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Chapter 34 Excited


Gildas's body flew more than ten meters, and then his feet landed on the ground, plowing two long footmarks and ravines on the solid ground.

His body continued to slide backwards for more than ten meters involuntarily. Gildarts finally stopped and used his waist to straighten his body from the tilt.

As soon as he regained his balance, Gildarts immediately raised his elbow and pushed it out laterally behind him.

Boom! Boom——

The elbows and golden shoe soles met again. After a brief stalemate, a huge burst of force suddenly sent the two figures flying away.

This time, Gildas's feet did not leave the ground, but once again plowed two nearly ten-meter ravines, while Kewen's body suddenly disappeared while flying upside down, and he disappeared unreasonably using 'teleportation magic'

He lost all the inertia on his body and reappeared on the ground.

As the smoke and gravel fell, Gildas slowly lowered his elbows and stared at Kewen, who was more than 20 meters away. He shouted with admiration: "What a boy! He actually developed the 'Light Magic' by himself.

You used such a move! You are really a little monster, haha!"

Ke Wen tilted his head slightly, looked at Gildarts, and responded in disbelief: "You are a monster, right? You took all the attacks with that intensity one after another!"

"Haha!" Gildarts flexed his sore elbow and laughed loudly: "When your magic power increases in the future, your physical strength will also become like this."

Hearing this, Ke Wen couldn't help but sigh again. The effect of the physical enhancement of the magic power on the people in this world was also too great.

Just when Coven was distracted, Gildarts suddenly launched a sneak attack.

Instead of using his signature crushing magic, he punched Kewen with his hand.


The magic power was simply released, and a large torrent of magic power quickly flooded Kewen.

In response to this, Ke Wen immediately came back to his senses and at the same time raised his hand and pushed forward.


The arcane shock magic was released, and a translucent barrier suddenly expanded. Under the violent vibration, the magic power exploded by Gildarts was easily dispersed in an instant.

However, taking advantage of the opportunity when the sight of both parties was blocked by the arcane torrent, Gildas took the initiative to launch an attack, as if he had expected that Kewen would not dodge, so he followed the arcane torrent and rushed forward in the blink of an eye.

Arriving in front of Ke Wen.

As the arcane torrent quickly dissipated, Gildarts raised his palm in front of him and instantly decomposed the translucent barrier of the 'Arcane Shock' magic.

The body continued to thrust forward, Gildarts had a smirk on his lips, his palms were white, and he was about to press his palms on Kewen.

However, at the next moment, a stone pillar suddenly rose from the ground under Gildas' feet, lifting his body into the air. Under the inertia of forward motion, he involuntarily jumped over Coven's head.

As he landed with a look of shock on his face, Gildarts had no time to recall the specific reason, and immediately turned around and continued to push his palm in the direction of Ke Wen.


The whiteness in his palm exploded instantly, forming a vertical and horizontal line composed of white glowing lines, which was pushed out by Gildarts like a Go board.

Many checkerboard-like squares collided with a very huge fireball in an instant. The fireball did not explode due to the collision, but was instantly divided into small squares of equal size.

The magic link within the fireball seemed to be destroyed, and the flames turned into many small squares and quickly extinguished themselves.

However, the magic issued by Gildarts did not end there, but continued to collide directly with Coven who issued the fireball.

Seeing that Kewen didn't make any move, but stared at the vertical and horizontal lines with wide eyes, Gildarts couldn't help but remind loudly: "Be careful!"

As if being reminded to return to his senses, Kewen glanced quickly at Gildarts through the lines and squares, and then disappeared in an instant.

Simply moved three meters to the side, and when he reappeared, Ke Wen also escaped Gildas's magic range.

Seeing this, Gildarts smiled helplessly and said: "Your teleportation magic is too elusive. It seems that it will be a problem for anyone to hit you."

"Same for you." Ke Wen responded with a smile: "Wanting to cause harm to you is also a huge problem."

"Ah ha ha……"

Gildarts laughed, then crossed his chest with his left hand without any fighting spirit, and held his chin with his right hand as he thought.

Soon, Gildarts thought of something and immediately put down his hand and said: "Since it is difficult to hit the opponent, how about we practice physical skills?"

"Physical skills?" Ke Wen was slightly startled.

"Yes!" Gildarts' smile contained evil intentions: "We don't use magic, we only rely on physical skills to compete. Otherwise, this test will only be about who has more magic power. How about it?"

Ke Wen clenched his fist and felt his current strength, and at the same time nodded in agreement: "Okay."

"Good boy!" Gildarts immediately stepped towards Coven and greeted at the same time: "Come on!"

Ke Wen took a deep breath, briefly waved his arms, and stepped forward to meet him.

