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Chapter 91 Atrocities

At this moment, not only foreign countries, but also domestic military command posts were completely silent.

Although we have long known that Kewen has the ability to not be afraid of modern weapons, seeing it with his own eyes again makes people feel very powerless.

Things are better in China, and everyone is happy that Kewen belongs to them.

Overseas, everything is gloomy and gloomy.

They can only pray now, pray that the United States can set an example to the world, find a way to restrict Kewen, and let Kewen restrain his hands for some reason.

Of course, all countries have not forgotten to control the Internet. They are checking and restricting their own country's Internet information, and covering up all texts and videos related to science and culture.

No matter what, the existence of aliens cannot be brought to light, and we must cover up when we need to.

at the same time.

Since Kewen withstood the explosion of the tactical nuclear bomb, he has encountered very few obstacles.

Therefore, not long after, he finally flew near the coastline of the American continent.

From a distance, we can see that the coastline is covered with defense facilities, there are fleets in the water, tanks and missile sites on the shore, etc.

However, as he continued to advance, no military installations opened fire in the defensive positions.

Seeing this, Kewen also restrained his outward momentum and hovered in front of the fleet, wanting to see what the other party was going to do.

Not long after, a speedboat sailed out alone and stopped below Kewen.

An old man dressed as a general raised a black suitcase in his hand and shouted: "Negotiation!!"

Kewen slowly lowered his body until he was parallel to the opponent.

The admiral was relatively calm and calm, with a serious face as he quickly opened the suitcase.

It contains electronic equipment, including a handbrake, buttons, and some indicator lights.

The admiral directly pushed the handbrake, opened the shield on the button, and touched the button with his finger.

"Kevin Quinn!"

The admiral roared angrily at Coven: "Hold your hands! Accept our custody and trial! Otherwise! I will activate the button immediately! By then! Countless nuclear bombs will be launched at your country at the same time! We will perish together!"


The entire front line was silent, and everyone was holding their breath, waiting for Ke Wen's response.

Kewen looked at the suitcase in the opponent's hand, and then activated the communication device: "Director Zhao, let's get started."


Zhao Fangxu's excited voice sounded, but then there was no more words.

Ke Wen waited quietly, but two minutes passed and there was still no response from Zhao Fangxu.

There was a moment of doubt in his eyes, and Ke Wen activated the communication device again: "Director Zhao?"

On the other side, inside the command post of a secret military base.

At this time, the command post was in chaos.

Several old generals were fighting with each other with their faces red and red, and everyone was fighting for a remote control button.

"Old Zhang, let me go!"

An old general roared: "This opportunity that can be recorded in history belongs to me!"

Another old general angrily yelled: "Get out of here! It belongs to me!"

"Fuck! Who the hell is biting!"

"Let go! Oh shit! Who the hell is grabbing my balls!"

"let go!"


"Give me!"

"I should let you do it!!!"

Tables overturned and chairs fell over, and the sound of collisions and yelling continued to sound in the command post.

The soldiers and staff were helplessly tied up and did not dare to go up to start a fight, but everyone's eyes were also so hot, and they wished they could take the opportunity to press the button.

Zhao Fangxu was a little anxious next to him.

Although he has neglected his martial arts practice, he is still a strange person after all. No matter how bad he is, his physical fitness is still stronger than this group of ordinary generals, right?

But his status is relatively low, and it would be difficult to deal with someone wearing small shoes afterwards.

Just when Zhao Fangxu was struggling, an old man suddenly shouted angrily with a loudspeaker: "Stop it, I-"

The loud sound made everyone in the command post cover their ears in discomfort.

The scene of the fight ended.

Seeing this, the old man continued to roar into the loudspeaker: "How old are you! All of them are still generals! How dignified are you!"

The old man who had met Ke Wen walked down from the command podium and came to a group of veteran generals.

He glared angrily at the old generals who were either chattering or holding their necks and continuing to mess around, and then he slammed the loudspeaker in his hand at the generals' feet.

There was a loud bang, causing the veteran generals to reflexively raise their feet to avoid the debris.

But the old man had already planned to seize this momentary opportunity.

He suddenly rushed forward, reached out with precision, and grabbed the control button in his hand.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

He burst into laughter, the old man's eyes were slightly red, and he pressed the button hard: "The opportunity to be recorded in history is mine -"

"What, bastard!"


"What the hell..."

The generals reacted, but it was too late, the button had already been pressed.

At this time, Ke Wen's voice sounded again from the communication device.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Zhao Fangxu could only say with regret, "Okay Kewen, the button has been pressed."

