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Chapter 91 Duel

Coven recited the incantation silently and concentrated on releasing the magic.

The 'Holy Light Barrier' he released this time is a compound magic that he improved.

The 'Holy Light Barrier' pioneered by Kewen only has a healing effect and can continuously treat injuries and enhance the strength of friendly parties within the barrier.

Inside the basic version of the 'Holy Light Barrier', human soldiers can barely fight against the orcs, and they will no longer be easily harvested by the orcs.

But even then, with less than two thousand soldiers now, they can barely fight against the same number of orcs.

But now there are nearly 10,000 orcs, and the gap in numbers is too big.

Therefore, Kewen can only use the enhanced version of 'Holy Light Barrier'.

In the enhanced version of magic, Kewen added the lethality of 'light magic elements'.

But Kewen had a lot of things going on during this period, and there was not enough time for him to completely perfect the magic.

Therefore, the magic of 'Holy Light Barrier Type 2' is still somewhat insufficient in terms of lethality. The 'light magic element' mixed in 'Holy Light' can only have a weak burning effect.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, the enhanced version of magic is enough.

Because the orcs don't know much about magic, they were originally hesitant about the 'Holy Light Barrier'.

When some orcs tried to put their hands into the barrier and were burned by the 'light element', even though it did not cause real harm to them, the orcs were frightened and quickly retracted their arms in surprise.

go back.

As a result, no orc dared to rush into the barrier head-on.

When the stalemate occurred, Kewen finally stabilized the magic barrier.

He opened his eyes and looked towards the entrance of the camp.

In the short charge just now, nearly a thousand human soldiers had fallen on the way.

Perhaps not all the soldiers were completely killed, and there should be some who could not afford to be seriously injured.

Therefore, Kewen took control of magic again, and he spread the holy light barrier toward the entrance of the camp.

The result made him sigh a little.

Because after the 'Holy Light Barrier' enveloped all the fallen soldiers, less than 300 soldiers stood up again, and the remaining 800 or so soldiers were truly killed.

This is a pity for the somewhat 'perfectionistic' Kewen.

But others don't think so.

After King Wrynn saw the more than two hundred soldiers who had stood up again, the surprise in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

He even laughed happily: "Holy light! Kewen! You have saved more lives!"

Hearing this, Kewen sighed silently, and then cast a double spell, causing his body to be lifted up by the whirlwind.

When Kewen rose to an altitude of more than thirty meters, he looked down at the nearly ten thousand orcs surrounding the barrier.

Then, he put his right hand with the sword finger on his neck.

Under the influence of the amplification spell, one word quickly spread across the entire battlefield: "Makgora——"

The sound echoed throughout the entire battlefield.

The orcs looked at each other in astonishment, then raised their heads and focused their attention on Kewen in the air.

After a while, an unknown orc took the lead and roared in response: "Makgora!"

The sound made the orcs stunned for a moment, and then the atmosphere suddenly ignited.




Gradually, all the orcs raised their weapons and roared the duel tradition of their race.

Below, King Wrynn was very confused. He glanced at the fanatical orcs, wondering what exactly Kowen said that made all the orcs react like this.


Next to her, Garona was infected by the atmosphere, raised her sword and shouted.

The people around were startled, and King Wrynn finally found his target and quickly asked: "Garona! What does Makgora mean!?"

“It’s our tradition!!!”

With the pride and fanaticism of an orc, Garona proudly explained to King Wrynn: "The strongest person fights in a life-and-death duel! The winner gets all the glory!"


King Wrynn quickly raised his head, looked at Kewen in the sky and said: "Kewen wants to duel with the orcs?"

"Of course it's him!"

Garona nodded heavily: "Because he proposed it! So the duelist cannot be replaced!"

King Wrynn looked away and continued to ask Garona: "What form will the duel take? Can magic be used?"

"Of course not!" Garona explained seriously: "You can use bare hands! You can use weapons! But you must not use spells!"

"Can't use magic!?"

King Wrynn quickly raised his head again and stared at Kewen worriedly: "But... Kewen is a mage!"

Garona frowned when she heard this. She finally remembered that she now belongs to the human side.

"This... there is no way..."

Garona showed a worried look: "Since he has sent out the 'Makgora' signal, he can no longer change the candidate..."


King Wrynn could not finish his words.

Because Kewen suddenly put away his magic, the 'Holy Light Barrier' covering the battlefield quickly disappeared.


King Wrynn quickly raised his head and shouted: "Magic cannot be used in their duel!!!"

