off the bench, and quickly followed.

Not long after I arrived at the door of the restaurant, the young lady who greeted me was obviously very impressed by Ke Wen, so she immediately showed a friendly smile and bowed slightly to say hello.

"Please help us arrange a table in the corner."

"Okay, please follow me."

Entering the restaurant, Kewen stopped and turned around, greeting the three little ones standing outside the door: "Come in."

"We can't!" Lisanna shook her head timidly.

Ke Wen sighed secretly, and then said softly: "I borrowed it from you. You can pay me back when you join the union and make money."

Hearing this, the three little ones couldn't help but look at each other, hesitated again for a moment, and then took steps to follow into the restaurant.

Following the waiter's lead to the deepest corner, Ke Wen pointed to the innermost part of the dining table and said to Mira: "Go inside."

"Thank you..." Mira thanked inaudibly, then buried her head and walked in.

They all sat down and Kewen took the menu.

Ke Wen asked the three little ones without politeness what they wanted to eat. Ke Wen took matters into his own hands and ordered a table of food.

After the waiter left, Ke Wen took out the map again and spread it on the table. While planning the route, he asked: "Can you tell me about your experience?"

They looked at each other hesitantly, and then Lisanna began to tell.

Mira's full name is Mira Jeanne Strauss, the boy's name is Elfman, he is the second, and Lisanna is the youngest.

The three of them were born in a small mountain village. Two years ago, their parents encountered a monster in the forest and were killed. After that, the three brothers and sisters depended on each other and relied on Lisanna's talent to live a hard life in the forest looking for some edible food.

In the early years, monsters were raging around the village. Later, the village hired magicians to defeat the monsters and seal them, and built a church on the sealed place.

A few months ago, Mira accidentally approached the church. Her powerful magical talent allowed her to passively receive the power of the devil, turning her right arm into a ghost hand.

From then on, Mira was ostracized by the entire village. As a last resort, the three siblings had no choice but to be kicked out of the village and wandered around.

Until I met Ke Wen today.

After listening to the story, Kewen nodded slowly, and then said softly: "My name is Kewen Quinn, and I am a wandering wizard. Next, we will leave this town by train and get off at the next town.


Ke Wen pointed to the route on the map and continued: "I will stop in every town to buy some magic books or props. If there is a 'Magisters' Guild', I will also go and visit it.


"And our final destination is here."

Coven moved his finger to a town on the map and said to the three of them: "Magnolia, the seat of the Fairy Tail guild."

After the story was finished, Kewen asked the three of them: "Any questions?"

The three brothers and sisters looked at each other, then shook their heads.

"Then it's settled." Ke Wen finally made the decision.

"Oh, by the way." Kewen thought of something again and asked the three of them: "How old are you?"

Lisanna is the youngest and the most outgoing and gentle, so she still answers: "Sister Mira is twelve years old, Brother Aiman ​​is eleven years old, and I am ten years old."

Ke Wen suddenly nodded and did not reveal his age, so he continued to maintain a majestic image in the eyes of the three of them.

Not long after, a table of food was quickly served by the waiter. Kewen greeted the three of them and started eating.

However, the three siblings seemed very reserved. They only took small bites of the food in front of them, and basically did not pass their chopsticks to the dishes.

Seeing this, Ke Wen immediately speeded up his meal and quickly put down his bowls and chopsticks.

Looking at the three brothers and sisters who also put down their bowls and chopsticks because of his actions, Ke Wen used his chin to eat most of the remaining food on the table and said softly: "I've eaten, you continue to eat, it's best not to waste food.


After saying that, Kewen took out the "Photography Magic" book he just bought from his pocket, opened it and started reading.

Opposite, the three siblings couldn't help but look at each other again. After making eye contact, Mira took the first hesitant action, picked up the bowl and chopsticks and continued eating.

With someone taking the lead, Elfman and Lisanna could learn from each other.

With the corner of his eye, he looked at the three people who were becoming more relaxed and their eating movements became more and more natural. Ke Wen quickly raised the corner of his mouth, then withdrew his attention and put it on the magic book in his hand...

After about half an hour, the three brothers and sisters finally cleared away the food on the dining table. Each of them looked like they had endured something, and they stretched out on their chairs and breathed a sigh of relief.

