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Chapter 60 Looking Again

If Coven could know Anduin Lothar's thoughts, he would definitely tell him again - you are happy too soon.

Although Kewen wanted fame and status, he had no interest in becoming the Bishop of Holy Light.

Don't forget, the reason why he needs status is just to go to the high elves and see the elf girl who prostituted him for nothing.

The high elves study magic, so why don't you think it's a big deal for you to be the 'Bishop of Holy Light'? Aren't you feeling uncomfortable?

Therefore, regarding the letter of appointment in front of him, Kewen shook his head in anticipation of Anduin Lothar.

"What?" Anduin Lothar was stunned: "Do you have any objections?"

"Isn't there already a bishop in the cathedral?" Coven said, "I went there, what will he do?"

"Bishop Benedictus?"

After confirming it, Anduin Lothar responded with a smile: "Of course he has suitable arrangements. Bishop Fao is going to summon him to the North County Monastery for further study. Oh, by the way, to study those holy lights you created.

After he has mastered the magical arts, he will serve as a special envoy of our 'Stormwind City' and go to the Holy Light Church in other kingdoms to communicate and teach those magical arts."

Coven raised his hand and waved, interrupting Anduin Lothar. Then he shook his head and said: "Forget it, please help me say sorry to His Majesty the King."

"What?" Anduin Lothar frowned slightly, already hearing Coven's rejection.

In response, Ke Wen pointed to the wine glass in front of him and said with a smile: "I am very addicted to alcohol and get drunk every day. So, have you ever seen any bishop who looks like a drunkard all day long? That is simply too much.

It's an insult to the Holy Light."


Anduin Lothar was speechless. After a while, he leaned forward slightly and whispered: "Wouldn't it be better if you could control it? Anyway, you don't have to face the believers all the time. When you are alone,

Drink again?”

Ke Wen was amused, but he did not laugh, he just grinned and shook his head again.

"Stop teasing me. In short, this matter is difficult to obey."

After saying that, Ke Wen drank the entire bottle of black wine, put down the bottle and sighed slightly: "In short, I will never become a Holy Light Bishop."

"Really don't think about it again?"

Anduin Lothar was very disappointed. He missed an opportunity to openly become friends with Cowen, so he seemed a little unwilling.

Ke Wen shook his head again and his attitude was very firm.


Anduin Lothar sighed in frustration, and then stood up in despair, reaching out to re-roll the appointment book.

Half-turning around and making a move to leave, Anduin Lothar finally confirmed to Coven: "Think about it again?"

"No need." Ke Wen responded: "Say sorry to His Majesty the King for me."

Anduin Lothar stared at Cowen, and finally nodded helplessly: "I will, then... see you next time."

"See you later." Ke Wen responded and stood up: "Let's go, I'll see you off."

"No need." Anduin Lothar shook his head, then turned and walked towards the door.

Ke Wen watched the other party walk out of the hall. Hearing the brief commotion outside, he shook his head and sat down again.

It wasn't until the team brought by Anduin Lothar began to leave that Galken dared to speak. He said in a tentative tone: "Kevin? Well...don't you regret it? I meant you rejected that appointment.


"That's right." Tager echoed in and said in a naive voice: "What a great opportunity this is. After becoming the archbishop, Kewen, you can become a big shot in the kingdom. Why refuse?"

"He likes to be free."

Natalie interrupted. She looked at Kewen with regret, and then said to her two teammates: "Have you forgotten that he traveled around the world before? Otherwise, as long as Kewen wanted to, he could have done it in any kingdom.

Gained a noble status."

"Uh..." Galken scratched his neck and said sarcastically: "I didn't think, uh, that..."

There was something he couldn't say, so Galken couldn't help but look at Kewen apologetically.

Ke Wen didn't pay attention, and smiled and said for the other party: "My character and my drinking habit are too repulsive, and I can't integrate into the upper class society."

Galken immediately looked at Natalie with an expression that said, "Look, he admitted it himself."

Natalie ignored Galken. His mentality was the same as Anduin Lothar's, which was full of regret, so she couldn't help but ask the same question: "Kewen, you really can't..."

Coven raised his hand and waved before Natalie finished speaking, then shook his head and said, "It goes without saying. Also, I am a mage, not a priest. Please don't confuse my profession."

Galken held his chin, stared at Coven and said doubtfully: "Say, man, it's not because of your drinking habit that you gave up your identity as a priest and became a mage, right?"