Corwin heard King Wrynn's voice. He lowered his head from the air and nodded to King Wrynn with a smile.

Afterwards, without waiting for King Wrynn to say anything else, Coven immediately activated his body shape and slowly flew down to the open space in front of him.

When his feet landed, the orc camp suddenly became noisy.

All the orcs were shouting loudly, looking for someone who was qualified to duel with Coven.

Finally, a passage was opened by the orcs, and the skin turned green all over, and the even bigger 'Black Hand' walked out of it.

Ke Wen was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party's life would be so tough.

He had used two waves of large-scale magic before, plowing through almost the entire camp.

Just like that, the other party actually managed to survive?

Just when Ke Wen was looking at Black Hand, as the chief of the tribal coalition, Black Hand had already walked to the center of the clearing at a fast pace.

Black Hand squinted his green eyes, stared at Kewen with a slightly excited expression, then raised his left hand that turned into a ferocious claw, and shouted loudly: "Makgora——"



Nearly ten thousand orcs shouted in unison.

At this moment, Orgrim suddenly walked out of the crowd.

He held the hammer in his left hand and held a tribal battle flag in his right hand, and then firmly planted the battle flag into the ground behind Black Hand.

Taking a slight step forward, Orgrim stood behind Blackhand and said in a deep voice: "Can you give this duel to me?"

Black Hand was stunned.

But before Blackhand could get angry, Orgrim immediately said: "Durotan's death was largely caused by him! So I think..."

"go back!"

Blackhand interrupted angrily, turned around and scolded Orgrim: "This honor! It can only belong to me!"

Orgrim was silent.

He stared at Black Hand's angry and eager eyes, and could only retreat silently.

Blackhand finally showed a satisfied grin.

He turned back to look at Ke Wen and asked in a loud voice: "Do you understand our tradition!?"

Ke Wen nodded: "I can't use magic."

Black Hand grinned with satisfaction, and his fangs moved his face, making his appearance even more ferocious.

Then, Black Hand raised his left hand that turned into a sharp claw: "This thing grows on my body! It can only be regarded as a weapon! So you can also use weapons!"

Ke Wen glanced at the sharp claw filled with the aura of 'evil energy', and then shook his head: "No need."

Raising his right fist in front of him, Ke Wen said calmly: "I just use my fist."

"You must use weapons!"

Black Hand was unwilling, and his tone could not suppress the impatience: "That would make 'Makgora' look unfair! Kill you! I will not get any glory!"


King Wrynn suddenly shouted loudly after listening to Garona's simultaneous translation.

When Coven turned his head to look, King Wrynn immediately walked out of the soldiers' guard formation.

Shaking off the pull of the legion commander and soldiers, King Wrynn strode to Ke Wen, then held the 'King Sword' in his hand with both hands and handed it to Ke Wen with a solemn expression.

In response, Ke Wen looked at the other party, then smiled slightly, stretched out his right hand and grabbed the hilt of the sword.


The broad sword with the golden lion relief was pulled out of its scabbard by Ke Wen.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Ke Wen pointed his sword at the ground, then nodded and said, "Please go back, Your Majesty, the duel will be over soon."


King Wrynn still looked worried, but he knew that the matter was at this point and it was useless to say anything, so he could only raise his hand and press Coven's shoulder.

"Be careful!" King Wrynn whispered: "If you are defeated, use magic! We still have the power to fight!"

Ke Wen wanted to end it all as soon as possible, so he said no more, nodded and then turned back to look at Black Hand.

Seeing this, King Wrynn could only sigh secretly and return to the array.


The sound of horns rose from the orc army, announcing the start of the duel.

Blackhand couldn't restrain his eagerness to get glory, and began to pace around impatiently, keeping his eyes on Kewen, waiting for Kewen to make a ready move.

Seeing this, Kewen handed the broadsword to his left hand, then stretched his right hand forward and hooked his finger back, signaling an invitation to fight.

When Black Hand saw this, he immediately strode over with a ferocious smile.

The noise disappeared and the whispers ceased.

At this moment, no matter it was the orcs or the humans, everyone from both races couldn't help but keep quiet.

The orcs looked expectant, looking forward to seeing their war chief take down his opponent's head.

The humans, on the other hand, held their breath and everyone's eyes widened nervously.

At this time, Kewen in the field finally moved.

Carrying the broad sword casually, Kewen stepped forward slowly, and walked up to the black hand with a calm expression...

This chapter has been completed!
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