Just as Zhao Fangxu finished speaking.

In the near-Earth universe.

Explosive sparks suddenly ignited in the silent universe.

All satellites belonging to the United States, regardless of military or civilian, were completely destroyed by remote-controlled bombs on them at this moment.

On the coast of America.

Kewen, who was waiting, finally raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Because chaos suddenly occurred in the military position, various electronic equipment failed at the same time.

Just when the admiral was at a loss, Ke Wen slowly raised his right hand and pointed at the suitcase in his hand.

Under the influence of the transformation spell, the suitcase suddenly turned into a soap bubble, which spread and flew away in the sea breeze.

"Here, you..." The admiral was stunned.

Ke Wen was too lazy to say anything.

He raised his gaze and scanned the entire military front, and then his momentum exploded again.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Boom——

The world seemed to solidify at this moment, and the huge momentum seemed to turn the air into substance.

The admiral's body was the first to collapse, and the sound of cracking bones instantly sounded.

His internal organs were shattered, and the admiral didn't even have time to scream, before his eyes widened and he fell onto the speedboat with blood spurting from his orifices.

Without even looking at it, Kewen raised his body height again, then identified the direction and flew towards the 'Behemoth' headquarters in the memory data.


Flying all the way from high altitude, Kewen's momentum seemed to have set off a hurricane. All the glass of the buildings along the way was shattered, and some fragile buildings were directly shattered.

Because Kewen lived at a high altitude and flew at a relatively fast speed, the humans on the ground were not directly crushed to death by the magical energy.

But that fleeting moment of crushing momentum still made all the humans on the ground groan in pain, as if two people running fast had bumped into each other.

More than an hour later, Coven crossed the entire American continent and arrived in the eastern Washington area.

He restrained his momentum, descended, and landed inside a technology city.

In front of you is a skyscraper. At this time, hundreds of humans with magical auras in their bodies are waiting attentively at the door of the building.

Facing Ke Wen's appearance, hundreds of strangers summoned the magic power in their bodies and took an attacking stance.

At this time, a tall and muscular stranger with a golden back and an upright face walked out of the crowd.

Coming to Ke Wen with sad eyes, the man asked in a deep voice: "Why! Why do you want to hurt so many innocent people!"

"They took action on me."

Ke Wen looked at the man in front of him and responded.

Sean, who was originally an American colonel, was a survivor of the first-generation alien creation experiment of 'Behemoth'.

Because of the experiment, the other party's personality changed. Just like Captain America in American comics, Sean became an extremely righteous alien.

Unfortunately, although Sean has completely turned into a good person, his loyalty is to his country, not to all mankind.

Otherwise, Ke Wen could let the other party go.

At this time, after hearing Ke Wen's extremely casual response, Sean couldn't help but feel extremely angry.

He was not afraid of Ke Wen's power. He took a step forward again and shouted loudly: "What about the army on the east coast!? They did not attack you!"

"But they want to launch a nuclear war of annihilation." Ke Wen tilted his head slightly: "Speaking of which, I stopped your American annihilation conspiracy. Shouldn't you be grateful to me for saving mankind?"

"Sophistication!" Sean clenched his fists hard: "Your massacre! Can't cover up your **** behavior! You..."

"Okay." Ke Wen interrupted with an impatient wave and said bluntly: "I don't have time to talk to you. Here, I originally wanted to hold your 'Behemoth' accountable for your illegal human experiments.

But since you, the United States, started the war against me, the goal of my trip has completely changed to war."

Looking past Sean, Coven glanced at the hundreds of aliens transformed through experiments.

He said quietly: "Behemoth illegally created aliens for profit and broke the 'population red line' agreement that the whole world has agreed to abide by. You have committed a crime against humanity."

"For all the strangers here, you can either surrender and wait for the takeover later, or... you can also try to resist."

"Even if you die——"

Sean took a step back and took an attacking stance, shouting loudly: "I will definitely stop your violence!"

Ke Wen looked at all the aliens who were about to move, and then looked at Sean in front of him.

Seeing the opponent's righteous attitude of not attacking first, he couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

While slowly raising his right hand, Ke Wen sighed and said: "By studying aliens and aliens, we can create some kind of supernatural awakening potion..."

"Although you experimental subjects have gained powerful bodies and superpowers, you have no idea... what a real alien is."

The fingers raised to the side of the face begin to close together, so that the thumb and middle finger touch.


Ke Wen snapped his fingers...

This chapter has been completed!
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