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Chapter 38 Hidden dangers

There are more than 10,000 magic books. Even if you read two books a day, it will take more than 5,000 days to read them all.

Fortunately, the magic technology in this world is very advanced, and there are all kinds of magic props. One of these props can just solve the problem of reading books.

‘Quick Reading Glasses’ are a magic prop with extraordinary auxiliary effects. Before Kewen joined the guild, he happened to buy one from the ‘Magic Prop Shop’ and kept it in his collection without ever using it.

After the user wears these glasses, he does not need to read the book in detail. He only needs to quickly turn over each page of the book like the legendary 'quantum reading'. Then, the text and patterns in the book will be revealed.

It will be automatically received by the reader's brain with the help of 'speed reading glasses'.

Coupled with the use of the self-created "gold finger", Kewen can completely memorize the contents of the next book within ten minutes.

As a result, Kewen's reading speed can't help but be greatly improved.

Therefore, Ke Wen arranged time for himself reasonably, memorizing fifty books a day, and began to eagerly absorb all the knowledge in the entire library...

In the blink of an eye, nearly a year has passed.

On this day, Kewen finally put down the last magic book and breathed a sigh of relief.

He raised his hand and rubbed his sore forehead. Feeling the vague feeling of blockage inside his eyebrows, Ke Wen couldn't help but pinch the bridge of his nose for a while.

This feeling of low energy and soreness in the skull has been present for some time.

About two months ago, Kewen noticed that his mind would wander from time to time when he was memorizing books.

I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, I just thought that I was suffering from physical fatigue after studying for too long.

But in the next two months, the frequency of mind wandering and intracranial acid swelling became more and more frequent, the time needed to sleep every day became longer and longer, and the efficiency of memorizing books also began to slow down.

Only then did Kewen begin to face his own problems.

They checked themselves with different spells, and then asked Porlyusica to help check. In the end, neither of them came up with any clear results.

However, there is a guess that this situation should be related to "memorizing too many books".

No one can say clearly how much "memory brain capacity" a person can have in his lifetime. Even scientists who specialize in the field of brain can only make nonsense and give a specious number.

Now, Ke Wen's self-created 'Golden Finger' has provided him with the ability to 'absolute memory'. He has traveled through several worlds and memorized the contents of a total of 20,000 magic books.

Coupled with the memories before time travel, Kewen estimated that he should have an "absolute memory capacity" of 50,000 books.

This kind of memory is still far away from the "500 million books" data fabricated by scientists, and it has not even reached the level of 103,000 pornographic books.

Ordinarily, this degree should not have any impact on the body, but in fact, Kewen felt that his reading and memory ability had weakened.

Ke Wen had nothing to do about this situation. Fortunately, the knowledge of the entire guild library had been memorized, so he could only keep this hidden danger in his heart for the time being, and looked forward to having the opportunity to solve this problem in the future...

Climb up the ladder and stuff the thick magic book back on the bookshelf.

Turning his head and looking around the entire library, Kewen sighed in his heart, finally he no longer had to sit in this library every day.

Kewen jumped directly from the long ladder to the door of the library, and then returned to the guild hall along the corridor.

As soon as he walked out of the back door, President Makarov immediately spotted the shadow of Kewen. He couldn't help but asked in surprise: "What's wrong, little Kewen? Why did you come out so early today?"

Shaking his head feebly, Kewen rubbed his temples and walked to the bar to sit down: "I've finished reading."

"Well, look..." President Makarov suddenly widened his eyes and confirmed almost screaming: "Have you finished reading!?"

"Yes." Ke Wen took out his "quick reading glasses" from his pocket and motioned to President Makarov.

Even so, President Makarov still said in disbelief: "Xiao Kewen, when you say reading, do you mean you have roughly read the content? Or have you understood all the knowledge in the books?"

"Do you understand..." Ke Wen thought about it for a moment before replying: "I just fully memorized the contents of all the books. As for fully understanding them, I'm afraid it will take more than a year."

"Oh my God!" President Makarov sighed in shock: "It's no wonder Gildarts called you a little monster. The guild heritage that the first generation spent a lifetime leaving behind was actually lost to you in just one year.

Then I absorbed it all!”

Ke Wen was in trouble and couldn't tell. He shook his head and did not mention the hidden dangers in his body. He turned around and glanced into the hall, and then asked: "Old man, where is Gildarts? How much do I know about his 'shattering magic'?"

I want to ask him a question."

"Well, he went out on a mission a week ago." President Makarov tried hard to calm down his shock. After answering, he asked: "What? Are you going to learn Gildarts' 'Crushing Magic'?


