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Chapter 54 Help

The third magic spell in that book is 'Clear Spring Like Water'. The effect is to use the magic spell to produce water flow, and its simple use is to extinguish the flames.

The book also gives advanced knowledge on the use of this spell, but this requires the use of branch spells of transfiguration.

There is a "summoning spell" in the branch of transfiguration, which summons things to you from other places.

The Clear Spring Spell combined with the Summoning Spell can summon water from a deep lake or deep sea. In this way, the power of this spell can not only extinguish a small pile of flames, but the impact of the water flow is like a high-pressure water gun.


In short, through the discussion of this book, Ke Wen can be said to have seen a new world. It turns out that magic spells are not as stereotyped as he thought. On the contrary, if they are developed in depth, magic spells can actually play many tricks.

This made Kewen's interest in magic even more intense...

In the blink of an eye, the two-day weekend has passed and a new week has arrived.

All classes were the same as last week. Kewen did a little transparency for a day. He stayed at the back of the class in all classes to avoid the professors from discovering him.

After finishing a spell class in the afternoon, Kewen no longer planned to go to the auditorium to read and wait for dinner, but planned to go back to the dormitory directly.

But not long after he walked out of the Charms classroom, Ke Wen was stopped by someone.

Looking in the direction where the greeting came from, I discovered that it was David Kuros, the professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"Hello, professor." Ke Wen greeted politely and then asked, "What can I do for you?"

"Of course." Professor David waved and turned around: "Follow me, I'll take up some of your time, and we'll talk as we walk."

"Okay professor." Kewen responded and followed.

On the way to the professor's office building, Professor David explained to Coven the reason for stopping him: "It's like this, this week I plan to teach you a new spell outside of the textbook, but I need to use some teaching tools."

"The teaching equipment has not been put away after class in the morning. I originally wanted to pack it up just now, but there were some things that required me to leave the school to deal with it."

"Do you need my help, Professor?" Ke Wen asked with a hint of understanding.

"Yes." Professor David nodded and admitted, turned around and said to Ke Wen with a smile: "Originally, I wanted to find some senior students to help, but I am really in a hurry here, so I happened to be in the Charms classroom.

I saw you nearby, so I can only ask you to come and help me."

"I'm happy to help you, Professor." Ke Wen didn't mean to refuse and nodded in agreement.

"Well, I still have full confidence in your ability." Professor David continued with a smile: "If it were anyone else, I wouldn't dare to ask them to help me pack up my teaching supplies."

"Thank you, Professor."

Ke Wen just wanted to show some shy expression, but thinking that he might have been on the list of people under observation, he immediately restrained his emotions and thanked him plainly without sadness or joy.

Soon they arrived at Professor David's office and opened the door.

"Follow me." Professor David led the way and took Kewen to a suite in the office.

As soon as he entered the suite, Covin was stunned.

Because in this approximately 80-square-meter suite, the floor was crawling with many snakes that were over one meter long.

"This is..." Ke Wen looked at Professor David beside him in surprise.

"As you can see, these are the teaching supplies." Professor David reached out and pointed to the group of snakes that had spotted the two of them and were hissing and sticking out their tongues in warning.

"Why..." Ke Wen hesitated and asked in confusion: "Why did you put them outside?"

"The box containing them is broken." Professor David looked a little helpless: "I just borrowed a new box from the keykeeper, but I haven't had time to pack it up yet."

"I need your help next. After I leave, help me put them into the box and lock them." Professor David continued: "Although there are no poisonous snakes here, you have to be careful not to be bitten by them, okay?


"Of course, no problem, Professor." Kewen heard this and responded without any burden.

"Okay, but if there is danger, you just need to run out of this room." Professor David warned: "I temporarily cast magic on the door of this room, and only humans can pass through."

"Okay professor, I remember it." Ke Wen nodded.

"I'll leave it to you next." Professor David took out his pocket watch and looked at it: "I'm in a hurry. You can go back after packing up. You don't have to wait for me."

"Okay professor." Ke Wen responded again.

Professor David smiled and patted Ke Wen on the shoulder, then hurriedly left the office.

Ke Wen watched Professor David leave, then turned back and looked at the group of snakes crawling all over the ground, and then glanced at the big box in the middle of the ground.

After completing the simple plan, Kewen took out his wand and pointed it at the snakes on the ground.

Perhaps Kewen's actions stimulated the group of snakes. Originally, only some snakes closer to the door showed vigilance. But at this time, almost all the snakes began to hiss and look at Kewen, or

He curled up on guard, or rushed toward Ke Wen in a meandering way.

Faced with such a situation, Kewen didn't look nervous at all. After all, he was not afraid of snakes.

The wand is waved, the incantation is recited, and a stream of magic is emitted.

After nearly twenty minutes, all the snakes running around in the house were thrown into the box by Ke Wen.

After the last spell was cast, the lock of the box made a soft 'click' sound and was completely locked.

Seeing this, Ke Wen stepped into the room, then turned around and scanned the entire room, looking for any snakes that might have slipped into the hidden place.

After searching carefully twice, he pinched a small snake hiding behind the portrait frame. Then he used the unlocking spell to open the box, threw the snake into the box.

Lock the box again and the work is done.

Finally looking around the room, Ke Wen whispered softly: "I don't know what spells the professor will teach in tomorrow's 'Defense Against the Dark Arts' class, but what kind of spells should be used to deal with snakes? Knotting spells for daily life.


No more missing snakes were found. Ke Wen nodded lightly with satisfaction: "It's done."

Putting away his wand, Kewen turned around and walked out of the cubicle, took a general glance at the furnishings in the office, kept walking, and finally left the professor's office.

Passed through the corridor, long bridge, climbed up the magic staircase that likes to cause trouble to others, smiled and said hello to the classmates in the common room, and finally returned to the dormitory.

After taking off the wizard's robe, Kewen got into bed wearing a thin sweater. After pulling the quilt to cover his whole head, his face suddenly became gloomy...

This chapter has been completed!
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