Soon the two stood three meters apart. Looking at each other, they launched attacks at the same time with a clear understanding.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The long and short limbs collided three times in the blink of an eye, and the sound that erupted was as dense as firecrackers.

However, after the fourth crisp sound, Gildarts suddenly exclaimed "Ouch!" and his body was knocked upside down by Coven's punch.

A guy was sitting on the ground a few meters away. Gildarts had a dazed look on his face. It took almost two breaths before he regained consciousness.

Standing up quickly in confusion, Gildarts shook his head: "Did I get distracted again? Sorry, come back again."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gildarts rushed back.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

This time, after only two attacks, Gildarts was knocked down by Covin's leg sweep, and he sat on the ground again.

Looking up even more blankly, Gildarts looked at Coven who stopped his fist in front of his face.

After a while, Gildarts stood up again quietly, his expression becoming very serious.

Taking a step back, Gildarts raised both arms and took a very dignified fighting stance.

Ke Wen smiled inwardly when he saw this. He had already tested Gildarts' physical strength. Basically, the opponent only relied on strong speed and strength.

Although Gildarts' attacks seemed coherent, they had no structure and no calculation of the angle of attack. He just attacked wherever he thought was suitable for attack.

And Ke Wen's "physical fighting skills" can completely restrain Gildarts's type of physical skills. Those flaws and open doors that the opponent feels are suitable to attack are actually exposed by Ke Wen deliberately to lure the opponent into being fooled.

Therefore, as long as the difference in strength and speed is not very big, Kewen is not afraid to compete with anyone in Taijutsu.

But Gildas didn't understand this at all.

No, even though he was completely serious, after a few more exchanges, Kildas was suddenly unable to defend himself. Coven pushed him in the stomach with his palm, causing his body to fly backwards.

Landing a few meters away, Gildarts did not get up this time, but lay there with dull eyes looking at the sky.

After a while, he finally sat up with a wry smile.

Looking at Coven in disbelief, Gildarts shook his head helplessly, stood up, and sighed: "This is so embarrassing..."

Looking down at Ke Wen dumbfounded, Gildarts scratched his head in embarrassment and said nonchalantly: "Let's continue to compete in terms of overall strength..."

"Ha..." Ke Wen couldn't help but chuckle, and then nodded and agreed.

They made a tacit agreement not to mention anything about physical skills. The two of them stepped back some distance and stood more than ten meters apart.


Gildarts was still a little embarrassed. After giving a fake cough, he quickly regained his composure.

After a while, Gildas no longer showed any smile and said in a serious tone: "Kewen, I recognize your strength. Ordinarily, after the assessment reaches this point, you should have passed."

"But what?" Ke Wen said the beginning of the next sentence for the other party.

Gildas was slightly stunned, but he didn't care and continued: "I don't know much about you, and I don't know if you will have any pride or complacency because of this, so..."


An extremely strong magic power suddenly burst out from Gildarts' body.

The powerful magic power is like the arrogance surrounding the 'Super Saiyan', vibrating the surrounding air with a roaring sound while violently rising upward into the sky.

Gildas's deep voice sounded, and he said in a very serious tone: "So, I will let you experience my full strength, so that you can have a clear understanding of yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, the magic power that Gildarts erupted suddenly intensified again.


A louder roar sounded, and a beam of light formed by magic quickly rose into the sky. The surrounding ground began to tremble and crack, and a large amount of gravel gradually rose up.

At the same time, an extremely powerful sense of oppression instantly fell on Kewen.

Ke Wen couldn't help but widen his eyes, and under the pressure of the substantial aura, the magic power in his body couldn't help boiling.

The skin all over his body began to turn red involuntarily, and his legs were slightly bent, lowering his body shape.

Gildas stared at Coven silently for a moment, until he noticed that Coven's body began to tremble slightly.

Instead of reducing the burst of magic power, Gildarts' eyes widened slightly, his pupils narrowed rapidly, and he even released his own courage and murderous intent.

Seeing that Ke Wen was still able to persevere with his trembling body, Gildarts said in a deep voice: "You can persevere under the pressure of my momentum. At your age, you have to be said: amazing!


"But!" Gildarts said in a deep voice with a sincere and instructive tone: "Only when you recognize yourself, can you..."


At this time, Coven suddenly spoke and interrupted Gildarts' words.

He lowered his head and looked at his trembling hands, making it impossible to see his expression clearly.

"It's not fear... it's..."

Two streams of smoke-like magic particles floated up from the sides of Kewen's drooping cheeks.

The next moment, Ke Wen suddenly raised his head, grinning widely, revealing his extremely excited face...

This chapter has been completed!
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