"Well, I feel that his magic is quite practical and perfect in both offense and defense, so I'm going to learn it."

Feeling that the inside of his eyebrows was swelling and beating again, Ke Wen pressed it with his fingers, and then asked: "What mission did Gildarts take? How long will it take for him to come back?"

"That's impossible to say." President Makarov shook his head and said, "He has accepted another 'twenty-year mission'."

"That's it..."

Ke Wen sighed with some regret, it seemed that he could only do his own research.

"Brother Kewen!"

At this time, a surprise cheer sounded, and Lisanna's figure appeared at the guild gate.

Rushing into the guild with a face full of excitement, Lisanna jumped forward and threw herself into Ke Wen's arms.

"Be careful." Ke Wen quickly helped the little girl to avoid bumping into the chair.

Lisanna had no sense of crisis. After standing up, she raised her head and smiled at Kewen: "Hehe, brother Kewen, I haven't seen you for more than half a month."

"Aren't I just in the library? And I go home to sleep every night." Ke Wen raised his hand and pinched Lisanna's pretty nose, pretending to complain and said: "If you want to see me, why don't you go

Find me?"

"They won't let me." Lisanna stuck out the tip of her tongue cutely, put her hands behind her back, and tapped the back of her buttocks once and for all. At the same time, she said, "Elsa and Mira-san didn't let me go.

You, they said you are doing business and don't let us disturb you."

Ke Wen subconsciously looked at the table where the beans often sat, and found that only Kana was in the guild today.

Looking back, Ke Wen raised his hand and rubbed Lisanna's silver hair, and smiled softly: "We can see each other every day from now on, and I won't continue studying in the future."

"Really, Brother Kewen!?" Lisanna confirmed in surprise.


"Very good!"

Lisanna couldn't help but jump up and cheer loudly, attracting all the attention of the entire hall.


At this time, Natsu's figure also rushed over from the door, his face full of surprise that he hadn't seen for a long time.

Halfway through the rush, Natsu shouted excitedly: "Let's show off!"

Seeing this, Ke Wen couldn't help but smile, raised his hand and extended his index finger towards Natsu: "Standing stiffly..."



As he was running, Natsu suddenly lost control of his legs. He couldn't take a single step and fell forward to the ground.

The huge inertia carried Natsu continuously sliding forward on the ground, until he slid to Coven's feet, and the inertia completely disappeared.

Looking down at Natsu in a funny way, Coven chuckled: "Okay, I now declare that Natsu has failed in the duel."

"I'm not defeated!"

Natsu didn't realize the real situation at all, thinking that his fall was just a mistake, so he immediately raised his head and loudly defended himself to Coven.


Lisanna suddenly suppressed laughter and covered her mouth with her left hand. She pointed with her right hand at the red marks on Natsu's face that had been rubbed against the ground. She couldn't help laughing and said, "Natsu! Your face! Pfft..."

Natsu subconsciously raised his hand and wiped it on his face, and then he noticed the redness on his face caused by rubbing against the ground.

However, he was too naive and didn't take it seriously at all. He jumped up and challenged Ke Wen to a fight again: "Ke Wen! Come and duel with me!"

Helplessly chuckling, Ke Wen couldn't help but ask: "Didn't I say? If you want to challenge me, you must first defeat Gildarts, so Lisanna..."

Corwin turned his head and asked Lisanna: "What was the outcome of the battle between Natsu and Gildarts?"

Hearing this, Lisanna couldn't help covering her mouth again and laughed, and at the same time replied: "Natsu is unable to resist every time."


At this time, the blue cat Happy flew over from the door, landed on top of Natsu's head, canceled his magic wings, raised his cat paw and said hello to Kewen: "Kewen! Long time no see!"


Ke Wen raised his right index finger, and with a thought, he used the 'transformation' technique to replace a live fish from the water in the suitcase.

When the live fish was suspended in front of Habi, Ke Wen said with a smile: "Please eat."

"Thank you Ke Wen!" Habi's eyes were shining, and he quickly stretched out his paws to hold the live fish in his arms.

Seeing Natsu's pink hair being soaked by the water stains on the live fish, Coven couldn't help laughing and said: "Natsu, since you haven't defeated Gildarts, you can't violate the agreement and challenge me."

"But, but..." Natsu still had a strong sense of contract, so he could only say reluctantly: "Gildarts went out to do a mission, how should I challenge him?"

Ke Wen thought for a while, glanced around the entire guild hall, and then his eyes lit up.

Staring at the corner of the wall with a smirk, Ke Wen raised his hand and pointed over there...

This chapter has been completed!
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