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Chapter 47: Talk Therapy

Miss 2b did not immediately engage in work.

Because they triggered the Ultron Crisis, today's Avengers have been listed as objects of distrust by the government.

So Tony Stark was banned from the US Internet Center.

As a result, he could only arrange a network investigation task for Miss 2b, hoping to find Ultron's movements on the network.

Two days later in the morning, the Avengers discovered traces of Ultron, so they gathered together and flew to Africa in a plane.

They are going to find an arms dealer and prevent Ultron from getting vibranium from the other party.

But this operation ended in failure.

Not only was the vibranium taken away by Ultron, the Avengers were also disturbed by Wanda Maximoff, and each saw the illusion they least wanted to see.

What's more serious is that Bruce Banner was also disturbed by the illusion and turned into the Hulk and wreaked havoc in the city.

Even though Tony Stark quickly summoned the "Hulkbuster" to rush to support, the battle between the two still caused a large number of casualties and damage to a large number of building facilities.

On the plane returning from Africa, the Avengers were all depressed and silent.

Until Maria Hill sent a video message.

"Hill, what is the reaction from the outside world now?"

Tony Stark could almost estimate how much trouble he and the Hulk had caused, but he still wanted to hear it for himself.

In response, Maria Hill joked: "Now, the media likes you to death, but the people don't."

After the joke, Maria Hill straightened her expression and then said: "The police have not issued an arrest warrant for Dr. Banner. Our public relations staff are cooperating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to negotiate with Africa."

"But the progress is very difficult. After all, the battle between you and Dr. Banner has spread all over the world."

Hearing this, Tony Stark pinched the bridge of his nose and asked softly: "Where is the Stark Rescue Fund?"

"We have arrived at the scene." Maria Hill replied, and then asked with concern: "How are you doing?"


Tony Stark looked back at everyone, then shook his head and whispered: "Everyone has been severely damaged, mentally, but they will get better."

Maria Hill nodded and then called up a surveillance picture.

She raised her chin to the demonstrators in the picture: "I suggest you lurk now and don't come back to the building."

"Is the building surrounded?"

Tony Stark looked at the chaotic scene in the surveillance video and sighed: "Let the entire security department be dispatched to prevent the demonstrators from rushing into the building and injuring people."

"I've already made arrangements."

Maria Hill nodded: "Only if you find Ultron and solve it as soon as possible can this situation be reversed. There is nothing I can do to help you."

"There's nothing we can do now..."

Tony Stark admitted his failure. He sighed and said: "That's it for now. If there are special circumstances, please contact us at any time."

Maria Hill showed a regretful expression and immediately ended the communication.

Tony Stark turned off the monitor, turned his head and looked at everyone in silence, and then walked to the driver's seat.

He patted Clint who was piloting the aircraft and asked, "Do you need to change shifts?"

Clint shook his head slightly: "No, if you want to rest, do it now, there are still a few hours to reach the destination."

"Where is our destination?"

"Safe house."

"Clint." Natasha interrupted hoarsely: "Can you take me back to New York?"

Clint was stunned and couldn't help but turn around and ask: "Did you leave something important behind?"

Natasha shook her head, looked down at the cabin floor and said: "I want to go to Coven, and..."

She looked around at everyone, and then whispered: "I think everyone should go to Ke Wen for psychological counseling."

These words made everyone raise their heads.

Clint confirmed to everyone and asked: "What do you think?"

"Ok, deal!"

Tony Stark made the decision on his behalf: "Maybe Covin Quinn really has a solution to that bratty girl's superpowers!"

"Then I'll reset the route."

As Clint spoke, he started operating on the bridge and changed the aircraft's route.

Everyone fell silent again, each falling into depression.

A few hours later, the aircraft in stealth mode landed slowly on the roof of the hospital.

When everyone stepped out of the aircraft, Ke Wen had already heard the voice and came up to greet them.

Seeing the state of everyone, Ke Wen immediately walked up to Natasha and reached out to hold Natasha's wrist.

After the examination, he hugged Natasha and said to the others: "It seems you need some psychological treatment."

"I don't need it."

Clint was the last to step off the aircraft. He smiled at Coven and said, "Stark and I were not tricked. You can show it to others."

Ke Wen nodded, let go of Natasha and said, "Follow me."

Soon, everyone came to the first floor of the hospital together.

Corwin opened the door of the private clinic, looked at the Avengers and greeted: "Captain Rogers, you come first, because I think your condition seems to be much better than the others."

Steve did not refuse or give in. He nodded and followed Coven into the consulting room.

