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Chapter 64 Girl

x784 year.

Members of Natsu's generation have reached the age of eighteen. They have been going out frequently to complete missions since they were sixteen, which has once again enhanced the reputation of the guild throughout the kingdom.

Following this, more magicians came to join the "Fairy Tail" guild.

Ke Wen knew that nearly half of the members did not regard the guild as a real big family like him. Once the guild became lonely, those people would leave without mercy.

However, Kewen didn't care much about this. Anyway, there were still nearly thirty members who were truly loyal to the guild. With the existence of these powerful problem children, the foundation of the guild would never be shaken.

As for whether the various benefits of the guild will be leaked, Kewen is equally confident.

Starting from the beginning of 'x784', Kewen has added contract restrictions to various welfare mechanisms. Whether it is a 'teleportation scroll' or a 'personal terminal', it can only be used by those with the guild emblem.

Once someone truly intends to quit the guild, or is no longer recognized as a guild member by the guild leader, he or she will no longer be able to activate the 'Teleportation Scroll'.

Similarly, for members who leave the guild, the emblem will automatically disappear from them, and naturally they will no longer be able to use the 'personal terminal'.

As for the potion, there is also no danger of it being leaked, because so far, not many people know about the existence of 'Polyusica'.

With various arrangements, coupled with the huge funds that Ke Wen exchanged for magic books, the guild will have a stable position in the kingdom no matter how it develops in the future.

Prepare for a rainy day, this time the science and education will not be too complicated.

After all, with the passing of May, six years of his stay in this world have passed.

The final seventh year has arrived, and his time in this world has entered a countdown.

Fairy Tail is a big family that makes Coven feel more warm than Hogwarts. He hopes that this big family can become better and better and become more and more perfect.

Therefore, Kewen's only goal in the remaining year is to use all his knowledge to continue to leave a strong "backup" for the guild.

If the thing in the plan can be successfully researched by him, then the guild will completely occupy the apex of all magic guilds in this world. No matter what, the position will not be shaken by any external factors.

On a hot summer day, the temperature outside is scorching hot, but the inside of the guild hall seems cool and refreshing.

The guild was very lively today because there were many members who did not go out to do tasks. Everyone was sitting around the wooden table in twos and threes, drinking and laughing loudly.

Mira moved between the dining tables with light steps, wearing a red tube top dress and dancing around.

Because the 'Swimsuit Photo Album' was just released in 'Magic Weekly' a few days ago, the male members of the guild showed their admiration towards Mira and kept looking for various reasons to seek food from Mira.



The middle-aged Wakaba still had a haircut, and after Mira served three glasses of beer to a table, he couldn't help but say hello in a "dog-licking" tone.


Mira's expression perfectly interpreted what gentleness is. She smiled and turned to Wakaba and responded: "Is there anything you need?"

"Look, look."

Wakaba's small eyes had disappeared with squinting eyes. After taking a puff of his pipe, he blew out a line of pink smoke from his mouth and quickly gathered into a heart shape in the air.

The peach heart formed by the smoke was floating and beating like a heart. Wakaba happily invited: "Little~Mila, come on a date with me next time~"

"Uncle Wakaba is really..."

Mira responded in a funny voice, and then while holding the plate with her right hand, she raised her left hand and held it in front of her.

After using the transformation magic, Mira's figure blurred for a moment, and then transformed into a kind, fat aunt with a friendly smile and heavy makeup.

After the transformation was completed, Mira playfully pointed at her changed face and teased with a smile: "Uncle, don't you have a wife~"


Wakaba couldn't bear to look straight at her and burst into tears, shouting loudly and sadly: "Don't transform into my wife at home!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Loud Changran jeers rang out from several nearby dining tables at the same time.

Mira smiled delicately and canceled the transformation magic, then walked briskly to the bar and put down a few empty wine glasses on the dinner plate.

Picking up the rag, while cleaning the cup, Mira asked Coven and President Makarov who were gathered together behind the bar: "What are you looking at?"

Hearing this, Ke Wen and President Makarov looked at each other, and then sighed at the same time: "Hey..."


When she didn't get an answer, Mira pretended to be angry, puffing out her cheeks and pouting cutely. Just as she was about to say something, someone in the hall shouted loudly: "Mira-chan~ give us four more beers~"

"Wait a moment~"

Mira no longer paid attention to Ke Wen and President Makarov, walked to the wine barrel next to her, started to pick up the wine, and sent it to the dining table.