Ke Wen shrugged: "That's what you think."

Galken immediately thought that he had guessed it right, and nodded proudly: "Well, if it were me, I wouldn't be able to abide by the rules and regulations in the Holy Light Church. It's better to be free like us, drink heavily, and still have choices.

All kinds of women are happy..."

"Shut up!"

Natalie scolded in a low voice, glancing at Galken to lecture: "Be respectful! Don't talk about those nonsense when talking about the Holy Light!"

Galken shrugged and raised his hand to slap his mouth as self-punishment.

Then everyone started chatting. Gu Ke

Galken asked Kewen why he had never seen Kewen use the Holy Light.

In response to this, Ke Wen was vague because no one had ever been injured, giving him no chance to perform.

After lunch, Galken and Tager were bored and left the hotel again to wander around the town.

Natalie, on the other hand, bit her teeth lightly, pulled Coven up to the second floor, closed the door, and continued her in-depth exploration of knowledge.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Early that morning, Anduin Lothar unexpectedly came to Goldshire again.

Today, Anduin Lothar was wearing a black leather casual suit. After entering the bar lobby, he immediately looked towards where Coven usually sat.

He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he didn't see Ke Wen. He nodded absently in response to the greetings from around him.

As Garken and Tagger stood up to greet them, Anduin Lothar walked up to them and asked strangely: "Where are the others?"

Knowing who Anduin Lothar was asking, Galken quickly replied: "Sir, you came too early."

"Is it too early?" Anduin Lothar was confused. He couldn't help but turn his head to look at the window. When he turned around, he said in surprise: "When is this? Is it too early?"

Galken and Tager looked at each other, then he smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Yes, Sir, that guy Kewen is never used to getting up early unless he has something to do."

Hearing this, Anduin Lothar couldn't help rolling his eyes, simply leaned over and sat down, and continued to ask: "Then when does he basically get up?"

"Uh, this..." Galken hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Anduin Lothar was puzzled: "This question makes you very embarrassed? Or is there some reason for this?"

"No, it's not!" Galken shook his head quickly and replied honestly: "In the past, Kewen basically slept until about nine o'clock, but now..."

Somewhat embarrassed to have tainted Anduin Lothar's ears, Galken said cautiously: "This...Kevin and Natalie..."

"Speak directly if you have something to say." Anduin Lothar was slightly dissatisfied: "Don't hesitate."

"Yes! Sir Sir!"

Galken quickly straightened his posture, and then replied respectfully: "Kevin and Natalie have been working together recently, so after they get up every day, they continue to stay in the room...basically they don't come down to eat until noon...


Anduin Lothar opened his mouth slightly in astonishment, and then made a ridiculous "scoff" sound, shaking his head in amusement.

Seeing this, Galken asked tentatively: "Shall I go up and call for you?"

Anduin Lothar thought for a while, nodded and said: "Go ahead, I have something serious to do with you this time."

"Wait a moment!" Galken immediately became serious: "I'll go up and call them right now!"

After saying that, Galken quickly ran up the stairs.

After a while, the three figures came down from the second floor. Ke Wen looked even more confused, as if he was hungover.

He saw Anduin Lothar, but he only raised his hand as a greeting. After sitting down, he immediately turned around and asked the bar owner for a glass of strong drink.

The bar owner had long been familiar with Kewen's habits, so he directly delivered three large glasses of spirits and corresponding side dishes.

Coven ignored talking to Anduin Lothar and drank the first glass of strong wine in one go, then drank the second glass more slowly.

Then, he grabbed the third wine glass and asked Anduin Lothar: "Garken said something happened to you? What is it this time?"

Anduin Lothar did not respond immediately. He first looked at the three wine glasses, two empty and one full, then looked at Coven and said in surprise: "Is your alcohol addiction that big?"

"That's right." Ke Wen did not explain, but simply admitted.

Shaking his head, Anduin Lothar said incomprehensibly: "I thought you were just making excuses before, but now it seems..."

"Understood?" Ke Wen shrugged his shoulders: "So, my identity as an adventurer is my final destination."

Anduin Lothar shook his head sadly.

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Ke Wen asked again: "Tell me, what else needs our team's help this time?"

Anduin Lothar calmed down and said seriously: "That's what you proposed at the beginning, to help the kingdom recover the 'Death Mine'."

"Oh?" Ke Wen smiled: "The kingdom finally made up its mind to regain it?"


Anduin Lothar nodded and began to explain the reason...


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