Sitting across the table, Ke Wenming asked knowingly: "Can you tell me what happened to you?"

"Maximov...a superpower, she made me see visions."

Steve did not hide anything and described what he saw in the vision.

After listening, Ke Wen nodded slowly: "I understand, the other party's use of superpowers has deepened your knot, so what are you thinking now?"

Steve was silent for a moment, then smiled reluctantly and shook his head.

He took a deep breath and then said: "It doesn't matter, I'm used to it."

He turned to look out the window of the consulting room and said at the same time: "That regret has been bothering me since I woke up, so I'm used to it."

According to the spiritual world, people like Steve have firm beliefs and strong will.

After being disturbed by Wanda Maximoff's magic, he has relied on his strong mind to accept the regret.

He was relieved, and apart from being a little depressed now, it didn't have any more negative effects on him.

Speaking out his feelings at this time has made him feel more candid.

He came out of his depression on his own, and there was no need for Ke Wen to induce him to solve anything.

Ke Wen saw this, so he smiled and said: "Congratulations, you have no problem anymore."


Steve still thanked him and said with a carefree smile: "It made me feel a lot better after I said it."

Ke Wen nodded and said meaningfully: "Captain Rogers, according to the Eastern saying, you are a person who has contributed to the world and has merit in you."

"Merit?" Steve didn't understand the word.

"Just think of it as the world's reward for you." Ke Wen said with a smile: "In the future, all your wishes will come true and there will be a perfect ending."

"Uh, thank you..."

Steve still didn't understand. He regarded Coven's words as a blessing to him, so he thanked him again.

"Okay." Ke Wen made a gesture of invitation: "Help ask Sol to come in."


Steve stood up, nodded gratefully to Coven and walked out of the consulting room.

Soon, Sol walked in with a worried look on his face.

After sitting down, before Kewen asked, Thor said in a deep voice: "Listen doctor, my physique is different from that of you humans. I discovered something in the illusion. I need to find the answer. You can't find it here.


Ke Wen nodded in agreement: "There is a 'Fountain of Wisdom' in your Nordic mythology. Do you want to find it?"

Thor was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly in surprise: "That's right!"

"That spring water will bring you wisdom." Ke Wen said warmly: "It will also allow you to see through the future. So, what attitude are you prepared to use to welcome that future?"

"What do you mean?" Sol was puzzled: "Posture? What do you mean?"

"Will you follow your fate, or break it?" Ke Wen asked more bluntly.

Thor thought for a moment, and then said firmly: "My destiny is in my own hands!"

Ke Wen smiled happily and raised his hand to make a greeting gesture: "Then I wish you success. Remember, don't hesitate in the spring water, otherwise the spring water will bring you danger."

"How do you know this?" Sol felt very strange.

"I have read many mythological books." Coven replied perfunctorily, and then did not give Thor a chance to continue speaking. He raised his hand and gestured to the door: "You have no problem. Please help me call Dr. Banner in."


Sol hesitated for a moment, and finally chose not to ask further questions.

So he stood up and walked to the door, opened the door and walked out of the consulting room.

Soon, the next Bruce Banner walked in.

The pressure all over his body was very depressing, and Bruce Banner seemed to be ostracized by the whole world.

He came and sat down at the consultation table, and then weakly asked Coven: "How should we start?"

"Just let me lead the conversation."

Ke Wen responded warmly and asked the first question: "Do you feel that you have sinned deeply?"

These words made Bruce Banner even more depressed. He lowered his head and stared at the clasped hands for a moment before nodding.

In this regard, Kewen comforted: "But that was not your original intention. You and the Hulk in your body were just disturbed by hypnosis."


Bruce Banner shook his head firmly with straight eyes: "I am a monster that cannot be tolerated by the world! Every time Hulk appears, he will cause huge destruction and killing!"

"Has Hulk ever taken the initiative?"

Coven asked: "Did he take the initiative to hurt anyone after running out?"

Bruce Banner raised his head, watched Coven open his mouth, and finally shook his head and said: "I don't know... I don't know what Hulk did when he came out. When I woke up, what I saw was

Only destruction!”

"It seems there is a lack of communication between you."

Ke Wen shook his head slightly: "There is a saying that has become a derogatory term in the East, but sometimes you have to admit that it is the truth... Dr. Banner, Hulk is just a child."


It was the first time I heard someone commenting on the Hulk like this, and Bruce Banner couldn't help but be shocked.

"That's right, kid."