Ke Wen regretted this a little. He had misjudged the three people's appetite. Just now he subconsciously evaluated them based on his own appetite.

As a result, the three siblings obeyed the instruction "Don't waste food" and reluctantly ate all the food. Now, each of them has a bulging belly.

But he himself was not actually full.

However, in order to maintain his tall image, Kewen had no choice but to suffer this loss silently.

Raise your hand to call the waiter.

"Hello, sir, how can I help you?" The waitress was still the same as yesterday. She leaned over to Ke Wen and smiled kindly: "Do you need to pay?"

"Wait a moment." Ke Wen responded with a smile, and at the same time reached into his pocket and took out the suitcase.

Moving the plate in front of him, Ke Wen placed the suitcase on the table, opened it, reached in and paused for a moment.

Soon, an empty "crystal juice cup" flew into his hand, and Ke Wen took it out of the suitcase.

Passing the crystal glass to the waiter, Coven said: "Please help me fill this glass with 'apple juice'."

"Okay." The waitress took the cup and turned to leave.

"Ah, by the way." Ke Wen stopped the other person, raised his hand and pointed at the cup and said, "This is a magic item, so the space inside is very large, and it can almost hold a bucket. Is that okay?"

The waitress was stunned for a moment, then continued to smile: "No problem, the juice reserves in the restaurant are enough to meet your requirements."

"Thank you, and let's check out together."

"Yes sir." The waiter responded and turned to leave.

The waitress returned about ten minutes later and handed the juice bottle and the bill to Ke Wen: "Sir, you have consumed a total of 15800j today."

Kewen took the crystal bottle and handed the two gold coins to the other party.

The young lady couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh softly, obviously thinking of yesterday's misunderstanding.

Xiang Kewen bowed slightly apologetically, and then went to the checkout counter to find money.

"Let's go." Ke Wen put the juice cup directly into his pocket, put the suitcase away, stood up and greeted the three brothers and sisters opposite.

After walking to the checkout counter and putting away the banknotes he had found, Ke Wen left the restaurant with his three little ones amid a burst of greetings of "Welcome to your next visit."

After crossing the town, Kewen took the three little ones to the train station on the edge of the town, bought tickets and entered the platform.

About half an hour later, the train finally arrived. Ke Wen led the three of them onto the train and found an unoccupied booth in the slightly empty carriage.

As they sat down one by one, the atmosphere became awkward again, and the three little ones across from them didn't dare to take the initiative to speak.

Therefore, Kewen had no choice but to find a topic and proactively asked the three of them: "Do you read books?"

While talking, Ke Wen put his hand into his pocket, intending to take out the magazines and publications he bought yesterday to relieve the boredom of the three brothers and sisters opposite him and pass the time.

As a result, the three little ones shook their heads at the same time, and Lisanna shyly whispered: "Only Sister Mira knows some words, and neither Aiman ​​nor I can read."

In response, Kewen paused in taking out the book and had to take his hand back from his pocket.

After thinking for a while, Ke Wen said again: "Then, let me teach you a little magic."


Three eyes were instantly fixed on Ke Wen's face, and even Mira raised her head, revealing her pretty face that was hidden by the hood.

Seeing this, Ke Wen smiled slightly, stretched out his arms and placed them on the table between the booths, turning his palms upward.

He greeted the three of them: "Listen to my spell."


The mantra was recited, and a small ball of light suddenly emerged from Kewen's palm.


Lisanna clasped her fingers on her chest, stared at the light ball with her big eyes shining brightly, and let out a voice of admiration in a slightly coquettish voice.

"Fluorescence terminated."

Ke Wen once again recited the spell to cancel the magic, causing the light ball on his palm to disappear. Then he smiled and asked the three little ones: "Did you hear it clearly?"

"Yeah!" Lisanna nodded repeatedly.

Elfman also nodded to show that he heard clearly, and looked eager to try.

"Then you give it a try." Ke Wen suggested softly with a smile.

Hearing this, the three siblings quickly stretched out their arms and spread their palms.

Lisanna and Elfman spread their right hands, while Mira stretched out her normal left arm.

None of the three people recited the incantation after imitating the spell-casting movements. They were obviously hesitant, fearing that the spell-casting would fail and thus disappoint Ke Wen.

