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Chapter 25 Legion

Natalie and the other three moved very quickly, and before long, they knocked out more than fifty guards.

When the other guards saw this, they couldn't help but scolded them, telling them to stop immediately, otherwise they would be guilty of an unforgivable crime.

But none of the three people cared about the scolding.

They understand that the current situation can be regarded as "there is no turning back".

If they are caught without mercy, a prison sentence awaits them.

Even if the lives of any guards were not harmed, their current rebellious behavior would still not allow the kingdom to spare them.

What's more, the team has already offended the financial officer and the noble forces behind him.

If the incident is explained clearly, the kingdom may give the team a lighter punishment, but those noble forces may not let everyone go.

By then, before everyone is released from prison, those nobles may send out assassins raised by them to assassinate and silence the team.

Therefore, for the current plan, everyone is left with only one path to choose from.

That is to fight out! Fight out Stormwind City!

As long as no one is caught, there is still room for change.

The kingdom will definitely send someone to investigate what happened. In addition, the team did not harm the lives of any guards. Therefore, even if the team is on the blacklist of the 'Kingdom of Storms', it will not appear on the wanted lists of various human kingdoms...

Therefore, in order to rush out of Stormwind City as soon as possible, Galken and others couldn't help but become more efficient in knocking out the guards.

As for Kewen, who has been hiding his strength, it is because he has other ideas in his mind.

The previous plan has been disrupted, and Stormwind City may not be able to stay any longer.

In this case, why not take this opportunity to completely build up your reputation?

Just like 'anti-fans are also fans', even if the disturbance he caused in Stormwind City this time was a bad reputation, it still made people aware of his strength.

In that case, even if he is on the blacklist of Stormwind City, other human kingdoms will welcome him.

Of course, if he wants to be welcomed by other kingdoms, Kewen must create a bigger scene.

Such as defeating more Stormwind guards.

The bigger the scene is, the louder his reputation will be.

Therefore, this was the reason why he let go and did not immediately rush out of the city gate with Natalie and the others.

As more and more guards were knocked unconscious, the remaining guards could not help but give up resistance and struggle.

They have mixed emotions, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, they can only wait in disgrace, waiting for themselves to be knocked unconscious.

When there were only a dozen conscious guards left, a scene that could break the situation finally appeared, and the "surviving" guards suddenly became excited and started shouting.

It turned out that more soldiers were running out of the inner city. The large army in the city finally arrived. The army finally completed its formation and rushed from the military camp to the city gate.

There were many soldiers who came to support this time. An entire legion appeared in the trading area at the gate of the city. At a glance, there were countless heads.


Galken was in a panic, and he didn't bother to continue knocking out the guards, and immediately ran to Ke Wen's side.

"What to do!" Galken asked urgently: "The large army of the Royal Army is here! Is there anything you can do now!?"

"Don't panic."

Ke Wen glanced at the oncoming legion, and then calmly reassured him: "I am a 'wild mage', yes, but I am not one of those mage apprentices who have not yet become a master. I am just fighting against the legion. As long as no one can break my magic

, it’s useless no matter how many people come.”

As he spoke, Kewen was also secretly happy in his heart.

The support came so well. To him, the legions that came over were not support, but heads and reputations in human form!

Therefore, there was no nervous look on his face at all.

On the contrary, Galken is different.

Even after hearing Coven's confident declaration, he still looked flustered.

Just as Natalie knocked out the remaining guards and rushed over, Galken quickly asked again: "Nana! What should we do now?"

Natalie glanced at Ke Wen's back, took a deep breath and said, "Didn't Ke Wen say it? We have nothing to do now, we can only look forward to Ke Wen's performance!"

"I, I will protect everyone!" Tager came back and said in a naive voice.

Ke Wen turned to look at the three of them, then smiled and reassured them again: "Don't worry, leave the rest to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the legion that came to support had already approached the second city wall.

A team of thousands of people, their footsteps staggered and made a dull sound. Before anyone arrived, the momentum was already overwhelming.

Galken couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and Tager also fell completely silent.

Natalie put her right hand into the bag on her waist and didn't know what she touched. Her expression became slightly more relieved.

At this moment, the legion commander who was riding a horse at the front of the legion suddenly raised his hand.

The legionnaires behind them stopped in order and made a "boom" sound.

The legion commander observed the situation on the field and found that the hundreds of soldiers who had fallen to the ground were still breathing, and then he turned his attention to the four men of Ke Wen.

