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Chapter 44 Happiness

Hearing the sudden silence in the hall, Ke Wen quickly waved his hands to everyone, saying that he just suddenly got nervous. Then, he immediately walked out of the bar and went to the president's room on the top floor to find President Makarov.

"How many days do you want to take leave?" President Makarov asked curiously after hearing Ke Wen's intention: "Are you going out?"

"No, no, I'm just going to go home for a few days." Ke Wen's face was filled with a smile: "Suddenly I had a huge inspiration, so I need to find a very quiet place to study for a few days."

"Well, that's it." President Makarov suddenly nodded and said, "Of course it's no problem. When will you go back?"

"Right now!"

After asking for leave, the two of them went downstairs and returned to the lobby together. President Makarov jumped on the bar while Ke Wen put away all the manuscripts on the bar.

After saying goodbye, Ke Wen quickly walked out of the guild, walked around to the back of the guild, and returned to his home that stood on the edge of the coastline.

After putting a 'Do Not Disturb' note on his door, Kewen took out his suitcase and placed it on the ground, then immediately jumped in and entered the studio directly...

In the blink of an eye, Ke Wen disappeared from the guild for half a month.

When he appeared in the guild hall again, his appearance surprised everyone.

In front of the bar, President Makarov's eyes widened in shock, staring at Kewen's messy and greasy hair, abnormally pale face, and the big dark circles around his eyes.

Taking a breath of cold air, President Makarov asked hurriedly: "Kevin! How did you get yourself into this!?"

"Ah?" Ke Wen realized something slightly and waved his hand, causing a mirror to appear next to him.

Looking in the mirror, he realized that he seemed to have turned into a monster. He was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but laugh: "Don't tell me, it really looks like those 'programmers'."

"Stop joking." President Makarov couldn't help but stood up from the bar, looked at Ke Wen and asked with concern: "What is going on?"

"It's nothing, I just haven't had much rest these days."

Ke Wen waved his hand again to cancel the mirror, and pressed his palm on his chest. After a few spells, his clothes and hair instantly returned to neatness.

However, his abnormal complexion and dark circles under his eyes have not been eliminated. At first glance, people would think that he had suffered some kind of curse.

Before President Makarov could ask again, Ke Wen quickly said: "Old man, do me a favor."

"Tell me." President Makarov said in a pitiful and helpless tone, "What can I do for you?"

"Help me purchase a piece of the best quality magic crystal."

After finishing speaking, he gestured with his hands and said: "The bigger, the better!"

After hearing this, President Makarov thought for a while and asked: "Is it urgent?"

"It's not too urgent." Ke Wen scratched the back of his neck: "But try to be as quick as possible."


President Makarov did not ask for any reason, nodded and said: "Then you will take charge of the work of the guild these two days, and I will contact those old friends. If not, I can also make comments.

Try it at the hospital or the kingdom."

"Thank you for your hard work, old man." Ke Wen was slightly embarrassed, but he assured with expectant eyes: "Don't worry, what I made this time is definitely a good thing!"

"Uh-huh..." President Makarov reached out and patted Ke Wen's arm: "Okay, then I'm looking forward to it."

After saying that, President Makarov handed over the work to Kowen, and he went to the office on the top floor through the back door. More than half an hour later, he quickly left the guild and rushed to seek help from Kowen.

After President Makarov left, Ke Wen, who was sitting at the bar, suddenly relaxed.

At this moment, the fatigue that had lasted for half a month suddenly broke out, making his hearing and vision seem to be covered with a layer of something.

Whether it is the sights seen or the sounds heard, there is an illusion of being far away.

Unconsciously, he fell asleep on the bar.

At some point, the voices of the laughter and chatter in the hall began to decrease, and eventually turned into whispers.

Someone gently released constant temperature magic around Kewen, and someone quietly came to the bar and left an incense to help him sleep.

Someone moved the chair out of the door with a smile, and then sat down outside the door. The members who were about to return to the guild stopped and reminded them with a smile.

The little pods looked at Ke Wen silently for a long time, and then left the guild with firm expressions on their faces, each looking for a place to start exercising.

Some of the new members who joined the guild looked at everything with shock. Unknowingly, their eyes became warm, and sincere and relaxed smiles appeared on their faces...

Kewen slept for a whole day and night.

I didn't know when I woke up, and I thought I was at home, so I stretched my waist in confusion.

