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Chapter 61: Tsundere

The Ghost Ruler is a ‘grey’ guild in the kingdom.

Although it is listed as a "Light Union" in the records of the "Council", in fact, their reputation throughout the kingdom is not good.

This is because the magicians of the Ghost often blackmail their clients when performing tasks, and may even cause non-fatal injuries.

However, the president of the guild is also a member of the 'Ten Holy Magisters', so in order to prevent the other party's powerful power from corrupting the 'Dark Guild', the 'Council' can only choose to turn a blind eye.

Eyes, still classified it as the 'Lighting Union'.

The president of Ghost is named Joseph Pola, and the relationship with President Makarov is extremely bad.

The reason came from the year when Ke Wen joined the guild. At the 'Guild President's Party' that year, both parties who were drunk said that their guild was the best in the entire kingdom.

The dispute developed into an all-out martial arts battle, and in the end Joseph Pola was defeated.

From then on, the cautious Joseph Pola never attended the "Guild President's Gathering" again, and began to target "Fairy Tail" everywhere.

In the past six years, the 'ghost ruler' has carried out many targeted actions against the guild, including but not limited to robbing and sabotaging tasks, spreading rumors in the kingdom, etc.

However, since the other party did not cause harm to the guild members, President Makarov turned a blind eye and was too lazy to pay attention to the other party.

This time, it was probably the other party's personnel who were spreading rumors again, but they happened to be caught by Laxus.

And Laxus protects the guild from the bottom of his heart and does not allow outsiders to ruin the guild's reputation.

However, the guild has a 'respect life' rule, so Laxus could only hold back his anger and come back to the guild to vent his anger on Coven.

Coven understands Laxus's current mentality and thoughts.

In the past few years, Laxus has become more and more self-centered. In the eyes of the other party, as long as the guild shows absolute strength to suppress him, no one will dare to cause any small obstacles to the guild.

That's why Laxus felt very unhappy with Coven and Mira's "inaction" all day long.

But as Coven said, once the guild becomes too powerful, those 'dark forces' who are fomenting all kinds of conspiracies all day long may regard the guild as an obstacle that they must destroy first.

And the 'Council' may also have some bad thoughts about the guild.

The original intention of establishing the 'Council' was to provide help to all guilds in the kingdom, and was responsible for providing a platform for close communication between guilds and providing various information.

With the development, the weight of the "Council" has been increased, and it has begun to monitor the dynamics of the "Dark Union" and hand over information to various "Light Unions".

Later, the 'Council' formed an armed force and began its own arrests and trials.

Until now, the 'Council' has once again inflated itself, thinking that they are superior to others, and has gradually intervened in the affairs of various 'Light Unions'.

That's why Ke Wencai said that once the guild shows too much strength, it may cause the 'council' to feel a sense of crisis and secretly attack the guild.

These situations were all learned after Kewen made the ‘Kanban’.

As for the members in the guild, they don't know. Including Laxus and other 'S-level' magicians, they are basically only responsible for completing the commissioned work, and have never thought about the various twists and turns behind the guild's operation.


The timing was perfect today, so since Laxus was rarely in the mood to listen to his nonsense, Ke Wen informed him of the twists and turns...

After listening to Ke Wen's suggestion, Laxus was silent for a moment.

After finishing another glass of beer, he placed the glass heavily on the bar.

Wiping his mouth, Laxus glanced at Coven stubbornly and said in a disdainful tone: "My opinion is correct! As long as the guild shows its strength that is difficult to resist! No matter what kind of 'Dark Union' or 'Council'

!Everyone! Don’t dare to have any thoughts about the guild anymore!”

Ke Wen didn't intend to waste any more words. He smiled and waved his hands indifferently: "You will understand later, oh yes."

Changing the subject, Kewen took out the seal from under the bar and said, "Here, let me re-print the emblem for you."

"What are you doing?" Abby Green held her cheeks with her hands on the bar and twisted her delicate body into an extremely seductive posture. After hearing this, she said with some trouble: "Why do you need to re-print the emblem?"

Ke Wen pointed to the hall: "Don't you see? Everyone can now use the 'Personal Elf Terminal', which I developed more than a month ago. Now, you and Keir are the only ones in the entire guild."

Das has not updated its emblem."

"Oh?" Abby Green became interested. She put down her arms and sat upright. After turning her head to look at the hall, she immediately stood up and said, "Then get me one quickly."

Ke Wen leaned back slightly, avoiding the soft white ball that Abba Green bumped into.