In this regard, Ke Wen encouraged him softly: "Don't worry, it doesn't matter even if you fail. You all have very good magic talents. Even if you fail once, you will master it quickly through practice. Don't hesitate, try it."


Hearing this, the three brothers and sisters showed firm eyes. After quickly turning their heads to look at each other, they stared at their respective palms and recited the spell in a loud voice.

"Lumos flash!"


Three balls of light appeared above the palms of the three siblings at the same time, illuminating the interior of the deck even brighter.

Seeing this, Ke Wen showed an expression of admiration, feeling in his heart that the three people's magic talents were so good.

He was about to say a few words of praise, but the next moment, Ke Wen suddenly widened his eyes in shock.

Because the light balls in the hands of the three brothers and sisters did not stop changing, but continued to grow. While he was stunned, the three light balls soon expanded to more than one meter in diameter.

In another moment, the ball of light in Mira's hand suddenly expanded and instantly engulfed the entire booth, including the four of them.

As if he was blind, Ke Wen immediately closed his eyes in the whiteness, and then said loudly with some urgency: "That's it! Stop! Use 'fluorescence termination'!"

The three little ones were also very panicked by the sudden change. Just when they didn't know what to do, they finally heard Ke Wen's reminder.

"Fluorescence terminated!"

"Fluorescence terminated!"

"Fluorescence terminated!"

Three childish yet crisp shouts sounded at the same time, causing the giant light group that was still expanding in size to stop expanding and quickly shrink inward.

Not long after, the light ball returned to the size of the palm, and continued to disappear above the palms of the three little ones.

The light returned to normal, and Ke Wen breathed a sigh of relief. Then he looked at the three little ones with guilty expressions on their faces. He couldn't help but feel depressed...

What kind of magical talent is this, or is the magic power in these three siblings too huge?

A little magic spell of 'fluorescence flashing' was actually used by these three little ones in front of me to produce such an effect.

When Coven first learned this spell, he could also control the light group to expand in size freely, so he was very proud of his magical talent.

Although he never showed off to others, he inevitably felt that he was superior to others and had a complete sense of superiority.

Now, the three little ones in front of him completely destroyed his sense of superiority and made him realize clearly that he was not the only special one.

Staring at the three little ones with panicked expressions opposite him, Ke Wen immediately adjusted his mentality and abandoned all the complacency etched in his consciousness.

After a moment of silence, he spoke softly under the expressions of the three little ones who were about to cry: "Don't panic, it's okay. This is a normal phenomenon."

"Really, really?" Lisanna confirmed timidly.

"Really!" Ke Wen nodded and confirmed: "It is inevitable that you will not have a good grasp of the control of the spell when you cast a spell for the first time. Just relax and practice a few more times. You can try again, but remember not to use it this time."

Use your strength once and for all, and feel the changes in the spell bit by bit."

"Okay, okay!"


"I understand, thank you."

The three siblings responded one after another and hesitantly extended their palms again.

But before they could cast the spell, there was a sound of rapid footsteps, and the conductor hurriedly ran into the car.

"What happened!?" The conductor asked loudly to all the passengers while looking around the entire carriage: "Didn't the light just come from this carriage!?"

Seeing this, the three little ones immediately retracted their hands in a slight panic.

Kewen stood up and walked out of the aisle, raised his hand to the conductor and apologized: "Sorry, it's us. We just released a magic that has no harmful effect."

The conductor stared at Ke Wen's tiny height for a moment, then quickly walked over and looked at the three brothers and sisters in the booth.

Seeing that the various facilities were not damaged, the conductor breathed a sigh of relief, then looked down at Ke Wen with some dissatisfaction and said: "How can you release magic in the carriage! Even safe magic will cause trouble to other people!"

"Yes, I'm sorry." Ke Wen accepted the criticism humbly.

Seeing that Ke Wen's attitude of admitting his mistake is very good, and Ke Wen's physical appearance makes it difficult for people to continue to say harsh words.

Therefore, the conductor sighed and said in a gentle tone: "Okay, let's forget it this time. Please apologize to the other passengers and remember not to use magic in public in the future."

"Okay." Ke Wen responded earnestly, then turned around and bowed slightly to the other people in the car: "Sorry, I'm sorry to disturb everyone."

"Yes, sorry!"