Ke Wen nodded to deepen his argument, then recalled and said: "I remember correctly, the first time Hulk appeared was in 2003, right?"

I don't know why Coven said this, Bruce Banner could only nod.

"Then look." Ke Wen smiled and said, "It's 15 years now. How old is Hulk?"

"This...this is different!"

Bruce Banner sighed and shook his head: "Hulk was already a monster as soon as he appeared..."


Coven interrupted: "After the Hulk was born, the only thing that was different from the baby was that he was full of anger."

"But everything else is the same. They are all so ignorant and need to be exposed to external information to continue to grow and improve their understanding of the entire world."

"You mean he doesn't understand anything?" Bruce Banner's tone rose slightly.

"Does he understand?" Ke Wen asked: "Since the birth of Hulk, how much time has he been active in the outside world?"

"What can he learn in such a small amount of time?"

"You, you mean...he will grow up in the future! He will no longer be so dangerous!?"

After finishing speaking, Bruce Banner immediately denied himself. He shook his head and said: "No! His anger cannot be calmed down. No matter whether it grows or not, he will only destroy everything every time he comes out!"

"Abomination on Broadway."

Coven reminded: "The heroic actions during the Chitauri invasion, and the controllable behavior in the recent elimination of Hydra."

After giving the example, Coven asked again: "After these experiences, do you still think that Hulk will only destroy everything? He has begun to become able to communicate and can control his temper."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! These words made Bruce Banner start to reflect.

Kewen gave the other party some time, and then continued: "Love is the greatest thing in the world. Why don't you try to put aside your prejudices, try to communicate with Hulk with love, and try to influence him?"

"How...how should I communicate with him?"

Bruce Banner was a little moved. After all, he was originally a character with low opinions.

In response, Ke Wen couldn't help but laugh and said: "Hulk will sense your true thoughts, so you only need to give your true emotions."

"Then..." Bruce Banner hesitated, then nodded: "Then let me try..."

"Don't be too harsh."

Ke Wen said warmly: "You can go to Stark to help investigate. Then you will find that every time Hulk hurts someone, it is because of self-defense and counterattack."

"Oh, of course, it doesn't count this time. This time you were manipulated by someone else. You became a weapon manipulated by someone else."


Bruce Banner observed Covin and asked hesitantly: "Why are you helping Hulk so much?"

"Because he is very pure."

Ke Wen smiled and said: "I have clear likes and dislikes. I like pure people."

"This, such a high evaluation..." Bruce Banner smiled bitterly.


Kewen concluded: "Dr. Banner, I hope you won't be too demanding on a child."

"Put yourself in my shoes, if you were the Hulk, and you have been yelled at, killed, and even given violence since you were born, then what choice would you make if you are already angry?"

Bruce Banner was speechless, and finally sighed and nodded: "Thank you, I will try it."

Coven smiled.

He picked up the pen used to write medical orders from the table and wrote on a note: repay kindness with kindness, why repay kindness with kindness, repay kindness with kindness, repay kindness with kindness.

He handed the note to Bruce Banner and said, "You can study the truth of this sentence and you won't have to put such a heavy burden on yourself in the future."

"Oh, okay!" Bruce Banner quickly took the note and nodded to Kewen: "Thank you."

"That's it." Ke Wen made a gesture of invitation: "Your treatment will end here. Please call Natasha for me."

"Oh, okay!"

Bruce Banner is a person who respects knowledge. Ke Wen's psychological enlightenment made him see Ke Wen's achievements in psychology, so he naturally developed respect for him.

So he stood up with some restraint and bowed his body towards Ke Wen.

After expressing his gratitude, Bruce Banner turned and walked out of the consulting room.

Soon the door was opened again.

However, it was not Natasha who came in, but Nick Fury, the black braised egg that had just arrived.

"Dr. Quinn."

Nick Fury was dressed like an ordinary black old man. After coming in, he said politely: "I'm sorry to delay your treatment. I would like to borrow some time to talk to them."

Ke Wen looked at the other party, then nodded and said: "Okay, there is a living room and guest room on the fourth floor, so I won't go up and disturb you."

"Thank you for your help."

Nick Fury nodded, then opened the door and walked out.

Ke Wen listened to the footsteps in the corridor outside the door and walked away. After a moment, he sneered and muttered: "Fake!"

Nick Fury is fake.

It was not him, and Ke Wen could sense that the aura on the other person's body was completely different.

Obviously, Nick Fury was afraid after experiencing the assassination before SHIELD was disbanded.

He himself should have run away to the universe and hid in the 'Skrull' spaceship.

