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Chapter 84 Joke

Zhang Chulan's gag successfully covered up Feng Baobao's incident.

If Wang Zhenqiu was here, relying on his intelligence, he might be able to see something from Zhang Chulan.

It can even be imagined that everything Zhang Chulan did was to cover up Feng Baobao.

It's a pity that because of Wang Zhenqiu's bastard temperament, he was completely excluded from this mission.

Therefore, although other temporary workers are also very thoughtful people, they have no intention of exploring Zhang Chulan's secrets, so no one will think too much about it.

So everyone relaxed and chatted in the small conference room.

There are still two days left until the negotiation meeting is held.

Taking advantage of this gathering, Gao Erzhuang and Zhang Chulan encouraged Kewen and asked Kewen to lead everyone out of the hotel and go to the city for fun.

Ke Wen naturally agreed, and under the guidance of Zhang Chulan, a "half-local snake", everyone had a pleasant time eating, drinking and dancing in Jincheng.

Two days flew by in the blink of an eye.

That night, the leaders or representatives of alien organizations from various countries had gathered in the hotel.

King Nathan will also arrive tonight.

In the hotel banquet hall, people from various countries and powers mingled and drank, chatting and establishing friendship.

The temporary workers stood at their respective posts, while Ke Wen was placed in a box inside the banquet hall.

According to Zhao Fangxu, Kewen was not suitable to show up directly.

After all, Kewen made a big fuss in the UK, and various alien organizations had already obtained detailed information about that time and knew that Kewen was an existence that broke the rules.

Therefore, if Ke Wen showed up directly, it would make people think that the company was threatening them, and it would be a slap in the face.

Kewen didn't care how he was arranged.

All he needs to do is keep things under control.

As for finding fault with the representatives of the ‘police state’, Coven didn’t have to think hard.

It's easy to find an excuse to launch an attack. All you need to do is learn from what the other country has been doing and just find an unfounded excuse.

Therefore, Ke Wen sat leisurely in the private room and played online mobile games with Chen Duo.

At some point, there was a lot of noise in the banquet hall outside.

Kewen raised his eyes and looked out through the one-way glass.

I couldn't help but chuckle, because the scene from the original plot appeared, Feng Baobao actually dressed up as King Nathan and walked into the hall under the protection of two "Nathan Guards".

Feng Baobao looks like a fool, even if she changes into a gorgeous dress, she is still a fool.

No matter how you look at the stupid and foolish look on her face, you can't find any trace of 'king' temperament in her.

The people in the company also have very interesting expressions.

Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu's faces were full of anxiety and turned pale.

Zhao Fangxu and Xu Si were almost dumbfounded. Their expressions of "failing to manage their expressions at any time" made people laugh.

There are many other employees in the lobby who pretend to be waiters.

Those who knew Feng Baobao were all stunned at this moment.

Even Xiao Zizai couldn't help but open his mouth. Then he quickly raised his hand to take off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He was afraid that he would laugh out loud in the slightly quiet hall.

"It's a waste of time."

Feng Baobao opened his mouth blankly, with a foreign accent, and said hello to the foreigners in the hall.

There was no trace of nervousness on her body, nor was there any trace of formality.

In the box, Ke Wen finally couldn't help laughing.

He interrupted the game, picked up his phone and started recording, and sent the video of Feng Baobao's next performance to Chen Duo.

Soon, a message came back from Chen Duo, which was full of words like 'haha' and a lot of ellipses.

Soon after, Zhao Fangxu brought Zhang Chulan and Xiao Zizai into the box.

"Chu Lan!"

Not bothering to say hello to Ke Wen, Zhao Fangxu immediately picked up the knot tiredly and asked Zhang Chulan angrily: "What on earth is going on! Where is King Nathan!? How did Baobao Feng become King Nathan!?"


Zhang Chulan also looked tired. Before he could speak, he smiled bitterly.

"calm down."

Ke Wen smiled and spoke. He waved and took out a few glasses of juice from the space: "Director Zhao, don't be impatient. Let's talk slowly."

Zhao Fangxu sighed helplessly and came to sit down to give Ke Wen face.

Xiao Zizai and Zhang Chulan followed.

After the two sat down, they immediately reached out to the juice.

This made Zhao Fangxu very angry and couldn't help scolding him: "What time has it happened! You two bastards are still just greedy!!"

"Director Zhao! You will know after one sip!"

Zhang Chulan quickly finished the reminder, then immediately raised his head and drank up the juice in one gulp.

The same was true for Xiao Zizai. After drinking up a glass of juice, he immediately showed a look of joy and satisfaction and looked at Kewen expectantly.

Kewen chuckled and took out some juice again, pushed it to Xiao Zizai and Zhang Chulan from the table and said: "Chu Lan, tell me."

"oh oh!"

Zhang Chulan reluctantly put down the second glass of juice, and then said: "Director Zhao, the fourth brother told us that any strangers from any country who cause trouble will be dealt with."

"But how could I have imagined it..." Zhang Chulan said with a sad face: "It's not the country that caused the trouble, it was Nason Island that caused the trouble."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Fangxu crossed his arms and asked, craning his neck: "Why didn't I understand? What happened to them on Nathan Island? And wasn't I asked how Baobao Feng became King Nathan?