Lisanna quickly rushed to Covin's side and bowed to the other passengers.

Then, Elfman and Mira also walked out of the booths and also expressed their apologies to other passengers.

Seeing this, the other passengers didn't care too much, they all said it was nothing and sat back in their seats.

The conductor nodded with satisfaction, warned Ke Wen again, and then turned and left.

The four of them returned to the booth and finished their work. Ke Wen shrugged helplessly to the three brothers and sisters, then took out a pen and paper from his pocket and said, "We'll talk about the magic practice later. I'll teach you how to read."

"Thank you!" Lisanna looked surprised.

"Just call me Kewen."

"Then..." Lisanna showed a deer-like gaze and said tentatively: "Brother Kewen?"

Ke Wen responded with a smile: "Okay, you can call me whatever you like."

"Brother Kewen!" Lisanna finally showed a heartfelt smile.

"Thank you, Brother Kewen!" Elfman quickly thanked him.

Mira, who was under the hood, also raised her head slightly, looked at Kewen and whispered: "Thank you...Brother Kewen."

Hearing Mira, who was one year older than him, call him brother, Ke Wen secretly smiled in his heart and did not correct him.

"Come on." Ke Wen pushed the paper and pen forward: "Let's start with common words."

"Yeah!" The three little ones responded at the same time...

The train moved forward with a bang, bang, clang, passing through lush forests and rolling fields.

In the carriage, the atmosphere between the four bean sprouts gradually became intimate, and alienation and caution no longer lingered around them...

More than two hours later, the train slowed down and entered the town, finally stopping at the platform.

Ke Wen put away all the paper and pen, and greeted the three brothers and sisters who were still interested: "Let's go, we will stay in this town for one night today."

"Okay, Brother Kewen!" Lisanna responded slightly cheerfully.

Elfman and Mira also stood up and followed Ke Wen down the train.

After finding a webmaster, Ke Wen stepped forward and asked: "Hello, how many 'magic supplies stores' are there in this town?"

"There are five magic shops."

"So many?" Ke Wen was slightly stunned and said subconsciously.

"After all, there is a 'Magisters' Guild' in the town." The webmaster said with a smile: "So, the demand for magic props is relatively large."

"Okay." Ke Wen nodded and asked, "Excuse me, can you tell me where I can buy a map of this town?"

"Over there." The webmaster raised his hand and pointed to the newsstand in the distance: "They also sell some magic weekly magazines there."

"Thank you, sir." Ke Wen thanked him politely, and then walked towards the newsstand with the three little ones.

After buying a town map, Kewen quickly found the locations of the magic shop, magic guild, and hotel.

So, Ke Wen asked the three little ones beside him: "Are you tired? Should you go to the hotel to wait for me, or should you walk around the town with me?"

"I'm not tired!" Lisanna responded immediately.

"Me too!" Elfman quickly puffed up his chest.

As for Mira, she was a little hesitant. She was a little autistic because of her arms.

Seeing this, Ke Wen simply decided: "You should rest in the hotel. You haven't had a good rest during this time, right?"

Looking at Lisanna and Elfman who had turned to conation, Ke Wen said softly: "That's it. Let's go to the hotel first. You guys can take a bath and rest. Let's go."

After speaking, Ke Wen determined the direction, left the station with the three little ones, and walked towards the hotel in the town.

Now, the three brothers and sisters have completely eliminated their guard against Ke Wen. They no longer follow him at a distance of several meters like in the last town, but follow Ke Wen closely.

This town is not small, and the four of them walked for about twenty minutes before they found the best hotel recommended by the newsstand owner.

Ke Wen was not short of money at all, so he directly booked three connecting rooms. He and Elfman each shared a room, and the two little girls shared a room.

After arranging the three little ones properly, Ke Wen walked out of the hotel amidst their reluctance.

The next goal was firm and direct. Ke Wen crossed the town and went straight to the "Magisters' Guild" located in this town.

With anticipation, Kewen spent a lot of time walking and finally arrived at the entrance of the 'Magisters' Guild'.

This guild is not the 'grey guild that is neither good nor evil' that the gangsters mentioned before, but a regular guild.

After looking at the huge and gorgeous guild building at the door, Kewen stepped into the door...

This chapter has been completed!
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