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Chapter 5 Giant Pit

‘Fantasy Technology’ has opened and led a new era and has a transcendent status among all mankind. Not only on the technology side, even the cultivation system that humans have today also comes from the ‘Fantasy Technology’ company.

As a family member of an employee of 'Fantasy Technology', or a family member of an important-level employee, the training method used by the young man is naturally unique.

The general public's training system is based on the "Shen Dou Shu" of the "Three Dou Shu" and uses a set of combat skills with practical effectiveness to enhance physical strength.

After that, you can choose to rely on your body to fight in close combat, or you can also practice "soldier combat skills" and master the combat skills of using various cold weapons.

As for long-distance combat, you also need to practice 'gun fighting'. It is divided into 'energy gun ballistic calculation' and another 'gunpowder gun fighting'.

Those who use the former are basically ordinary people, while those who use the latter are mostly superpowers who can add various properties and abilities to ammunition. Or rich people directly buy the finished "superpower-added bullets".

As for why gunpowder firearms are still retained in the age of space science and technology, it is because the "Gunpowder Gunfighting Technique" can shoot in an arc and enrich tactics.

Of course, this kind of arc shooting is naturally created by "Fantasy Technology".

By modifying the firearm material, weight, proportions of the gun body, the rifling structure in the barrel, the gunpowder content of the bullet, the shape of the bullet, etc., 'Fantasy Technology Company' has very scientifically improved the 'arc shooting' that was originally just a fantasy in the last era.

came out.

Well, as a family member of an important employee of ‘Fantasy Technology’, not belonging to the general public, our boy ‘Kun’ naturally received different resources.

In terms of physical training, the boy's 'Body Fighting Technique' and 'Military Fighting Technique' are another set of actions. To sum up, they are like the top skills in the novel.

‘Gun Dou Shu’ uses more advanced algorithmic formulas to support calculations.

What’s exaggerated is that ‘Fantasy Technology’ also provides a set of training methods to control the body’s internal organs, allowing people to control their own internal organ functions. Just the effect of quickly digesting food in the stomach is enough to stun people.

Without further ado, two hours passed in the blink of an eye. The door of the training room on the first floor opened, and the young man with sweat on his forehead stepped out of the training room.

He casually grabbed the towel hanging around his neck in his hand, wiped off the new sweat on his forehead, and wiped it randomly on his short hair. Then the young man came to the coffee table, threw away the towel, and picked up the housekeeping

The robot had already prepared a multi-functional drink and drank it in one gulp.

With a satisfied "Huha", the boy put down the cup and was about to turn around and go upstairs to take a shower when he inadvertently saw the small box containing the 'cursed Rubik's Cube', which was still clearly placed on the coffee table.

The turning movement paused, and the boy's attention was unknowingly attracted by the box.

After being in a daze for an unknown amount of time, the young man finally came to his senses, and with a look of curiosity that could not be concealed on his face, he couldn't help but reach out and pick up the box.

There was a combination lock on the box, but the young man raised his left eyebrow, thought for a moment, and then raised his hand to click on the combination lock.

After trying two sets of passwords, and after clicking the third set, the box made a soft 'click' sound in the boy's hand and slowly opened.

"Hey..." The young man chuckled and muttered in a low voice as if he had successfully stolen a chicken: "I keep turning over these three sets of passwords over and over again. Dad is really..."

The muttering stopped there, because inside the fully opened box, a 'second-order Rubik's Cube' with disrupted colors was already in the boy's field of vision.

"Why am I so curious?" The boy gently fiddled with the box, observing the 'Cursed Rubik's Cube' from different angles, and murmured softly at the same time.

After looking for a moment and not seeing anything, the young man paused. After a while, curiosity successfully suppressed his rationality. After some hesitation, the young man finally poured the 'Cursed Rubik's Cube' out of the box.

Although curiosity defeated everything, it did not mean that his rationality completely disappeared. After taking out the 'cursed Rubik's Cube', the boy's movements seemed very cautious.

First, he held the Rubik's Cube in the palm of his hand and carefully turned it over for inspection. Then, the boy gently held the Rubik's Cube with two fingers and continued to flip the six sides of the Rubik's Cube for inspection.

His mind was completely attracted by the Rubik's Cube in his hand, so the young man did not hear the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs.

next moment.

"Hey! What are you doing, brat! Stop causing trouble!"

A slightly nervous scolding sound suddenly sounded in the quiet living room, causing the young man who was devoting all his attention to observing the Rubik's Cube to reflexively tremble all over. He also reflexively turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.


And precisely because of this distraction, the boy seemed to have ignored the Rubik's Cube that was being gently held between his two fingers, and forgot to continue applying force to the two fingertips.

When the young man turned his head to look at his father's stunned gaze, he saw the 'cursed Rubik's Cube' falling right on the coffee table.

Dang, Dang, Dang...

Bouncing, colliding, the Rubik's Cube bounced on the coffee table, then bounced off, then bounced between the edges and corners of the sofa and the coffee table, and finally passed through the gap at the bottom of the coffee table and rolled to the boy's feet.

Seeing that the Rubik's Cube finally stopped, the young man came back to his senses. He rolled his eyes to his father depressedly and complained: "Dad! Can you not be surprised? You made a sudden noise to scare me!"

"You bastard, what do you want to do?" The father's angry voice also sounded: "What are you doing playing with that thing?"

"I was just curious and didn't want to do anything..."

The young man's voice suddenly stopped because he noticed that his father's expression was not right and he was looking at his feet with a slight panic.

The young man quickly lowered his head, and then his pupils shrank. However, he discovered that the Rubik's Cube stopped at his feet had lost its color at some point.

"...Are you kidding? Is it such a coincidence..." After a moment of silence, the young man complained stiffly.

Before the words dissipated in the living room, the 'cursed Rubik's Cube' at the boy's feet suddenly exploded, forming a hollow with blue mist at the boy's feet. A huge suction force pulled the boy's entire body.


The young man's face showed a look of horror, and he almost reflexively used all his strength to jump away. However, he did not feel his body rising. Instead, under the influence of the pulling force, his body accelerated towards the ground under his feet.

Falling into the blue fog hole.

"Trick your son——"

"What a cheater——"

The father and son screamed at the same time in unison.

At the last moment, the young man only had time to raise his head and look at his collapsed father. In the next moment, his figure quickly fell into the fog hole and disappeared together with the fog hole...

This chapter has been completed!
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