He didn't ask anything, but immediately waved his hand forward: "Take it!"


In the first few rows of the legion, more than two hundred soldiers stepped forward at the same time, and the metal boots made a neat collision sound with the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the sounds of more than two hundred weapons being unsheathed came together.

Seeing this, Galken raised the giant sword with trembling hands, but his arm was pressed down by a palm again.

Ke Wen shook his head slightly, then chuckled and said, "Just stand back and watch me perform."

After finishing his words, Ke Wen stepped forward and faced more than two hundred soldiers.

As he moved forward, Ke Wen raised the staff horizontally above his head and flipped his wrist, causing the staff to rotate upward in a circle.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! He always keeps in mind the key points that need to be "fancy".

After twirling the staff in a circle, he suddenly grasped the staff firmly and paused it vertically towards the ground in front of him.


Amidst the loud collision, a large amount of thick smoke spurted out from the ground, and quickly rushed towards the more than two hundred soldiers in front of them, as if they were waves washing up on the beach.

These newly arrived legionnaires did not know the power of the smoke, so they continued to press forward.

Therefore, the next moment they became turtles in a urn, entangled in the substantial smoke, imprisoning their bodies and limbs, and only exposed their heads covered by iron cans.

The legion commander on the horse was stunned.

He quickly looked at the situation in the smoke and found that the soldiers were only imprisoned and not harmed, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Frowning and staring at Ke Wen, who made no further moves, the legion commander took another look at the height of the smoke, then shouted and waved: "Put up your shield! Build a bridge!"

The soldiers behind him obeyed the order and acted. More than a hundred soldiers stepped forward, took off their shields and quickly built a slope.

Then, more soldiers rushed up the shield slope and placed their shields on the heads of the imprisoned soldiers.

Soon, a 'shield bridge' supported by human walls appeared.

This time, the commander personally dismounted, picked up his sword and shield and rushed onto the 'Shield Bridge'. He maintained his body balance and ran two steps quickly. When he reached the edge of the 'Shield Bridge', he jumped up high and raised his sword towards Ke Wen.

Split it down.


"Kewen, hide quickly!"

"Kewen, be careful!"

The three Galkens screamed in surprise, and at the same time, they hurried forward to help Kewen resist the attack.

However, Ke Wen chuckled and shook his head.

He raised his free left hand, recited the incantation, and pushed his hand towards the legion commander in the air.


A shock wave of arcane energy appeared, instantly jumped into the sky, and hit the legion commander's plate armor chest.

This caused the legion commander's descending figure to suddenly stop, and instantly reflected back, falling back onto the 'Shield Bridge', knocking down several soldiers.

At this moment, Kewen suddenly retracted the upright staff, temporarily interrupting the spellcasting.

His actions caused the thick smoke to lose control and turn back into nothingness.

The soldiers who were originally imprisoned by the smoke were suddenly freed from this, and their bodies could not help but sway.

The situation had a chain reaction.

The soldiers supporting the 'Shield Bridge' were no longer restrained by the smoke, and their bodies could no longer withstand the weight of the 'Shield Bridge' and the soldiers on it.

As a result, the shield bridge suddenly collapsed, and the soldiers above screamed and fell, hitting their comrades below.

The scene became completely chaotic.

Kewen felt funny about this. These people took him too seriously. Do they really think his magic was just that?

Shaking his head slightly, Ke Wen waved the staff in his hand again, causing the thick smoke that had not dissipated to become solid again.

This time, Ke Wen imprisoned more than 400 soldiers in one breath. Even the legion commander was imprisoned and could not break free.

Then Kowen released more smoke, causing the smoke to continue to spread into the distance.

In the legion, more than 500 soldiers who were blocked in the rear screamed in surprise.

They jumped to avoid the smoke, but the smoke spread too quickly. It surged past the legs of many soldiers, then quickly rose upwards, wrapping around the bodies of every soldier.

At this point, Kewen achieved a record of capturing an entire legion of soldiers against a thousand enemies.

On the entire main road into the city, there was no longer a single whisper on both sides of the street.

The onlookers became stunned, and many even hid back inside the store in fear.

Further away, many of the adventurers were already trembling. They kept rejoicing in their hearts that they had discovered Ke Wen's strength earlier, so that their original plan was not implemented.

Even Natalie and the other three were stunned.

They looked at the entire legion of soldiers, and then at Ke Wen's back. Their eyes seemed to be looking at a monster...

This chapter has been completed!
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