He smiled helplessly, raised the seal, and carefully overlapped the emblems and printed them on the white hemisphere exposed by Abby Green.

After finishing, Abby Green retracted her body, lowered her head and fumbled for the emblem mark and asked: "How to do it?"

"Input a little magic power into it, and then pronounce the password." Ke Wen instructed the other party, and said the pronunciation password of 'runes'.

Abby Green immediately did as she was told, and then whispered: "Fairy Tail."

A magic screen quickly appeared in front of the opponent's eyes, causing Abby Green to look surprised, and then began to fiddle with it.

"Do it for me too."

After seeing this, Philide stretched out his left hand and presented the green emblem on the back of his hand in front of Ke Wen.

"no problem."

Ke Wen said while printing, "The 'Personal Terminal' contains a lot of information, which allows you to easily find information when doing tasks."

While talking, Ke Wen had already finished the 'update' for Philid and continued: "And it can also be used for remote calls like a 'communication crystal'. In short, it is a variety of convenient things. You can study it slowly.



Laxus interjected from the side: "I just know how to get some useless things!"

"You don't have to do it if you have the ability."

Coven chuckled and retorted, and raised his seal to signal to Laxus.

Seeing that the other party was unmoved, Ke Wen raised his eyebrows and reminded with a wicked smile: "Bigusro's emblem is on your tongue. Do you want him to lick it and then print it on your chest?"

Laxus froze, gritted his teeth and popped the veins on his forehead. After giving Kewen a fierce look, he finally quickly opened his shirt, revealing his emblem located at the heart.


Kewen chuckled while updating the emblem imprint for Laxus, who was so tired.

Ignoring Laxus who immediately stood up and walked to the second floor, Coven looked at Bigusro who was wearing half a metal mask: "Come on, stick out your tongue and don't move it."

"Lai lai lai..."

Bigusro only worshiped Laxus and would not listen to Coven's words well, so after opening his mouth, he flicked his tongue and kept making faces at Coven.

Ke Wen rolled his eyes and pointed his left index finger at the other party: "Everyone is petrified."

In an instant, Bigusro's entire body suddenly turned gray. Although it was still flesh, it showed the stiffness of petrification.

Locating the mark on the opponent's tongue, Ke Wen pressed the seal and updated Bigusro's emblem. Then he pointed his finger again and unlocked the 'Petrification Curse' for the opponent.

"Bah! You!"

Bigusro subconsciously clicked his tongue twice and raised his hand to point at Ke Wen. However, after meeting Ke Wen's eyes, he obediently became quiet again.

"Okay, now only Gildarts is left." Coven put the seal back under the bar, raised his head, and threatened Bigusro who continued to make faces at him: "What? You want me to be here?"

Tell Gildas in the future, has the seal been licked by you before?"


Bigusro quickly stood up and left, finding an empty table to sit down at.

Seeing this, Philid shook his head helplessly, got up and went to accompany his companions. Only Abby Green was left in front of the bar, flipping her long hair as if she were looking at a joke and continuing to tinker with the virtual screen in front of her.

Not long after, Laxus came down from the second floor with a task list.

Arriving at the bar, Laxus threw the task list at Coven and said in a disgusted tone: "Register!"

Ke Wen raised his hand and tapped on the bar, causing a magic screen to rise from the bar. After tapping twice with his fingers, he took a photo of the task list using the 'photograph function'.

"Okay, take it away."

Ke Wen informed and leaned over to take out the paper registration form from under the bar for filing.

Laxus picked up the task list again, stared at Coven who was starting to work, and wanted to say something, but he gave up in the end.

With a cold snort, Laxus turned and left.

Seeing this, the three members of the Thunder Gods also stood up and followed.

It wasn't until the four of them walked out of the guild gate that after a while, the people who had been a little quiet returned to their previous noisy state.

At this time, Bisca and her partner Arzak came to the bar together.

"Kewen." Bisca said with a smile: "Help us check the points to see if they are enough to redeem magic."

"Hold on."

Ke Wen called up the information in the terminal, and after reading it, he responded: "It's okay, but Alzac still lacks five mission points."

Hearing this, Alzak scratched his head shyly and said to Bisca: "Then you can redeem it first."

Ke Wen answered the conversation and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if we are together, you can just make up the points for me later."

"Ah?" Alzak was stunned and said quickly: "Thank you so much, Kewen!"

Waving his hand, Ke Wen stood up and said: "Wait a moment, I will go to the library to get you the magic book of 'Change Magic'."

After saying that, Kewen went straight to the back door...

This chapter has been completed!
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