But after seeing the scene in front of him clearly, he couldn't help but froze, and then realized that he was still in the guild hall.

Consciousness returns and my mind is instantly clear.

While feeling the stiffness in his muscles, he smiled at the members who turned to look over: "Did I make any noise again while I was sleeping? Why are you looking at me like this again?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a roar in the hall, and the members resumed their usual noisiness. Many people laughed and joked to Ke Wen, joking about how he could be lazy at work.

After Ke Wen finished all the jokes, he turned to look at the clock and realized that he had only slept for less than two hours.

Shaking his head, he secretly lamented that he was really tired this time and could actually sleep so soundly in the noisy guild.

However, the next moment, his body suddenly stopped again.

Feeling the stiffness of the muscles all over his body, he looked at the entire hall carefully.

Compare it with the picture that was completely memorized in your mind before falling asleep.

Now, he understood everything...

The corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously, and Ke Wen looked at the laughing and noisy members. For a long time, he lowered his head and covered his forehead, and murmured with a smile: "These cute bastards..."

Some people say that the time of happiness is very short. Coven admitted this statement before, but now he wants to say loudly: No!

Another week passed, and Kewen felt that he was in happiness every minute.

In his eyes, the old members are cute when they are playful, the little ones are cute when they are naughty, and the new members are cute when they are reserved and shy.

In his eyes, the whole world seemed to be in cute pink shapes.


A cup flew from nowhere and bounced off Ke Wen's forehead, but he continued to write with his pen as if he had no idea.

"Okay, Abby Green, registration is complete."

Putting down his pen and raising his head, Ke Wen smiled and said to the seductive girl in front of him: "Be careful when you go out. I hope you can complete your mission quickly and smoothly."

"Thank you." Abby Green flipped up her long hair and then asked with a strange expression: "Why don't you stop them?"

"Stop what?" Ke Wen responded with a smile.

Abby Green glanced behind her, then raised her smooth and pointed chin in the direction of the hall: "They are all fighting like this, won't you stop them?"

"Haha, you mean this..."

Ke Wen raised his hand and pointed behind Abby Green, causing a chair that was about to hit the girl to hover. Then he said with a smile: "You will get used to it in the future. Isn't everyone's relationship very good?"


"Huh?" Abby Green opened her mouth absurdly: "You don't care about this situation..."

Looking at the chaotic scene behind her again, Abby Green said in disbelief: "You call this situation a good relationship?"

"Yeah, that's right." Ke Wen said with a smile: "According to the president, everyone will continue to understand each other, recognize each other, and trust each other during the fight, so it doesn't matter. I suggest you join in and give it a try?



Abby Green let out a sigh of disbelief and said with disdain, "I don't want it! Forget it, there's nothing worth caring about anyway."

After saying that, Abby Green waved her hands, turned around and walked outside the guild.


Staring at the opponent's back, which was not walking like a cat, but instead cautiously dodging flying missiles, Ke Wen couldn't help but let out a series of chuckles.


A broken leg of a chair flew from the right, then spun and bounced off Coven's head.

Reaching out, Ke Wen caught the leg of the chair that fell in mid-air. After raising his hand to weigh it, his eyes found a target.

While laughing mischievously, Ke Wen threw the chair legs away with his hands.

"Oops!" From a distance, Natsu grinned and turned around, scanning continuously: "Which bastard attacked me sneakily!"

"How dare you get distracted!" Gray, who was only wearing briefs, suddenly jumped up and threw Natsu to the ground, and laughed loudly: "Watch the move! You flaming bastard!"

"Oh hehehe..."

Ke Wen had already moved his eyes away, and while looking at the battlefield in other directions, he kept letting out gloating laughter.

At this time, there was a buzzing sound from the boundary in the corner.

Kewen's hearing was very good, and although the hall was very noisy, he still heard the sound of the portal appearing.

Turning around, he saw that inside the translucent barrier, President Makarov's small figure walked out of the portal.

Next, a scene appeared that made Ke Wen burst out laughing again.

President Makarov first took a look inside the guild, and after seeing the chaotic scene, he couldn't help but sigh helplessly.

Then, President Makarov lowered his head and shook his head while walking out of the barrier.

However, the next moment, a half-broken table suddenly flew over there and hit President Makarov with a 'bang'.

Zandi continued to fly forward with the opponent's petite body, and finally hit the barrier together.

In the end, President Makarov slowly slid down against the barrier with an upside-down posture...

This chapter has been completed!
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