But what was left on the earth was just a substitute turned into a Skrull.

I really don’t know what Nick Fury thinks.

He doesn't trust any human being, but he completely trusts the Skrulls.

Maybe it was that Aunt Surprise who gave him the confidence to control the Skrulls?

Coven couldn't understand Nick Fury's thoughts about the black braised egg.

After discovering that Nick Fury was a substitute, he immediately released his mind-reading magic.

Once he realized that the Skrull had the idea of ​​copying his image and memory, Corwin would definitely take action immediately and crush the opponent to ashes.

Fortunately, the Skrull only thought that Kowen was an ordinary human doctor and had no intention of copying Kowen.

The other party can be said to have saved the world from disaster, otherwise Ke Wen would have flipped the table and gone berserk without any scruples.

Let's say that Kewen was thinking in the consulting room when a pair of footsteps suddenly approached.


There was a knock on the door and it was opened again.

Tony Stark's figure appeared at the door.

He raised his head to Kewen: "Kewen, this is your territory. Everyone thinks you are fully qualified to participate in the discussion. Come up together?"


"Romanoff!" Tony Stark immediately interrupted Corwin's refusal: "Agent Romanoff hasn't received treatment yet. I think her condition is a little bad. Why don't you go up and see her?"

Through his nostrils, Ke Wen blew a slight breath as if sighing, and then he stood up without saying anything else.

Tony Stark's eyebrows slightly raised, as if he had discovered a way to manipulate Coven.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly, and then he turned around and walked towards the elevator.

Not long after, the two took the elevator to the fourth floor.

Meet others in the living room.

But there was one person missing, Sol had already left alone early.

Ke Wen sat down next to Natasha, and then quietly became a spectator.

He watched the fake Nick Fury pouring chicken soup for the soul to everyone with a sincere expression, and listened to the other side taking advantage of the situation and playing the emotional card to the Avengers.

However, all the fake Nick Fury said were empty words, and he did not come up with any regulations or suggestions that could deal with Ultron.

Of course, he also provided help and contacted an Internet center abroad, where Tony Stark could go there to prevent Ultron from obtaining the nuclear bomb codes.

A small meeting ended after half an hour.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Because it is already late at night, the Avengers who have just experienced a setback in the battle need to rest.

The guest room was enough to arrange every Avengers member, so everyone except Natasha went to the guest room one after another.

Natasha stayed on under the pretext of receiving psychological treatment.

In the bedroom, Natasha found a pair of Cowen's thick pajamas from the closet, and then walked into the bathroom.

Soon, she came out wrapped in some loose pajamas.

Her hair was not completely dry, so she sat on the bed, hugged her knees and leaned against the head of the bed, and began to daze.

Kewen came over with a cup of prepared potion.

He handed the cup to Natasha: "Drink it, it will calm your nerves."


Natasha responded hoarsely, forced a smile and drank the potion.

The potion took effect quickly, and Natasha's head felt cool.

The fatigue on her face quickly receded, and Natasha regained a lot of energy.

She looked at Ke Wen and finally laughed normally: "What a magical thing."

"Are you feeling better?" Ke Wen asked warmly.

"It's much better." Natasha took a deep breath, shook her head and smiled bitterly: "I really learned a good lesson."

Ke Wen sat down in front of Natasha. He looked at her and said softly: "Of all the people, you are the most serious."

"I let you see my vulnerability..."

Natasha rested her chin on her knees, smiled slightly and said, "I'm a little embarrassed."

"Tell me about it?" Ke Wen suggested.

This made Natasha hesitate for a moment, and finally she gave a slight 'hmm'.

Focusing her gaze on Kewen's concerned eyes, Natasha whispered: "You have examined me so many times, you should have found something different about my body, right?"

Ke Wen nodded silently and moved his gaze downwards to look at Natasha's belly.

"Where I grew up, in the red house where I trained my various skills."

Natasha's eyes were a little distant, and she said in a daze: "There is a graduation ceremony there... that is, sterilization..."

As if she didn't dare to face Ke Wen's gaze, she turned her face away.

Hiding her bitterness in a free and easy tone, Natasha whispered: "The effect is quite good..."

The room fell silent.

After a while, Ke Wen raised his hand, hesitated for a moment and then gently landed on Natasha's head...


Thank you to all the friends of ‘Bi Meng Beast’, ‘Book Friends’, ‘Chivalrous and Daring_Shen Jianxin’, ‘I’m Sleeping in a Dream’, and ‘Light and Shadow King’ for their monthly support!

This chapter has been completed!
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