"It's just..." Zhang Chulan couldn't help showing a stupid expression: "Sister Bao'er beat up King Nathan..."



Zhao Fangxu and Xiao Zizai were stunned at the same time, and Xiao Zizai almost spit out the juice in his mouth.

"Director Zhao, you know..." Zhang Chulan said helplessly: "Sister Baoer never bargains when doing things. You asked her for one dollar, but she never paid you back ninety-nine cents."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Didn't Fourth Brother tell everyone to clean up whoever makes trouble? So they made trouble on Nason Island, and then Sister Baoer took them to

'King Nathan' was beaten."

"Then!" Zhao Fangxu was a little anxious: "How did Feng Baobao become King Nathan!? And he also got two 'Nathan Guards' to protect him!?"

"We are forced to do nothing."

Zhang Chulan's mood returned to normal, and he said seriously: "King Nathan used 'she was attacked by Sister Bao'er' as a threat, and asked Sister Bao'er to be her substitute and come to meet the aliens from all over the world!"

"Then where did they go!?" Zhao Fangxu asked after understanding: "I mean the real King Nathan!"

"They went to the city." Zhang Chulan replied: "They asked the third brother to be their tour guide and took them to the city."

"In the city!?" Zhao Fangxu couldn't help but cursed: "Isn't this a joke!?"

"They said it." Zhang Chulan curled his lips and said, "It's just a joke."

After saying that, Zhang Chulan added: "King Nathan said that we didn't respect her and didn't regard her as a real royal family at all. Otherwise, we wouldn't have welcomed her arrival in the middle of the night without anyone noticing."

"King Nathan said that she is a joke in our eyes, so she can also make us a joke."

"Royal family!?" Zhao Fangxu took a deep breath tiredly and said depressedly: "What kind of royal family is she? Nathan Island is a foreign island, a foreign country that is not recognized by the international community! Which country will launch real diplomacy with them?


"But people are so willful that we can only be manipulated."

Zhang Chulan spread his hands, and then said seriously: "Director Zhao, let me tell you, the nature of this matter is very simple. We have been tricked by King Nathan! Do they say it is a joke? Are you trying to fool a fool?"

Zhao Fangxu raised his hand to hold his glasses frame, and looked at Xiao Zizai with slightly squinted eyes: "Xiao'er, do you know what to do?"


Xiao Zizai also pushed up the frames of his glasses, then stood up with his fourth glass of juice and walked slowly outside the box.

"No, just wait!"

Zhao Fangxu noticed something was wrong with Xiao Zizai's temperament, and he quickly confirmed: "Do you really know?"

"Hum hum……"

Xiao Zizai turned his head slightly, looked at Zhao Fangxu with his peripheral vision and smiled gloomily: "It would be good if we simply let people go to the city to kill them, let Feng Baobao become the real King Nathan, and let us take over the island."

"I'm in no mood to make fun of you!"

Zhao Fangxu growled tiredly: "The alert has been upgraded! The alert has been upgraded! Go tell Erzhuang to keep an eye on all the information!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Xiao Zizi shrugged and curled his lips, whistling and walked out of the box.

"Chu Lan! You go too!" Zhao Fangxu ordered again: "Hurry up and help Feng Baobao, don't let her make any jokes for me! And help others check the personnel list!"

"Got the order!"

Zhang Chulan saluted, then grabbed two glasses of juice, one on the left and one on the right, and ran out.

"What's this all about!"

Zhao Fangxu sighed tiredly. After sitting down, he finally picked up the juice and took a sip: "Why are all of these so unsavory, huh!?"

Realizing the effect of the juice, Zhao Fangxu was suddenly startled and brought the juice to his eyes and looked at it carefully.

"Purely natural." Ke Wen said with a smile: "It is made from the juice of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Drink more, it can improve your cultivation."

"My cultivation level..."

Zhao Fangxu wanted to say that there was no need to waste it, but in the end he couldn't hold it back and drank up the entire glass of juice.

Putting down the cup, he naturally reached for the second cup.

Zhao Fangxu shook his head and sighed: "No wonder those two little monkeys are so fond of juice."

After drinking the second cup, Zhao Fangxu finally resisted his greed. He put down the cup and said to Ke Wen in a solemn voice: "What do you think?"

"It's very simple." Ke Wen responded: "Isn't there a throne inheritance ceremony on their island?"

"Breaking the 'golden branches' of the 'holy tree'?" Zhao Fangxu was stunned and suddenly realized many doubts.

Ke Wen said "hmm" and then said: "The person who breaks the golden branch is qualified to fight to the death with King Nathan. The winner becomes the new King Nathan."

"This must have happened."

"So in order to prevent King Nathan from being assassinated outside the island, they also set a trap for us, deliberately provoking us to be beaten, just to have an excuse to choose a substitute to accept the assassination on behalf of King Nathan in these few days.


Zhao Fangxu thought for a moment, then immediately stood up and walked out, while sternly telling him: "Kewen! I'll leave it to you next!"

"Peace of mind." Ke Wen responded with a smile.

Zhao Fangxu nodded, and when he was about to reach the door, he paused. He suddenly turned around and came back, picking up the last glass of juice on the table.

Shameless to look at Ke Wen's expression, Zhao Fangxu quickly quickened his pace and walked out of the box...

This chapter has been completed!
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