At this moment, the half-open door of the guild was kicked out with a loud bang.

Natsu appeared at the door with a salute on his back and shouted wildly: "I'm back——"

"Hey! You're back!" Habi held up the cat's paw and shouted a mocking greeting behind Natsu.

Everyone looked at it, and then someone laughed loudly: "Hahaha! Natsu, you still like to make a splash. This time you destroyed half of the port, and it was reported in the newspapers..."

Just as he said this, Natsu quickly rushed over and kicked the member who was speaking away.

Amidst the crashing sounds of tables and chairs overturning and the screams ringing around him, Natsu landed and roared angrily: "Asshole! You are just talking nonsense about the fire dragon information!"

"Bastard Natsu!"

The member who was kicked away half sat up in the wreckage of tables and chairs, covering his nose while yelling in response: "Who are you to call you an idiot? You can't even catch such an obvious joke!"

"Ah! You bastard is so disgusting!"

Confirming that he was being tricked, Natsu pounced on him again, and soon he and the member were wrestling with each other.

Once someone starts fighting, as is customary, a small brawl quickly turns into a large melee.

No, Gray had already become interested when he saw Natsu returning. Unknowingly, he stripped down to his shorts and moved towards Natsu with a straight step.

At the same time, the physical fight made Elfman, who had been claiming to be a man all day long, energetic. While continuing his manly declaration, he moved towards Natsu and Gray who were already fighting each other.

However, the enemies of Natsu and Gray were having a good fight, which made people get involved, and they immediately punched out at the same time, knocking Elfman's huge body away.

Loki, who was hugging two beauties not far away, was suddenly affected by Elfman flying towards him.

After he quickly pushed away the two girls who were just ordinary people, he was immediately pressed under Elfman's two-meter-tall strong body...

Tables and chairs flew over and shattered, and were used as weapons in someone's hands; wine bottles and plates were scattered everywhere, shattering all over the floor.

Behind the bar, President Ke Wen and President Makarov watched all this feebly, and sighed at the same time again: "Hey..."

At this time, Ke Wen noticed something and turned his gaze to the blond girl who returned with Natsu.

The girl was staring at the chaos in the hall with her face frozen.

Seeing the 'disillusionment' expression on the other person's face, Ke Wen couldn't help but use his 'talking magic' to say hello, transmitting the voice directly into Mira's mind: "Mira."


In the hall, Mira was constantly dodging the chaos. After recognizing the voice in her head, she immediately looked towards the bar.

Ke Wen pointed at the door and asked Mira to look.

Also discovering the blond girl, Mira immediately showed a gentle smile and walked over.

Walking to the girl who seemed to have lost her soul, Mira said softly: "Hello, are you the newcomer brought back by Natsu?"


The girl came back to her senses with excitement. After seeing Mira, she instantly showed a nymphomaniac look. She twisted her body and clasped her hands and cheered: "Wow!!! It's Mira Jenny herself! I'm your fan, isn't that right!"

After regaining consciousness again, the blond girl hurriedly pointed to the chaotic hall and asked in a panic: "Then, that! Don't you stop them quickly?"


Mira covered her mouth and chuckled, and then said softly: "It doesn't matter, because this is a scene that happens often, just let them have fun."

"This, this is joking!?" The blond girl showed an exaggerated appearance and exclaimed in disbelief: "Am I hallucinating!?"

Mira was so teased that she let out a sweet laugh again, waved her hand and said, "An Xin is fine, look..."

Before he finished speaking, Mira suddenly disappeared.

The blond girl stared at the empty place in front of her in stunned silence, then turned her head with a stiff neck.

Seeing Mira who was pinned down by half of the broken table, the girl suddenly covered her face with her hands and screamed in a broken voice: "Ah - Miss Mirajane! You are injured!!!"

"No, it's okay."

Mira still had a weak smile on her face, and with some difficulty she freed herself from under the broken table. After getting up, she continued as if nothing was wrong: "Don't you see they are all happy?"

"How do you see that they are happy?" The blonde girl screamed and complained in a broken voice.

"Everywhere, ugh!"

Once again, mid-sentence, Mira disappeared from the front of the blond girl again, and fell to the side with Elfman who flew over.

The blond girl felt that the world had collapsed completely, and her body fell weakly, slumping down on the floor in a 'duck sitting' posture...

This chapter has been completed!
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